I - avoid/accept
hands to the face; duck, slip through days
check engine lights through sunset towns
thought it was a punch, it left a stain
plead ignorant, spread wings intelligent, self defense
voyuerist/exhibitionist, arsonist/TATP vest
tilting jerry cans on center stage, playwrights shake under the trench
II - brief foolism
oxygen on frozen peaks
long exhausted TUC
continuous failings, refuse to sleep
oil coagulates on unwashed wings
i pointed the knife at myself knowing nothing would happen
complicit in undue compassion
infants with unsupported necks catching glances
nutrients abnegated gasping
The title seems to have been a problem
Sorry about that, I must have made a wrong turn somewhere near 10 trillon years until the heat death of 45% of all the red stars. My bad, ignore me!
Wompus and Żēbag havcome over to feel the thirteens. 13 13 13 yes 13.
In the world numbered three and ten,
Lie strange thoughts beyond my ken,
To see without sight,
Without dark or light,
You must go to the right where and when.