Welcome VancouverEnts! The home of BC Bud!
Are there any herbal supplements or adaptogens that react badly in combination with heavy cannabis use? A drop in blood pressure, for example? And a second question: Do you know a MOM (mail order marijuana) in BC, Canada that offers substantial bulk discounts? For example, 50% off the total price if you pickup 8 AAA ounces!
Back in the day there basically used to be like markets except people would just bring a bunch of weed to sell. Im assuming this doesn't exist anymore? Would be cool to get some oldschool strains :( or just like any diff genetics lol.
I ordered an ounce and they delivered the most dried out and no potency weed.
When I asked to exchange or pay more to get a differnt strain as this batch was clearly dried out due to poor storage, they said no and offered me 10% off my next order like as if I’m ever going to order from them again. Stupid company Horrible customer service
Coming from WA where dabs are now hitting lows of $5 on not bad brands. Is there anything comparable up here these days?
Do you or anyone you know have 200-2000 sqft of land to rent out?
Hi there,
New to Vancouver, back home I was a medical patient. I was wondering if anyone here knows any Dispensaries that understand a bit about medical issues and the strains that might help them, as so far none of the ones I went to knew how to help me.
Hey There,
i am pretty new here but collected some different weed experiences (eights & ounces from dispensarys/dealers), but i also heard of delivery shops here who dont have dispensary weed and mostly also better weed. So i want to try them out of course. Now here the question: Do you guys have a fav same day delivery site/can you recommend one? Thank you!!!
Hello! Is an anyone headed to Happyland tomorrow?
Participate is a Cannabis and Consciousness Study
You are invited to participate in research! Researchers at the University of British Columbia are conducting research on cannabis and consciousness. Participation will take 2 sessions of 90 mins, and you will be compensated $40 CAD upon completion.
You can participate if you are over the age of 18 and are a regular (1x or more a week) cannabis user.
All responses will be confidential, and no personal identification will be attached to the data.
TO PARTICIPATE, SCAN THE QR CODE OR EMAIL – christofflab@psych.ubc.ca
VISIT THE Cognitive Neuroscience of Thought Lab website FOR MORE INFORMATION
To protect your privacy and confidentiality, please do not post responses or questions regarding this ad on this site; rather, reply in confidence to jenbur@psych.ubc.ca. Be aware that if you choose to like or comment on this post, you are interacting with this study on a public forum, affecting your privacy and confidentiality in this setting.
Primary Investigator: Dr. Kalina Christoff
Co-investigators: Jen Burrell and Andre Zamani
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Jen Burrell (jenbur@psych.ubc.ca).
Had a friend say this recently and not sure I agree, what are your thoughts?
Looks like we finally get some great weather this weekend! Who's going to enjoy smoking outsides this weekend? I'll be making my way to kits to get stoned!
Had some peeps over and did a lot of games and smoking together, good times, and got very ripped. How bout everyone else?
This year is going to be my first year attending 420, my first was SUPPOSED to be a few years ago but a little thing called covid happened.
I just wanted to hear about some things to do and check out, I plan on buying as much variety as I can as well
Love this city's weed scene. Will never forget seeing people wave giant bags of weed and edibles around while the cops just stood around as security.
Got a friend who told me they pick up from a tent around science world? Anyone else ever heard of this?
I'm fairly new to the Vancouver area, 25 year old originally from the UK. I really got into biking since I moved here and looking for some people to ride the shore with. I have an e bike but happy to ride with anyone whatever bike they have.
If anyone here rides Seymour or fromme hit me up or leave a comment and we can go ride some trails together
Visiting Jan 12th. Whats the best shop to get rosin? Looking for best quality. Thanks
My DOC is opiates. Where should I visit to have a good time?