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Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts.

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Kaliyo is a hugger I guess

Air hugs for the entirety of our conversation. Never thought she’d be the type.

00:40 UTC


Not sure on how to play SWToR... It's still fun.. But...

00:15 UTC


Which class rap

Does anyone remember the song “Which Class”? It was a rap that came out right as Swtor came out to promote the classes. Been trying to find it for a while now but I can’t for the life of me track it down. Even searching google doesn’t seem to help. It’s like all traces that it existed was wiped. Any ideas?

1 Comment
23:04 UTC


Anyone else wish Kallig’s countenance had a unique model?

I feel like the impact of retrieving the ancient mask of your Sith Lord ancestor is way less impactful when it looks the exact same as something you can just get at the supply vendor on the fleet. Even if they just made it work with hoods as opposed to other versions it would be great.

22:56 UTC


How to make money off synthweaving?

Is it worth trying to make critical augments/augmentation kits or just sell the materials? I’m confused on what to pursue. I so far got synthweaving and archaeology to 700 and my 3rd skill is underworld trading at 64 atm. I’m getting my companions to 50 and having them run grade 11 archaeology missions for materials.

22:24 UTC


What was the emperors/valks plan?

So I know original he said screw it im just gonna eat the galaxy. But once he turns into valk what did he plan? Did he just want to rule everything? Was he still gonna eat the galaxy? Was he just gonna take our body and rule over everything?

20:41 UTC


Missing Chestpiece and Boots from the Macrobinoculars/Seeker Droid quest rewards. Am I screwed?

Hi. Long post ahead, so be warned;

I've progressed through all but the Heroic 4+ quests in the Macrobinoculars and Seeker Droid questline. And in doing so, I've collected almost the entire Veiled Hypercloth set, which were quest rewards along the way.

Now I've reached the last three quests in the questline, and the quest rewards have shifted to new sets.

^(I'm playing on a Jedi Shadow with the Knight-story.)

See images:

Missing Chest and Boots from Macrobinocular/Seeker Droid questline on my Jedi Knight

Second to last Macrobinocular quest rewards leg-piece from a new set, and I'm assuming the last quest will reward the chestpiece to that new set.

And the last Seeker Droid quest rewards a piece of either of the Seeker Droid armours that you can find on different planets.

So my question is: Are the Veiled Hypercloth Chest and Boots available? And have I missed them?

how do they look, so I can try to find items that look similar to replace them

19:43 UTC


Are there any spiders in the game

I have really bad arachnophobia so just wondering

I know there's already a post saying there wasn't but that was 10 years ago has it changed

18:47 UTC


Game Update 7.5 Livestream coming May 1st!

18:19 UTC


Which class is your least favorite in terms of gameplay?

While I love all of the classes in how they play to a degree, I just feel so disappointed with the Bounty Hunter and Republic Trooper classes. They feel sluggish and the output of damage even when focusing on damage leaves something to be desired. Even when overleveled for heroic missions, I find myself struggling on even a small group of strong enemies. Though I don't want to reset my entire character just so I can use a different class.

18:12 UTC


Flash Sale for April 26th, 2024: Elite Raider's Gaffi Stick, 550CCs

14:21 UTC


Scoundrel/Scrapper Energy management

Hi, I recently and finally after many years started a scoundrel/scrapper char. However, at level 64 I have serious energy management problems. Is there a way to buff the amount or will it get better at endgame? I remember that sorcs had the same problem until a later level where it was buffed. Or shoud I rather look again at rotation? In FPs it's most obvious but even normal PvE fights with higher level npc I run out of energy. Please advise.

13:46 UTC


Koth is one of the best written characters in the expansion.

So unpopular opinion but I think koth js actually one of the best written characters. He feels more real than the average doormat comp. He actually has goals and gets mad if you go against his beliefs. I honestly enjoy that. Like look at Lana for example. She agrees with everything you do and follows you forever. Even if it doesn’t fit her character. Same with Theron. I mean sure I just killed everyone I ran into and I’m a huge asshole dictator but don’t worry I’m still somehow gonna be a better ruler than arcann/vaylin I guess. Like no way man. In reality our darkside character would have been stabbed in the back. Plus no one would want to replace one dictator for another. I honestly just don’t like how boring koth can be. He’s like Han Solo but with no charm. All in all, I just feel like people don’t like him due to not agreeing with you all the time and for his beliefs about valkorian(I mean honestly tho he’s kinda right. Valk was a great leader for his people and may have been super evil but he actually cared for his people and wanted the best in them) Which is dumb. BioWare finally made someone who acts like a real person but people complain and want a doormat back.

12:28 UTC


Make HK Great Again

HK47 for Galactic seasons!!!

As an HK-47 fan who always used him in both games. It saddened me to find out upon playing swtor, they not only put my boy in it but we had to kill him many times and since we just got cucked with an HK24 it’d be a perfect time to bring the best droid back!! With 47 as a companion they add the true HK51 skin from kotor2, i hated how they made 51 look like a disgusting 50 with color/eyes and even made him say organic but with his true appearance 51 will be more tolerable and don’t get me started on 55, i loved him but hated his black/yellow theme, put both of em in the advanced recon skin since its the most tolerable. For decos we could get HK assembly line or parts and maybe some HK51 guards (like the syndicate/game enforcers).

Ik they wont do this but i hope they at least add some new skins for HK and i’m not talking about the different skins to change to another droid. So far we’ve only gotten the jungle camo and advanced recon.

Hell just put out both 47,24 in the game as cartel comp like they did with the creatures/droids, they don’t have voice lines and if need be just reuse 51,55s and you know ppl will buy em.

11:28 UTC


Most rewarding Sith Warrior style?

If you had to pick between them, which is the more rewarding?

As a new player, I've been messing around with juggernaut and sorcerer on Korriban, but I'd like some ideas of what the four starter styles will look like later on

Any advice/explanations would be very much appreciated

11:09 UTC


Getting Shae back as a comp in KOTET/KOFTE

Hi folks,

Decided to do the date night thing for achievos (augh) and as expected my comps went away, but at chapter (or 10?) when you go to the terminal to get them back I realized my folly and could not get Shae back that way.

Without re-grinding all the (damned) chapters what's the best way to get her back?


11:09 UTC


Funny SWTOR guild story from a few years ago!

Sooo everyone this is going to be a funny story about Star Wars the Old Republic, but in short I was a male escort....

Btw the funny parts are the second half of this post - the first half is just buildup.

So wayy back a few years ago in 2017 I joined SWTOR (the best mmorpg there is), and it was a really fun time. I invested somewhere around $2k throughout the years I played it which is pretty crazy, alongside the 120 full 24 hour days I have played in game. Anyway, I was not one for guilds (except my friend Kouros-Tk's guild on the pub side but that is a different story) but I kept an eye on different ones over the years (even founded one called COVID in 2020...)

Anyway once I completed the main game I spent most of my time in fleet chat, there was one that would always be advertising, called The Escorts... I didn't know much about them other than they did ERP (erotic role play) and had Cantina Night every friday as advertised by their guildmaster Xeshi. It was late 2018 and I was a young guy at the time and pretty bored (like rn) so my idea of fun was pretending like I wanted to do ERP, but then pay the escort to do absolutely nothing except chat over the lavafalls on oricon or give me decoration advice on my stronghold. Sometimes I would challenge them to combat too in the game and push them off a cliff... also pretty funny.

Eventually I decided to visit Cantina Night and would hand out free credits to the girls. Flash forward to 2019 I got a job and spent most of my time there, or playing on different parts of the game, so like a year passed without me visiting the guild. Eventually I got bored again and decided to visit and join the guild on my imp main. So I a male was officially a part of the Escorts guild - but wait it gets better.

So everyone in the guild was super nice, kind and sweet! They even had a discord chat! Also Xeshi was gone - fired by her handmaidens (turns out she was a very messed up woman and started acting hateful and angry toward the guildmembers, drawing acts of self harm and pedophilia on her socials etc...)

Meanwhile, her two handmaidens and irl lovers Kara and Caramel were now guildmasters! Under their leadership the guild had turned around and actually become like a family! They cared about the guildmates, were active on discord and did their best to help the guild prosper and take care of those under their charge!

Anyway I became a bouncer and would watch over Cantina Nights and chat with the Escorts - made a few friends during this time... a couple close ones too. Now ERP wasnt really my thing (online relationships just arent it tbh) but being a part of such an amazing group of people (mostly women but some men) was the best, it was like a family. I can genuinely say I was proud to be an Escort!!!


So for the funny parts.. during friday cantina nights on the Starlight Cruise the girls would dance, strip and be having a good time with the few visitors that came. One time we had a bunch of guys disguise themselves as hutts and try to eat us (move the hutts over our characters blocking our avatars from view making it look like we were eaten)... also there was this really spicy game of mistress says... lets just say that was definitely not boring. But the really hilarious thing that happened was during one of my last Cantina Nights before I left the game for a few years to join the military...

This was after cantina night and around four of the girls went to a private area of the guild ship to act out... erotic stuff. I thought it would be funny to raid the ship, so I posted in general chat that I needed people who could use stealth and turn invisible and would pay alot of credits. Three others joined out of curiosity and came aboard the ship. We all turned invisible and raided the area where they were doing ERP. Basically we stayed invisible and kept opening doors pretending to be ghosts, though no one could see us. The escorts got so mad and frustrated as they kept trying to find who was ruining their ERP , eventually booting everyone from the ship onto the frozen world of Hoth. Thankfully I didnt get caught, though I was suspected. (For context this is only okay because it was a virtual roleplay - do not EVER do anything like this in person!!!)

A few other funny memories are running through the bar area and jumping around - the bartender took her role VERY SERIOUSLY like she was an actual bartender so that drove her nuts (only invaded her bar area once though.) Oh also a year prior to these events before I joined the guild I tried to advertise on cragislist to have someone pretend to be a real life escorting service and infiltrate the discord, but that never worked out (this was around the time that I nearly raided area 51...)

Anyway years pass and I finally return to the game briefly sometime in 2022... but the guild was gone. I found the Starlight Cruise guildship and it turns out the guild was renamed to the Firebrands - though no one ever plays anymore and it seems all the former Escorts are gone :(. I checked again in 2023 but the same result, one confirmed when I found an old guildmate who was also a member of the Escorts, though he hadnt played much in the past years either.

The reason Im writing this is in memory of the guild and all my old friends - every member of the guild and all the fun memories we shared as Escorts... especially the ones I spent the most time with - Xissentra (I think thats close to the spelling - a blue chiss), Josquarga, and Xerah. Its really funny how much the small moments in life are the ones you remember the most, and how much they matter. I miss you all and all the fun times we had just hanging out on the ship, chatting in guild chat, doing missions and cantina nights most of all!

May the force be with you all -
Zalhara Nightfall (impside) aka Arster Tigran (pubside)

10:43 UTC


Light Side Gear

Sooo, I kind of wanna get the full enlightened set, but where is the rest of it? The npc next to her has different sets. Does anyone know?


10:27 UTC


Does anyone actually like Koth Vortena? I actually really hate him

Am I the only one who hates Koth and find him annoying? I remember not liking him on my morally grey BH and now playing my full Dark Side Sith, he gets on my nerves even more. Does anyone actually like him?

08:25 UTC


Finally got it done

04:39 UTC


High or low level of build customization?

I’ve noticed a trend in more recent mmos to make customization of builds (not appearance) less and less important in comparison to the most effective combo. MMOs with a high level of build diversity have either reduced their build complexity to crayon levels or they have gone away…. It seems to me that SWTOR is hanging on. Is this because it has adapted and made customizing your build less personal or are they sticking around despite this trend?

03:17 UTC


SWTOR Jedi Consular Tython Part 2, Datacrons and Esseles Flashpoint

1 Comment
02:42 UTC


Is it normal to level crew skills slowly?

I’m trying to get synthweaving to 700 and it’s taking a while. Just hit 300. I’m mainly sending companions out on archeology missions to get mats and then using that to craft attachment components.

02:08 UTC


Speeder training

I had a preferred account and made a character and played little bit but I just subbed. Im level 13 and I don’t have the speeder training. How do I get it ?

01:31 UTC


How would you make an Elsa outfit?

My 3yo has requested - nay, demanded - that I “make her (my main) be Elsa.” She likes to make the character dance, sit, jump, and run, and is already into the space Barbie aspect. Far be it from me to discourage the enthusiasm of youth, so I’d welcome any suggestions on what you’d use for an Elsa outfit!

23:43 UTC


Question about the Conspiracy storyline and the Chiss (spoilers)

So I heard that, during the Conspiracy/Order of Zildrog storyline, if you're a force sensitive Chiss you get extra unique dialogue and scenes. Obviously this would be true for Sith, since Chiss are initially an Imperial-locked race, but does it also apply for Chiss Jedi?

22:37 UTC


Jedi Wardrobe!!! - Who said Jedi have no variety?!?!?!

21:48 UTC

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