Current Weekly Threads:
Rule 1 - No self promotion, or paid promotion of any kind. Request feedback only in the weekly thread
Only post your music in the weekly feedback thread. This includes SoundCloud, YouTube, Discord, clyp.it links, video submissions, and asking for feedback outside of the designated thread. No self-promotion, or promotion of any kind (this includes advertising - e.g. your "beat making service", paid offering, posting links to follow-gates/download-gates, advertisement, affiliate links, or mailing list). This is treated as spam. Freebies must be posted as direct download links (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).
Rule 2 - No low quality posts (including memes)
Please do not post any low quality posts or memes. Post tutorials or tips with "[Tutorial]" or "[Tip]" in the submission title, otherwise your submission may be removed as self-promo or "How do I make this sound?" spam
Rule 3 - No linking to / discussing piracy
Avoid linking to / discussing piracy and the selling / trading of copyrighted material. This includes sharing or requesting cracked plugins. (we don't care if you pirate stuff, but our sub would be running a risk if we allowed this).
Rule 4 - Post collaboration requests in the monthly thread
If you'd like to link up with other artists, please post in the respective monthly thread.
Rule 5 - No toxic behavior Be kind and understanding with all users here. Treat others as you'd like to be treated and don't go out of your way to put others down.
Other Guidelines:
Leave feedback for someone else in the weekly feedback thread before sharing your own track (this does not apply to the first comment in the thread).
Proper feedback is not "Dope track bro, k do me next." Try to give constructive criticism.
Guys I’ve been producing beats for almost +5 years. I worked with major Turkish artist but still I Don’t like my melodies. I wanna learn How to make melodies. Generally I’m making aggressive and ethnic beats. What do you suggest to improve melody skills ?
Just want to get the info on what yall prefer and why cause I can’t pick between both on what I’m bouta buy
Specifically works best with FL studios? I would really appreciate the help. 😊🙏🏾
this preset which is used in many plugg songs, is not in any packs i can find and i need it SO bad. the following links are songs which use it, i think once you listen to them alll you will know what preset im talking about. any help on this would be amazing thank you
what's good with y'all, anyone know the kick sample of this song?
I gave a break to making beats for a one year due to personal problems. And now i try to get back to it but i just can't write melodies like i used to. I listen my old beats and get suprised how good and creative i was at it. Any suggestions?
Hiya, guys!
I love to produce Detroit beats, but I've noticed something.
And it's that the bells these producers use, for example in the Rio Da Yung OGs tunes, sound different from the ones I've coped.
I have hunted and gathered dozens of tubular bells, church bells, and whatnot, and none of these has the same feeling and sonic characteristics as the ones we hear in the popular Detroit tunes.
Maybe they use a bell from an expensive plugin—I have Xpand!2 and the ones that came with FL Studio -- proudly legal, but it isn't in my plans to buy an expensive instrument right now.
So, the questions is:
What do these producers use for their bell sounds?
Thanks guys. You rock.
I've to post this again, my original post was nuked because I linked another subreddit
Hey everyone, I make trap music and I have a beat that I want a 30 second long looping music video probably with stock images for my best that will be used for media services (Spotify, Instagram, tiktok) and I will pay. I have a video for reference of what I want. If anyone knows who to contact please comment. Thanks everyone.
Guys, does anyone have KickShaper? i need this plugin asap
so i often take thumbnails from pinterest and theyre often a different format and i dont have a 16:9 format, is it important for views or is it irrelevant when the thumbnail is high quality and good?
Like the title says I am trying to find a Solution to why my Spinz 808 is off all of a sudden. I have been producing for a long time and just now am stumbling on this problem. It’s as if I accidentally messed up a setting in the 808 but all the settings are the same. If someone knows why the spins 808 can start sounding like it’s phasing or panning on its own it would help a lot.
Edit: every time the 808 hits it sounds different like it’s traveling left and right in the pan and doing its own thing
Edit 2: I have been mixing beats for a long time now so I am aware of the leveling method and am sure I have leveled every thing clearly and eq the low ends of the melody
Edit 3: whoever downvoted the posts is a bitch
Basically what the text says, what’s the difference between pitching a note down on the note settings vs actually moving the note down on the piano roll?
Does native instruments sell a "not-up-to-date" version of kontakt? I really want to learn afro beats and I can do a lot of great sounds but I struggle in getting super realistic woodwind instruments like saxophone.
My iMac desktop cannot support installation of kontakt when trying to install the demo
I have a 2012 iMac. Specs are:
OS: Catalina 10.15.7
Processor: 2.7ghz quad core Intel i5
RAM: 8gb ddr3
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 640m
If not, do you have other comparable VSTs you recommended that have high quality acoustic/realistic instruments?
I tried cheesy VSTs like Luxinox Purity for saxophone, I EQd Tf out of it, slapped some reverb and other tweaks and it still sounds like a 90's video game saxophone.
I recently watched a video from Sachin SSS who made a phonk track and released the project file FLP sell for educational purposes. A guy bought the FLP and released that track in his (the guy who stole) name. That track got over 200 million streams/plays.
So, it's clear that the music thief made a lot of money with that stolen track.
I'm a small music producer and I make music as my hobby. I sell my project files too for educational purposes and made some sales. Now, I'm thinking if someone does the same thing with my track then how can I fight it? What steps should I take and how can I protect my tracks to get stolen?
I want to keep selling my project files for educational purposes only but I don't want my music to get released without any credit by any music thieves. I made 37 project file sales and now I'm worried.
I sell my project files + I upload my tracks on youtube and soundcloud without any security.
Please guide me.
Leave at least one comment as feedback for someone else before you post a track looking for feedback. If you do not, your post will be deleted.
If you post first, wait for somebody else to post, then give feedback. Comment on posts that haven't received feedback yet. Report or call out any people that have posted their track without first providing feedback.
Official subreddit Discord:
hello, l've been producing for quite a long time but I still struggle with leveling and mixing sounds (I think). the thing is my beats just don't sound right and I do try mixing and leveling everything by ear but it still feels weird. I tried many ways to mix my beats but i still don't get it, also tried to study flps but i still can’t make it sound better. could anyone please help me and if possible dm me and ill send an example of a beat i make. i came here bc i really dont have any friends who makes music so yeah i just needed help lol. any input or advice is appreciated.
My four income streams have consisted of:
I credit a large amount of this to building up social media platforms over a few years (IG: @trifreeze 27K / YT @trifreeze 115K). Can absolutely share my top tricks for that as well!
I’m here to let everyone know it’s more than possible if you understand the fundamentals of business, and I’m here to go into great depth for you guys!
Anyone still finding good deals on Plugin Boutique? I can remember a time when you could grab the dopest plugins for crazy deals and even get a nice experimental vst for the free free. Not so much over the last couple years. Its kind of a bummer for the ones who don't do crax but its always nice perusing the site to see whats new.
So ive made some boombap rap and my producter asked if I wanted to try trap. So Im making a trap song for my ep.
Hi! Im that kind of beatmaker who likes to stay in the experimental zone in terms of mixing genders. So if it sounds good for you send me a DM en let's see what happen ;)
well,I still not have those trained ears to do all the job just by my ears, so I'm asking y'all or people who were recording vocals at some point of their lifes by iphone how they used to mix that.I have some questions about that hope I get some feedback on my approach of mixing and how I think about stuff
1-does the iphone mic pick so much noise,my settings on the ns1 are around 25 then I use a waves clarity pro with the preset of improve voice details then an Rx de-reverb, what do you think about that.
2-I think that since my room isn't treated good acousticly. so i should not use so much compression to not bring forward that noise and that frequencies of the room.
3-I find that the iphone mic is kinda bassy so I do a low cut at around 120 hrtz,then a multiband compressor to compress by around 3 db that range of 200-300 hrtz,and i reduce around 3-4 db some of bad frequencies by swepping
4-I mix with a audiotechniqua M 20x and I mixing trap songs,execuse my english it's not my first language
Where can I find vocal samples like this?
https://youtu.be/vCvjdOzJ5aA?si=6Z_r-_ataJe62aSK https://youtu.be/tzKK9Yh1Eys?si=RU0izc20nw48baKc
I'm no big league producer by any means but have at least gotten my channel to 8k subscribers and 2,000,000 views so far which I'm proud of. Just in case you guys wanted to ask any questions I thought I'd post this, much love
I found him today I know he’s from the dmv but I’ve never heard no beats like this. What is this sound called what influenced this sound.