An adult subreddit for Hentai, doujinshi, and other artwork relating to swimsuits.
Swimsuits (mizugi) have a special place in Japanese culture and that is often reflected in hentai. This subreddit is for those users who have a fetish or liking for swimsuit related hentai, doujinshi, rule34, or anime-artwork.
Whether you like girls in one-piece bathing suits, monokinis, school swimsuits, bikinis, or even tanlines - this is the place for you! Various states of undress, hardcore, and fetish are fine as along as it involves a swimsuit somewhere!
Theres also a list of hentai episodes with swimsuits wiki page - feel free to contribute!
No links to illegal content. Please don't submit links to illegal downloads, torrents, or streaming sites. Feel free to supply links to legal purchasing sites, streaming sites, or a MAL entry. Wouldn't it be great if there was a netflix/crunchyroll specifically for hentai?
No explicit underage models The sexualization of minors in fictional artwork is often a touchy subject both for personal preferences and in regards to the law. Reddit in particular has made a decision to not allow sexual content involving minors.
Be considerate of others when you post. This is less of a hard rule and more of a suggestion. Flair your post after submitting it. Use a good image hosting service. Try to include source if you have it (though the bots should be able to help with imgur/i.redd.it links). Character names and source material are always nice too. Feel free to provide a warning if there is futa, scat, or anything else that folks might want to be warned about.
I'm not omnipresent - so please report any posts that break these or any of reddit's rules!