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Tableau makes software for data analysis and visualization that is easy to use and produces beautiful results. /r/Tableau is a place to share news and tips, show off visualizations, and get feedback and help.

A place to share news and tips, show off visualizations, and get feedback and help.

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Putting recommendation to Dashboard

Hi everyone, apart from using Einstein Discovery features, is there alternatives in other software or platform that can churn out recommendations which I can then link them to dashboard and display out?

03:32 UTC


Desktop’s salesforce workflow plugin

Anyone have any practical uses for this?

1 Comment
00:16 UTC


Trying to create a table with total per category, count of sub-category and percent of total for each sub-category

Hey everyone!

I'm trying to create what I thought would be a simple table with counts/total of a category, count of each sub-category, and a percent of total for each category, and I cannot for the life of me figure it out :-/

This is what I'm trying to do - I have a dataset of cybersecurity tickets for FY24, there are multiple systems, and each system has tickets assigned to it. Tickets can be completed/closed, cancelled, or in different statuses of still open (pending, in progress, delated, etc.), that for simplicity I'm grouping them all together as "open/incomplete." I need to create a table for a report with:

  • System name/acronym
  • Total number of tickets per system
  • Number of tickets per each category (Open, Closed, Cancelled)
  • Percent of closed tickets out of total tickets opened in the fiscal year
  • Display top 5 systems with highest percentage of closed tickets

Something like this:

System | Total Tickets per System | Count of Tickets per Status | Percent of Closed Tickets out of Total Tickets |

I tried a bunch of options:

  • Creating a table with the system, the total tickets, and then the status, but then the total changes to the total per status, not of all statuses/tickets
  • Using fixed with the system and an aggregated count of ticket status
  • Tried counting the values of "completed" divided by total count of statuses (I thought it wouldn't work but I'm getting desperate)
  • Trying using table calculation for totals

Is there any way to do that? I feel like it should be relatively simple and I'm missing something, but I'm not sure what. Any help will be highly appreciated! Thank you.

1 Comment
18:40 UTC


Confirm Users in Group

I’m trying to build an access dashboard that shows the dashboard name, individual users that have access and groups that have access. I’m need the names of those in each group to populate for each dashboard but can’t seem to find the right primary keys to join systems users to identities. Has anyone tried to do this before? Am I using the wrong the tables? I was going to use Friendly names but at this point using the username is fine too.

18:17 UTC


Interactive dashboard query

Hi all, I've got a horizontal bar chart that displays the playing time in minutes for a squad of football players over a season. When I construct my dashboard, I want users to be able to select a players name from this chart, which will in turn open a separate sheet with more individualised data for them in a neighbouring container. Does anyone know how I can do this? I'm struggling with it.

16:41 UTC


Beginner Help


Sorry for my english is not my mothertongue.

For my work i would like to make an interactive timeline.

The idea: patients who come to the medial doctor (= day 0, in the middle of the timeline) want to make a test on different possible diseases. The time of infection is of course before that appointment.

Now the interactive Part means: if i go and click on dofferent time points before day 0 (for example week 1, 2, 3 etc) it will Show me different test suggestions. The Thing is sometimes if the time before the appointment is to short the test you choose to identify the disease must be different.

Thats the Main Thing i want to achieve.

Additonally: on the right side (after day 0) it shall give me a time suggestion when to make a control test.

Is that possible with tableau public? Thanks for the help, have a great day and if you need more Information pls feel free to contact me

12:53 UTC



Hi everyone,

I work in the risk management department and we track certain KRI's on a monthly basis. Most of these KRI's we get from Tableau. The only problem is that the process is very manual, I have to extract the data and add to my own google sheet each month. Is there some way how a can link the data from tableau to google sheet in order to be updated automatically?

08:46 UTC


How to filter on a string

Hi, I have a dashboard that has a product type column. For example each row of data in the column will have product1, product2 etc. I'm trying to find a way to filter the dashboard to only show customers who have purchased 2 product types or more. Does anyone know if/how this is possible with a calculated field? Thanks

07:14 UTC


Hour 6: The numbers start to whisper back

01:39 UTC


Top N help

Hi, tableau newbie here. I need to have a top N parameter in such away that it affects my filter. E.g. If I want a top N filter on salesmen, only the top N salesmen should be selected in the filter drop down and others not selected. I should be able to select any salesmen out of the top N, to compare with the top N. Appreciate the help!

16:53 UTC


Can we template kpis?

This seems like a simple ask but I didn’t see any good tutorials on this.

I want to know if tableau can use visual templates. I come from the dev/web world where you can create a template and reuse it for consistent look and feel. And swap out the data as needed.

An example would be creating a card with formatting once, and having the ability to reuse it by passing in different data. And then can change the template any time and it updates all uses.

1 Comment
16:49 UTC


TV Dashboard presentations

Hi Everybody,

Is there a way with Tableau Server to show on a screen a rotation of few different dashboards ?

Like something to be shown on a TV by example. Thank you :-)

15:34 UTC


Can't get into edit colors button upon setting data.

Get into google professional certificate, and when coming to apply in Tableau public, I don't find edit color button upon setting up data
Anyone can help?

15:03 UTC


Tableau Prep vs Knime

Good morning Tableau community,

My organization currently has Knime for data wrangling and is being resistant to adding Tableau prep even though it’s included in our Creator licenses. I have used prep and found it helpful to stream line my data pre work for various reports being integrated with tableau desktop but I wanted to reach out to other users who can help me develop a functionality list of how Tableau prep could add other forms of value that Knime does not when used for Tableau reporting development?

Can anyone share their experiences and what they found along the way while using either softwares? I’d like to make sure the business case to support using it other then “it’s included” can offer additional value to other uses beyond my limited use case. I am just not a power user who can speak to the other functions and benefits. I understand it may not be “better” and that is what I am hoping to learn from the more experienced data members here.

Let me know if more details or info I did not share would help provide more value added feedback. I will share what I can to assist in a fair answer.

Google comparisons search results were heavily focused on cost and minor bullet point references and did not give much in depth use functionality. Also figured I would likely get more of an unbiased response here vs the tableau forums. I wouldn’t expect them to promote other software that they are competing against.

Appreciate your time


I just thought of something else worth asking based on a other post. Would I be better served to learn advanced SQL syntax etc to “wrangle data” or learn phython vs trying to become proficient in Tableau Prep??

14:27 UTC


Tableau and iis in the same server and port 443

I have tried to configure ssl for tableau but it can't use the 443 port the only port valid for tableau to use ssl But there were website already on the server using iis ssl I changed the port of the website but still iis default page appear when i try to open tableau with port 443 what should I do?

1 Comment
14:06 UTC


TC24 Tips Session Yesterday

When I tuned in to the Tableau Tips session, I was expecting things like advanced features, shortcuts, maybe anything cool I didn’t know about it.

There was some of that, but the majority of the content was “can tableau do this?” “No” “here’s how you can do this with multiple parameters and calculated fields”

That is fine because we have all pieced something together that tableau cannot natively do, but feels wrong at the official Tableau conference.

Put a bad taste in my mouth that Desktop was mainly ignored in favor of pulse and AI future stuff, while creators are showing how to piece together a feature that could just be integrated into tableau desktop.

Anyways that’s just my rant, was a little disappointed because I wouldn’t really consider those “tips”.

12:55 UTC


What are the best alternatives to tableau prep ?

I use tableau prep frequently however, although it's made some decent improvements over the years I wonder if there are some better alternatives?

11:00 UTC


Visual difference between any 2 dates

I have a tableau visual where it has column names and all the values in columns are either true/false
but in visual they are given shapes like true- green circle, false- red cross

now i have a requirement in the visual such that: everytime when my shapes changes their status to either true or false, i need some highlighting for it, it can be based on dates

when 2 dates are selected, if a shape changed from false to true

i need to show it visually in the same dashboard that its status has changed without effecting the other visual which is already built with shapes.

Any ideas would be appreciated!

1 Comment
10:30 UTC


When your 12th calculated field finally got the report working as the client requested and they ask for something additional

1 Comment
04:19 UTC


TC24 Experience

I’ve seen a few negative takes, wanted to stir things up with some positivity. First time attending TC but not a first for conferences. TC was awesome! The number of sessions, the broad topics, the layout, the organization, the party, the venue, all of it was great. Sure, the food department wasn’t great, but I’m there to learn and explore new topics, I can accept utilitarianism around meals for the benefit of having it easily accessible and often portable. They also were intentional about reducing food waste, plastics, and using ingredients that are more sustainable. Did I want real beef sliders at Data Night? Yes. But I respect what they’re trying to accomplish.

Devs on Stage was definitely a high point. It was awesome to see new features and watch people who were really having fun. The first dev, I think her name is Sophia, killed it! I can’t talk to 50 people, so I’m so impressed. All of them were funny, entertaining, and confident, we have to show them some love. The second dev, Celine, showed us how she spends $700 on arts supplies 😂 c’mon, that’s funny!

Edit: to everyone downvoting someone having a positive experience and being optimistic, thanks for making Reddit predictable 🤘

03:22 UTC


Help with automating downloading reports as csv (potentially Python?)

Hello all,

My job requires me to use tableau to generate ~25 reports in Tableau where we download as .csv.

My initial thought here was to use Tableau Server Client, but this does not allow for rows to be totaled. It’s essentially just a data cut of random rows/columns without any totals. Also, TBSC cannot download multiple views per workbook.

My guess would be to hook Python up to the main data sources then use Pandas?

Any input would help.

22:33 UTC


Creating a filter in a dashboard that only has prefiltered options?

Hi friends,

I'm working with a dataset that has a large amount of company names and multiple reviews associated with those names. I have filtered my visualization to only show the 10 most reviewed companies. In my dashboard, I'd like to create a dropdown that only has those 10 companies as options to select to view. Currently the dropdown menu includes all company names. Is there a way to limit the selection without changing the data source?

Cheers :)

19:09 UTC


TC 2024 Hands on Training Content Download

TLDR: for those of us that are able to make it into a hands on training, let's download the training content (instructions and workbooks) and share it with the data fam that aren't able to stand in line for several hours to attend a training session. I'll share "advanced visualizations - gettin vizzy with it" and "50 game changing tips and tricks" later today in this thread.

  1. on your own laptop create new Gmail account (don't use your personal account), go to Google drive and create a folder for the training session

  2. once you are in a training session and into the module, you can save the we page as html locally. This will give you the training instructions on the right panel. Save this file to Google drive.

  3. On the training machine (VM), open a web browser and go Google drive, log into the account you just created. Drag and drop the workbooks into Google drive.

  4. back to your own laptop, make the folder for the session sharable to anyone with the link - viewer only. This will give download access.

  5. post the link here!

It has sucked to try to make it to some of the hands on training sessions 45 mins before only to see a huge line of people out of which only half will make it in. I write this as I'm waiting in line - for the second time - for the "tableau 50 tips and tricks". Showed up an hour and a half early and there are already over 100 people in line...

In one of the "how to hack tableau" sessions yesterday, I learned about developer tools and tried using it to download a content from the hands on training module content earlier today and it worked! Then I used Google drive to transfer the tableau workbooks to share with a buddy of mine who could make the session.

Thanks all!

18:23 UTC


Conference Sessions

Hi all, I’m at TC24 and decided to explore the bit.ly/HOT-#### links and see what I could find.

I found sessions ranging from 1797-1810 and then 1832-1866. (Ex. bit.ly/HOT-1797)

Since all of the lines are so long and you basically have to skip a session to sit in line for an hour to get into the next session, this has been the only way I’ve been able to take advantage of the resources at this conference.

I hope this helps someone.

Edit: I will continue to update this post with session codes as I (or other redditors) discover them.

Added: 1902

Edit 2: shout out to @spoonlala for being awesome!

17:01 UTC


How do I solve this

So we have a table in BQ of 11 bilions of rows and 30 columns.

We need to create count distinct of users.

If I give the table to tableau, it is very slow, even with Partition, clusters, context filters etc

Can’t really pre-aggregate the data as a user can be in more than one dimension (I.e device, is using both android and iOS) and if we preaggregate then the total in tableau will double counting users and give a wrong number .

Or example we want to calculate users for 2 days. If we aggregate buy day a sum of users for the 2 days is wrong as the same users might have been in both days and pre aggregation will double counting.

Tableau can’t do this and I need a solution.

Someone is saying that this amount of data ail be easy for looker.

Any advice?

14:20 UTC


Tableau is focusing on the wrong things

I've been using Tableau for about a decade, and when I began my career it was clearly the best product on the market. For the past couple years, however, I've been disgruntled by the lack of investment in the core Desktop product, and am more frustrated than ever after this years Conference. It's 2024 and:

  • Crosstabs are still terrible
  • Formatting is still a pain in the ass
  • Chart types are stagnant

And then of course there are so many small quality of life features that the community has been asking for that go unanswered.

Instead of making the core product better, Ryan Aytay and team continue to shove stupid features such as Pulse and Viz Extensions down our throats. Viz Extensions in particular rubs me the wrong way because it's basically Tableau leadership saying "Hey, we laid off a bunch of our engineers and can't ship meaningful features, so we'll just outsource this work to the community instead". Who the hell is going to build enterprise dashboards with community extensions that have no promise of continued support? Nevermind that this feature won't pass security review at most companies. I suppose this is what happens when you're gobbled up by the Salesforce machine..

13:52 UTC


TC 24 “don’t drop the ball with dashboard design”

Did anyone make it in to the hands on session “don’t drop the ball with dashboard design”? I tried a couple times but was full when I got there 40 minutes early.

1: was it good? 2: check your surveys—what was the session number?

All the hands on sessions seem to have the same bit.ly pattern for the materials so I want to go look at them, but bed the session number.

13:40 UTC


Flashing Logo When Navigating Between Dashboards

I have a series of about 5 dashboards that all have identical navigation bars as well as a header bar at the top that has my organization's logo in it. Ideally, the navigation buttons make it seem like just the central content is changing when you click between the dashboards. My issue is the top header bar that has my logo in it flashes between clicks. So it looks like the whole dashboard is loading when you click (which, it is but it shouldn't look like it is) the navigation buttons. Note: this problem is happening only in Tableau Cloud. When viewed on my desktop, there's no issue. The cloud version is a packaged workbook.

I'm disappointed because they look great otherwise! I've tried viewing them in cloud on Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers, same problem in both. Grateful for any tips, thanks!

13:27 UTC


Tableau on M2 Mac connecting to Azure SQL Server

Hi there. I'm somewhat new to Tableau. I've been trying to connect to an Azure SQL database from Tableau Desktop on my M2 Mac. Initially I was prompted to install drivers, I've done that now but the connection still fails even when using the recommended driver.
Can anyone confirm that it's possible to connect to a SQL server from Tableau on a Mac?


  • Tableau version: 2024.1
  • OS: Sonoma 14.4.1
  • Authentication: Azure Active Directory via OAuth

Tried so far:

  • Installed Simba SQL Server ODBC Driver
  • Installed unixodbc via brew.
  • Installed Microsoft ODBC Drivers 17 and 18.
  • Installed iODBC manager but attempts to add drivers failed.

Thanks in advance :)

08:20 UTC

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