Only the brave and poor (literally) can post here.
So brave for Vancouver.
This is about our kids not having any form of digital ID that can be tracked... or switched off.
there is no car on road
He'll literally pour honey in your ears!
This video is a difficult watch.
We should really talk about this more
everybody rubberise yourselves
Wondering why there hasn't been any posts or PSAs in the last 30 seconds on r/vancouver.
Planning to run all the red lights, cut in and out of traffic, and ride on the sidewalk when convenient. If you honk at me, I will kick a dent in the side of your X6. You have been warned.
ICMYI: houses here r expensive, ELI5: real estate, TIL about real e$tate
LOL Richmond drivers miright?
I want to downvote stuff, but everything is already at 0. It sucks!
upvote for lack of visibility
Anyone know any good ways to cut out some distance and come in first in your category? I'm trying to show up people from work, but I don't feel like training.
A message to people asking advice about moving to Vancouver: Fuck. Off. Vancouver is full. You are not wanted here. We all have friends already and don't want to be friends with you. Our streets are jammed, our job situation sucks and our housing is basically unaffordable. You are the problem. Vancouver is not for you. Fuck off and move somewhere else!
Cuz they are not the nature loving, indie coffee drinking gods us vancourites are. LOL (help me I'm so poor)
Why aren't the mods doing anything about this!?!
I have already had to burn my mint record collection to stay warm, and have been forced to eat my roommate in order to survive. If you see this, please send me a vegan wrap, or kale salad to eat.
Seriously, it says "Canucks parking only" but a guy wearing a Flames jersey parked there. This is literally as big a deal as taking parking from the disabled.