Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanneds
sshnuke -rootpw="ZION0101"
Connecting to ... successful.
Attempting to exploit SSHv1 CRC32 ... successful.
Reseting root password to "ZION0101".
System open: Access Level <9>
ssh -l root
root@'s password:
RRF-CONTROL> disable grid nodes 21 -48
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I honestly haven't watched the movies in years but felt the urge recently to give them a rewatch and now I'm sucked in all over again. I forgot how many layers there are to the films from the meaning of names, to numbers, references, quotes, visuals, and themes. I, personally, am just blown away at the attention to detail and dedication that went into this saga and I can't wait to see what happens with a fourth installment.
That said, what are some themes or details that you noticed in the movies that might not usually be recognized but adds to the viewing experience? What are your theories and thoughts? Talk Matrix to me...
Seems like a plot hole to me.
So think about this: at the end of the trilogy we see Zion defeat the machines and complete their revolt. But if I’m not mistaken, it was all pre-destined anyway and all of it was an added layer to the “Matrix” system and it was designed to keep humans pleased enough so as to not look any further or deeper into the nature of their reality. I may have a few details missing but thats what I remember happening. Anyways, it sounds a lot like what happens to us. We see countries countries revolt, take over their Governments by way of a coup or what have you. But when I see these take place or read about ones that have taken place in history, I can’t help but think, “your revolution really is not complete, there are world leaders living in secret; people we don’t know about behind the scenes.” Just to me it seems like the world is one big ass Matrix and there is not shit we can do about it unless we wake up. That’s just my take.
Zion is around either 9000 or 9200 meters (5.6 or 5.7 miles) underground. And thus the temperature outside the walls of the city are around 150-350°C (300-660°F). I've determined this from the info Niobe gives during the captain's meeting at the beginning of Reloaded, where she and Ghost say the machines are digging at about 100m/hr, have already dug to nearly 2000m, and they will reach Zion from their current depth in about 72 hours.
Obviously this isn't anywhere near the core, whether it be the inner core or outer core which Tank didn't specify. 9ish kilometers would be very plausible, as we've already dug past this depth with current technology, while relying on the advanced tech in the movie a city could be built at this depth, though it is important to note that machines are only destroying the humans and their stuff inside the city, they are not collapsing the cavern walls, as this would make it impossible for humans to rebuild in such a timely 100 years or so manner, as deduced from morpheus and the architect, but the time span in the matrix is a whole other deal. Plus the theory that the machines have always known where Zion is and allow it to exist as means of control would constitute why they don't just dig in strategic ways to simply cave in all of Zion or drop nukes through any of the holes they dug.
Also a depth actually near the earth's outer core would liquefy nearly all materials, with only a few elements that simply wouldn't automatically melt, but such temperatures would still severely weaken the mechanical strength all of these elements to the point of being useless as building materials at surface pressures. Factor in the horrifying pressures near the outer core and there is no hope. Even with the advanced tech in the movie, there is no digging to anywhere near the core, hell even through most of the crust WITH the advanced tech and intelligence of the AI would the be the maximum depth obtainable with some kind of drill bit, definitely not for a city to be built. Plus 150-350°C probably works fine for thermal energy for Zion. It should also be noted that it doesn't matter if the machines were digging from what would normally be ground level or the ocean bed since the oceans evaporated, 9km from where you start digging is still 9km.
Now as to why Tank said Zion was near the earth's core, there is one of two possible answers. Either the wachowski's simply came up with a approximation that sounded cool and was good enough for the micro amount of information we have about Zion and the current state of the earth from the first movie, which would have worked considering they weren't expecting The Matrix to be such a huge success and get sequels, (also why so much info which changes what year it actually is was introduced in Reloaded). Or, humanity doesn't know how deep the earth actually is, which is most likely the answer as much of humanity's knowledge was lost from the Human-Machine war. Neo also helps support this when he brings up the possibility no one knows about the past Ones. It's most likely the machines have set up Zion as a kind of holding tank for those who don't accept the matrix to one day be eliminated in cycles as to cause minimal problems for the machines as a whole, thus they've supplied humanity with enough half truths to keep them occupied but not curious, and thus not troublesome.
Edit: According to the Animatrix short, The Final Flight of the Osiris, Zion may be around 4km underground. If anyone else can find further info which indicates the true depth of Zion, feel free to comment so we can try to get one more thing about The Matrix sorted out.
hi everybody, i posting this cause i'm looking for some kind of site, or picture genertator that can provide me a specific shoot from The Matrix Reloaded
Specially this one : https://imgur.com/a/tmsYMvC
Thx a lot !
Now, I kind of envy him.
so when neo meets the architect and tells him that he destroyed Zion 7 times and there were predecessors before him
in one of the TV neo gives him the middle finger and tells him YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO OLD MAN
now that I finished these movies what is the best viewing order of the remaining movies
I’m currently watching this for the first time in quite a while and god damn, I’m still of the mind that this is hands down one of the best action films ever created.
best order now?
i understand they dont like matrix 3 because it contracted matrix 1 because neo didnt destroy the matrix (matrix 4 will probably have him destroy it and making matrix 3 not contradict the 1st movie) But whats wrong with matrix 2??
Today, doing psychology homework, I learned that new born babies are in what is called the “Neonatal Period.” I just think it is cool how Neo is called Neo, which means “New,” and we even see his “birth” into the real world. Anyone care to expand? I find it pretty awesome.
It struck me yesterday.
Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real?
Then you're living a lie believing it's true.
How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
So at some point in the first Matrix movie, Neo has a fight with Agent Smith in the subway station. Neo kicks Agent Smith in the face, breaks his glasses, and then Agent Smith takes off his glasses.
But Agent Smith is a computer program, right? So why did he perform that action? Are those glasses hindering his vision now? And how did he remove them? Did he have to throw away or delete his 'glasses' file, is that how it works? I'm surprised the glasses can even break, are they an object that can be manipulated in the world by others?
Like, if the Matrix is an MMO, and the NPC Agent drops them on the ground, can other Agents or even humans pick them up? Does that mean that Agents don't just exist in those clothes, but actually have virtual bodies that they have to equip with items?
I feel like I'm going crazy, has anyone else thought about this?
What are some ways to survive an encounter with agent? How hard is it to survive an encounter. Leave a answer down below.