The discussion relating to Kamachi's popular Toaru Majutsu no Index, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, and Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator series, among others in the franchise. This includes the original Light Novels, the anime adaptations, the Manga, and the games.
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Even after 20 years we still have no clue what Aiwass motivation exactly is aside from guiding others towards their true will.
Yet I getting curious on how bored Aiswass is that Aleister had to install an anti suicidal mechanism in other to prevent Aiwass from destroying himself out of boredom.
There is also the fact that He never wanted to be in such position, making me think that Aiwass could be forced to become a secret chief.
If I remember correctly Anna sprengel said that becoming a secret chief is a pain in the ass. Maybe that's why he values following one's True will when he was denied his own, though I doubt that's the case.
Anyways, thoughts?
I am thinking it would be natural progression of ability development. I am thinking of something similar to Avatar's bloodbending. I am sure there would be limitations to it, but if any Hydro Hand achieve such peak of power, they would be almost unstoppable in close confrontation. Currently, Wannai is at level 3, and she is already very powerful and ingenious. Who knows how powerful would she be at level 5?
Im here just sobbing looking down as the time arrives and now is in maintenance, its finally over now.
To explain what I mean whenever the narration refers to Mikoto, I.E. "Mikoto felt a shiver" or stuff like that it always refers to her as either her first name "Mikoto" or her full name "Misaka Mikoto", but never just "Misaka". This has been a trend seemingly since OT6, before that she got called all 3, ot "Misaka", "Mikoto", and "Misaka Mikoto" by the narration
Compared to other characters like Touma, Kuroko, and Misaki they all get called either by their full names, I.E. "Kamijou Touma" or their last name, I.E. "Kamijou". But never are called by just their first name.
Seriously go check, GT9 for example you'll find that the narration will use either "Mikoto" or "Misaka Mikoto", but never "Misaka". While for Touma and Misaki it'll use "Kamijou Touma"/"Shokuhou Misaki", or "Kamijou"/"Shokuhou", but never just "Touma"/"Misaki".
Same for Kuroko in GT3, it's either "Shirai Kuroko" or "Shirai" but never just "Kuroko" this also seems to apply to Hamazura as well
Now of course this doesn't apply to characters like Accelerator or Index or Aleister for various reasons. But still it's something I've noticed and I'm not quite sure what the reason why is
The Greatest Magician in History?
Theyre so annoying omg cant force myself to read alot which i usually do. I know they are not very liked by fandom so im sure it will get worse until Kamisato arc is all over
Some of them vote Blue and Some of them vote Red? Or anything else?
I wonder how GT characters pronounce themselves, you know like Fiamma with "Ore-Sama", Kongou with "Watakushi" and ending evety word with "Desuwa",
I bet Anna Sprengel and Bologna call themselves something unique, especially Bologna who is said to have a weird way of speaking
unfortunately we can't find out after translation, I hope someone puts it on the wiki, and sadly i cant read japanese
Plese , tell me something , announcement for new SS or anything to end this suffering