Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
Welcome to /r/thanosdidnothingwrong, the community where all are free to praise the Mad Titan for balancing the universe.
If you want to serve Thanos, become a Moderator today!
Rule 1a. Posts must contain Thanos, a recognizable part of Thanos (head, glove, etc), or a Marvel reference appropriate for our community. References through text, balance, snapping, and colour are not accepted. The mod team may make occasional exceptions to this rule at their own discretion.
Rule 1b. Context cannot be in the title. If the meme caption is in the title or the post makes no sense without the title, it will be removed.
R-2a. Low effort/quality posts will be removed. This includes unaltered video clips, photos of people coloured purple, etc.
R-3a. Do not add spoilers in the post title or the post body without a spoiler tag.
R-3b. The spoiler period lasts 3 weeks after the movie has been released in the theatres.
R-4. NSFW/NSFL content is not allowed. This includes all nudity regardless of whether genitalia is shown. Breaking this rule will result in an immediate permaban.
R-5a. Reposts of posts less than 1-month-old will be removed. Please check Hot and New before posting. Crossposting is allowed and encouraged.
R-5b. Templates are allowed as long as they are not a direct copy/paste of the originals.
R-6. Follow the Reddit TOS in both posts and comments. Incivility, asking for votes, using Reddit as a marketplace, and brigading will result in an immediate permaban. For more information, see this link: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy
Hello everyone,
This subreddit has seen a lot of fun times and great activity over the years. We even had an admin-assisted event where we "snapped" (banned) half our userbase with an appropriate trophy for both the survivors and those who were lost.
However the meme this subreddit was based on is dead now. The Marvel Infinity Stone film series concluded in 2019. Ever since, we have seen a steady decline in activity and content here. That is only natural for a meme no longer relevant, it kind of just stops being fun for people to keep going on about it.
Like you, the mod team has mostly moved on from this space and apart from basic maintenance we are no longer paying much attention to it either.
For that reason the mod team has made the decision to place this subreddit in restricted mode.
That way all the existing content is preserved, while at the same time we don't run the risk of moving into a silly level of total irrelevance, or worse, get found by spam rings.
This sticky will be the last post made to this subreddit and when it archives after six months, that will be that.
Until that time you are of course free to comment in this thread. You can post memes here or link to old posts you enjoyed. Basically, as long as you follow the sitewide rules we're ok with mostly anything.
Thank you to all our subscribers, commenters, readers and content providers for an amazing time. We had a lot of fun memeing with you and while this space may close down, others like it still exist.
For example r/Marvelmemes, which is a fun space to hang out in too!
See you on the flipside and remember: We are survivors.
Any support would be greatly appreciated 🙏