All about the rocks. Ask what’s what or show off your newest acquisition.
I was gifted this lovely stone but unsure what it is. Help appreciated 🙏🏼
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anyone have any idea what these are? this was found in either New Zealand or Vanuatu and it has been with me a long time
My mom has this lovely thing she bought like 15 years ago or so, she wants to know what it's made off, does anyone know?
I know it’s not something super cool or anything, but does anyone know what kind of stone this is? It’s found all over upstate South Carolina. It would be really cool of I could tell my niece exactly what it is and mean a lot to her. She’s fascinated by stones.
Hey, does anybody uses this kind of tumbler? Does it work with all rocks you find ? I want to buy this as a gift but i have no understanding in rocks :) Thanks in advance!