trans men, boys, masculine folks, and enbies welcome.
Be nice, don't be an asshole.
No discrimination: no transphobia, racism, misogyny (including transmisogyny), homophobia, acephobia, ableism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, nonbinary exclusion, etc. This includes internalized transphobia such as truscum ideology. No TERFs, no SWERFs.
Memes only. Posts must be images or short videos. Selfies are not memes. Text posts are not memes. Images of text or posts with "not a meme, but" and your life story in the title are not memes. Picrews, quizzes, and "bandwagons" are not memes. Generally, if it's not funny or relatable, or if it only applies to you, it's probably not a meme.
Posts must be related to being transmasculine. This rule is loose and flexible but don't bend it too far.
No NSFW/pornographic images, no extremely sexualized discussions in the comments. This subreddit is open to minors as well as adults and we want to keep it a safe place for everyone.
Don't PM mods individually, especially if you were banned. Use modmail. Ban appeals may be made by politely explaining why you think the ban was incorrect and/or sending a well-written, well-thought-out apology for the thing you did that got you banned. Ban appeals will be evaluated purely on a case-by-case basis.
I went into the men’s bathroom to pee! First time at work…
From some angles it looks really good but others it doesn’t (also yes I’m the same transtape person who’s been posting this past few days)
I tried out trans tape again with all of your guyses suggestions and it worked wayyy better!!! But this part on the bottom side still looks like it’s not binding well, does anyone have suggestions?? Maybe I just need to stretch the bottom tape more next time. But it’s always the bottom of it that looks the most like boobs. (Side note: I passed at the gym today!!)
I (24nb/masc) feel like I don't look that fem in the first place but people always comment on what a cute "girl" I am despite looking less fem at work (or any time I go out within the past year) aka binding, wearing a tie and vest and not wearing make up. The person who commented whom said I was cute (25-30m works as a chef, while I'm a bartender) and in passing to another line cook/chef (whom everyone loves and has almost work at my work as long as I have and is our work grandpa) as I was going into the elevator. I usually don't like it when guys like me much because they feel like surface level crushes/horniness and I'm somewhere on the ace-spec...but this time feels maybe different because I've worked along side him. Or maybe it's because I've only recently admitted to myself that I may be more masc than I previously thought (aka may want to do hormone treatment because I'm done looking fem all the time and am getting excited at the thought of doing T).
Tldr: coworker called me cute, and it didn't feel weird even though it usually does (I'm ace-spec, nb but apparently don't look it to some). Is it maybe because I recently admitted that I'm more masc than I thought and considering options to reduce dsyphoria or is it maybe because I simply like knowing I'm not completely abhorrent to people despite not trying much to look too presentable, and should I feel more weirded out by it?
Don't worry. It's not real 😭