Feel free to share any Tendai (or the Chinese parent tradition: Tiantai) related information or ideas.
Whether you are simply curious or connected to a community!
Welcome to /r/Tendai, a subreddit for the Tendai school of Buddhism
STANFORD Article on Tiantai Philosophy
-The Shorter Sukhavati Sutra***
-The Longer Sukhavati Sutra***
-Amitabha Sutra***
-Vimalakirti Sutra***
-Lankavatara Sutra***
-The Diamond Sutra***
-The Heart Sutra***
-Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana***
-The Skill in Means (Upayakausalya) Sutra***
-The Nirvana Sutra
-The Lotus Sutra
-The Avataṃsaka Sūtra
The ones that are starred I have read, I have not read Nirvana, Lotus, or Avatamsaka yet
-Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch***
-The Zen Teachings of Rinzai**
-The Zen Teachings of Bodhidharma***
-Hsing-Hsing Ming***
-Foundations of Buddhism by Rupert Gethin***
-The life of the Buddha by Ashvigosa***
Hello, I’m a Theravada Buddhist who is interested in entering into a Mahayana and Vajrayana practice. I’ve been interested in Tendai for a while now, so I was wondering what the experiences of practitioners have been and what their daily practice looks like both in and out of Japan.
Thank you for the replies in advance 🙏🏾.
Which school of Japanese Buddhism with Vajrayana practices is more prevalent in the west? Tendai or Shingon? I am speaking in terms of temples, communities, priests, resources of study (online or physical), websites, blogs etc.
While esoteric practices seem to be completely open to laymen in Tibetan Buddhism, I’ve noticed that they seem to completely be the privy of monks in Japanese Buddhist schools. How come this is the case?
Availability and Accessibility of Shingon, Tendai and Tibetan Buddhism in Canada (Algoma District, Ontario)
I’m a College student in a South Asian Theravada Buddhist country. After an extended period of taking a break from Buddhism, I’ve recently developed a strong interest in Mahayana Buddhism, especially in the esoteric (Vajrayana) variety. I’m currently at a standstill between Shingon, Tendai and Tibetan Buddhism, but all three schools are absent in my country as far as I know (I did look around a bit). However, I intend to go to Canada for my further education and have hopes of finding a community and sangha there.
Based on availability and accessibility to the teachings and a community in Canada, I’m going to adopt the practice of one of the previously mentioned three schools as my immediate practice. Specifically, I’m looking to the availability of temples/places of worship, community and sangha belonging to these three schools in Canada, preferably in the Algoma District of Ontario, but Ontario or Canada in general is fine as well.
Thanks in advance!
Namo Buddhaya.
Meditation Weight intro video by Rev. Jikai, Enmitsu Temple Australia
When it comes to your journey in life what is the most beautiful thing you have learned?
It could be a verse, a quote that really sums it all up or hits you in a profound way, or an experience, everything is open :)
But what is that one thing that really stands out and you felt the most close to the truth in hearing or experiencing or learning it? :)
Hi all, I made this new Tendai subreddit r/TendaiBuddhism the hope of having a more active chat room for those either practicing or interested in the Tendai school of Buddhism.
Hope to see you there :)
I found this while reading the tendai wiki page and was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could find the location in the Lotus Sutra.
According to Brook Ziporyn, the Tiantai school's holism is derived from an extremely important passage from the Lotus Sutra which states:
Only a Buddha together with a Buddha knows the ultimate reality of all things: how they appear, what their natures are, what they’re made of, what they are capable of, what they are doing, what their causes are, what their conditions are, what their effects are, what their consequences are, and the way in which all these factors from beginning to end are equally ultimate and are ultimately one and the same.