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Jordan pushed off.
Pos. | Name | No. | 2022-23 Salary |
PG | Collin Sexton | 2 | $16,744,186 |
PF | Lauri Markkanen | 23 | $16,475,454 |
SG | Jordan Clarkson | 00 | $13,340,000 |
C | Kelly Olynyk | 41 | $12,804,878 |
SF | Talen Horton-Tucker | 0 | $10,260,000 |
PF | Rudy Gay | 22 | $6,184,500 |
SF | Ochai Agbaji | 30 | $3,918,360 |
SF | Simone Fontecchio | 16 | $3,205,128 |
C | Walker Kessler | 24 | $2,696,400 |
C | Damian Jones | 15 | $2,298,385 |
C | Udoka Azubuike | 20 | $2,174,880 |
SF | Juan Toscano-Anderson | 95 | $1,836,090 |
PG | Kris Dunn | 11 | $1,836,090 |
PF | Luka Samanic | 19 | $1,836,090 |
PF | Vernon Carey Jr | ? | $1,836,090 |
SF | Johnny Juzang | 33 | Two-Way |
PF | Micah Potter | 25 | Two-Way |
NBA Salary Cap 2022-23 $123,655,000
Date | Time | OPP | Result |
4/2 | 7:00 PM | @BKN | L 110-111 |
4/4 | 7:00 PM | LAL | L 133-135 OT |
4/6 | 7:00 PM | OKC | L 98-114 |
4/8 | 1:30 PM | DEN | W 118-114 |
4/9 | 1:30 PM | @LAL | L 117-128 |
(All times Mountain Time)
Looking at the contracts of Keyonte Geore,Brice Sensabaugh and Taylor Hendricks.(On Spotrac.com) It seems that Hendricks will be an unrestricted FA after his contract is done but Key and Brice will be restricted FA. Can someone explain how all this works? They were all drafted the same year.Why not all 3 be restricted FA?
In Ainge we trust.
Cool trade for the Spurs tho.
Is our only nationally televised game this year on Friday? I couldn’t afford seg+ and my cable isn’t working and I just wanted to watch some jazz games and it looks like we only have 1 national game 😭
From out of town and going to an Utah hockey game this week. I figured since there’s way more people on this sub I’d post here. Just looking for some suggestions on where to eat/drink before a game?
Also tips on parking?
When Donovan and Rudy were traded, we received a ton of picks, and afterward, teams would point to the Jazz and say, "This is what they got, and we want something similar." See the KD trade and the Bridges trade. Now that Luka was traded for a unibrow and a first, this has to cripple the trade market, right? It will be hard for Ainge to move Collins and Clarkson now.
Also I'm salty this tanks the value of our Lakers pick.
Praying for Mavs fans but I feel like I just won a few free car washes and tank of gas
Leads me to believe we are hanging on to PJ tucker through the deadline in case we need salary to match somewhere.
Doing all the heavy lifting behind the scenes while Ainge gets all the praise. Jazz are lucky to have a great basketball mind, and just a good guy, as GM.
Now just land us that #1 pick!
In light of the nuclear news that happened last night, I'm wondering if you're Danny Ainge and the Mavs called you that they're willing to trade Luka to you, what would have you given up?
Multiple reports have said other teams in the NBA didn’t know Luka was available, and had they known, they would have offered substantial deals. Danny Ainge definitely knew being a part of the trade. Do you think he offered a counter, and what was it? Lauri isn’t eligible due to his latest contract extension.
The Lakers have been rumored to want Walker K quite a bit for a while now... was this the deal the Jazz had to sign up for first (to help facilitate the Luka deal) before the Lakers were willing to give the Jazz what they wanted for Walker? The deal before the deal?
If I'm not mistaken, the Lakers are short on Bigs now, right?
The Jazz, our trade before, just got PJ and Mobamba (who I thought we would have waived), but now I'm wondering if they were our backup plan, too?
Apologies, because I know that this isn't a "Jazz" post. But it does have implications for our franchise, and my wife doesn't know anything about basketball, so I'm gonna throw this up because I just need to talk to anyone about this xD
Something about this just... doesn't feel right. I mean, does Luka have five months to live? Someone is going to look like an absolute fool in retrospect--probably Nico Harrison, but are we missing something? Are the Lakers missing something?
Frankly, I find it unlikely that the Lakers did their due diligence on this. If Nico calls you and offers you Luka Doncic, you just say yes. I'm not saying that this is likely by any means, but there's maybe a 3% chance that this gets looked back on as a franchise-crippling trade for the Lakers. The way that this happened doesn't seem to imply that the Mavericks were looking to maximize his return.
I think the Jazz and Hardy are going to do great things with JHS.
He's not an explosive athlete, but he's a good defender with crazy length.. he's 6'5 with a 6'10 wingspan. Good passer, heads up PG, decent shot.
Here's highlights from Indys March Madness run
Downside? That 2027 pick loses value with LA having. Luka, but either way some incredible work from our front office who has been on a roll today. The long term is starting to look fantastic.
Says Utah is involved?!? 🤯
I am watching and reminiscing on good times.
Clearly Timberwolves have a lot of injuries, and all our former players are much older. But it's nice to see chemistry is still there. I saw a Joe 3, a PnR between Joe/Mike and Rudy, and NAW with hard defense.
Hey guys, I'm going to the Jazz game on Monday vs. the Pacers. I'm a huge Pacers fan (but I live here) and I was wondering how I can get autographs from the players? Do I need to show up early, how can i get down near the court, etc. Thanks for any tips!
I have a Jazz themed plate, but am yet to see it posted here. Who else has one? I saw this one in the wild.