Taskmaster is the BAFTA award-winning comedy show that sees 5 comedians/celebrities take on challenges across a series to find out who can be crowned champion and win a golden bust of the Taskmaster.
Taskmaster is the BAFTA award-winning comedy show that sees 5 comedians/celebrities take on challenges across a series to find out who can be crowned champion of Taskmaster.
Created by Alex Horne, originally for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the show is hosted by Greg Davies with Alex Horne serving as the Taskmaster's Assistant.
This subreddit has heightened moderation during airing and is more relaxed with tediously-on-topic posts when off air.
If you are in the UK, please support Taskmaster by watching on the All4 player! Or watch seasons 1-9 through UKTV Play.
Not in the UK? Full episodes of Taskmaster are available on the official Taskmaster YouTube channel as well as on Taskmaster Supermax+.
Do not attack others work or appearance including comedians and celebrities. No harassment. No sexist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, fatphobic, ableist, objectifying, or body shaming posts of any kind. No overtly sexual content. Some cursing is OK but don't make it personal. Even though sexual innuendo may be part of the show do not cross the line beyond what was said in the episode. We do not want negative posts. Ex: Worst contestants, Worst Tasks, Least liked, Least wanted, etc...
No spoilers for anything that hasn't aired on television yet. For 24 hours after the airing of an episode please do not put any spoilers in the title and tag appropriately. This includes revealing cast members before the official reveal, task descriptions, results, themes, etc... Depending on the severity of the spoiler this is could lead to a ban. Those that are lucky enough to enjoy a live taping were asked not to share and we hope they take that seriously.
Your post must include a reference to Taskmaster. During active seasons this is enforced more strongly. Low effort posts (including AI-generated content, memes & look-a-likes) may be removed.
See here for more details.
We do not allow selling or linking to any non official merchandise sites
Do not ask about how to watch. Do not link to unofficial sources for episodes of any of the series. This includes Google drive, Mega links and unofficial Youtube videos. This also includes links to other TV shows outside their official sources.
Mods may use their discretion to remove posts or bend rules as they see fit. If it amuses the Taskmaster you may see things not normally allowed. This is not an invitation to also post something rule breaking. Conversely if it displeases the Taskmaster they may remove items even if there's no specific rule banning it.
The following topics have come up enough times that they have been retired:
Personal rankings
Losers series
Second chance series
Polls for favourite series
Polls for favourite contestant from each series
Contestants sit in alphabetical order Supermax+ doesn't have all series as promised
What series should I start with?
The quality of the US version
General calls for dream cast
Should I watch series X? (Yes, you should)
This may never happen but, being a fan of both Taskmaster and Doctor Who, I wonder if we'll ever see a main-character actor from the later take on a contestant spot on the former. Who do you think would be the best suited and why is it David Tennant?
Hi all, I'm really looking forward to the audiobook version of LAH/Jack Bernhardt's newest title. Does anyone have any idea where I can buy (legitimately) a copy here in the US? TIA!
... in 30 mins.
The viewer (me), must experience a whole season of Taskmaster that only takes a time-saving 30 mins to enjoy, that way I can watch lots of seasons and not have to spend too long watching a full season.
The viewers brain must not be damaged in any way after a viewing. You may not put the viewer into some sort of hellish virtual reality.
Your time starts now.
Tom Gleeson is feeling that for Aaron Chen, and I am so here for it.
Personally, I would be entirely in favour of him being on the show, I love his humour, I love his energy, I think he would fit right in.
My dormitory will be having a Christmas Party this week and I'm planning to add some tasks that can pull out some laughs from the players and the audience. What do you think is the best task to use for this? Your help is much appreciated.
This is your weekly thread to drop your links or stories that might not be relevant enough to get their own thread. Good examples include:
A new post happens every Sunday at noon (UTC). Be sure to follow this post if you want to see updates!
Have fun!
S4 E7 (the handshake task) / S5 E1 (the cuddle task)
Is it just my youtube or does the thumbnail for the new Junior Taskmaster spoil who wins the episode?
On my Youtube it's showing Kyra on stage with some of the prize task prizes, meaning she wins in the end.
i mean, it was right there - established brand first TM, and then add JR ... still recognizable as TM ...
but they went with JTM ... weird
Also how cute is Brynley, like, all the time?!
I just finished watching Taskmaster Australia Season 3, and so far I've absolutely loved all three series, it's amazing they managed to be so consistent right out of the gate. It got me thinking - has any version of Taskmaster had 3 consecutive seasons that were at this level? I'm thinking maybe 7-8-9 of the UK series, or something in the first 5 Channel 4 years, but I think if I had to pick I'd go with the Aussie ones. Curious what other people think!
I’ve been very ashamed to ask but I can’t take it anymore. How do you guys get the cast member flares
In May 2024, Alex Horne attended a TV industry conference in Norway to present on and discuss the topic 'How to create an international comedy success'. Alex was interviewed by Ingrid Gjessing Linhave, who was a contestant on season 9 of Kongen Befaler. The video of the event is now available here: https://nordiskemediedager.no/sesjoner/kongen-befaler
If two go through from each heat, making ten semi finalists, and the top two qualify from each semi final, how will they decide who the fifth finalist will be?
This is mine
The final of Junior Taskmaster will be the first time the participants will accurately be described as finalists. Whenever Greg does so in regular Taskmaster it's wrong as the 'finalists' take part in every episode and haven't competed to be in the last episode of the series
I think a lot of people like to think they'd absolutely smash it on Taskmaster but I know I'd be a (not as funny or endlessly charming because I'm not a professional comedian) Nish Kumar because I too am The Boy Who Shows The Most Enthusiasm In The Face Of An Overwhelming Lack of Ability.