Thrash metal is heavy metal that is usually at a higher tempo with influences from punk, speed metal, and hard rock. It's been one of the most successful metal genres, with many platinum albums by the famous bands called the Big Four of Thrash metal which include Megadeth, Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer.
We all love heavy metal but when you need some speed and aggression, in your metal, you go for thrash metal. This is a place for breaking necks, not for slow stuff.
Do not post the Big Four. We know who they are. No covers of the Big Four, either.
Top 12 of All Time (Voted 2024)
Top 10 Contemporary Thrash Albums (Voted 2024)
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Thrashy Melodeath anyone?
I have been exploring the different genres of metal and came to the conclusion that thrash is my favourite. Is there some recomendations for very fast thrash song like knarrenheinz from sodom. That kind of speed. I dont mind blast beats but skanks are my favourite. Also language doesn not matter since i mosty listen to the instrumentts.
What picks and a stirngs do you all use,
What’s your amp setup for the mids, treble and bass?
What are some of the best remasters vs originals and what are some of the worst remasters that don’t stand up to the originals
Are there any thrash metal songs that sound similar to the first part of Hell Awaits by Slayer?
Specifically 2:00 to 2:45.
For as much as I love Thrash, I haven't listened to much Crossover. The bands I've listened to, which I've greatly enjoyed, are D.R.I., Municipal Waste, and S.O.D. Toxic Holocaust also has some Crossover material that I enjoy.
What are some other albums and bands to listen to to further explore this genre?
All the bands i've heard of sound super weird like the lyrics aren't timed right or its to low and super bad quality. Like they gotta be good quality content, if your looking for a example of the stuff im saying, look at thresher or hating evil or grave forsaken. The instruments are good but the vocalist are always off and it sounds like it was recorded in someone's basement. Please help, i'm getting tired of pentagrams and not being able to where good band shirts
Edit: If you like Slayer like me but want a Christian version check out Ritual Servent, I literally thought Slayer made a Christian song.
I read the rules and maybe this isn’t directly related to thrash, but I couldn’t find a speed metal subreddit, so here I am. I mostly like power metal, so anything with a similar-ish vocal style you can recommend would be appreciated
Mine are: Gung-Ho - Anthrax Metal Storm/Face The Slayer - Slayer Trapped Under Ice - Metallica Lebanon - Mortal Sin Total Disaster - Destruction
Built this for fun over the weekend. Still pretty rough, but I have most of the thrash and death metal shows in the San Francisco Bay Area for the next couple months listed.
Open to any suggestions or feedback
Hey, I was wondering if anyone has any similar bands to recommend. The problem is that when searching for fusions of Death and Thrash, all the songs I end up finding are just really fast death metal records, which I feel significantly differ from the sound of the bands I mentioned, not to mention the vocals tend to be very deep which isn’t really my thing.
What I really like in Sadus and Morbid Saint ( and I’ll throw Whiplash here too even though they aren’t death) is how technical, brutally fast, all over the place the melody tends to be and how agressive their sounds are. It really is hard to find something super fast and aggressive that isn’t super monotonous , songs like Sadus - And then you die , anything from Morbid Saint’s Spectrum of death and Whiplash’s Message in Blood are just so fun.
I’d appreciate any recommendations.
What do you guys think about the era when rob dukes was the vocalist in exodus? I honestly dont really like it because my favorite vocalist is steve (i know thats basic as shit) but i wanna know your opinion!!!
I've got some names, but I can't decide. The way I can name My project is 1: Stalinist (a way to call The commonists used to make propaganda against them) 2: Show No Mercy 3: Mustard Gas 4: concentration camp
If you have another name tell me
Can You recomend me some thrash albums but underground i mean not from Metallica megadeth Slayer the Classics and most comercial you known, thanks, i speak spanish by the way
I keep seeing online the official release date is January 24th 2025- but not seeing album for sale or on streaming services yet. Has the release date been changed?
when is Sacred Reich going to announce their tours they said lots of touring in the works with some killer bands maybe will Overkill or Testament
It has so many of the bands I've been loving; Enforced, Power Trip, Forced Neglect, Inhuman Nature, Doomsday. Just missing some Warbringer lol