
Photograph via //r/vsco

Welcome to the Reddit Community for VSCO. VSCO is a photography mobile application for iOS and Android devices with its unique and organic filters, adjustable camera settings and unparalleled community.


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Video exports on Android any good in 2024?

I’m using VSCO on a daily basis and last year switches from an iPhone to a Samsung s23 Ultra and a Pixel 8 Pro later on. On both Android phones VSCO’s video exports were choppy, 15fps videos I couldn’t use.

Anyone here using an Android device who could tell me if this is fixed by now?

I’ve been trying to get an answer on why this is the case from the VSCO team but so far no replies.

21:28 UTC


We The Creators Presets

Hi everyone!

We launched a new preset series today in collaboration with 6 amazing photographers called "We The Creators":

I've been building presets here for 13 years, and this has got to be one of my favorite projects. The creators were so great to work with, I think there are some really beautiful and unique looks in this series (to me at least!).

I'd love to see us do more of these with even more photographers, so I'm curious to hear how these feel for you all as you try them out.

The PRO versions especially explore some new ideas that I find really useful and interesting—like sliders that do something different in each direction instead of just blending down to nothing.

If you post to VSCO with these, use #WeTheCreators! I'd love to see what you make with the presets.

Have a great weekend and happy shooting!


23:47 UTC


Deleted accoutn

Hello everyone.

I want to delete my VSCO account and I was wondering, if I delete it could I use the same user again or it's unable forever?

1 Comment
15:04 UTC


Can you block VSCO?

I'm tired of seeing reposts from VSCO on my VSCO. (No pun intended) Is there any way to block them? When I click on VSCO's vsco page, I don't see a block button

1 Comment
22:16 UTC


Who is leading the changes at VSCO

And what the f*ck are they thinking lol

19:25 UTC


Baileys vsco


00:22 UTC


Pages instead of continuous feed

Is there a way to view VSCO as like a page by page thing instead of a continuous feed? Kinda annoying to have to scroll all the way back to old stuff instead of being able to just like go to page 5.

1 Comment
09:41 UTC


VSCO Official Acc Unfollow Option?

Hello is there a way to unfollow or block the official VSCO Account? The admin of that account reposts so much stuff that my feed is flooded with random pictures from random people, that i don't want to see. I want to see my friends posts and post of people i follow and not that crap. The feed section became unusable in the past couple of days, since the reposts have inreased so much.

Is there any solution to that? Thank you in advance.

1 Comment
01:32 UTC


Vsco is the next target

This dude just followed me and look at the profile. It's a clear scam. VSCO need to buckle up before it gets infected with bots and scammers. IG is already suffering, VSCO should not at all costs.

1 Comment
17:40 UTC



What makes some people’s post stay at the top of a hashtag?

1 Comment
05:48 UTC


Any alternatives to downloader.se?

Website got nuked, was planning on getting a pro subscription when they finally added back deleted posts but it was gone before that happened.

Better yet, anyone know how to contact the owner of the site to get updates?

00:33 UTC


Presets and drafts all disappeared ?

I’ve just changed my phone (iPhone 12 to 15 for that matter) bc my old one crashed three days ago, and when I tried to log back and load my files on VSCO at first it said that I needed to set access to all pictures or check my internet connexion for them to show, and now everything just went away. And all my presets are gone. Is that normal ?

21:23 UTC


VSCO should be off Playstore.

The android users are treated like third-vlass citizen. An app that is so buggy, lacks a fluid UI, lacks basic things is nothing but a garbage. It should not exist on Playstore.

05:07 UTC


VSCO, for professionals?

I suppose it's cool and fun to see more commercial opportunities on the app, as this was a stated goal for a while

But these prompts are really vague... nothing like what I receive as a professional.

No formalized submission process, just "use this hashtag".

I can't imagine feeling incentivized to really put effort into this. VSCO wants us to shoot in the dark and hope a brand wants to pick up a photo or two...

And then to offer $500 for a "exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide license for commercial use". $500 for an exclusive and perpetual license is so low it's almost insulting. Maybe with clear deliverables it could be worth the effort, but even then...low. I'd prefer this to be framed as a contest, not a professional opportunity.

It gives me the sense VSCO is capitalizing on and taking advantage of the amateurs on its platform, not providing true value for professionals.

23:16 UTC


VSCO charged me for a year plan that i didnt know about after having a billing problem for 2 years

i recently just figured out my billing problem was from vsco, i signed up for a free trial and i did cancel it but it said i didn't have any subscriptions active and ever since then i couldn't buy anything from the apple store or download any apps, i just bought an apple gift card and then added my card info and they charged me $44.79 for a year subscription that i never signed up for and because its been two years (2021) since they signed me up for it and i had no clue i had to pay for something that i didn't even use or want

11:44 UTC


Scetchy link on vsco?

so I was checking out someone’s VSCO and a weird pop up showed up. I clicked on OK and it took me to another page but I quickly got out of it, it took me to some website called media tek. I don’t know what that is and I’m kind of scared because now I have a feeling I got hacked somehow? this showed up for me multiple times today when I was looking at this girl, but this has never happened previously. Has this happened to anyone else? And should I be concerned??

1 Comment
02:02 UTC


profile looks different

Hi! i just made a new vsco account and for some reason my profile looks completely odd, it’s keeps my three most recent photos above the my pfp. I want the opposite (pfp > about > posts) is there anyway to fix this?

09:17 UTC


VSCO app doesn’t save my videos to gallery

So the VSCO app suddenly, out of nowhere, decided that it will not save my videos anymore. After doing this for 4 times, updating the app, reinstalling the app, and wasted an hour waiting for it to finish rendering, and then saying that the file has been saved in gallery, then checking it, only to find out it wasn’t there. But it does still save photos. Only videos are the problem. I don’t know why. I never had this problem before until now.

05:10 UTC


Think I made a mistake

I bought VSCO membership today on Android and when I tried editing my Nikon Raw photos (NEF) and the same photos in DNG format, they turned out to be shitty. The quality looks low. The resolution is low too. They lack clarity and sharpness that RAW images should have.

I converted my NEF photos to DNG, hoping they'll be compatible but NO! They too are bad. I wasted 1650₹ for nothing.

11:05 UTC


Is VSCO still a thing? (bonus question about raw/jpg inside)

Hi VSCO Community!

It felt like decades ago that I had bought all the VSCO film presets and used them intensively. I was an enthusiastic amateur photographer. As iPhone photos got better and better, I also had VSCOcam installed and was somehow a premium user without having paid for it. Anyway, at some point I deleted my account to concentrate on my Lightroom edits again.

However, my photographic activities have become more and more minimalist recently, my Sony camera is gathering dust in the drawer and since I got the iPhone 15 pro, I've only been taking photos with it. The quality of the ProRAW images is fantastic and I've produced some really great images with Lightroom. But somehow I want to simplify my workflow even more and VSCO came to mind again. So I'd be interested to know whether VSCO is still the hot shit with photographers, or whether the caravan has moved on. Because somehow it has become quieter around it.

Another question is whether it makes sense to edit ProRAW images with VSCO or whether you shouldn't worry so much and just shoot jpg/heic? What is your workflow like?

I look forward to your opinions and tips on VSCO! Thanks in advance!

17:52 UTC


Vsco messages

Is there a way to know if your message went through/was delivered?

23:52 UTC


If I delete my account will all of my photos also delete?

I want to just get rid of a lot of social media and don’t feel the need to have vsco anymore as I never use it. Will all of my photos also be deleted?

20:35 UTC


What you think about my gallery?

I edited my portfolio (I'm a childcare worker) with VSCO. Does it looks too unrealistic/heavely edited? What do you think?


13:30 UTC


OC filter

I regret not using my vsco account when the OC filter came out. Is there any way to get it? I am a member. Or if anyone knows a recipe or other filter simple to it, please me know. I think it’s like a purple hue to it.

17:50 UTC


Applying FX to a video lowers the output frame rate from 60fps to 30fps.

As stated in the title, is the above issue of frame rate loss an expected outcome or a bug? I’m currently editing on iOS and find I cannot use FX edits for this reason.

22:28 UTC


App Crashing & Scrolling to the Top When Deleting Posts

Hello! I've had a problem with my VSCO app crashing when scrolling through my old posts for a while now (at least a year). I've had my account for roughly 5 years and have actively been posting on the app. I want to go through and delete embarrassing old posts (that I am sure I have made because who doesn't every now and then). However, I cannot scroll that far down without my app crashing (I have the latest update and this still happens). Another problem (for the posts that do load), whenever I delete a post my app will scroll back to the top of my page which is a hassle. Does anyone have the same issues?

1 Comment
15:51 UTC


Would you guys judge my VSCO? Everyone tells me I am good at photography, and I have loved photography for years and years. But I feel like they are just trying to be nice. Please be brutal, haha. :)

This is probably a stupid thing to even ask, haha. And FYI, most pics are iPhone/galaxy pics, so the quality wont be stellar, but there are a few camera pics. I mainly post things I’d like to remember, and photos I think are pretty :) please tell me what you think :) I will link it in the comments :)

01:38 UTC

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