
Photograph via snooOG

Swimming, from beginners to recreational to competitive swimming. Pool and open water.

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Swimming in long and short Pools, Lidos, Rivers, Lakes, Baths and the Ocean, for competition, leisure, fitness, fun and adventure. - All abilities welcome.

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Is there a Canadian company that makes training suits?

I usually order my suits from the UK (best prices, even with duty) but I’m curious if there is a decent Canadian company I can support.

1 Comment
04:36 UTC


Pool Etiquette Question

I'm fairly new to indoor swimming. This particular pool is at the Y. This was 3 lane lap the other lane they were using for lessons. So today I went there were two girls standing in the shallow lane. I waited a few minutes and came back. They weren't swimming but just standing there. I got in and started swimming and they said that this lane belongs to them. I said for 10 minutes you guys were just standing there. They responded that they were getting use to the temp. This other guy overheard and said to ignore them but he's getting out i can come over... What is the proper etiquette here? Thanks

04:36 UTC



Has anyone tried ZIONOR Swim Goggles Or WIN.MAX Swimming Goggles Looking for no leaking while Me and cuz swim in the pool thank you

1 Comment
04:09 UTC


Empty pool in the tropic

Usually 3 or 4 people in the afternoons. Hope not too many people one find out about my club lol

04:02 UTC


Pain in area between calf and ankle after swimming

Im trying to find if anyone had experienced this and may have some advice. I was swimming some laps and what I perceived as muscle fatigue in the area under my calf but above my ankle (kinda on the inside of my leg). I kept going because it wasn’t painful. I got out of the pool and it became kind of painful to walk. It’s been a day and it still hurts, in particular when going down the stairs. I’m elevating and icing it now. Does anyone have any idea what it might be? Thanks in advance.

1 Comment
02:49 UTC


How do I find a coach as an adult swimmer at an intermediate-ish level?

I’m a 24M who started swimming as an adult. I’ve been doing it semi-seriously for a year or so, and typically swim around 6K yards a week.

I’ve gotten okayish as an adult recreational swimmer. I could go around 1:00 for a 100Y free in a time trial effort, and can hold around 1:20 for a 20x100 workout, for example. I have okay sprint speed—I went 27 in a 50 free some months ago, even with a rather laughable open turn.

The advice everyone gives on this sub when it comes to improving technique is to get a coach. But I’m wondering how I’d go about finding a coach for the level I’m at? The masters group near me doesn’t seem to give much personalized feedback—it’s just a ton of people in the water with a coach standing on deck. All the lessons available near me for adults are more for people who are just learning to swim (which is fine, but wouldn’t be super helpful to me).

02:41 UTC


washing hair?

i swim competitively, i have been for years and a bunch if people have told me "you can't wash your hair every day it will damage it" or something about natural oils (i already have super oily hair) and i do believe this but if i don't shampoo and conditioner everyday the chlorine soaks in and i feel is just as bad but some people just won't let it go so what should i do?

02:14 UTC


How do I still do well in back-to-back events?

I do middle school swimming for a small team and I'm entered in lots of back-to-back events, how do I not get fatigued?

A huge problem is that I don't know if I will have any time in between the girl's events to rest.

help me plss

1 Comment
00:48 UTC


Too many people in your lane? Try this out.

00:47 UTC


Should you avoid swimming with a wart on foot?

So my daughters mother has her in swimming on her time and my daughter has a foot wart, ive told her and she takes her to swimming anyways, im curious what you guys think of this? Doesnt it spread to others easily?

00:03 UTC



Former swimmer.

Quick question. Used to swim in hs, was a breastroker. Got to 59 100 breast with 2-3 days rest(not close to meet shape), and was pacing roughly 32 for 5-8 50s 200 pace. Ended up getting sick right before sectionals last year, swam like crap, and stopped to focus on school. Haven't really swam much since then, class was same time uni club had practice. fast forwards to today. Started swimming in uni again, hoping to get back into shape. Gonna try to go 5x a week in addition to the lifting i have been doing for the past year to get into decent shape. Going to be in indi for work this summer and was thinking of trying to go to a swim meet. Went a 59 100 breast in february 2024, curius can I still swim sectionals this year with those times?

00:02 UTC


2/3 Monday Masters Workout - Short Course Yards

For those that would like some variation and/or a more structured workout, I provide for you our groups workout from today. Our workouts are split into 5 different skill levels. Choose the column that most closely aligns with your skills and abilities and ignore the other 4. For those that are newer to swimming, columns 1-4 are time based and any rest you get is built into the predetermined interval. Column 5 is rest based and though your overall interval may vary you’ll take a predetermined amount of rest before continuing or moving on. Because this is Masters, feel free to add, subtract, or modify in anyway you see fit. As our group likes to say, you have to do everything in the workout, unless you don’t want to.

Here is a link to my google drive with previous workouts- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tHrMzBZWcVHQcs03vZX8rNQ73mdyR1j7?usp=sharing (Tuesday workouts are in the Monday folder; Thursday's are in Wednesday)

If you live in the US and are interested in joining a masters swim club here is a link to help you find a local club near you - https://www.usms.org/clubs

Notes for this set:

-Parenthesis ( ) are optional modifiers to the number in the set. For example, column 5 will do 6x50 Free-DPS instead of 8.

-Italicized square brackets [ ] are optional sets that were not part of the original workout.

-DPS = (Distance Per Stroke) Maximize the distance traveled for each stroke while minimizing the total number of strokes to complete the distance

-Negative Split = Second half of the distance should be faster than the first

-Good Walls = Make sure both feet are firmly planted on the wall before turning (flip, open, or otherwise). Then push off hard and fast in a tight streamline. Shoot for 4-6 underwater kicks before breaking the surface and try for 2-3 strokes before taking your first breath.

-Build = Start slow then get faster within the given distance.


23:55 UTC


How long does it take to learn freestyle swimming?

Hi, I’m new to swimming for exercise, and for the past week or two I’ve been trying to learn freestyle. My grandparents have a pool and live about a km away from my parents house, so during the summer I swam a lot as a kid. However I never learned to swim freestyle. I was just doing breaststroke and having fun.

So now I’m wondering how long it typically takes to get comfortable with freestyle. Right now, I feel like I’m struggling with breathing and coordination. I feel like my first 1-2 strokes are decent, but after my second breath it all falls apart. Any tips for improving faster or common mistakes to avoid?

23:53 UTC


Swimming for Exercise (Basically a Total Beginner): First Step?

How do I start as an adult, without lessons?

I’m (F23) interested in swimming for exercise - my mom always told me she would hit the pool in the summer, do 70 laps, and leave in great shape. To be fair, my mother is also a lifelong athlete.

I’m definitely not a lifelong athlete.

The whole idea of jumping in the pool and swimming laps sounds like a nightmare — I’d love to get there, but that’s not where I am. I’m out of shape, and the last time I tried swimming a lap I felt like I was violently thrashing in a general direction. (Think Magikarp on land.)

You could say I know how to swim. I took lessons as a kid, but my muscles are weak and my form isn’t the best. In an ideal world, my first step would be taking lessons, but my city’s recreation budget is chronically underfunded, and the lessons (at all ages) are always full.

What are your suggestions for a good first step/beginners training program?

I plan to still keep an eye out for lessons, but something to get started would be really appreciated!!

23:48 UTC


How to get started on different strokes

I taught myself how to swim like 10 years ago using breast stroke only. I’d occasionally do one attempt at front crawling and I’d feel like I just looked like I was drowning. I took a few years off and still got decent pace/fitness, but looking to vary up and learn crawl as I know this will get my average much quicker. Thank you for any tips in advance 🙏

23:16 UTC


Determining pace while swimming?

This might seem like a silly /basic question. I am looking at an upcoming triathalon program which has a week 1 distance test, and then each week one of the swim workouts is based on that test time.

My issue is how to calculate the pace while swimming! For instance - let's say a 2:00/100m pace on the week 1 test day, and then week 2 has 10x100m at test pace. On paper that should be simple, with each set taking 2:00 and each length of the 25m pool taking 30s.

So how do you track that? Is it a matter of checking the time after each 25m? Or after each set based on how it felt? Do you glance at the clock mid set and adjust your pace? How does that mesh with adding flip turns? And how do you stay on top of tracking and quick maths stuff while getting tired!

23:06 UTC


Swim Caps keep coming off of me

So, I was a competitive swimmer for a long time as a kid, and I used to have really short hair, so I didn't bother with caps too much, and when I did, I wore the latex ones and only during meets.

It's been a few years since then, and I'm trying to get back into recreational swimming to stay in shape. the pool I use requires caps to be used, and I really only have an old silicone cap and a couple old latex ones left from my time swimming. I found however that they keep flying off my head whenever I do a flipturn.

I think I have a slightly smaller than average size head, so is it possible I need a smaller cap? Are my current ones just stretched and worn? I used to experience this issue, but didn't pay much attention since I really only kept it on for the one race or whatever it was. I also wet the cap before putting it on, which I was always told I am supposed to do. I have maybe chin-length hair that I try to tuck into the cap after I pull it on.

Does anyone have any suggestions for caps to buy or technique when putting on the cap to help with this?

22:34 UTC


Am I breathing to the wrong side?

I've breathed to my left side all my swimming days, I've only been taking it semi serious for a couple of years though, even though I'm right sided.

I did the same at school with the hurdles I led with left leg even though I'm fairly strongly right sided. And I always thought I should be stronger on ur right led but never bothered to change.

I feel I made a bad or lazy choice. I tried breathing to the right tonight while wearing fins and I'm sure I get significantly more power in the pull phase though I'd need to test more.

I guess I could just always breath right side from now on but it's not as natural as breathing left after all these years really quite a struggle without fins.

What do you say?

21:29 UTC


Is swimming messing with my hormones?

I started lap swimming in September last year after not having an exercise routine for most of my life. I've always been relatively healthy and I walk a lot for work, but after turning 30 I was starting to take my health more seriously. I started cooking most of my meals at home and teaching myself lap swimming through YouTube videos.

I now swim about 6 days a week, usually for an hour depending on how much time I have. Most days I do 2000-2500 yards almost non-stop, just doing freestyle at different paces.

Overall I feel great! I've lost some weight (not that I was too much overweight. I'm female, 5'7 currently 160 lbs. I've probably lost 15 lbs over the past 4 months) and I just feel BETTER. I like having a routine, the meditative nature of swimming, and I feel less tired all the time.

What started happening about a month ago though has been very odd. My face gets really warm like I'm blushing, but it's not due to anxiety or embarrassment etc. This happens usually in the afternoon, and in any situation. Sitting in traffic, brushing my teeth, watching tv, or at the grocery store. There's no real outside cause. It happened last week when I was getting a massage, literally while I was getting sleepy/nodding off from relaxation at the same time. I was calm and not anxious or emotional. Yet my face and ears were flushed.

It can last an hour or longer and I'll admit it makes me self-conscious if this is happening in public. Being aware of it just makes it worse and I'm pretty certain people have noticed. I'm waiting for a doctors appointment in a few weeks but in the meantime this is starting to cause problems in my life and how I interact at work or in public and so on.

I read online that too much exercise can raise your cortisol levels, which can cause flushing. But, I'm seeing a lot of conflicting information about this online. There seems to be a lot of misinformation and pseudoscience surrounding hormones and exercise in the fitness community. So I'm really not sure what to think. It doesn't feel like I'm overdoing it, I feel good about my routine.


21:09 UTC


San Diego Swimming

Hello! new to this subreddit. I'm looking for a new pool in my area, the one I go to at my gym is being reconstructed so I need a place where I can just come and swim tue/thurs/sat/sun in the north county Vista/oceanside area. If anybody here has any recommendations I would be very thankful and appreciative. Have a nice day.

1 Comment
20:56 UTC


Appreciation Gift for Lifeguards

At my local pool they keep the outdoor pool open year round and only shut it down if it’s going to be below 20f/-6c

As a swimmer, this is awesome. I like being outside in the cold, but the poor teenagers that are lifeguards at the place seem absolutely miserable.

Since I’m often the only one out side, I “make” them be out there

Normally I’d buy a few bottles of booze in this situation but as they’re teenagers that’s out

Any ideas for a group/individual gift at the end of the cold season?

20:42 UTC


Diving in goggles

My daughter had recently started training with a swimming club for competitive swimming, having finished the swim England learn to swim syllabus.

Every time she dives into the pool, her goggles get pulled off by the water and she then has to complete the swim without goggles.

Any tips to stop goggles prevent this? Is it to do with positioning of straps, tightness, quality of goggles, head position, or something else?

19:58 UTC


Which paddles to buy?


I have read in a website that the best paddles for technique are Finis Agility and for power are Speedo Power Plus. While using paddles like the ones in the picture (that exist in the swimming pool I go to), I manage to use them fixing only the middle finger in the central rubber, without much problem and without they falling in the water. I suppose my tecnhique must not be so bad because they fall.

So can I conclude that if my technique is not bad, I think buying a type of paddles (power paddles) that allow me to create strenght instead of technique. Instead of buying Finis Agility, should I go more to Speedo Power Plus?

Thank you.

19:03 UTC


What’s a good price for private lessons? (based in the US)

I’m a college student and our rec center offers group or private swim lessons. I’ve been wanting to better my endurance, and a lot of people suggested getting lessons to help fix my technique.

The private lessons are each 30 mins, it would be $155/5 lessons or $290/10 lessons. Group lessons are $140/8 lessons for 45 mins each, but it doesn’t say how large the group will be.

Another thing is that the instructor for lessons are college students as well. They all swam competitively in high school, but I’m not sure if this mean they’ll be effective coaches as well. (Just from my personal experience - I’m really good at another sport but can’t coach someone to save my life)

I’m leaning towards the 5 private lesson package, just because I’m already familiar with all the strokes and I really just want some tips, drills, and sets to help me practice. Any insights would be appreciated!

18:56 UTC


Help ! Is this normal for a swimming coach or is it inappropriate?

I just started my swimming lessons yesterday and I'm unsure if something my coach did is normal or I'm overthinking it .

During my first class ( yesterday) . I felt like he touched the back of my hip , where my dress was shifted a bit ( i don't have a swimsuit yet so I'd tuck my top in my shorts while i swim ) . He was teaching me to float upside down so he had to place his hand on my hip but he did a very subtle hand moment , like with his index finger on my skin while placing his hand on my hip . Which made me really uncomfortable. I thought it might be an accident and brushed it off .

But today when he was explaining the position of back store ( like the starting position where you hang and kick on the wall ) , he was helping me to float , he placed his hand near my private area , maybe to support me ? But it felt off . Like it wasn't really obvious, It was really subtle , i can't shake off the feelings that it wasn't nessaray.

But in today's class , I've had two girls practice with me . They seemed comfortable with him .

I don't wanna falsely accuse someone if this is just standard coaching technique, but if it's not I'll switch to a female coach and prolly report on him .

I'm totally clueless,help me guys .

17:50 UTC


Swimming regularly but not seeing much improvement. Help?

I do 1,500 to 2,000 meters, three or four times a week. But I'm self-taught, and I know my technique could be much better if I had some type of workout routine to follow, or something. I see people swimming next to me, and they glide beautifully, while I'm just fighting the stuff and wasting too much energy.

Am I making any sense? Do you have any recommendations or suggestions? Thanks!

17:08 UTC


LCM/LCY lap pools in North NJ/NYC?

Hi all!

I swim laps at my local Y (SCY) and while it’s solid and reliable, I’m starting to hit a point where the constant turns are interfering with getting into the flow of swimming.

I’m looking to try and potentially switch to a LCM/LCY pool.

Does anyone know a LC pool in North New Jersey (Hudson/Bergen Counties) or NYC that’s public and indoors? Willing to pay up to $100/month for access!

Thank you!

15:44 UTC


Help with deciphering this workout

Hi all,

Pretty new to swim drills, can someone help me break down the following drills? I’ve watched the three point video so feel good about that.


Freestyle pull: Swim with buoy between legs just using arms?

50 Kick: Swim with float in front of you just using legs?

Set 5-8: Am I supposed to turn my head slowly through the 25 (so one long and slow head rotation?) is there a video that shows this anywhere


14:27 UTC


Can I please get advice on breathing techniques for free-style swimming?

I’ve only gotten back into swimming in the last 6 or so months. When it comes to exhaling under water, should I hold my breath for one count, then exhale from my mouth? Or am I supposed to exhale as soon as my head is back in the water (after the inhale)?

13:27 UTC

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