Subs You Thought Were Real, But Aren't.
Our one and only rule. This means that ANY post that’s just something like this
Picture of Dog wearing clown outfit
The post has to be quality, having something funny about it. No more of just a fake sub and the sub. These posts will be removed.
Things You Can Do Instead:
Make a fake sub that hyperlinks to this sub, and capture reactions
Get funny reactions after saying r/subsyoufellfor
We don’t want to limit content, but I think everyone here hates the constant spam of fake subs with no funny content involved.
Flair 1: r/subsyoufellfor. This flair is for subs that others fell for. This means that they got bamboozled into clicking the sub. Just someone has to have clearly fallen for it.
Flair 2: /r/SubsYouFellFor. This flair is for subs that you, the OP, fell for. This means that OP got bamboozled into clicking the sub.
Flair 3: r/substhatnoonefellforbutiwantkarma. For META or meme styled posts.
Flair 4: r/substhatlinkedme. This flair is for instances where the fake sub hyperlinked to r/subsyoufellfor. For example: r/afakesub
All posts must be flaired otherwise AutoMod will delete your post. Please ensure that your post is flaired properly else a moderator may remove the post on their discretion.
Origin of the sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/848hfo/comment/dvnx5bp?st=JPN49475&sh=004d98f5