Welcome to r/strawberry!
A community devoted to the adoration of those wonderfully crimson little berries. Show us how strawberries feature in your life.
Finding out im allergic to strawberries is the closest ive ever come to dying and going to hell. does anyone know any strawberry products that dont contain the fruit itself?
what in the world is this on the top of the strawberry
I was eating strawberry sorbet at a pub and when I finished I noticed a purple thing on the bottom. Then there were more. At first I was unaware of what It was but after cleaning it, there were seeds and it took the form of a strawberry. The only thing is was that it was dark purple. I researched it and could only find the purple wonder strawberries but there were far too light to be what I was eating. Please assist me as to what this purple strawberry is.
.... And they were pretty yummy!! I have only one plant and it's pretty small, but I do love it ;)
I love you so much strawberry😻😋
In the beginning I bought a container if strawberry plants. I planted them in my garden in a did sunny spot. At first they were doing great!! Producing runners like crazy and lots of blossoms with baby strawberries in them. They mostly shriveled up before becoming anything and the ones that did grow grew Abt 4 or 5cm and the seeds were all clumped up in spots. They never got any bigger than about a 12 in if not smaller. But it was still making new growth I checked to make sure the crowns were exposed they were. Well we mulched the garden and hubby put mulch around the strawberry and without realizing that the crownwas getting covered.... I had been checking in it but it didn't look terrible from the top of the wire cage I had on it to keep out birds. Well I started noticing brown spots on leaves and served like plant was getting smaller so I took the wire stuff off to get in it... The crowns were covered. The leaves were turning black from the bottom of the stem up. I pulled all rotten stems and leaves out there excess up being 4 crowns... How idk I bought one plant I tried saving them any advice of what I can do?
Anyone growing straweberrys indoors: does the plant life produce and last longer in one sitting or does it still "winterize" itself and carry the traits of a perennial in a controlled environment?
Any Ideas, Tip or Tricks about winterizing an Everbearing strawberry plant? I currently have a healthy clone, sitting in a hanging planter. Will the plant survive, outdoors, on its own in this planter? It is going to experience a classic Canadian winter and I want it to survive. It was given to me as a gift and I don’t know how this plant will behave. Username speaks for itself with my experience and this plant. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Hi, I have tried two different varieties, 'climbing' and 'eversweet' and have tried to germinate them twice now. The first batch I just planted in a seed starting soil and watered them for about a month. About 20 seeds total, not one germination. The second batch I cold stratified in the freezer for a month. I also planted about 20 of these and not one germination. Are strawberries just ridiculously hard to germinate or what? I grew 'alexandria' last year and literally had a 95% germination rate