A casual place to share your own top/favorite film/movie lists or recently published lists from magazines or websites. Can be for all-time, a single year, a director or any topic.
Sick of the downvotes or the circlejerk replies you get on /r/movies? Welcome to /r/topfilms!
A casual place to share your own top film lists or recently published lists from magazines or websites. They can be for all-time, a single year, a director, or any specific topic.
Letterboxd Thread - Please feel free to continue browsing and posting on this thread to find each other.
1. Be respectful and civil.
The main idea of this sub is so that people with different movies preferences can come here to discuss their favorites and get and give recommendations. Basically, just respect what others think.
2. No bullying.
Similar to Rule 1. If you don't agree with what another user has said, don't resort to name calling, insults or general disrespect. We want this subreddit to be as pleasant as possible to others. Simple reddiquette.
3. Please source the website in your title.
So if you take a list from a website, please put the websites name in the title. It'll make it easier if someone searches for a post in the future.
4. Don't post unrelated content.
This subreddit is specifically for film lists. Don't post any other content that isn't related to movie lists that express opinion. For instance, a list about most disappointing endings are acceptable, but a list about a DVD collection that isn't ranked is not.
5. Self-promotion is welcome.
Don't be afraid to post your own lists and thoughts in this sub. We want to hear your thoughts and we want to generate discussion among other users but it isn't required like /r/truefilm.
6. Be creative!
Feel free to be as creative as you like. You could post a request asking for the top 5 films on Netflix right now or films set in a submarine, or anything like that. We welcome creativity and specificity.
Hey all! I love rom-coms & anything romantic. During the pandemic and increased isolation, I've considered myself to have explored quite a number of movies in the genre, so I'm putting some QUALITY recommendations out there for anyone who might not have seen some quality movies.
Others With some Caveats
This is all I have for now. Will update if I think of more.
Here's my list of Valentine's Day movies. Feel free to recommend others in the comments.
Love & Basketball (2000)
East Side Sushi (2014)
Girl (1998)
Really Love (2020, 2021 on Netflix)
Mermaids (1990)
Love Jones (1997)
Ghost (1990)
The Photograph (2019)
Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist (2008)
Poetic Justice (1993)
Say Anything (1989)
Save the Last Dance (2001)
Fever Pitch (2005)
Love, Guaranteed (2020)
Juwanna Mann (2002)
Always Be My Maybe (2019)