
Photograph via snooOG

An international community centred around the syndicalist movement, created to discuss labour activism and organisation, radical history, and all news and current events from syndicalist and revolutionary socialist perspectives.

r/Syndicalism is a place to discuss the theory, practice, and history of the syndicalist movement around the world.

Be sure to also check out r/Syndicalism101 if you have specific questions about syndicalism.


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A social experiment

Social experiment!

Hello brothers and sisters! This a few days ago in the shower I had a little idea, and I'm going to ask this question on a few subs I'm active on.

So I been working on brainstorming some ways we could fix America (a almost impossible task I know 😆)

But if you hypothetically somehow assumed power over the USA how would you fix it, and please no hate, or anything unrealistic... like proclaiming America as a united Syndicalist state in the 8 years you are in office, and you cannot dissolved America, or police state or anything undemocratic.. try to remain in the comfines of current governmental power. Although you could make amendments!

Your task as president is to somehow make America more sympathetic to to Syndicalism, fix inequalities, fix the economy and lay the foundation for Syndicalism in general spread in the usa. How do you accomplish this?

I thought this would be a fun experiment. I'm sorry if it's boring 🤭

01:53 UTC


Thoughts on Alliance With Other Leftist Ideologies?

As a Syndicalist I feel like our movement isn't large enough to remain standalone. It is, sadly, very niche and fringe. So, I tend to ally with other Leftist ideologies, and vote for parties that are liberal, or socialist begrudgingly. However, I disagree much with socialists and other leftists. A centralized economic plan will not work. A lot of their work seems like accelarationism towards hoping for this eventual revolution that may or may not be coming, with the eventual withering of the state abandened. So, what are your thoughts?

04:49 UTC


Is Sorel really syndicalist?

Is he syndicalist? Is he some form of revisionist Marxist? Both? Neither? Some sort of revisionist syndicalist?

16:45 UTC


Is There Such a Thing as an Authoritarian Syndicalist?

Just out of curiosity. Anarcho-syndicalists exist after all.

03:01 UTC


Democracy, but only for capital

07:21 UTC


The CGT calls a press conference on the occasion of the September 27 General Strike in solidarity with Palestine

(Translated from Rojo y Negro September 17)

The informational event will be held on Thursday, September 19, starting at 11:30 a.m., in the Ramón y Cajal Hall of the Ateneo de Madrid (C/ Prado, 21), with the participation of:

Miguel Fadrique Sanz (general secretary of the CGT)

José Luis Carretero (general secretary of Solidaridad Obrera)

Roser Garí Pérez (activist for Palestine in Berlin)

Nadwa A. (Spanish-Palestinian activist in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions-BDS campaign)

On the occasion of the call for the day of struggle and a general strike called for next September 27 throughout the Spanish State by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) and the Confederación Sindical Solidaridad Obrera, to which more than 100 groups and citizen organizations have adhered, a PRESS CONFERENCE will be held for the media explaining the reasons and its intentions.

The event will present a message of support for the strike from Gaza, discuss the context of the mobilizations in Europe and explain the reasons for the call for a strike and general work stoppage of the working class in support of the Palestinian people and against public spending on the arms trade, which results in military support for the Government of Israel.

We believe that the time has come to redouble our cry of rage and indignation. Since October 7, 2023, we have witnessed thousands of murders of innocent Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. A significant part of this population were children, victims of a perverse logic of annihilation and ethnic cleansing. In addition, we are seeing every day how the Zionist State of Israel continues, with the approval of the International Community, condemning to misery and starving those who do not die under its bombs. As workers, and also from our anarcho-syndicalist and internationalist values, we want to show our solidarity with the people of Palestine and our rejection of this genocide.

Source: Press office of the CGT Confederal Committee

05:02 UTC


We are the CNT AIT (IWA)

1 Comment
23:50 UTC


Georges Eugène Sorel: The Mythmaker|Philosopher Biography

21:34 UTC

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