thank mr skeltal
You've visited the trumpet skeltal subreddit of the abyss!
Good bones and calcium will come to you!
But only if you post and comment "thank mr skeltal" on everything!
Failure to do so results in a permanent ban.
For other skeltal needs, visit:
thank mr skeltal this calcium-packed halloween
doot doot
This video came out and and mentions our beloved subreddit, thank you Mr skeltal
In our friend group, we had a little mr. Skeltal game. We had a little plastic mr skeltal figure that you had to carry in your wallet when you owned it.
Whenever our group (or some of the group) met in person, the rule was that you could ask the current owner of mr. Skeltal to recieve the blessings of mr skeltal, then you would get the figure. We had a chat group where the current owner would claim ownership after recieving it, so every participant knew where mr skeltal was. Mr Skeltal could only change ownership once per Day and/or meeting occasion, so it couldn't get passed around several times a day.
You had to remember to thank mr skeltal as soon as you met the owner, or someone else may thank him first.
As we grew older, we met less and less, but the game still continued, with only a few changes per year.
Last night, the current owner of mr skeltal has passed away😢 we all met earlier this year, but everyone forgot to thank mr skeltal😪
Just wanted to share this sad story. I know this is a meme subreddit and this isn't a meme, sorry about that.
Thank you mr skeltal.
Dear Mr Skeltal,
thank mr skeltal
good bones
💀🎺 Thank Mr. Skeltal 💀🎺
Hallo, I am the 69rd incarnation of Mr. Skeltal. I come from The Zone of Bones bearing many gifts of Calcium and Stronk.
Here, among my Skellows I make my return. What spooky things are you planning for spookymonth?
The time has come to represent of our ingratitude.
thank mr skeltal
Thank you, Mr. Skeltal, for good bones and calcium.