/r/tailplug is a place for showing, sharing and discussing buttplugs with tails attached.
Discussions and original content welcome!
We allow both professional and amateur content here, as well
as discussions.
A tailplug must be visible.
If the submission is a photo or video, a tailplug must be visible. Galleries need to have least one picture containing a tailplug. This rule does not apply to discussions or non-media content.
Flair all posts appropriately. Posts must be flaired properly. If you forget to set a flair, we may flair your post as male, female or LGBTQ depending on your posting history - but we might not always get this right. You can reflair your post at any time if it is incorrect. If you regularly do not flair posts, future ones may be removed until you flair them yourself.
No paid sites, content selling, or advertising.
Please refrain from linking or referencing paid sites, advertising paid content in your post or comments, or advertising your personal store. This rule also extends to advertising other communities or platforms in your content, reposting your own content, or crossposting from profile/personal subreddits. Watermarks must only be for your reddit account. If the first thing you do is repost the same post 2-3 times or you break the rules and clearly are using a bot or service to post on reddit, you may be banned immediately.
Only post content hosted on normal sites Host your content on commonly used and known safe sites (direct reddit hosting, gfycat, pornhub, etc.). Content hosted on unsafe or unknown sites is much more likely to be removed. Posting imgur links is an instaban since the bots do that and imgur doesn't work any more anyways
First time took a whole but with help thank you
Hello r/tailplug! My wife and I are looking to get into anal play and tailplugs. For reference, we’ve only really ever put a thumb/finger in during sex and haven’t gone much further than that.
Does anyone have any good beginner sets of plugs that they recommend to get going? Any beginner/adjustable (i.e., change the base out) tailplugs?
We have rules, please read them before submitting verification, as we have had an increasing number of people clearly not reading them.
The rules are available here: https://www.reddit.com/r/tailplug/wiki/verification as well as in the sidebar as always