
Photograph via snooOG

A place for discussion of all things related to userscripts.

A place for discussion of all things related to userscripts.



4,749 Subscribers


Request - Automatically shows more Subscriptions in the sidebar


Can someone help me create a script that automatically expands "Show more" in the youtube sideba. I found this script but it no longer works. I tried to edit it but unfortunately I'm not good at javascript

YouTube - automatically expand subscription list

Thanks in advance for reading.

07:58 UTC


Request - Override ArtStation Gallery Hover for Multi-image Icon

Recently Artstation has made a bizarre change in making a once persistent icon that shows if a gallery has multiple images to one that shows up on mouse hover.

Example gallery https://www.artstation.com/felixriano

Before Hover

After Hover (note the image preview hover is a extension)

It appears that simply changing a style from display: none to display: block lets the icon appear. But it has been many years since I've worked on this stuff and I am unsure how to apply this.

Example - Display: block;

I am not sure how to target the entire gallery in a way that the icon is persistent despite any new instances of the mouse hovering over a thumbnail. As with just changing the display from none to block is only temporary till you hover over the thumbnail.

00:42 UTC


Unique colors for reddit users

This script assigns a unique background color to each username based on their name. Makes it easier to differentiate users on the page (only works in old.reddit)

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Random Colors for Users On Reddit
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        https://old.reddit.com/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=reddit.com
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

let authorColors = new Map();

function Main() {
    let _authors = document.getElementsByClassName('author');
    for (let i = 0; i < _authors.length; i++) {
        let authorName = _authors[i].innerText;

        if (!authorColors.has(authorName)) {
            let color = stringToColour(authorName);
            authorColors.set(authorName, color);
            _authors[i].style.color = color;
        } else {
            _authors[i].style.color = authorColors.get(authorName);

    setTimeout(Main, 500);

function stringToColour(str) {
    let hash = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
    let colour = '#';
    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        let value = (hash >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF;
        colour += ('00' + value.toString(16)).substr(-2);
    return colour;

01:00 UTC


Fixing YTM speed playback script

I recently found this userscript that adds a speed playback to yt music, I love it, however I have two problems, I would like to disable the pitch correction when changing the speed, I tried this but it didn't work.

(function() {
    'use strict';

    const originalPlaybackRate = HTMLMediaElement.prototype.playbackRate;

    Object.defineProperty(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'playbackRate', {
        set(value) {
            // Set the playback rate without pitch correction
            this.defaultPlaybackRate = value;
            this.playbackRate = value;
        get() {
            return originalPlaybackRate.get.call(this);

The second thing is that when I click to change the speed it also clicks on the player and it closes and I don't know how to fix it.

1 Comment
12:53 UTC


My script only works when I manually reload page.

I prefer to view/read Reddit via new.reddit.com interface, but do all the moderation stuff from reddit.com (aka sh.reddit.com) version. This includes the mod queue, which I open by clicking the little shield icon and selecting 'Mod Queue' there. It opens https:///new.reddit.com/r/mod/about/modqueue and I want to use https://www.reddit.com/mod/queue, so I wrote this very basic script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Always New ModQueue
// @namespace    9bf36c681d35d52913b3bda74ddf6127318ed7b0
// @version      0.1
// @description  Forces opening mod queue in sh.reddit
// @author       /u/eftepede
// @match        *://new.reddit.com/r/mod/about/modqueue
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
	'use strict';

Unfortunately, it doesn't work when I click the icon (or even right-click it and try opening in a new tab). I always get the new.reddit... page, but when I refresh it via standard Ctrl+r, the redirection works.

What am I doing wrong?

23:34 UTC


Request: A userscript for Old Reddit to embed pictures in a comment for subreddits that allow to link pictures


I'm aware that there's subreddits that allow users to upload pictures in a post directly. However, this feature seems to be restricted to the new/beta Reddit design though, which I don't really like. It's a lot more wasteful in terms of how much meaningful content is packed at any given time on screen.

So yeah, I figured I'd check over here and see if anyone could make a userscript that allows something like drag-and-dropping an image into the comment box on Old Reddit to post images directly, to avoid constantly having to go back and forth between the new and the old Reddit designs.

Thanks in advance for reading.

18:08 UTC




An unofficial script collection created using the cobalt.tools API.

Currently available scripts:

  1. Direct YouTube Audio Downloader
  2. Direct YouTube Video Downloader
  3. YouTube Direct Downloader
  4. SoundCloud Direct Downloader


11:08 UTC


Fix missing keys in Google Sheets using Scandinavian keyboard layout on MacOS

When using Google Sheets on MacOS with a Scandinavian keyboard layout, it unfortunately hijacks several keyboard combinations required to type in crucial characters, such as $, { and }.

I made this workaround to allow typing in the missing characters and have been using it a while with great effect.

The workaround may work for other country-specific keyboard layouts. It’s been very thoroughly been tested with the Danish keyboard.

Note: Google Sheets use these keys for range selecting etc. and those functions are not remapped to other keyboard combinations. Not a loss at all, IMHO.


10:38 UTC


youtube skipping forward thru video after video (pretty sure one of these userscripts is the culprit, but which one??)

ok, i'm pretty sure that you guys are going to pile on and eviscerate me for asking this, but I've got a number of userscripts running for youtube - normally everything is fine/great. All of a sudden (translation: no idea why; didn't change anything) it is playing 5 seconds of each track and skipping to the next one in the queue or playlist - whichever you're in! SO unbelievably frustrating. I've tried disabling all the scripts and turning them on one at a time, but as soon as I get the two functions i require (working ad skip+local download) - here comes the bullshit skipping. I'm in Edge. Also tried turning on dev tools, hoping I could figure out how to get it to stack trace in realtime, but honestly, I don't know how to use this very well. All my debugging/QA experience is multi decades old. I'm hoping that after I wade through the 35 oblgatory assholes calling me every kind of stupid for asking the question, some kind person will have perhaps heard of this behavior and tell me how to get it to stop. Thanks!

07:37 UTC


Spotify Enhancer


Spotify Enhancer is a set of userscripts that enhance the5. Spotify Web Player by adding download buttons for tracks and playlists, along with an overlay button to view and download full-sized 2000px album cover art.

Currently available scripts:

  1. Track & Playlist Downloader
  2. Track Downloader
  3. Full-Sized Cover Art Downloader
  4. Cover Art Bulk Downloader
  5. Copy Track Info, ID & Link


00:07 UTC


Ad maven bypasser script

I'm using voilent monkey in kiwi browser (android), i want to bypass NSFW links but when i use bypasser script it bypasses but redirects to a scam video page and not the actual content is there and script that works as good as bypass.city??

13:36 UTC


YouTube Enhancer


YouTube Enhancer is a set of userscripts that enhance your YouTube experience with features like a screenshot button, loop button, channel ID reveal, live video view count, and revealing the hidden upload date/time, among other features.

Currently available scripts:

  1. Reveal Channel ID
  2. Full-Sized Image Preview
  3. Shorts Thumbnail
  4. Loop & Screenshot Button
  5. Reveal Views & Upload Time
  6. Extras
  7. Reveal Video Category
  8. Channel Video Counters
  9. Secret Stats
  10. Video Secret Stats
  11. Reveal Country Flag
  12. Real-Time Subscriber Count
  13. Subtitle Downloader


05:53 UTC


Trying to highlight specific words on a page

Hi all, brand new to Userscripts and terrible at code.

I am trying to find a way to highlight specific words or characters on an HTML/CSS/JS page in Safari. Has to be Safari due to company requirements.

A good example of what I want to do it like the find command. I found Multi Find for other browsers and that’s almost perfect but doesn’t work in Safari

I’m trying to highlight things like “.co” “app.” Or “+44” these are often mid line so only wanting to highlight parts of elements.

Unfortunately I can’t upload an example of the page for privacy reasons, but would really appreciate and guidance, dumbed way down if possible.

Is Userscripts the right tool to even be looking at?

06:54 UTC


Seeking support in porting TeXMail-Gmail to work with Outlook.

I've recently been directing the development of TeXSend, which is intended to eventually be a suite of userscripts for adding LaTeX compiling to popular email services. Right now, TeXSend-Gmail is in a good place, and I'd like to port this over to work with Outlook.

The programmer who I've relied on for the majority of the coding for TeXSend-Gmail has some other responsibilities that they need to attend to for a while, and so will be unavailable to continue working on this. I'm hoping to find someone who is able to work on this port. I'm able to do testing and minor JS adjustments, but I'm far from a skilled JS programmer myself.

I need to clarify, this is non-profit work being distributed under an MIT license. As such, I cannot offer any compensation other than credit as a contributor. This is a suite that will hopefully prove beneficial to many people in STEM (academia in particular), and I hope that alone is sufficient encouragement for someone to volunteer.

Thank you.

Note: Title should have said "TeXSend". "TeXMail" was a working title.

01:03 UTC


Google Maps Reviews Scraper & Exporter

Google Maps Reviews Scraper & Exporter

This user script adds a floating panel to Google Maps place pages, allowing you to scrape and export reviews easily.

URL: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/510952-google-maps-reviews-scraper-exporter



  • Floating panel for easy access
  • Auto-scrolling to load all reviews
  • Expansion of truncated reviews
  • JSON export of scraped data
  • Clipboard integration for quick copying


  1. Navigate to a Google Maps place page
  2. Click "Scrape Reviews" to gather all visible reviews
  3. Click "Copy to Clipboard" to export the data as JSON


Google Maps Reviews Scraper & Exporter in Action

Data Collected

For each review, the script collects:

  • Reviewer name
  • Profile Image URL
  • Review date
  • Star rating
  • Review URL
  • Full review content


  • This script is for educational purposes only
  • Be respectful of website terms of service and use responsibly
  • Large numbers of requests may be rate-limited by Google

Enjoy more accessible access to Google Maps review data with this handy user script!

20:09 UTC


Please help sending keystroke and a click in a loop

I have a very specific use case for a tampermonkey userscript. I need an inactive tab on my firefox browser to get a looping key presses and mouse clicks at a specific coordinate while I browse the net on another tab. Is this possible?

Obviously, this is for some idle game that I am running in a background tab while I do something else. Idle Wizard on kongregate is what I'm playing.

More specifically, the parameters I need are something like this.

Every 5 seconds:

  1. Sends a mouse clicks on coordinates 830, 750.
  2. Send keystroke arrow down.
  3. Send keystroke b.

Loop this indefinitely until i disable it.

I tried to do it on AHK which has a simplified code that a random dude like me can understand, but I'm finding that AHK cannot really distinguish a specific firefox tab that is running in the background. As for userscript code system, it's way too complicated for me to understand without any programming knowledge.

00:08 UTC


Why does only this one shortcut work in a Gmail userscript?

Edit: Solved! See comments.

function addShortcuts() {
    const keyHandler = (e) => {
        if (e.shiftKey && e.code === 'KeyL') {
        } else if (e.shiftKey && e.code === 'Slash') {
            waitForElement('body > div.wa:not(.aou) > div[role=alert]', 5).then(d => {
                const xpath = '//tr[th/text()="Formatting"]/following-sibling::tr';
                const row = document.evaluate(xpath, d, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
                const html = '<td class="wg Dn"><span class="wh">Shift</span> <span class="wb">+</span> <span class="wh">L</span> :</td><td class="we Dn">Toggle LaTeX</td>';
                row.innerHTML = html;

    window.addEventListener('keypress', keyHandler);

I can make this "shift + [alphanumeric]", but nothing else actually works.

I'd particularly like like do "ctrl+alt+L".

The userscript in question: https://github.com/LoganJFisher/LaTeX-for-Gmail

23:34 UTC


A custom channel remover for youtube using localStorage


If you want the buttons to look prettier you can edit the add_button function

23:48 UTC


[Request] MathJax for Gmail

Edit: This has gradually evolved into this project: https://github.com/LoganJFisher/LaTeX-for-Gmail?tab=readme-ov-file

I'm looking to find a way to add LaTeX equation rendering to Gmail in Firefox. Could someone create such a userscript please?

I've tried searching for Gmail add-ons, Firefox extensions, and userscripts (using Greasemonkey and ViolentMonkey). I even tried editing the MathJax for Reddit userscript by changing its @match URL to https://mail.google.com/*, but that didn't work (the script triggers, but doesn't solve the issue).

I just need a solution that can handle equations. I don't need it to be capable of rendering whole documents right in Gmail. I need it to be for Firefox though, not Chrome.

Example: If you look at the sidebar of /r/askphysics, you'll see this. If you install the userscript "MathJax for Reddit" that they recommend, you'll then instead see this. I want the same thing for sent and received emails viewed on https://mail.Google.com

I'm getting desperate and frustrated that my attempts keep failing ad I don't understand why.

22:40 UTC


FuckYou logo on YouTube

Replace the YouTube logo with a custom logo styled to resemble the original logo but with the text “FuckYou” or "Fuck YouTube".

Fuck YouTube - https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/508890-youtube-logo

FuckYou - https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/508696-you-logo-on-youtube


13:40 UTC


IMDB Movie - Watch any movie directly in IMDB

Tried making my first user script (i had few for personal use before), let me know if I made any mistakes or if this kind of scripts even allowed or not lol.



Link: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/508237-imdb-movie

06:00 UTC


[Help] Instagram video control userscript.

19:14 UTC


Any challenging scripts to write?

i'm bored and enjoy javascript challenges, if theres anyone who needs any scripts that are time-consuming or just difficult in general, send it over so i can have something to do

01:16 UTC


Help with creating/installing custom user styles

I am a new MacBook user, trying to stick with Safari as my browser. In Windows, I used to customize a couple of web pages with Stylebot and Stylish. They had visual interfaces with an element picker, and didn't require any coding knowledge to use. The few apps/extensions I've seen for MacOS Safari don't seem to have that kind of interface; you have to know how to create the code.

My preference would be to use a GUI Safari extension, if one exists, to create my own style sheet, picking elements and previewing changes directly on the page. But if that's not possible, I'd be content with installing styles from other users. I have the Userscripts extension, and I've tried installing some scripts from the Greasy Fork site, but I can't seem to add them via the green "install" button per the instructions; that only brings up the page with the code. I've tried copying and pasting the code via the "create" function in Userscripts, while on the website I want to change. I've also tried the built-in stylesheet field in the advanced Safari settings, which seems like it might be a way to install styles without the use of a separate extension, but haven't had any luck with that. (Maybe it won't work for a per-site script?)

Any help would be appreciated.

18:46 UTC


New 1337x Enhancement Userscript: Customizable

I'm excited to introduce a new userscript I've developed called 1337x - Combined Enhancements 2025 (v11) - Configurable. This script aims to enhance your browsing experience on the 1337x torrent site with various configurable features that improve both usability and aesthetics.

Download: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/483602-1337x-combined-enhancements-2025-v11-configurable



Key Features:

  • Configurable Settings: A dedicated settings menu allows you to customize your experience. You can choose to show thumbnails, adjust the number of visible images, set fetch delays, and limit fetch retries.
  • Extra Column for Links: The script adds a column displaying direct torrent and magnet links, making it easier to find and download the content you want.
  • Title Extension: Page titles are modified for better clarity and information, giving you more context about the torrents you're browsing.
  • Image Enhancement: Automatically adds related images to torrent entries with the option to show more images. You can also see enlarged image previews on hover.
  • Full Width Layout: Option to expand the site layout for a more spacious and comfortable interface.
  • Lazy Load Image Fix: Corrects image URLs to show full-size images, ensuring you see the best quality images available.
  • Fetch Queue System: Optimizes performance by managing requests with adjustable delays and retry limits.
  • Popup Notifications: Real-time feedback for actions and errors, so you know what's happening at all times.

How to Install:

The script is available on GreasyFork and can be easily installed using Tampermonkey or other userscript managers. You can find it here: 1337x - Combined Enhancements 2025 (v11) - Configurable.


I'd love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or any issues you encounter. Feel free to ask questions, post reviews, or report issues directly on GreasyFork or here in this thread.

Enjoy a more efficient and visually pleasing way to use 1337x!

23:55 UTC


Anyone wanna contribute

I have been locally building it and finally released the prototype to Greasy Fork: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/506067-pluto-tv-m3u8-grabber

00:26 UTC


Website for ui

I suck at making ui’s for Userscripts anyone knows a site where u make it there?

04:00 UTC


Intercepting and changing xmlhttprequests

I'm sort of poking around learning more about JS and webdev (so far I know nothing 😅) and I recently came across xmlhttprequests which I thought were really quite cool. I want to make a sort of semi-automated scraper thing. Like maybe add a button to a page, and if you click it it'll grab some data from the page, and then send off the xhr request and... do something with the results. Maybe save it to a file or something, I haven't thought that far yet to be honest.

Could anyone help explain how I might do this? I have come across some of the specification on xhrs and it's still a bit dense for me to follow. And I'm also not sure how to translate all of that into something I could run from a userscript. I have Violentmonkey if that matters any.

21:52 UTC


User script for passbolt website - increase width of left panel

I have a user script for the passbolt website. Initially it was supposed to be a user stylesheet, but somehow that stylesheet has no effect. I will post it all.

The annoying thing on that website is, that I cannot resize the left sidebar/panel. This requires me to have the browser window fullscreen, to be able to read all labels fully in the left panel. The left panel is a kind of folder tree, that lets you browse all the secrets you have access to. The silly styling of passbolt sets this left panel to a width of exactly 18%.

Here is my apparently ignored user stylesheet, which already tells what I want to achieve ultimately:

.page .panel.left {
    width: 24% !important;
.page .panel.middle {
    left: 24% !important;
    width: 76% !important;

This user stylesheet is also shown as "active" by the Stylus extension of Firefox, yet the set styles are not shown in the browser inspector, when I select the div that has the classes panel and left.

So I figured, that this is a shitty website, that requires me to use mutation observer and such, to wait until the site has fully loaded, because it might set style using JS. I searched around for a bit and found a solution for waiting until an element appears. At least I think it should work that way. I also added a maximum time, that it waits for the element to appear. Here is my code:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        New script passbolt.com
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       https://cloud.passbolt.com/*
// @grant       none
// @version     1.0
// @author      -
// @description 8/1/2024, 11:31:18 AM
// ==/UserScript==
const waitForElementTimerDuration = 10000;
function waitForElm(selector) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // create a timer to wait for the element for a maximum duration
        const timeoutTimer = setTimeout(
            (selector) => {
                reject("element selected by", selector, "could not be found in time (", waitForElementTimerDuration, ")")
        // initially check, whether the element already exists
        if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
            // deactivate/disarm the timeoutTimer
            return resolve(document.querySelector(selector));
        // create an observer, that checks for the element
        const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
            // if the element can be found stop observing and the timeoutTimer
            if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
                // deactivate/disarm the timeoutTimer
                // stop observing
        // If you get "parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'" error, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/77855838/492336
        // start observing the whole document body for changes
        observer.observe(document.body, {
            childList: true,
            subtree: true
const left_pane_width = 24;
const main_pane_width = 100 - left_pane_width;
const awaited_selector = ".panel.main .panel.left";
    .then((success) => {
        const main_panel = document.querySelector(".panel.main");
        const left_pane = main_panel.querySelector(".left");
        const middle_pane = main_panel.querySelector(".middle");
        left_pane.style.width = left_pane_width.toString().concat("%");
        middle_pane.style.width = (100 - left_pane_width).toString().concat("%");
        middle_pane.style.left = left_pane_width.toString().concat("%");
    .catch((error) => {
        console.error("failed to find element with selector:", awaited_selector);

Feel free to copy and use whatever you need, if you find it useful.

However, this doesn't seem to work. I always run into the timeout, as if the element never appeared. This is weird, because I can see the element in the browser inspector as <div class="panel left">. But document.querySelector(".panel.left") still returns null. I also don't understand, why my user stylesheet is not working, since it should always be active, regardless of how long the site takes to build its DOM or sets styles using script. It should at the very least be shown as strikedthrough rules in the inspector, but I don't see any of that.

Are they f'ing with the document.querySelector in weird ways? Or am I having a mistake somewhere?

11:02 UTC

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