wellcome to tipos! over 10 years looking at funni gramer myss takes!
RULE 1: Post must contain a typo Post must be a typography error, r/engrish or r/boneappletea style, preferably funny. Also, the typo should be obvious.
RULE 2: No reposts Reposting content from the last 3 months or in the top 100 posts of all time is not allowed. Other frequent reposts may also be removed at the moderator's discretion.
RULE 3: No memes or image macros The problem should be obvious from the photo or the title. Memes and image macros are not necessary to describe it, so they will be removed.
RULE 4: Be civil Personal attacks, bigotry, fighting words, inappropriate behavior and comments that insult or demean a specific user or group of users are not allowed.
RULE 5: No staged or fake images Photoshopping or staging images to fit the subreddit is not allowed. Problems made jokingly or intentionally will be removed at moderator discretion.