
Photograph via snooOG

This sub is a dedicated place for writers who have been inspired by Star Trek, and wish to continue the tradition "to boldy go." If you've made a fanfic, original characters, original place settings, apocrypha, or just really good RP, share it with us! Walls of text welcome!

This sub is a dedicated place for writers who have been inspired by Star Trek, and wish to continue the tradition "to boldy go." If you've made a fanfic, original characters, original place settings, apocrypha, graphic novels, screenplays, scripts, or just really good RP, share it with us! Walls of text welcome!

Submission Guidelines

  • Post your own original work. Simply resharing other authors' work is discouraged.
  • Keep works within the Star Trek universe. Crossovers are permitted, but should not overtake Star Trek themes and settings.
  • Short stories or chapters can be submitted directly as text posts. Use the appropriate label in your title (e.g. My Trek Adventure! [Chapter 1], [Part 1] or [Act the 1st])
  • Longer stories can be posted as links to external sites such as Google Docs, FanFiction.net or a forum thread
  • NSFW must be flagged
  • Tag your post with the appropriate flair

Commenting Guidelines

  • Be as comprehensive in your reviews and responses as possible.
  • Consider aspects such as tense, structuring, plot pacing and character development.
  • Quote extracts of the original submission as appropriate.
  • Minor spelling or grammatical errors can be ignored, but consistently poor writing should be addressed in a constructive manner.

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  • No hateful speech or witch hunting. Homophobia, sexism, racism or any derogatory language will not be tolerated.
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  • No impersonating authors. Pretending to be an author and making comments on an authors' behalf will not be tolerated.
  • All spoilers must use the spoiler tag: [Spock dies](#spoiler) -> Spock dies
  • No empty or "title says it all posts".
  • No role play (RP) recruitment posts. RPing directly within this subreddit is welcome.
  • NSFW must be flagged
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Series Long multi-part/ongoing stories

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Star Trek Related Subreddits

  • Star Trek: Primary Star Trek and all Trek-related things subreddit.
  • Daystrom Research Institute: In-depth discussion of everything and anything related to the Star Trek franchise.
  • Treknobabble: A Star Trek multi-reddit, with discussion and images, and a hub to other Star Trek related subreddits.
  • Star Trek Online: Licensed MMORPG by Cryptic Studios

Other Useful Subreddits

  • Writing: General fiction writing help and discussions.
  • Screenwriting: Writing advice specific to scripts for television and film.


291 Subscribers


"Flash-Forward" - Starbase One, S2E01

Season 2, Episode 1. Commodore North finds himself in the ruins of Starbase 1 and is told he has been pulled into the 31st century to help win the Temporal Cold War. Can he save the future? Will he ever see his crew again? Is everything really how it seems?

Story here.

09:27 UTC


I was told I should share this here too since it's getting a lot of positive responses.

19:10 UTC


Request thoughts on a possible hero ship design and crew

I am putting together a fanfic setting and would like some feedback on what you think about a hero ship design and associated crew. Era is between Next Generation and Picard series (broad, I know). The premise is that Starfleet Intelligence has secretly developed and built a starship specifically for intel missions. The missions would be spy vs spies from other entities (like the Romulans) and also contain elements of Federation Intel vs Section 31.

My initial thought for the hero ship would be a Norway class with an added Titan sensor array and additional space in the back to contain a high end holodeck for specialized training and mission prep. The ship would also contain a cloak based on the PEGASUS and/or a different phase shifting cloak based on the aliens in TNG episodes Time's Arrow 1 and 2.

I would like suggestions on the class of ship. I'm not set on a Norway class. Also, I would like comments on some of the capabilities of ship and crew.

  1. Cloak - I know this runs against treaty of the era, but this would add to tension
  2. MACOs - included for "rescue the spy" type missions or discrete military infiltrate to steal something. Could also serve as a tension point between intel mission and main crew
  3. Modified weapons? - Quantum torpedoes or other advanced weapons. Basic operations would want to hide and run, but sometimes a sub must fight
  4. Anti-sensor technology? - anything in Star Trek that would allow a ship to hide in plain site other than a cloak?
  5. Specialized and/or larger than normal set of Intel officers/operatives - Perhaps an intel agent/handler is a member of the senior staff

Thanks for you comments. I hope to post some short stories or chapters of a larger plot in the fall.

17:07 UTC


"For Better or For Worse" - Episode 14 of Starbase One

Season 1, Episode 14. As the founding of the Federation approaches, celebrations and changes are planned on Starbase 1. Some are uncomfortable with the new status quo, however, including a militant Vulcan group with dangerous intentions. The crew each faces their own personal challenges, and nothing will ever be the same again. Season finale.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review here or on FFN.

Each story is standalone, but check out my profile for more, and for annotations.

21:16 UTC


"MACO vs. Starfleet" - Episode 13 of Starbase One

In the spirit of the old Army vs. Navy tradition, the base staff prepare for a football game between some of the MACO and Starfleet personnel, before the former is disbanded in the coming Federation. Meanwhile, Mamao'lani and North attend the first meeting of all Draco clans, and end up in a sticky situation together.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review here or on FFN.

Each story is standalone, but check out my profile for more, and for annotations.

09:57 UTC


"Data's Journey" A free pdf adult fan fiction book about Data from Star Trek the Next Generation


I wrote a free pdf adult fanfiction book about Data from Star Trek the Next Generation. I've been told you don't have to be a fan of the series to enjoy the book. I wrote it because I saw the character on "Picard" and remembered how much I liked him, and the story just came to me. It is a lovely arch of a life for him - my blowing kiss goodbye to the iconic character.

Data starts a relationship with a woman from a newly discovered planet. But what does she really want? Why she is really there? And is Data ready for the consequences?

If you like intrigue, adventure, romance, hot sex, harrowing situations, and deeply touching moments - this is YOUR book. Enjoy it - it's free!

This book contains explicit, consensual, non-violent, sometimes kinky sex scenes, so it is for ADULTS (18+) ONLY!

20:10 UTC


"The End of the World" - Episode 12 of Starbase One

A huge comet is heading for Berengaria with the potential to cause total destruction. As the base crew prepare to destroy it, they discover a massive lifeform within, which causes a moral conundrum. Evacuation plans are carried out, putting further strain on Threv's family, while Grum butts heads with other Tellarites who show up to help.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review in the comments of this post or on the site.

Each story is standalone, although there are ongoing threads. See my profile for annotations and past stories.

08:53 UTC


"Lest We Forget" - Episode 11 of Starbase One

A MACO is found in the woods, having been frozen in time since the beginning of the Romulan War six years earlier. The base crew update him on what he's missed, and help him to pick up his old life, while recalling some of their own wartime experiences.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review in the comments of this post or on the site.

Each story is standalone, although there are ongoing threads. See my profile for annotations and past stories.

07:26 UTC


Just been watching TNG for the first time and I feel like Data/Riker has *got* to be a popular ship. Yes? No?

They just mesh well to me! Or at least the best out of everyone. Only watched maybe five episodes of season one so far though.

View Poll

01:46 UTC


"The Devil's Playthings" - Episode 10 of my Starbase One series

Season 1, Episode 10. A time capsule from early 21st century Earth is discovered in space and brought to Starbase 1, where the crew inspect the relics of the past, including an addictive computer game. Soon after, the children on the base start behaving strangely.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review on the site or in the comments below.

Each story is able to be read separately, although there are ongoing subplots. Check out my profile for past episodes and annotations.

07:15 UTC


looking for a fic!!

hi so ive been looking for a while now but cant seem to find it, its about jim taking the Kobayashi again but instead of hacking it to win completely like in the movie, him and gaila make it to where he actually just lasts a long time, over 10 hours with neither side really winning or losing. and i remember later on in it he ends up switching crews for the test like 2 or 3 times eventually ending up with actual captains and commanders. and after he ends up falling asleep on a couch. admiral archer was there too if im remembering right. my description is probably not the best as its been a few years since ive read it

20:43 UTC


"Tempest" - Episode 9 of my Starbase One series

Season 1, Episode 9. A strange storm on Berengaria causes everyone to gradually swap memories, leading to questions of identity, and Loxus fears that his true nature may be uncovered. Everyone must then fulfil their new roles when the base is attacked by Klingon pirates.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review on the site or in the comments below.

Each story is able to be read separately, although there are ongoing subplots. Check out my profile for past episodes and annotations.

08:35 UTC


STAR TREK: ARISTOTLE Season 1 episode line-up

Episode 1: "Smell of the Sirens Part 1"

While on their way to Deep Space K-7 where they'll pick up the rest of their crew they're intercepted by Orion Pirates and held captive the pirates cut off all communications to further Starfleet operatives and the only person who can stop this attack is the wounded Lt. Cmdr. T'Raya who can use her Orion pheromones to seduce/persuade the leader of the pirates to change his mind the crew has to put their faith in T'Raya for she is they're only hope

Episode 2: "Smell of the Sirens Part 2"

T'Raya works to get rid of the Orion Pirates as the engineers work to get the warp core and other starfleet communication back online. As soon as they get the comms back up they contact Starfleet and tell them of the attack, they soon send over another ship as help; by the time they arrive T'Raya had already won the day. All they could do was throw them in the brig; after the whole ordeal they arrive at Deep Space K-7 where they report the attack and pick up the new crew members. They then get acquainted and introduced to the USS Aristotle as this two parter closes.

Episode 3: "Tale of Tellar"

Captain Lockheart's newest mission was to go to Tellar to retrieve a crest to present as a gift for her next peace keeping mission. When she gets there she meets with Starfleet's Tellarite leason as he shows them around the beauty of Tellar and gifts them the crest.

Episode 4: Anger of thy Ancestor

As Commander Ni'raana starts to get a little tired/aggravated with the emotional ways of her Human coworkers a ancient Vulcan woman from before Surak gets time displaced with Ni'raana which leaves her back in time with all of her immensely emotional ancestors and leaves the Vulcan woman aboard the Aristotle to cause trouble!

Episode 5: "Technical Relations Part 1"

Captain Lockhart had gotten her latest orders from Starfleet Command, and that was to go check in on the planet Coppelius and go to Coppelius Station and see how Noonien Soong was doing and how his children were, but most importantly to make sure that they're Starfleet relations are upheld. Since Yindle is the Captain's Yeoman she knew about this mission for quite a while and was super excited to revisit her home and see her family once again. When they got there they were welcomed in with open arms. As a gift Captain Lockheart had brought a crest made by the people of Tellar; while they were there Nooien showed them his latest creation(or recreation). He had reprogrammed Ditra and brought her back online, at first she seemed not to have all the evil intent of her past self. But then things went awry.

Episode 6: "Historic Repetition Part 2"

After the events of Episode 4 Section 31 has stepped in to apprehend Ditra for good but Noonien fights to keep his daughter from being apprehended Meanwhile, Captain Lockheart is pissed at the Section 31 crew for intervening with her mission noonien wants justice for his daughter and looks to captain Lockheart so now the Captain is put in a state of catharsis should she help out Noonien and get Ditra from the position of court martial or should she step back from the issues either decision could influence things for better (Solving things peacefully and in order) or horribly worse (Making Starfleet reinstate their ban against all synthetic lifeforms)

Episode 7: "Sneak thy Spy"

The Captain's next mission is to go to Suliban and try to uphold relations. Although Starfleet hasn't had the best history with the sneaky race they still try to continue their mission to unite all the races in the galaxy in the name of peace and galactic unity. As you would guess things go terribly wrong and Captain Lockheart ends up being thrown into an arena with the leader of the Suliban to inevitably show who is the better "alpha". Meanwhile, the other members of the ship get taken as hostages as other Sneaky Suliban have made their way aboard the Aristotle and are trying to loot from the ship but the officers who have hidden aboard and are still able to operate hold down the fort in the name of Starfleet

Episode 8: "Qurious Encounter"

Q shows up and abducts Captain Lockheart and he has taken her to an endless white space where he then questions her on her commitment to Starfleet and he takes her through her most significant memories her experiences with Starfleet parents as a child that influenced her decision to join Starfleet, her hard time in the academy, and her first positions onboard starships. By the end Captain Lockheart announces that she is Starfleet by her own volition.

04:36 UTC



[NCC-90051 USS Aristotle]

My story takes place in the year 2400, and the Aristotle launched in the year 2397. The Aristotle is a California Class ship fresh off the assembly line. The crew of the Aristotle is tasked with the 5 year mission of exploring the far outer reaches of the galaxy. Making alien relations and incorporating more worlds into the federation; and documenting and helping others as best they can along the way...."Space the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Aristotle...and her 5 year mission to seek out new life and new civilizations, to explore strange new worlds; to boldly go where one has gone before."-Capt. Lockhart


(Human) Captain Stevie Novela Lockhart (red)

(Organic Android-Soong Type) Yeoman Yindle (Yeoman) (red)

(Romulan) First Officer Zyphan  (red)

(Vulcan) Commander Ni'raana (Science Officer)(blue)

(Cardassian) Ensign Arol Hann [Are-ole Ahn] (Science Officer)(blue)

(Human) Lt. Commander Willa Joye (Chief Medical Officer)(blue)

(Orion) Lt. Junior Grade T'Raya (Chief Communications Officer)(gold)

(Bajoran) Commander Cassian Wey (Cheif of Engineering)(gold)

(Klingon) Commander Kah'reyl house of Keh'luk (Chief of Security)(gold)

(Human) Lt. Rick Tsaki (Pilot)(red)

(Human) Commander junior grade Davia Lodell (Operations)(red)


(Human) Commander Cassian Wey (Chief of Engineering)

(Human) Lt. Selina Lynch (Tech support)

(Betazoid) Cadet Donold Ryn (Tech support)

(Human) Ensign Amanda Frasier (Tech support)

(Human) Cadet Tim Fiege (Tech Support)(yellow)


(Human) Commander Dr. Willa Joye  (Chief Medical Officer)

(Bolian) Lt. Commander Nurse Trish Kyatt (Medical support)

(Human) Lt. Dr. Jim Voss (Medical Support)

(Trill) Ensign Nurse Lacy Odan (Medical support)(blue)

(Vulcan) Lt. Dr. Commander T'Praal (Medical Support)(blue)

(Human) Ensign Nurse Brandon Ray (Medical Support)(blue)


(Klingon) Commander Kah'reyl house of Keh'luk (Cheif of Security)(gold)

(Andorian) Lt. Commander Yasire Zy'szhoq (Security Staff)(gold)

(Human) Cadet Leonard Wynn (Security Staff)(gold)

(Bajoran) Ensign Reliegh (Security Staff)(gold)

(Human) Lt. Herman Richards (Security Staff)(gold)

04:32 UTC


"Where No Woman Has Gone Before" - Episode 8 of my Starbase One series

Season 1, Episode 8. Aliens from an all-female species make first contact with the base and are intrigued by the men. Some of the male crew are happy to satisfy the aliens' curiosity, to varying degrees, but are these new visitors hiding something? Meanwhile, Grum introduces the Draco to the concept of money, with disastrous results.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review on the site or in the comments below.

Each story is able to be read separately, although there are ongoing subplots. Check out my profile for past episodes and annotations.

19:30 UTC


"Sounds from the Deep" - Episode 7 of my Starbase One series

Season 1, Episode 7. At the bottom of Berengaria's ocean, a crashed spaceship is discovered, prompting the base to send a boarding party to investigate. They find the crew deceased by unknown means and a mysterious device playing strange music.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review here or on FFN.

07:24 UTC


A startrek storytelling game set in the 2080 Age of Warp

Here is a card game that you can use as a basis for fiction. Its set in 2080 (Age of Colonization). You can find the card deck free to download on my blog, across various pages (sorry - it took a while to develop as did the gameplay).


05:05 UTC


The Poop Accelerates: The Next Generation, featuring Ensign Jake

15:43 UTC


"Data's Journey" A free pdf adult fan fiction book about Data from Star Trek the Next Generation



I wrote a free pdf adult fanfiction book about Data from TNG because I saw the character on "Picard" and remembered how much I liked him, and the story just came to me. It is a lovely arch of a life for him - my blowing kiss goodbye to the iconic character.

Data starts a relationship with a woman from a newly discovered planet. But what does she really want? Why she is really there? And is Data ready for the consequences?

If you like intrigue, adventure, romance, hot sex, harrowing situations, and deeply touching moments - this is YOUR book. Enjoy it - it's free!

This book contains explicit, consensual, non-violent, sometimes kinky sex scenes, so it is for ADULTS (18+) ONLY!

21:59 UTC


"The False Heart" - Episode 6 of my Starbase One series

Season 1, Episode 6. When someone on the base is murdered during an important trade exposition, it leads to a locked-room mystery with multiple suspects. Security Chief Brown investigates, entering a web of conspiracy, and takes a personal stake in uncovering the killer.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review here or on FFN.

06:20 UTC


New Star Trek Roleplay! Check it Out!

1 Comment
01:54 UTC


New Trek Roleplay Soon

So I started a new Ship sim/RP; and I'd love to share it with you, and see if anyone is interested in joining.

The USS Endeavor (Odyssey Class; using Star Trek Online as our canon) has been tasked by Starfleet to explore the fringes of the Beta Quadrant. There, beyond the edges of the Klingon Empire, the Endeavor will be exploring a newly discovered mega-cluster; as well as many of the star systems that used to make up the Husnock ascendency. Players/characters will be crew on the one of the Ships of the Endeavor Task force:

USS Endeavor

USS Alandra (A support/supply ship)

IKS Nuq'Sus (Liason Ship & Tactical Support)

USS Venture II (The Endeavor's Aquarius Escort)

Endeavor VF-381 (Peregrine Fighter Squad)

(There may be Fleet Marine Cos and other components as well, depending on demand)

Players will be allowed to hold positions within the fleet, with junior officers being the norm. But eventually, players can expect to be promoted, and could even find themselves commanding ships within the fleet.

The RP will be played out via discord, but we will also be using Star Trek Online and Space Engineers (SE will be used for away team missions).

If you have questions, feel free to ask, and Ill try to answer!

04:59 UTC


"Fire and Ice" - Episode 5 of my Starbase One series

Season 1, Episode 5. Ancient ruins are discovered at Berengaria's polar region, indicating previous visitors to the planet, but they are guarded by a gigantic, wild dragon. Meanwhile, there is a clash of opinions as some of the base residents prepare for Christmas.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review here or on FFN!

11:57 UTC


"Mind Games" - Episode 4 of my Starbase One series

Summary: A psychologist visits the base supposedly to conduct research into the effects of deep-space assignments on Humans, but Dr. T'Ling suspects that his bizarre methods hide an ulterior motive. North is also contacted by Thorpe's father, and is unwillingly thrust into the complex world of politics, while Threv considers therapy for his PTSD.

Story is HERE. Feel free to leave a review here or on FFN. Check out my profile for previous episodes and annotations.

14:47 UTC


Christmas Special

I just now as I am typing this thought of an awesome Christmas Special, where all our characters save Christmas by helping a Pre-warp planet whose resources was stolen by the Krillox (My original species).

I got the idea from Netflix's Operation Christmas Drop. Anyone wants to join in, leave me a message. Here is the link for the google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/197C_suMjxlzHV5s1qbB1fGS4_NCtYrOao6ZQiSLbqxk/edit

19:25 UTC


Character Origin/Backstory Idea: Starfleet Officer altered by alien probe.

Recently picked up a physical copy of Star Trek Adventures, and my brain started coming up with an idea for a unique Starfleet officer. I might try to adapt it to STA as a character's backstory, or I might write the backstory up as a short story (and maybe post it here?), I guess I'll see how things go with my time, interest possible feedback.

One of my favorite tropes in Trek is how Starfleet officers get changed by stuff (alien virus, transporter accident, Borg Implants); but I always wondered what would happen if the altered officer DIDN'T get fixed at the "end of the episode"? That was a major element of this idea, and I borrow from the TNG episode "The Inner Light" and the ENT episode "Extinction", as well as and episode of Crusade, "Appearances and Other Deceits".

The character is a Science Division officer, working on a research outpost on the edge of Federation territory, with nothing but unexplored space ahead of them. He's a Archeologist, spending his days researching the now extinct culture that once dwelt there, and glad but also sad he isn't on a starship gallivanting across the stars. He's just another Blue shirt digging in the dust of other cultures.

Until the probe shows up. A fairly large probe comes from deep space, headed right for the outpost. It's hailing them with some unintelligible message, and pulls into standard orbit right over outpost. Their sensors can't even make out half of the probe's systems their so alien, so they raise shields and call for help. The probe lets loose a few bursts of whatever particles take shields down fastest, and then starts hitting the colony with an energy effect that's quite similar to a transporter.

Ok, so this probe isn't really a probe; it's actually a tool of colonization. Sort of. It's the last gasp of an alien species that wanted to ensure their peopled survived well into the future. What this probe is doing is bioforming the people of the outpost into members of their species, and implanting new memories, skills and personalities into the newly minted aliens. It's a fast way to make sure your people become a dominant power: just remove all the other species and it's all just you. There's just once catch.

The Probe (a friend of mine called it the "Seed Probe", in jest. But I kinda like it; it's supposed to plant the seed of it's creator's rebirth) is damaged, or malfunctioning. So the bioforming process isn't going as it's supposed to. It should get most or all the colony in one fell swoop, but instead it has to take much smaller pieces one at a time. And it's not really doing a good job of bioforming: some are being transformed and reprogrammed, but others aren't. And some of the reprogramming isn't going right either. So their are variations of the change all over the colony. You've got the new members of the Creator's species with the right personalities and skills, but then you have ones that are have been physically changed but keep some or all of their Federation minds, and most confusing are physically unchanged members of the Federation who now believe they are part of the Creator's species! The AI on the Seed Probe is trying the best it can to fix the problem, but it's limited with what it can do, and the personnel of the outpost are trying everything in their power to stop it. All it can do is beam down technology and weapons for the Creators and hope they can take the outpost and then repair it's damaged systems. When a SF vessel responds to the distress call, the situation gets bleak. I'm imagining chaos all over the Outpost, as everyone contends with their new situation.

Getting back to the Character: he's been physically changed, and he has a head full of memories, but he's still got his human personality. Ironically, the Seed Probe was going to make him into a soldier, so besides his SF training, he has a "lifetime" of military service in the Creator Species Military. He has knowledge of their tactics, weapons, and objectives. He knows he can help stop this insanity, but he's currently literally wearing the face of the enemy. So he puts on a helmet to hide his face and tries to help the unaltered and the Away Team when they beam down. Of course he's found out, and has to really work hard to prove he's still on Team Starfleet. But in the end, they do stop the Probe, but when it comes time to undo the transformation, the Character (and several others) refuse to be returned to their original states.

For the Character, it's because he's become a monument to a lost culture. If they "fix him", then those people are gone forever. A handful on the colony feel the same way, or have other compelling reasons to not return to their original forms. I'd imagine there'd be counseling, debriefings, and more than likely some sort of hearing/inquest: besides possibly disobeying orders from a superior officer, there could be things like the FED ban on transhuman technology at play here. But, after a spirited courtroom battle (maybe guest witnesses like Captain Picard?), a compromise is reached. The Altered are allowed to stay as they are, but they are to undergo routine counseling sessions, and frequent monitoring of their activities by SF Intelligence (mostly done with checks by Security Officers), to ensure they haven't been acting on their alien directives. In return for this freedom, they are expected to help the Starfleet Corp of Engineers and the Daystrom institute reverse engineer the technology of the Probe, to provide as much data about the Creator's people as possible to the Daystrom Institue Archaeological Council, and finally to help trace the Probe's course and possibly deal with any other victims of it's Bioforming.

So, this Lieutenant is at both a member of the group and an outsider. While he's mentally still human, his outward appearence is an alien, and he has memories of skills that are not his own (story idea: are his memories created by the probe, or was there a person they were taken from? and what if the damaged Seed Probe did hit other worlds, populating each one with the same people, over and over again?), as he explores both sides of his nature.

Thanks for reading this; maybe if I'm lucky, the holiday will give me a chance to write!

02:16 UTC

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