Babe, wake up, r/vore_irl is back! Telegram: https://t.me/vore_irl Discord: https://discord.gg/rvore
All posts must be titled vore_irl.
All posts must be related to vore humour. Posts that are just vore are not appropriate, post it over at r/vore.
No hard vore. Anything depicting gore, dismemberment, death, etc. is not appropriate.
No real life depictions of actual vore. If it's in the realm of joking/implication it can be considered okay, but no depictions such as a video of a bird swallowing another bird.
Nothing considered objectively gross outside of furry porn standards (gore, scat, and other vomit-inducing content).
No begging for RP.
No advertising.
From r/losercity