
Photograph via snooOG

Dedicated to the Treeplanters that comprise the Industrial Silviculture Industry in Canada and Worldwide. Combined, these workers are responsible for planting hundreds of millions of seedlings each year.

Got any cool stories or pictures from out in the bush? Any pieces of advice for rookies? How amusing gear malfunctions and tales of bear encounters? Here we get to chime in on endless planting talk.

www.replant.ca is a simply fantastic resource for anyone looking for anything silviculture related (gossip, gear, and good tips) Highly recommended for anyone just starting out, or vets looking for a creamier contract.


1. All posts should generally be related to the silviculture industry and treeplanting.

2. No hate speech/racism, bigotry, or misogyny. This includes harassment, personal attacks, or doxxing.

3. No rascist or misogynistic usernames will be allowed. This will be enforced for especially offensive or triggering usernames. The mods will message you privately about this if it is an issue.

4. Please use the appropriate flairs, this helps archive past posts and saves the mods from having to do so. Also make sure to consult recent posts using the flair filter/wiki to make sure your question has not been asked within the last month.

5. If you’re looking for employees/planters as a Crewboss or Owner you must include your Company name, the minimum tree price or average earnings from the past season, the location of the contract, and the duration.

6. No unauthorized self-promotion outside of employment advertisement. If you are unsure contact the mods.

7. user anonymity is sacred and to be protected, if you purposefully expose anyone’s identity IRL you will be banned. Screenshots of external posts that do not obscure identifying information will be removed.

8. Lastly, just please be good to one another. The world needs more of it!


7,507 Subscribers


Fall Work

Ayo third year BC planter looking for fall work. I'm extra interested in cone picking. Any leads on contracts and/or companies for that?

04:22 UTC



22:41 UTC


Sleeping Question for the Bush Couples

Wassup fuckers

third year vet here, the lovely lady will be joining me for her rookie year next season. I’m normally fine with sleeping in the cold weather, but she runs extremely cold. i haven’t been able to find a cold enough rated double sleeping bag, so I’m just wondering what’s y’all’s setups like?

We’ll have a cot, but should i just skip the sleeping bag and cream out Value Village for all their duvets??

22:22 UTC



I’m aware some people are more resistant to heat than others but how the fuck do some of yall still put in big numbers in this atrocious heat 😭 It’s my rookie year and I’ve been STRUGGLING even when the weather was fine lol. So this heatwave is absolutely making everything worse, I’m making nowhere close to how much money I wanted to make. Everyday on the block I feel like I’m gonna fucking pass out and I need to lay down in the shade at my cache for a while to get thru the day. I drink a LOT of water, with electrolytes, nothing helps I’m just a pussy about the heat and I can’t plant a lot of trees even though I’m trying so hard 😩 I’m honestly getting depressed, I have like 3 shifts left and im wondering how I’m gonna push thru. Idk if I’m just venting or looking for advice but anyways this heat is making me lose my mind and discouraging me a whole lot so I guess I just needed to express it 😞

18:22 UTC



23:47 UTC


Complete rookie and I know nothing :)

Hi, I'm looking for advice I'm starting with pretty much zero knowledge about tree planting, but fairly certain I want to do it next summer in BC. I live on the west coast. I'm wondering things like, When should I apply to crews? How do I apply to crews? Are there companies I should avoid/pursue? What type of gear to buy, and any helpful tips to prevent disasters.

Thank you to anyone who comments ❤️

18:45 UTC



Ok to start off I’m a 19 year old South African, I’m really interested in planting I’ve wanted to do it for a few years now and I finally finished school and saved up some cash to start!!! So I want to ask if anyone knows which company’s will hire foreign newbie’s. Another big thing is what should I start doing to prepare for next year’s season I’m already pretty fit and I hike a lot so I think I’ll be as fine as a newbie can be.

Thanks for allowing the help in advance guys!!!

11:02 UTC


Guess That Price! (Near Tumbler Ridge BC)

This is a straight plant. 7's. Ignore all naturals as they are expected to die within a few years!

03:53 UTC


Guess That Price! (Near Tumbler Ridge BC)

This is a straight plant. 7's. Ignore all naturals as they are expected to die within a few years!

03:44 UTC



I've offered a spot with apex reforestation for summer trees in hudsons hope. I was just wondering if anyone has worked for them or knows anything about them.

Thanks in advance

00:12 UTC


Guess the price (BCTS Fort St John)

Planting 9s, mandatory dinner plate sized screefs, 1.5 hour drive from camp.

19:44 UTC


UK vs Canada

Recently posted on here expressing that I want to try a season in Canada. Main question really is the money aspect of it. Here in Scotland during my season I became pretty decent at planting towards the end of the season and was making an average of £1500 every 2 weeks which would be $2650 cad. It would sometimes be a bit more or a bit less but generally in the £1300 to £1800 range and I was probably making the most out of my small team.

Im wondering if anyone has done seasons in Scotland and Canada and can share the differences money wise in what they made.


19:18 UTC


Looking for input/advice

I'm considering signing up for my first year next summer in BC (2025), I'm 21F and I weigh 110 pounds but a I'm decently strong regular hiker, I can bench press 70 pounds and do about 15-20 proper push ups.

I'm worried because I'm a smaller person, I won't be able to keep up enough to make money, (I know not to expect to make much in the first year anyway) is it common for smaller people to actually make it in the tree planting community?

19:16 UTC


How to get tree planting gear home ?

Flights are cheep in northern Alberta but getting tree planting gear back home is not. Any cheep ways to transport the stuff?looked a renting a vehicle but they are puppy guarding rental cars … won’t let them leave one way

16:14 UTC


Looking to plant in the UK

I'm almost finished with my season in Northern BC and am looking to get into some planting in the UK.

I've heard seasons begin in October but struggling to find information online, can anyone provide some advice or recommend companies who might be hiring?

Many thanks all.

03:37 UTC


Who needs a quad when you have a donkey?

Quick look at tree planting in Africa


15:05 UTC


Most fun piece I’ve had

Maybe controversial but a good piece of jungle is good for the soul (shovel on ground for perspective)

20:18 UTC


August work?

Edit: Nevermind, turns out the foot injury I mentioned is actually a fracture, not a bad sprain like I'd assumed. No more planting this summer for me! Thanks for the suggestions to those who commented and messaged me.

I'm a second-year planter, and I didn't make anywhere close to what I expected during the main spring season. Was sick for the bulk of it, which slowed me way down and resulted in having to take a lot of half days, then more or less missed out on the last three weeks altogether due to a foot injury. I held out hope that it would heal before the season ended for way too long, losing money on camp fees and day off food, and kept re-injuring it when I thought it was better and tried returning to work. Womp womp. Also screwed myself over for mod work since it pays based on the average of your past 5 work days, so by trying to return to work then ending up in pain and having to tap out early in the day I was actively severely reducing how much mod work pay I could get.

What are the chances of me finding some planting work in August that doesn't run into September? Ideally not too far from Ontario, I don't want to spend too much on travel for something short-term. I'm usually with Brinkman, and they're great about offering early and late work, but unfortunately their post season contracts are all mid-late July, when I still need to be resting my injury, or end up conflicting with the school year. I'll be looking around on KKR, just waiting to be accepted into the group and wanted to see what folks here had to say in the meantime.

19:01 UTC


Heat is on!

The Heat is On! Temperatures throughout BC and much of Alberta are hitting the 30s this week, even into the 40s, but hopefully not where anyone is planting.I am sure everyone knows about hydration, sun protection, electrolytes and all the common sense things. The one (super important) thing we also need to do during the heat is to keep an eye out for each other. This is the one precaution that is most often overlooked and can lead to a serious situation. Many companies require workers to plant in partners during the heat, and at the very least should have crew bosses checking on people more frequently.

If someone goes into heat-stroke, they can quickly lose the ability to think clearly. If your partner or neighbor is stumbling around, or babbling nonsense (more nonsense than usual), take a second to check on them. We have seen several situations were planters “got lucky” because someone happened to see them lying on the ground when they overheated. If someone passes out from the heat, and nobody sees them, they are in serious trouble.

When a person goes into heat stroke, they need immediate assistance to help cool down. Heat stroke symptoms can include dry skin (losing the ability to sweat), rapid heart rate, nausea, shallow breathing, confusion or anxiety, headache, vomiting and diarrhea, and (when severe) unconsciousness. If they are conscious and coherent, offer liquids. Do not give people liquids if they lose consciousness. If a person is in heat stroke, get them out of the sun, loosen and or remove clothing, cool them with misting or sponges, and contact first aid immediately.

Most importantly, heat stroke is a life-threatening condition and considered to be a medical emergency. A person in this condition NEEDS to go to the hospital. Diligent employers will permit workers to sit inside AC-cooled vehicles to cool off whenever necessary during heat waves, and they should provide misting stations and/or extra water.

Like it says on the boxes, Keep Cool….and take care of yourselves and each other.

18:20 UTC


Scottish Tree Planter thinking about trying a season in Canada

I finished my season a few weeks ago. In Scotland we do mostly mounded planting which can be good and bad, we also basically only plant bare root with rare planting of cells (plugs). I have been thinking ahead for next year and Iv had the idea of doing our season here which normally runs November ish to end of May/Mid June and then fly over to Canada and do a summer season there.

Has anyone in here done this or is there anyone that thinks it may be a good idea/bad idea? Thanks

17:53 UTC


Quebec planting general advice/ living arrangement questions!! :)

I am going to work in Quebec for the rest of the season, but I am Ontario planter who is used to bush camps. Since its "forest camps" (lodges and cabins I think!) I'm just wondering if anyone knows anything more about it?

i.e. sleeping bag v.s. bedsheets?, does it get crazy hot and should I bring a fan or 2?, Mosquito net?

I am working for PAMM and any information or tips/advice anyone has would be so great!!

1 Comment
03:08 UTC


Guess the price (Whitecourt, AB)

01:31 UTC


This was a couple years ago now. The planters also got paid $100 each for the steep slashy hour-long walk-in lol. What was the final price of the block? Straight plant near Adams Lake. Think we were planting 6s.

14:32 UTC


Guess that price

Golden, BC

03:23 UTC

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