
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to Suriname ― The Beating Heart of the Amazon! This small Dutch speaking country is located on the northern coast of South America. With 93% forest, Suriname is the greenest country, with a unique population of Indians, Maroons, Creoles, Javanese, Mixed people, Chinese, Amerindians, Boeroes (Dutch Farmers), Lebanese, Jews, Madeirans and various other nationalities. Ask questions, post and share stuff about anything related to Suriname and the one million Surinamese in the world.

For anything to do with Suriname.


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Filipijnse eethuizen

Hallo allemaal, ik verlang naar Filipijnse gerechten. Kan iemand me vertellen als er Filipijnen zijn die zich hier hebben gevestigd en hun gerechten verkopen? Als het nou eethuizen zijn/ foodtrucks etc.

Also down to make some Pinoy friends!

1 Comment
23:08 UTC


Some Easy Tourist Questions


I am so excited to visit your beautiful country for a week in April. I am from the US, and have two main questions.

1: I will mostly be staying around Paramaribo. I am mostly interested in the cultural in historic side of Suriname, seeing that it is an incredibly unique nation in South America. Are there any easier day/two day trips to do (without renting a car) from Suriname? I've been looking at some places in Commewijne, it seems gorgeous. I am not particularly interested in jungle trips. I am very comfortable using public transit, I have in Senegal/Algeria/El Salvador among other places, and would prefer to organize transit that way if safe.

2: For the visa, I would like a multiple entry visa. I am planning on seeing Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni and would have to re-enter Suriname. However, on the EVisa page, there is only the entrance fee for a single visit. Is this something that can be upgraded in the airport?

Dank je wel en een fijne dag verder!

23:11 UTC


Kan iemand me vertellen hoe je die kip kruidt

Hallo allemaal,

Kan iemand me vertellen hoe je die kip voor die kip saté moet kruiden❤️🤞 jullie zouden me enorm helpen

22:30 UTC


Onderzoek deze zelf 🙃

Ga naar Google en zoek op: Zoute soep

19:58 UTC


Selling art online in Suriname..

ENGLISH: I have read that it is possible to sell your art and such online in Suriname. I want to start doing that, but I don't know where to start or how to start it. Like, can I just arrange it with DSB or something for online payments? That's my biggest question. How are people from other countries going to pay you? Don't you need a special bank account? Is it really possible? Please...I need help. 😭

NEDERLANDS: Ik heb gelezen dat het mogelijk is om je art enzo online te verkopen in Suriname. Ik wil daarmee beginnen, Maar ik weet niet waar ik moet beginnen of hoe ik ermee moet beginnen. Like kan ik het gewoon met DSB ofzo regelen voor online betalingen? Dat is mij grootste vraag. Hoe gaan mensen van andere landen jou betalen? Heb je niet een speciale bankrekening nodig? Is het echt mogelijk?Aub..Ik heb hulp nodig. 😭

07:58 UTC


Moving to Suriname from US

Hi, I’m looking to see if anyone knows the process to move to Suriname? Or for how long I can live there? I want to go there to become a kickboxer. Another question, how many kickboxing/fight gyms are there?

Thanks so much!

17:27 UTC


Brokopondo is still full of surprises


18:22 UTC


Multilingual Language Survey (Spanish/English or Dutch/English bilinguals)

03:51 UTC


What's your favourite street in Paramaribo?

I mean mostly in terms of looks, but any other reasons are welcome.

I really like the look and feel of Costerstraat. Nice and residential, but not too fancy. The nurses walking around. Having an espresso at Mama Coffee and looking at the people walking by. It's green. It's just nice. It's an absolute swimming pool after rain, but hey, you can't have everything.

Please tell me your feelings, memories and thoughts about your fav streets.

17:54 UTC


Thinking of visiting Suriname - need help

Hi there! I am planning a solo trip in South America this spring and I am contemplating if I should visit Suriname for 4-5 days. I have a couple of questions regarding this:

Most importantly, is it safe to travel in Suriname alone? I am a random European guy in my 20s so I know it is a very different place in comparison to here. For me safety is the biggest thing to look out for. Next to that, are there good safe hostels for solo travelers there? Is it easy to walk around, do people speak English and are they friendly to tourists?

What are the best places to visit? I guess Paramaribo, but are there also other must-see spots?

And last but not least - how easy is it to enter and leave Suriname from the neighbouring Guyana and French Guiana? Can this be safely done through bus travels or it has to be by plane?

I would be thankful for any advice regarding this as it is my first solo trip ever and I want to be prepared for the reality. Thank you!

19:51 UTC


Lekkere Broodje Spots in Su?

Hi there! 👋🏼

I am looking to find the best spots in Suriname that make some of the most tastiest broodjes you have had in Suriname. These broodjes are simple, tasty, inexpensive and a quick way to grab a bite anytime in the day. However they are usually had in the mornings!

Here are the places I am aware of:

  1. Effe Anders
  2. Delish
  3. Sara’s Brunch Cafe
  4. Krioro
  5. Anthony’s Corner

I am pretty sure there are others out there that do an amazing job and I am looking to find all if not the ones that have stood out for you! Could you kindly me in my search to find the best broodje (sandwich) spots in Suriname?

Thank you!

19:35 UTC


Voorbereiding op mijn rijlessen en examen

Goedenavond allemaal, Ik begin over ongeveer 3-4 weken met rijlessen. Ik ga voor het mondelinge systeem en ben benieuwd welke vragen er tijdens het gesprek met de rijinstructeur of tijdens het examen gesteld kunnen worden. Ik wil me graag van tevoren goed voorbereiden, omdat ik in diezelfde periode ook een verslag en proefopdrachten op school moet maken.

Als ik een beeld heb van hoe het eruitziet, zal het voor mij makkelijker zijn.

Alvast bedankt!

01:46 UTC


Are you planning on visiting Suriname? Maybe this video can help you plan your adventure in Suriname

22:03 UTC


Kasikasima Expedition

Hello there,

I'm a student from Germany, visiting Suriname in February. I'd like to go to the Kasikasima. It is an tour offered by Orange Travel Suriname. Since I'm traveling alone, I need one more person to join. If any one has interest or any suggestions, I'd be glad! Maybe someone done it before and can say something about the expedition.

18:16 UTC


Currency exchange from Suriname $$$$

Hey all, visited and left Suriname in December - I’m travelling all over South America but NO WHERE will accept the left over cash Suriname dollars. I just want to exchange to literally anything, USD, pesos ANYTHING! Anyone have any recommendations on what to do? I’m not going back to Suriname any time soon and that’s all that’s been recommended to me so far.. help

19:23 UTC


Fawaka from Nigeria, been interested in suriname for the longest time... I wanna know more..

Hello everyone, fawaka (hope I'm correct 🙏🏾), I'm from Nigeria but for like the last year or two, I've been interested in suriname, largely due to Glory Kickboxing and Kickboxing in general and the fighters out of the country (simson, wisse, hoost, manhoef, Rozenstruik, Abena... etc). Also watched a wodemaya tour video, as that helps 😉. While reading up suriname, I stumbled across the Groep van zestien story, characters like Bouterse, Horb, Mahadew, Rambocus, Hawker... etc, the coup, what caused it, Moiwana... etc And I'm wondering how can i know more of suriname, what happened in respect to characters in coup e.g what probably happened to roy horb In his cell ??, or Guno mahadew in Brazil ??, what caused the failed coup that led to execution of Hawker and December moorden??? Who thought it right to name Paul bhagwandas head of Andre kamperveen stadium? How is Kickboxing from suriname so good ?? And what does that country have so many beautiful women ?? (Maybe I might pick a fair maiden for Paramaribo 😉)

So many questions to ask about suriname from a dude in Nigeria (Unfortunately I don't understand Dutch.... yet)?

21:23 UTC


Hello, From one Mexican i have curiosity, what you can tell me about your country?

Please share with me about your country, i have curiosity about food, religión, enveryonment, architecture, ligestyle, etc. Because i noticed that in this place of the continente we dont know nothing about your country. (Above all tell me about the thing you More love and dislikes about your country)

04:26 UTC


NL of ENG vertalen

Hi, kan iemand voor mij die songtekst van het liedje Top Melanin en/of de remix vertalen naar nl of Engels? Ik vind het zo mooi klinken!

Ik ben zelf een Hindoestaanse geboren in NL dus ik versta amper wat ze zingen, maar als ik opnieuw geboren mag worden, hoop ik dat dat in het binnenland van Su is. Ik ben echt helemaal in love met het mooie land, de mooie mensen, de cultuur, de mooie taal en niet te vergeten het eten. Het liefst pak ik nu m’n biezen en hoop ik dat ik daar bij iemand mag inwonen 🤣

Sranang tongo versta ik wel een beetje, praten amper, maar de andere dialecten versta ik (nog) niet.

Ben ook nieuw in deze groep dus hoop meer te leren over Su 💚🤍❤️⭐️❤️🤍💚


05:17 UTC


Confused about 1st Visit to Suriname


I'm traveling to Suriname for a week for the first time later this month. I've spent a LOT of time reading posts in this forum, reading the Bradt guide to Suriname and combing through YouTube and other sources but I'm still not sure about my itinerary and how I should get around. Here are my questions. I would love your advice. Thank you!

  • I'm planning to visit a Maroon village along the river but not sure about which one or how long to stay, one night or two? I'm considering Jaw Jaw or perhaps Knini Pati. Any thoughts about those two or if I should consider another place? Also, it seems like all the tours take you to just one village. If you want to see more villages, is it possible to do that independently or villagers don't like random people showing up?
  • Other than Parbo and the Maroon villages, I'd also like to spend a night at the plantation in Fredericksdorp. Should I rent a car and go there or take one of the river cruises that end there?
  • I also want to visit the Jewish Jodensavanne and have heard mixed things about if I can take a rental car there or if I need to take a tour? I'm not sure how bad the road is or what kind of restrictions the rental car companies have on dirt/bauxite roads?
  • Should I spend all the rest of my nights in Paramaribo or is there somewhere else I should spend a night or two? I'm considering Hotel Holland, Villa Famiri or an Airbnb if anyone has feedback on those options.
  • Is it difficult to arrange a boat to visit the Batavia leper colony and the village Kalebaskreek? How about Santigron? I know there are tours there but I could also just rent a car and go there, right? My guidebook says the locals there might be hostile if you arrive without a tour.
  • Finally,I've read that I need to bring cash. But I'm not sure if I want to bring all the money I'm going to need for the entire week. Will the Republic Bank ATMs hopefully work with a Plus system debit card?

Thank you!



00:51 UTC



Mijn vrouw is Hindoestaans en wil heel graag verhuizen naar Suriname. Ik heb hier mijn twijfels over.

Zij kan remote werken en zo ook een Nederlands salaris verdienen. Dus kwa geld kwestie is niet het probleem. Ik ben een klinisch prothese technicus. Dat houd in dat ik patiënten behandel voor het aanmeten en fabriceren van kunstgebitten. Ik ben niet iemand die stil kan zitten en zou dan ook dit willen voortzetten als we naar Suriname zouden verhuizen.

In hoeverre zou hier vraag naar zijn?

14:27 UTC


New to suriname. Need your help

Do Bhojpuri aka Sarinami or Caribbean hindustani is recognised by the government ? Do they use it offically or teach it in schools or colleges? Thanks in adavance.

10:45 UTC


Complete toolbox set

Beste, waar kan ik terecht om een toolbox te kopen met de standaard/bijbehorende tools zoals, sock/ ratchet set, schroevendraaier set, tangen(combinatie, punt tangen, etc) en verstelbare sleutel(s) erin?

13:39 UTC


Owru Yari Suriname '24 - Aftermovie [turn on subtitles]

21:20 UTC



Wie weet by welke tandarts ik de beste zenuw behandeling kan bedoen in Suriname ???? Maar niet te duur Ik was naar The smile factory gegaan en ze eisen 500$ Wie goede goedkopere tandartsen

19:26 UTC


Guyana had het verzoek van Nederland om Bouterse te arresteren afgewezen – Voormalig minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Rohee

Guyana had in de late jaren 1990 het verzoek van Nederland om de controversiële voormalige Surinaamse militaire leider, Desi Bouterse, te arresteren afgewezen, omdat het niet in het belang van het land zou zijn, zegt de voormalige minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Clement Rohee, in zijn memoires.

“Ik heb het verzoek afgewezen op de grond dat we ten eerste geen officieel arrestbevel voor Bouterse in ons bezit hadden; ten tweede dat een dergelijke stap schadelijk zou zijn voor de betrekkingen tussen Guyana en Suriname, en ten derde dat het ernstige gevolgen zou kunnen hebben voor de grote Guyanese bevolking in het buurland,” zegt hij in zijn boek getiteld “My Story My Song”.

Meneer Rohee zei dat het verzoek ergens tussen 1993 en 1997 was ingediend door de toenmalige niet-residerende Nederlandse ambassadeur in Suriname tijdens een beleefdheidsbezoek aan het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. "De ambassadeur wilde dat de regering van Guyana het arrestbevel zou uitvoeren door Bouterse te arresteren tijdens een tussenstop die hij zou maken op onze internationale luchthaven in Timehri, waar de Nederlandse autoriteiten een vliegtuig zouden hebben dat hem naar Nederland zou brengen," zegt hij in zijn boek.

Hij vertelde Demerara Waves Online News dat de Nederlandse gezant hem destijds had verteld dat Bouterse werd gezocht voor vermeende mensenrechtenschendingen.

De voormalige Surinaamse leider had harmonieuze relaties met de toenmalige senior functionarissen van de People’s Progressive Party (PPP) en de People’s National Congress. De voormalige PPP-generaal secretaris Donald Ramotar en de voormalige minister van Staat in de door de PNCR geleide coalitie, gepensioneerd luitenant-kolonel Joseph Harmon reisden zaterdag naar Suriname om hun laatste eer aan Bouterse te betuigen.

21:57 UTC

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