Trier, Germany
Hi everyone, if you live in Trier and hold a passport other than German, you should have received an invitation to vote in the Migration Advisory Board election (Wahl des Beirats für Migration und Integration).
The letter contains the polling card. You can cast your vote by mail by 8 December. It's free!
The Migration Advisory Board's main task is to represent migrant interests vis-à-vis the city of Trier. They meet regularly to discuss migration-related matters in the city. The Board can issue recommendations and opinions and has a small budget to organise its own projects.
Please find more information on the voting process under this link: https://www.trier.de/rathaus-buerger-in/wahlen/wahl-des-migrationsbeirats-2024/
There are four lists (Wahlvorschläge) and you have a total of 13 votes (sounds confusing, I know).
If you would like to vote for one of the lists, you only put one cross in the corresponding circle and that's it! In this case, your thirteen votes will be distributed among the members of that list from top to bottom.
If you want to vote for specific people, you can use your 13 votes individually. In this case, you may put up to three crosses (= three votes) per candidate next to the names of the people you would like to vote for until you have used up your thirteen votes.
As I said, more information on the process can be found under the above link. You can also see the names of the candidates there.
I tried to find more information on the lists on social media and found the following:
Demokratische Internationale Liste: https://www.facebook.com/diltrier/
Bunte Liste Trier: https://www.instagram.com/bunteliste_trier/
Migrationsbrücke: I haven't found any social media presence, if you know some, please let me know.
Trier für alle: https://www.instagram.com/liste_trier_fuer_alle/
Sadly, turnout in this election has always been rather low, so please inform yourselves and cast your vote! I think this is a great opportunity to get involved and participate in a democratic process.
If you're not sure who to vote for, I suggest googling the names of the top candidates on the list. Most of these people have been involved in different NGOs or social and political projects, so there's quite a bit of information to be found.
P.S.: If you haven't received a polling card, you can either contact the election office before the deadline or vote in person on election day. In this case, remember to bring your passport/ID and residence permit. The same applies if you've already thrown away the polling card.
Unterstütze Trier auf dem Weg zu mehr nachhaltiger Mobilität! Mit einer Tesla-Ladestation stärken wir E-Mobilität und machen Trier noch attraktiver.
➡️ Jetzt abstimmen: https://www.tesla.com/de_de/suggest-superchargers
Danke für deine Unterstützung!
Grüßt euch! Ich bin mit ein paar Freunden demnächst 4 Tage auf Kurzurlaub in Trier. Wir haben unsere Unterkunft direkt in der Innenstadt in der Nähe des Viehmarktplatzes. Wir werden mit dem Auto anreisen und fragen uns nun schon länger, wie wir es mit der Parksituation machen, da uns die 15€ pro Tag an Parkgebühren dann doch zu teuer sind. Habt ihr Empfehlungen diesbezüglich? Gibt es irgendwo in der Nähe kostenlose oder zumindest sinnvolle kostengünstige Möglichkeiten?
Darüber hinaus: habt ihr Empfehlungen zu Kneipen, Bars, Sehenswürdigkeiten? Was muss man in Trier gemacht haben?
Besten Dank und liebe Grüße!
Hallo, guten Abend! I am looking for recommendation on reliable real estate agent for region around Trier, interested to buy an apartment.
Vielen Dank!
Hello, I'm looking for people here i can hang out with, and become friends. I'm free after 15:15 and usually near the porta. I like anime, videogames, and doing my hair, though im open to most stuff. Looking forward to making memories together!
Hi, I was wondering if there were any guitar players or musicians in general who get together to jam or discuss music stuff. I just started learning German but am also open to hanging out and playing with German speaking groups.
Also, just out of curiousity; would people be interested in learning guitar and/or songwriting? Not an ad, just curious.
Thanks :-)
Weiß jemand ob man hier irgendwo Big Mountain Tofu kaufen kann oder ein equivalent zu sojafreiem tofu ?
Hallo zusammen,
ich studiere Psychologie im Master an der Universität Trier. Im Rahmen meiner Masterarbeit führe ich aktuell eine Online-Studie durch, deren Ziel es ist, die Einstellungen und Kaufentscheidungen von Konsumenten beim Online-Shopping zu untersuchen.
Die Teilnahme dauert etwa 20 Minuten. Insgesamt verlose ich unter allen Teilnehmenden drei 100€-Amazon-Gutscheine plus einen weiteren Gutschein.
Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung!
Hier der Link zur Studie:
I m living in Ralingen now, and the nearest city is Trier and i have a weird question: where i can find weed? I read that it s allowed now to smoke but where i can find some? I just moved here and i don t know much.
Hi, kennt irgendwer einen Tabakladen/Späti/Tanke in Trier oder näherer Umgebung wo man in Deutschland legale Snus Alternativen kaufen kann?
Hello everyone! I'm going to spend a weekend with my girlfriend in Trier, and we’re looking for recommendations on things to do, as well as restaurants in town that specialize in traditional German food. I’d be grateful to know your thoughts!
Looking for a Companion to Enjoy life !
Hello! I’m a 25-year-old guy who loves trying new things, and my favorite color is black. I have a sweet tooth, and Mercedes is my dream car. I work in marketing at Vodafone and have a big passion for volunteering and giving back to the community. I’m looking for a companion to join me for some relaxing moments, where we can sit together, enjoy the vibe, and share some fun conversations. I don’t ask for much—just that you have a kind and genuine heart. If these words resonate with you, I’d be happy to get to know you! Feel free to make any adjustments to give it your own touch.
Hello everyone, Can someone tell me where can i find asus care? I need to send ny laptop for warranty. I tried searching online but got nothing. I live in Trier. Anything closer would be good.
Can you please recommend some second hand clothing stores in the Zentrum area? Also if someone knows which is the best place to buy art supply for aquarelle painting, like Schmincke (preferably in the Zentrum, as I’m going by train from Luxembourg)?
Ich suche eine 3-Zimmer-Wohnung mit einer Obergrenze von 1200 Euro, in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums gelegen. Wenn du eine für mich findest, können wir zusammen ausgehen und einen schönen Tag auf meine Kosten verbringen. Vielen Dank für jede Hilfe.
I am looking for a three-room apartment with a ceiling of 1200 euros, located close to the city center. If you find one for me, we can go out together and have a fun day on me. Thanks for any help.
Hello guys! I will be coming to trier as an exchange student and i want to know more about the city. I am kind of introverted so i am worried about meeting new people and making friends. Any advice or information about life in Trier would be appreciated!
Hallo zusammen,
I will be visiting my friends in the next week, and I wanted to bring something from the region for them to taste. I was hoping if anyone could recommend local wines/cider/something else and places where I could buy them? Preferably in 0.5 liters, since carrying 8-9 full bottles might be heavy.
Hi, anybody looking for a 1-3 month that in the city center? Appartment with kitchen, new bath etc.
Hey, hab morgen Abend ein Date und hab Schwierigkeiten, mir was einfallen zu lassen. So ein Date ist schon ne Weile her, ehrlich gesagt. habt ihr ideen, was wir machen könnten? wäre für vorschläge echt dankbar. danke schon mal!
Sind beide über 30 btw, falls das wichtig ist
Bin 23, technisch ziemlich gut, aber ausdauermäßig wahrscheinlich nicht mehr auf der Höhe. Bezweifle, dass ich nach 90 Minuten auf dem Platz noch stehen kann. Gibt‘s hier Vereine, die sich selbst nicht zu ernst nehmen? Am besten Kreis C oder Reserveklasse, um wieder reinzukommen. Nehme alle Tipps dankend entgegen✌️
As the title says, I'd love to know if we have any shops that sell records/cassettes/CDs in Trier or Trier-Area.
Any places worth checking out?
Hello, fellow Redditors from Trier.
I hope this post finds you well. I’m currently looking to improve my German skills and am specifically interested in finding an intensive language course in the Trier region.
(My current level is A2, and I'm eager to boost my proficiency as quickly as possible. 🚀)
If you have any recommendations for language schools or programs that offer intensive courses, I would greatly appreciate your input! 😊 Additionally, any tips on what to look for in a language school would be helpful.
Thanks in advance for your help! 🙏🏻
Hi folks, can anybody tell me what's wrong with this city? It's the second time I need to deal with the local commune after I moved to germany and it's just terrible experience! This time I'm trying to request a certificate of good conduct as I'm starting new job at November and there's not even a single slot available online to book an appointment. Moreover I've got information via phone the earliest possible appointment they can offer me is at January! No replies for an emails at all! How to live at this kind of the city?
Hey zusammen! Ich (M23) bin vor ein paar Tagen in das Studentenwohnheim Kleeburger Weg gezogen und suche neue Bekanntschaften. Ich liebe Gesellschaftsspiele und hätte echt Lust mit anderen Studenten mal was zu spielen. Wenn ihr für sowas zu haben seid, meldet euch gerne. Wenn nicht: Habt ihr vielleicht Tipps, wo man in Trier Gruppen findet, die sich zum spielen treffen?