Post music, videos, ideas, questions, or anything involving marching tenors or the like
Post music, videos, ideas, questions, or anything involving marching tenors or the like
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Hi, I'm trying to write some music for tenors in musescore but I don't know where the drums are on the tenors, could someone help me?
Hi im new here, and well, as the title says, my collarbone area hurts from holding the tenors. Is there anything I can do to help this? After some practices, it hurts to relax my shoulders. Not my shoulder muscles, but it pulls in my collarbone area
EDIT idk if height is the problem but I'm 5'2
So I have no instruction on anything when it comes to practice, the more I practoce something, the more I get worse for some reason, my diddles are a prime example of this
I have a drum dial for my drums, but I don’t know what number to tune them to for the right pitch. The tenors are a standard array, 14,13,12,10,8
I’m trying out for Scv Cadets and need a solo for the audition. Does anyone know where I could find some? Preferably free 😅
Alright so here's the deal. I'm about 5"7 height, a little overweight. I'm playing marching tenor drums for my sophomore year. My back has been killing me playing on tenors. My band director told me to get a back brace, but my mom said I wouldn't need one. On one hand, I should suck it up and play though the school year without one. My mom is a nurse and usually knows what she's talking about. On the other hand, I've read stories of people with the same stories as me, and suffering from later pain throughout their life, because they didn't do anything about their back pain. Also, my band director TOLD me to get one, and he is very strict. Should I get a back brace or not?