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Just got my ticket. It’s the only location in the state playing it, it seems.
Landscape Tantrums just arrived for me today... and wow. Not as clear as FtM vinyl which is my 10/10 standard now, but it's such as trip to basically hear the demos with radically different synths, keys, and vocals. Also the drums don't pop out like they do on the offical Deloused album when Jon comes in. I'm not sure if they rerecorded the drums on some or they just would pull it down a bit going into a "pause" and then blast you with the drums coming back in, which happens often in deloused and the other Jon albums.
I do really wish that Omar would've put back in the or created "transitions" between songs in Bedlam and Oct and also turned down (or off altogether even, lol) the drum overhead mics on the new vinyls. I hate how those albums have zero flow and TPs drums sound hella "churchy" aka cymbals played far too loud which is VERY common in contemporary black gospel from the 90s on, which TP grew up playing.
No noise, No snap, crackle, pops. Nothing. Pristine. I've never heard a record this clean and I'm a sound engineer of 24 years. I've heard many vinyls with a critical ear. Nothing's even close, not even calibration records!
I just got the vinyl randomly seeing it in a store. I listened to all of FtM this morning and then put on Lateralus. Night and day difference.
I think I'm going to order all of my top favorites from 2000-2018 on vinyl to hopefully hear them as clearly I heard this and without all the squishing limiters (You can't smash the waveforms too much on vinyl, it can only handle so much squashing)
I no longer see it (in the U.S.)
Any way I can experience the book and music simultaneously?
After about 8 billion listens, I find myself bopping my head to the noise interludes like they are old friends.
I really /felt/ the crazy energy of the opening to L'Via L'Vasquez that I would have chopped my finger off if didn't stop for the buildup.
However you feel about Blake, he was crucial to writing some of my favorite songs
Newly joined, just wanted to say hi to my fellow TMV fans! The bot suggested sharing a 'TMV I.D.' lol, cute.
Album: (difficult to pick but...) "Deloused"
Member: Omar wins this since I was honored with the nickname "Pink Haired Mutant" from him😍
Song: "Frances The Mute" (WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT??)
Era: 2005 (got my 1st tattoo that year "Past, Present & Future" thanks to these guys 🧡
I am fairly new to At the Drive-In and The Mars Volta, got into ATDI a couple of months ago TMV shortly after, as I did my research I kept hearing Jim’s name pop up especially regarding how in•ter a•little•a didn’t have the same edge as ATDI formerly had, I always assumed it was the typical “reunion album isn’t good” deal (I have yet to listen to it to be clear) but after listening to some of Sparta and Jim’s solo stuff, I was blown away by how clear his influence on ATDI was, great stuff, I have thoroughly enjoyed what I’ve heard so far from Sparta and the solo work of his, was wondering what anyone else had to say about it or if there anything else that would be worth mentioning
If so, that would be awesome, and I would love to use it.
I didn't expect for it to completely reshape my perspective in the way that it did. It also helped me really come to terms and realize some things about myself I didn't really before, especially about being queer. I'm curious what y'all thought, and if anyone else understands what I mean?
It's playing at the Roxie in San Fran and a theater called Brain Dead in Los Angeles, both on November 20. Looks like tickets are on sale at both!