A place for up/downvote gifs.
1) Only upvote / downvote gifs featuring at least one arrow are permitted as valid submissions.
2) Please link directly to the gif/webm.
3) No collections please, only single item submissions.
4) Please host your gif using one of the following:
Tip: You can submit your requests to /r/makemeagif or /r/gifrequests (then post the response here!).
Reposts of anything from the top 25 of all time will be removed.
Flair is available to those who have submitted multiple OC creations!
To apply, send a message to the mods along with links to your submissions in this subreddit!
Want to make your own?
Here's some excellent tutorials to help you (made by great gif overlord matt01ss - Thanks!):
Here is a collection of high quality source images for use in your own creations!
Thanks to deejay_reich and matt01ss