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Best Meta Ships for each build regardless of rarity

Hello. I'm returning after a long break and looking for someone kind enough to recap the best ships for each build? Thank you!

03:09 UTC


Experimental Extractions 1: The Big Hitters

You’re scrolling through the sub, you see a catchy title, a number after it, and the “Contains Math” flair. If you’re a veteran member of this sub, you know what that means: STOBETTER is back with some more numerical derivations in an ongoing series. If you’re new, well, now you know.

This particular series, however, is new. We’ve covered exotics (and yes, the new Krenim console is on our list to track down and derive). We’ve covered torpedoes. We even covered mines. Energy weapons are heavily documented. Now, it’s time to tackle Experimental Weapons. We’ve been putting this off for a long time because trying to pull all the Experimental Weapons is a substantial expense for potentially little gain and for a long time, this post with extensive testing by Lost_Kea2 and DilaZirk covered it sufficiently. However, there's been a plethora of new (and more powerful) experimental weapons released since then so it's time to take a fresh look at them, and we're going all the way into the definitive mathematical derivation. That said, we would not be excited about grinding or buying a Lockbox ship just to find out its Experimental Weapon is hot garbage compared to much cheaper options. We cannot commit to that, so just to set expectations: we will not be covering all experimental weapons in this series, but we were asked to take a look and now we’re doing so. We will attempt to cover the most commonly-used and powerful Experimental Weapons, as well as some of the most readily-available ones. If you have one you’re particularly curious about, feel free to ask. If it’s from the C-store or a Legendary ship, there’s a strong chance we have it. If it’s something from a Lobi, Lockbox, or Promo ship…well, let’s just say your odds aren’t good.

As with energy weapons, remember that there’s a little bit of Cat1 preload variance on a per-account basis. We tried to standardize numbers to a single account, but things might be off by 10-20% Cat1 that won’t really matter. We’ll break down each Experimental Weapon and then do some analysis on expected DPS for a semi-optimized build that’ll give us an idea of strength at the bottom.

#Experimental Hyperexcited Ion Stream Projector

  • Acquisition: This is the default weapon on a great many ships.

  • Damage Type: Electrical

  • Firing Arc: 360 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 5 seconds

  • Targets: Up to 5 enemies in a cylinder. In practice, you’ll usually be hitting 1-2.

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 650 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.9039) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005*Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: N/A

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Electrical, Custom Power Matrix Haste

  • Does NOT Scale With: Energy Weapon Training, +Energy Weapons, +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste

  • Use Case: We included this as a baseline point of comparison since it comes by default on a great many ships, not because it’s amazing.

#Experimental Flak Shot Artillery

  • Acquisition: T3 Competitive Reputation

  • Damage Type: Kinetic

  • Firing Arc: 360 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 4.3 seconds

  • Targets: single target for initial hit, then hits foes in a 45 degree arc behind the target

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 1000 * (1 + Sum(Cat1)) + 1.4285) * (1 + Sum(Cat2)) * (0.5 + 0.005*Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: Has 20% shield penetration but reminder that kinetic damage suffers heavily against shields. Secondary damage to foes behind target is as follows:

    Damage = 500 * (1 + Sum(Cat1)) + 1.4285) * (1 + Sum(Cat2)) * (0.5 + 0.005*Weapon Power)

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Kinetic, Custom Power Matrix Haste

  • Does NOT Scale With: Energy Weapon Training, +Energy Weapons, +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste

  • Use Case: It’s fairly accessible from the Competitive Reputation and better than the default. Hitting multiple targets is nice. Once you have access to the C-store, it’s not likely to be the go-to experimental weapon of choice unless you like its looks.

#Gol-Type Psionic Resonator

  • Acquisition: Cyclone (Standard T6 C-store ship)

  • Damage Type: Psionic

  • Firing Arc: 250 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 4.5 seconds

  • Targets: Single

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 1850 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + .979) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: If you flank with it, deal an additional:

    Damage = 2450 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + .979) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

Also still can be used on Science Destroyers when not in tactical mode.

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Psionic, Custom Power Matrix Haste, Energy Weapon Training

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Energy Weapons, +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste

  • Use Case: If you're running a ship with flanking, or Intel Primary, this is a very solid flavor-agnostic Experimental Weapon that will fit nicely into any build. Note that there aren't many sources of +Psionic aside from the Dragonsblood Flame Reactor. Since you can use this on Sci Destroyers while not in Tactical Mode, and they're probably running some kind of DEWSci or full Sci build with that weapon, this would be my go-to choice for those.

#Experimental Dual Heavy Proton Emitter

  • Acquisition: T6 Dyson Science Destroyers (Standard T6 C-store ship)

  • Damage Type: Proton

  • Firing Arc: 90 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 3.5 seconds

  • Targets: Single

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 475.17 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.7979) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: Has a scaling chance to knock engines offline, shields offline, or 12 damage resistance depending on your engine, shield, and aux power respectively. The scaling is such that at 50 power, it's 2%, at 75, it's 7.5%, and at 100 power you have a 13.5% chance for the effect to happen.

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Proton, Custom Power Matrix Haste, Energy Weapon Training

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Energy Weapons, +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste

  • Use Case: This is decent if you're running a supportive build. Otherwise, don't slot. It's worse than the default.

#Alliance Hypercannon

  • Acquisition: Alliance Pilot Escorts (T6 C-store)

  • Damage Type: Radiation

  • Firing Arc: 360 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 5 seconds

  • Targets: Single

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 1575.11 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.4036) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: 10% chance to knock random subsystem offline, reduce damage resistance, or apply a Plasma Damage Over Time effect.

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Radiation, Custom Power Matrix Haste

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Energy Weapons, +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste, Energy Weapon Training

  • Use Case: Obviously if you're running heavy +Radiation, this is a net positive to your build. Also good if you're running a supportive build as this has some nice-if-unreliable procs. It's better than the default but not amazing.

#Prototype Phaser Hexa Cannons

  • Acquisition: Achilles (T6 C-store)

  • Damage Type: Phaser

  • Firing Arc: 45 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 8 seconds

  • Targets: Single

  • Damage Equation: The 6 is because it fires 6 shots

    Damage = 2418.5 * 6 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 0.5048) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: 2.5% chance to knock random subsystem offline (the standard Phaser proc)

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Phaser/Bonus Phaser, +Energy, Custom Power Matrix Haste

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste, Emergency Power to Weapons Bonus Damage, Energy Weapon Training

  • Use Case: This is relatively cheap and extremely effective, and has amazing scaling synergies with any Phaser build. Does require some piloting to keep it in arc, but generally outclasses any competition. On non-Phaser builds, it's still very strong and holds its own against the competition but not Best-In-Slot by a factor of 2-3 that it is on Phaser builds.

#Terran Repeating Warhead Launcher

  • Acquisition: Adamant (T6 C-store)

  • Damage Type: Kinetic

  • Firing Arc: 135 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 8.5 seconds

  • Targets: Single

  • Damage Equation: The 3 is because it fires 3 shots

    Damage = 1150 * 3 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.4039) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: 30% bonus CrtD. Has 20% shield penetration but reminder that kinetic damage suffers heavily against shields.

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Kinetic/Bonus Kinetic, Custom Power Matrix Haste

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste, Energy Weapon Training

  • Use Case: Better than default, nothing to write home about, especially since it's kinetic damage.

#Ravager Shriek

  • Acquisition: Fek'Ihri Byr'Jai (Event/Mudd's)

  • Damage Type: Fire

  • Firing Arc: 360 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 10 seconds

  • Targets: 2 km AOE

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 2100 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.4039) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: Has a 10% chance to confuse and a DOT that applies over 6 seconds:

    Damage = 350 *6 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.4039) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Fire, Custom Power Matrix Haste

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste, Energy Weapon Training

  • Use Case: This is another very strong, type-agnostic weapon. Has some synergies with Plasma since the Fek'Ihri Torment Engine boosts both Fire and Plasma damage, and Disruptor since Five Magicks/Dragonsblood Flame Reactor will benefit this also. Loses a lot of value if your average time-to-kill is <6 seconds.

#Voice of the Prophets

  • Acquisition: Denorios (Event/Epic Phoenix Token)

  • Damage Type: Physical

  • Firing Arc: 360 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 7 seconds

  • Targets: Hits up to 3 additional foes within 2 km of primary

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 2890 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.4039) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: Does half damage to secondary targets

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Physical, Custom Power Matrix Haste

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste, Energy Weapon Training

  • Use Case: A very strong, type-agnostic weapon. Has some synergies with Plasma since the Fek'Ihri Torment Engine boosts both Physical and Plasma damage. AOE is nice.

#Inertial Polaron Shunt

  • Acquisition: Rex (Event)

  • Damage Type: Polaron

  • Firing Arc: 250 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 4.5 seconds

  • Targets: Single

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 1150.1* (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.4589) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: Also still can be used on Science Destroyers when not in tactical mode.

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Polaron, Custom Power Matrix Haste, Energy Weapon Training

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste,

  • Use Case: Polaron builds strongly benefit from this. Best in slot for Polaron

#Soliton Wave Impeller

  • Acquisition: T6 Risian Corvette (Event/Mudd's)

  • Damage Type: Radiation

  • Firing Arc: 360 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 4 seconds

  • Targets: Single

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 950* (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.5044) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: Has its own haste that scales with 2x Engine Power in increments of 5, e.g. 85 engine power is 170% haste

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Radiation, Custom Power Matrix Haste

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste, Energy Weapon Training

  • Use Case: Builds with high engine power benefit strongly from this. This is another very strong, type-agnostic weapon. Has some synergies with Plasma since the Fek'Ihri Torment Engine boosts both Radiation and Plasma damage, and Disruptor since Five Magicks/Dragonsblood Flame Reactor will benefit this also. Reroute Reserves to Weapons builds with over 100 engine power and ways to refill it synergize very nicely with this one.

#Plasma Incendiary Bombard

  • Acquisition: Gorn Hunter Raider (Lockbox Ship)

  • Damage Type: Plasma

  • Firing Arc: 90 degrees

  • Firing Cycle Time: 8 seconds

  • Targets: Single

  • Damage Equation:

    Damage = 3000 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.6138) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Supplemental: Also still can be used on Science Destroyers when not in tactical mode. Additional damage over time that scales on the size of the target by 1x, 2x, or 3x.

    Damage = 1100 * (1 + Sum(Cat1) + 1.6135) * (1 + Sum(Cat2) * (0.5 + 0.005 * Weapon Power)

  • Scales With: +All, +Bonus All, +Plasma, Custom Power Matrix Haste, Energy Weapon Training

  • Does NOT Scale With: +Weapon, Most Other Sources of Haste,

  • Use Case: Plasma builds strongly benefit from this. Best in slot for Plasma if you can afford it.


We’re going to do a little analysis with something of a highly-Elite capable but probably not meta-bleeding-edge DPS build. A base DPS comparison is insufficient because it’s not accurate to compare something that scales with all your +Energy Type consoles with something that doesn’t. If the Experimental Weapon is one of the standard energy types, we’ll give it 5 Mk XV consoles of the same type. For example, the Phaser Hexa-Cannons will be running alongside 5 Mk XV consoles for 197% additional Cat1 and some extra +Phaser Cat1 for a total of 300%. If you are running more than that, just . . . know that it’ll end up boosting those numbers even higher. We'll ignore DRR to simplify the calculations, but include things like haste, Cat1, weapon power, any special modifiers for AOE, and we'll apply a small piloting penalty for Experimental Weapons with restrictive firing arcs: 12.5% for 90 degrees, 25% for 45 degree arc weapons. If you're an immaculate pilot, this will only benefit you more. If you want to see the full mathematical process in all its gory detail, check this out. If you want to fiddle with the calculations, make a copy and have fun. Or wait for us to update TRINITY with Experimental Weapons.

Anyway, we crunched the numbers then assigned a tier rating based on relative performance.

Experimental WeaponTypeFinal Pre-DRR DPSNotesTier
Prototype Phaser Hexa CannonsPhaser33899.07256Phaser Build with 5 IsomagsS+ on Phaser
Plasma Incendiary BombardPlasma18365.53289Plasma Build with 5 Isomags, assumed average target size gives 2x multiplier to secondary damageS on Plasma
Inertial Polaron ShuntPolaron12083.01094Polaron Build with 5 IsomagsA on Polaron
Voice of the ProphetsPhysical11762.40828Assume 2 targets on averageA
Ravager ShriekFire11677.18856Assume 2 targets on averageA
Prototype Phaser Hexa Cannons (non-Phaser)Phaser11533.23963A
Gol-Type Psionic ResonatorPsionic10983.5888950% flankA
Soliton Wave ImpellerRadiation10733.7993590 Engine PowerA
Terran Repeating Warhead LauncherKinetic5747.583216B
Experimental Flak Shot ArtilleryKinetic4841.505823B
Alliance HypercannonRadiation, Plasma4478.507019B
Experimental Hyperexcited Ion Stream ProjectorElectrical3010.346223C
Experimental Dual Heavy Proton EmitterProton2461.216983C-

^Table ^formatting ^brought ^to ^you ^by ^ExcelToReddit

As you can see, there's a pretty natural split with some obvious outliers in S-tier at the top, followed by a wide range of Experimental Weapons that are all within about 1K of each other and thus roughly equal, then some well-at-least-its-better-than-default weapons, followed by the bottom tier.

#Next Up

Again, we’re not committing to doing all of these, but we’ll do at least 1 more round in the near future. We’re targeting the Experimental Railgun, Graviton Implosion Charges, Hypercharged Field Projector, Experimental Repulsor Blaster, Armed Loitering Munition, Phlogiston Projector, Experimental Hull Spike Battery, Subspace Depth Charge, Experimental Kinetic Feedback Matrix and Tachyon Agitator. We’ll do an updated table at the end with all the rankings and use cases just like this one, so stay tuned for our next installment!

17:20 UTC


What builds are ideal for these ships?

I'm a big fan of the whole 'space barbie' aspect, and I like using certain ship designs even if they aren't meta.

But despite not being meta, I still want to be able to contribute to team activities by having reasonably well equipped ships with reliable builds.

I intend to have a different captain for each of these ships, just so I can have a character that is focused on a specific build. So if you think that a certain captain type is better for one of these ships and the build, feel free to offer that as a suggestion as well.

What builds would you suggest for the following ships?

- Clarke Multi-Mission Command Cruiser (Gonna make it look like the Miranda)

- Equinox Pilot Scout Ship (Gonna play as the Nova)

- Ross Command Explorer (or) Terran Cygnus Battlecruiser (Love me the Galaxy)

- Hydra Intel Destroyer (Looks sweet on its own)

You don't need to go into full detail on the equipment, traits, etc. I can find all that stuff myself. But knowing what the builds are called would be a step in the right direction. EG: DEW, EPG, etc.

20:54 UTC


Disco shield damage buff

The disco rep shields have the damage boost for shields But I’m wondering is it constant buff like how a isomag boosts damage or does it only occur in certain circumstances

03:58 UTC


Alliance Rex Antiproton CSV help

Mostly im looking for advice on which starship traits and consoles i might want to use instead of what im curently running. Below is my current setup.

Captain: Liberated borg engineer, Specialization Intelligence/Temporal

Weapons = Ba'ul torp, +4 Ba'ul dual cannons in front. Ba'ul turrent and the pahvan omni in the back. Phaser hexa cannon for experimental

Core = Khitomer deflector, Discovery engine, Discovery warp drive, Khitomer shield

Consoles; 4 isomags, Hull image refractors, valdore console, Ba'ul console, Custom power matrix, Lorcas console, Quanum warhead module, Subspace jumer, Enhanced induction coils, Polymorphic probe array


Commander =Kemocite, AP; Beta, TS, CSV

Lt Com = Emergency to aux, Aux to bat, Emergency to weapons

Lt Com = Lock trajectory, Aux to bat, Fly her apart

Lt = Narrow senser bands, Mixed armaments synergy

Ens= Structural analysis

Doffs= 3 technicians, exocomp maintence engineer, 35 of 47

Space reputation = Tylers duality, Precision, Magnified firepower, Controlled countermeasures, Advanced targeting systems

Personal space traits = Projectile training, Canon training, Context is for kings, EPS manifold efficiency, Fleet coordinator, Fragment of Ai tech, Accurate, Intelligence agent attache, Operative

Starship traits = Withering barrage, Weaponized time crystals, Improved lock trajectory, Cold hearted, Onboard dilithium recrystalizer, Promise of ferocity, Synthetic good fortune.

Of note i also have the following

starship traits =Calm before the storm, Emergency weapon cycle, Improved pedal to the medal, Overpowered and over gunned, Standoff, Stealth torpedo bomber, Superior area denial.

Personal traits = Particle manipulater, Unconvential systems, feel the weight of our presence,

23:16 UTC


Lorca's Ambition 3pc Set

Hi. Relatively new casual player on PS5, currently working my way through the story arcs, just completed 'Sunrise' (twice for the phaser array and console). Flying the T6 Tyhpoon, running at as a BO phaser beam boat. I'm not in an active fleet, just picked up an invite not long after I first logged in, and it's only L1 in most areas, so no current access to fleet items. I'll look for something better when I have more time.

My question was, is it worth getting the 3pc Lorca set (I'm very close to T6 Disco rep for the discount), with the WA DHBB up front with my arrays, the console, and the torp at the back with the omnis? Will the 3pc proc of a free torp be worth the slot over another array at the back? I'm not looking to run Elite, just possibly some advanced TFOs in the future.


11:00 UTC


Sto wiki down?

Sto wiki down?

On many pages directly from Google I recieve "query error has occurred" And a weird error code Only the main page, skills page and factions pages seems working for me

09:02 UTC


Section 31 Dreadnought Build

Hey Captains, looking for some build advise and thoughts on a Section 31 Dreadnought build im wanting to RolePlay on my account. Looking for themes and trying to keep it authentic to how section 31 would operate while (ideally) still hitting really hard

02:56 UTC


Build question - Science Phaser Consoles

Hey everyone,

I've been trying to find some science consoles that boost phaser damage, but I'm having a hard time finding actual names of consoles. I tried searching the net and, surprisingly, I couldn't find any actual console names; everything related to science just brought up EPG builds. And I tried asking in zone chat in-game, but people kept giving me the run-around and telling me 'yeah they exist' without giving me any actual names to work with.

Even had someone antagonize me in private messages over it. I think you can imagine, I'm getting pretty frustrated at this point.

I'm currently working on a Typhon Carrier build. Every console I have, including engineering, is dedicated to boosting my phaser damage. I only have one science console that boosts phaser damage (Quantum Phase Converter), but it only allows 1 of them.

Outside of the Typon, I've heard talk that the Ahwahnee is one of the best carrier ships at the moment and it's very tanky, and I won't lie: the idea of being able to dish out damage while also tanking it greatly appeals to me. Much as I love my Typhon, it's a glass cannon unless I keep my fortress mode equipped. But the trouble I have with the Ahwahnee is: it doesn't have as many tactical slots, with more focus on science and engineering. Do you see why I'm looking for phaser science console names? I'd rather not shift over to a Command/MW ship without having as many phaser-boosting consoles as I can get my hands on.

Please keep in mind: I'm not in a fleet. You can suggest fleet consoles for if/when I find a fleet, but I'd prefer consoles that I can find from mission rewards or on the exchange.

01:16 UTC


Meta Impact on PvP from "The Partners in Crime" Lockbox for Star Trek Online PvP.

"Harmonic Shield Linkage"
This trait is mostly useless in PvP, there are NPCs of Cruiser rank which should trigger the trait, however normal pets like Type 7's do not.
I give this a rating of:

"Breen Shield Tunneling"
This is a huge change; the trait belongs on almost every Damage Dealing build. The tradeoff of Shield Capacity is insignificant. I give this a rating of

"Krenim Chronophage"
This console is broken unfortunately. The first time I read the tool tip I was concerned, but optimistic. This console is very close almost being a perfect addition and as a concept I really like it.
I was actually hoping this would be an AoE since if it was an AoE. We would be able to easily get out of it by just avoiding the AoE area. Would have been perfect on debuffers.
However, the console unfortunately does NOT do this. It instead applies a straight debuff to the target, which persists despite attempting to trigger boost morale, engineering team, science team, etc. In short, the control clears we typically use to get out of the hold do not clear the debuff from applying again, which is a real shame as it makes this console not working as intended and broken.

The debuff does also not apply when the player is untargetable which seems to be the only reliable way to avoid the debuff. (Note this is only temporary so long as untargetable persists)

If this were changed to be an AoE debuff at a point it would be perfect, if not it needs to be clearable, so we are not always getting held.

YouTube video with evidence for above claims:
Krenim Chronopage Testing
The debuff itself seems to scale with Control Expertise at least and to be clearable as long as sci team, eng team, boost morale, is active just not a permanent clear once they expire. Which is not consistent with those abilities being supposed to remove debuffs, not provide an immunity to debuffs.

With that, I give a rating of:
"Broken, but when fixed, solid and Meta Useful"

Moving onto the rest of the Lockbox,
"Breen Keth Sarr Intel Courier"

I think this ship is ultimately a more maneuverable, more expensive, less survivable version of the Hydra Build.
However, I think the ship as applications as well for a potential lockdown or support build, especially when these are fixed, the current support meta might shift to a build on a ship like this as well.

I foresee a number of players transitioning to the new ship, though I am not convinced all will due to the lesser hull capacity

"Red Directive"
This trait is useless due to Boimler Effect and other CD options at least in meta PvP.

"Breen Imperium Polaron Beam Array"
I think are still edged out by other options, the extra damage is decent, but not amazing. Could be useful on very specific anc niche builds.
I give it a rating of:
"Decent, but not-meta"

With that I conclude this quick review of the new lockbox and its implications on PvP, if anyone has anything they want to add feel free to say so below!

Can contact me on discord as well.
As always, live long and prosper and see everyone in the queues:
-T'Vek Saterk (@data#7310 on PC)

Blue Sky Thread:
T'Vek Saterk: "Thread - Meta Impact on PvP from "The Partners in Crime" Lockbox for Star Trek Online PvP.

23:18 UTC



Hey all, looking for advise on a Section 31 Dreadnought captain build im planning on RP. What are your thoughts on a potential build?

1 Comment
23:36 UTC


Weekly Questions Megathread - January, 27, 2025

Welcome to the weekly questions megathread. Here is where you can ask all your build or theorycrafting related questions that might not warrant a full post. Curious about how something works? Ask it here!

You can see previous weeks megathreads here.

00:00 UTC


Need Protostar Themed Build Advice

Hello everyone, this is my first post here and I need advice, as in the title, about a Protostar themed build:

I've just completed the console Event Campaign and gotten myself the Protostar Science Spearhead on my Sci character; I have all the Protostar phasers equipped (beams only) as well as the Protostar Experimental Technology set (warp, shield, omni) and the ship specific console (Reformed Living Construct). I really like making themed builds like this but I am wondering what would be the better direction to take it.

I welcome any and all advice or suggested builds, even if not budget I can still take inspiration from them. Thank you in advance for any advice!

14:33 UTC


Need Advice on Increasing DPS with Phaser Beam Arrays (SCI & ENG Ships)

Hi, fellow captains!

I'm looking for some general advice on how to increase DPS with phaser beam arrays, specifically on SCI and ENG ships. I understand that each ship category has its own strengths and playstyles, but I'd love to hear tips on boosting beam DPS in a way that works for these ships.

I should note that I don't have the resources for the so-called "meta" universal consoles. Instead, I'm hoping for advice on items and traits that are accessible through the Exchange, pure dilithium, or as episode rewards.

I'm also open to Reputation rewards, but I've only just started with the system, and I'm worried it will take months before I can actually unlock anything meaningful.

Any recommendations or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

14:15 UTC


Cold DMG Ground Build

As the title says, I want to make a Cold Ground build. I was thinking of grabbing the 4-pc Breen set from the Winter store.

Should I grab any or all of the Tac/Uni Kit Mods from the same store, or are other Mods I should look into?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

18:58 UTC


Borg Command Juggernaut Tank Build

Hello guys,

is there any good tank build for newcomer out there? Anything where i see all weapons and consoles and the skillbuild? I dont find anything great.
All i find is on youtube but i dont see the console/weapon names so i dont know what i need.

I hope anyone can help me :)

09:06 UTC


FTP T5 Odyssey Build

Hi Guys, I'm a free to play player and after a few solid weeks of grinding I finally managed to get myself a Tier 5 Odyssey Star Cruiser, and am now curious on how I can get the best out of the ship. What recommendations for any weapons or consoles do people have?

01:08 UTC


Phaser Cannon Build Advice Requested

Working on a phaser mainly-cannon build and would love any advice on how to improve where I have reached so far. Any advice on ship/gear/traits/etc. would be super helpful. Want a ship that is fast and agile and can put out a pummeling in the front arc. Thanks in advance!

Player Information

Player Info--------------
Captain NameVall
Captain FactionRomulan
Captain RaceAlien
Captain ProfessionScience
Primary SpecializationIntelligence
Secondary SpecializationStrategist
Intended RoleDEW fast, mobile cannon main build

Skill Tree

  Engineering Science Tactical 
Lieutenant Hull RestorationImproved Hull Capacity  Advanced Energy Weapon TrainingAdvanced Projectile Weapon Training
Lieutenant Commander Improved EPS FlowImproved Impulse ExpertiseImproved Control ExpertiseDrain ExpertiseAdvanced Targeting Expertise 
5 Points         
Commander Hull Plating Shield Regeneration Advanced Weapon AmplificationAdvanced Weapon specialization'
15 Points       
Captain Defensive Subsystem Tuning Advanced Exotic Particle GeneratorAdvanced Long Range TargetingAdvanced Hull PenetrationAdvanced Shield Penetration
25 Points      
Admiral Warp Core Potential   Coordination ProtocolsImproved Tactical Readiness
35 Points    Defensive Coordination  
      Offensive Coordination  
Total of 46 of 46 Points Engineering Points:10Science Points:10Tactical Points:26

Skill Tree Unlocks

Points to unlockEngineering UnlocksScience UnlocksTactical Unlocks
Unlocks After 2Training Manual: Hazard Emitters IIITraining Manual: Science Team IIITraining Manual: Tachyon Beam III
Unlocks After 5Battery ExpertiseSector Space Travel SpeedThreat Control
Unlocks After 7Training Manual: Feedback Pulse IIITraining Manual: Photonic Shockwave IIITraining Manual: Jam Sensors
Unlocks After 10Maximum Hull CapacityMaximum Shield CapacityProjectile Critical Chance
Unlocks After 12   
Unlocks After 15  Energy Critical Chance
Unlocks After 17  Training Manual: Viral Matrix III
Unlocks After 20  Accuracy
Unlocks After 24 (Ultimate)  Focused Frenzy
Unlocks After 25 (Ultimate)  Team Frenzy
Unlocks After 26 (Ultimate)  Frenzied Assault
Unlocks After 27 (Ultimate)   

Skill Tree Information

Aiming fairly generic here as I do a few different builds depending on ship.

Build Description

Leaning on Surgical Strikes since I feel it lines up best with the seating this ship has. Still mainly cannons, but breaking away for the dual beams from Lorca's Ambition and an omni in the back since it does more damage than a turret and I am not using CSV.

Basic InformationData
Ship NameU.S.S. Dirhja
Ship ClassTerran Adamant Intel Heavy Raider
Ship ModelT6-X2
Basic InformationComponentNotes
Fore Weapons: 5Agony Phaser Quad Cannons Mk XV [CrtH/Dm] [CrtX] [Dmg]x3 
 Prolonged Engagement Phaser Dual Cannons Mk XV [CrtH/Dm] 
 Wide Arc Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XV [Arc] [CrtH/CrtD] [Dmg]x3 
 Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XV [CrtD] [CrtH/Dm] [Dmg]x3 
 Phaser Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank Mk XV [CrtD/Dm] [Dmg]x4Lorca's Ambition 1/2
Aft Weapons: 1Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array Mk XV [Arc] [CrtD/Dm] [Dmg]x3 
Experimental WeaponPrototype Phaser Hexa Cannons Mk XV [CrtD/Dm] [CrtX] 
DeflectorElite Fleet Intervention Protomatter Deflector Array Mk XV [ColCrit] [CtrlX/HullCap] [CtrlX] [EPS] [HullCap] 
Secondary Deflector  
Impulse EnginesMycellial Wave-Impulse Engines Mk XV [SecSpd-2] [Spd] [Turn]x3Stamets-Tilly 1/2
Warp CoreIconian Resistance Hyper Injection Warp Core Mk XV [AMP] [W->S] 
ShieldsTilly's Review-Pending Modified Shield Mk XV [Cp/Rg] [Reg]x4Stamets-Tilly 2/2
Engineering Consoles: 3Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold Mk XV [Phaser] 
 Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold Mk XV [Phaser] 
 Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold Mk XV [Phaser] 
Science Consoles: 3Dynamic Power Redistribution Module 
 Immolating Phaser Lance 
Tactical Consoles: 5M6 Computer 
 Variable Assault Deflector ArrayDeadly Maneuvers 1/2
 Ablative Hazard ShieldingDeadly Maneuvers 2/2
 Hull Image Refractors 
 Lorca's Custom Fire ControlsLorca's Ambition 2/2
Universal Consoles: 2Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold Mk XV [Phaser] 
 Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold Mk XV [Phaser] 

Officers and Crew

Bridge Officer InformationPowerNotes
Officer 1: Commander ( Tac/Intel )Tactical Team I 
Trait: Superior Romulan OperativeIonic Turbulence I 
 Override Subsystem Safeties III 
 Energy Weapons: Surgical Strikes III 
Officer 2: Lt. Commander ( Engineering )Emergency Power to Engines I 
Trait: Temporal EngineeringAuxillary Power to Batteries I 
 Emergency Power to Weapons III 
Officer 3: Lt. Commander ( Tactical )Kemocite-Laced Weaponry I 
Trait: Superior Romulan OperativeAttack Pattern Beta I 
 Distributed Targeting III 
Officer 4: Lieutenant ( Sci/Temporal )Heisenberg Amplifier I 
Trait: Superior Romulan OperativeHazard Emitters II 
Officer 5: Ensign ( Science )Structural Analysis I 
Trait: Superior Romulan Operative  
Duty Officer InformationPowerNotes
1Recharges Evasive Maneuvers when Emergency Power to Engines is activated.Conn Officer
2Reduce recharge time for Attack Pattern Beta by 15%. Your Attack Pattern Beta power has a chance to restore a small portion of your hull when firing energy weapons. While under the effects of Attack Pattern: Beta, each weapon fired has a 50% chance to restore 0.2% of your Max Hull. 20% chance: Activate Fire at Will I with Attack Pattern Beta (Max. over 30 seconds). 20% chance: Activate Fire at Will with Attack Pattern BetaDal R'El - Conn Officer
3Chance for stacking Crit Chance buff on firing Energy WeaponsEnergy Weapons Officer
4Chance for stacking Crit Chance buff on firing Energy WeaponsEnergy Weapons Officer
5Chance of temporarily improving your ship power on use of any Emergency Power abilityWarp Core Engineer
6Recharge of bridge officer abilities reduced after Auxiliary to BatteryTechnician

Character, Reputation, and Starship Traits

Personal Space TraitsDescriptionNotes
Adaptive OffenseGain 2.7% Critical Chance. On Critically Striking, 0.9% Critical Chance becomes 3% Critical Severity for 10 sec. Max 9% Critical Severity. 
Context is for KingsEach second while in combat, if you did not take damage in the past second, you gain a damage bonus. Otherwise, you gain a boost to your Damage Resistence Rating. Each second while in combat: If you did take damage in the past second: +3 All Damage Resistence Rating for 10 sec If you did not take damage in the past second: +1% Bonus All Damage for 10 sec 
Duelist's FervorYou or your teammates getting kills will grant you a short-duration damage and accuracy rating boost. Whenever you or a teammate kills something: +5% All Damage for 10 sec +5 Accuracy Rating for 10 sec (Effect stack up to 3 times) 
Fleet Coordinator+2% All Damage per Team member (Self included), up to 10% 
Fragment of AI TechImproves Control Expertise. Improves Energy Weapon Damage based on Control Expertise (maximum 30% at 300 Control Expertise) 
Intelligence Agent AttachéOn Weapon Critical Strike, restore 2% of Captain Ability Recharge 
Self-Modulating FireOn outgoing Critical Hits, your energy weapons and projectiles gain +50% Shield Penetration for 10 sec (Can trigger once every 45 sec) 
Superior Cannon Training+7.5% Cannon Weapon Damage 
Terran Targeting Systems+15% Critical serverity, incoming critical hits reduce speed by 10% for 5s (max once per 15s) 
The Boimler Effect17.5% chance: Recover the Recharge time of all other Bridge Officer Abilities up to their Shared Category Cooldowns 
Unconventional SystemsUsing a Control Bridge officer ability gives -7% Recahrge to Universal Consoles 
Space Reputation TraitsDescriptionObtained from
Advanced Targeting Systems+16% Critical SeverityT2 Dyson
Energy RefrequencerReceive 7.5% of your outgoing damage as a Hull heal to you (Triggers up to 5 times per second)T2 Iconian
Magnified Firepower+5 Bonus Weapon DamageT4 Gamma
Precision+4% Critical Hit ChanceT2 Romulan
Tyler's Duality+1% Critical Chance based on Hull Capacity (Max +6 at 200,000 Hull Capacity)T4 Discovery
Starship TraitsDescriptionNotes
Calm Before the StormWhile this starship trait is slotted you will gain a stack of Calm every few seconds while in combat. Each stack of Calm grants a small amount of damage resistance. Exiting combat will clear all stacks of Calm. Once you have 10 stacks, all stacks of Calm are cleared and you gain the Storm buff. While under the effects of Storm, you will gain a buff to Bridge Officer Ability Recharge Speed and Weapon Firing Cycle Haste. 
Emergency Weapon CycleActivating Emergency Power to Weapons provides a reduction in weapon power cost and grants a boost to weapon firing speed for the duration of Emergency Power to Weapons 
Good Day to DieIncoming Damage causes +Damage, +Incoming Healing 
History Will RememberProlonged conflicts become more desperate - and more heroic - as time wears on, and only those ships and crews with the fortitude to withstand such onslaughts are remembered in the annals of history. With this trait slotted, each Foe that damages you will grant you a stack of History Will Remember, which imparts increased weapon damage, hull capacity, and hull regeneration. Each foe only counts for a single stack, no matter how many times they damage you. Each stack will last until you leave the map, and you may have up to 30 stacks maximum. Stacks may only be gained a maximum of once per second. 
Ship of the LineEmergency Power abilities grant Crit Severity. Emergency Power abilities grant 20% Critical Severity for 30 sec. This bonus can stack, increasing by an additional 10% per stack. 
Terran GoodbyeWhenever you defeat a foe, you will gain a temporary boost to critical hit chance and accuracy rating that lasts for several seconds and stacks up to 3 times. 
Universal DesignsWhen activating a Universal Console (lasts for 20 sec, stacks up to 5 times): +2% Critical Chance, +10% Critical Severity 
23:05 UTC


Eagle Torpedo platform WIP

Eagle Class Torpedo Boat

Build Info

Work in Progress

Player Information

Player Info--------------
Richard O'Kane 
Intel T  
Intended Role 
Captain Outfit"Image Description"

Skill Tree

  Engineering Science Tactical 
Lieutenant Improved Hull RestorationImproved Hull CapacityImproved Shield RestorationImproved Shield CapacityImproved Energy Weapon TrainingImproved Projectile Weapon Training
Lieutenant Commander EPS FlowImpulse ExpertiseControl ExpertiseDrain ExpertiseImproved Targeting ExpertiseDefensive Manuvering
5 Points Full Impulse Energy Shunt       
Commander Hull Plating Shield RegenerationShield HardnessImproved Weapon AmplificationImproved Weapon specialization'
15 Points       
Captain  Offensive Subsystem TuningExotic Particle GeneratorAdvanced Long Range TargetingImproved Hull PenetrationImproved Shield Penetration
25 Points      
Admiral Warp Core PotentialEngineering ReadinessShield MasteryScientific ReadinessCoordination ProtocolsImproved Tactical Readiness
35 Points    Defensive Coordination  
  Warp Core Efficency   Offensive Coordination  
Total of 46 of 46 Points Engineering Points:12Science Points:14Tactical Points:20

Skill Tree Unlocks

Points to unlockEngineering UnlocksScience UnlocksTactical Unlocks
Unlocks After 2 Training Manual:Training Manual:
Unlocks After 5   
Unlocks After 7Training Manual:Training Manual:Training Manual:
Unlocks After 10   
Unlocks After 12Training Manual:Training Manual:Training Manual:
Unlocks After 15   
Unlocks After 17  Training Manual:
Unlocks After 20   
Unlocks After 24 (Ultimate)   
Unlocks After 25 (Ultimate)   
Unlocks After 26 (Ultimate)   
Unlocks After 27 (Ultimate)   

Skill Tree Information

Type Your info here

Build Description


Basic InformationData
U.S.S. Tang 
Terran Eagle Pilot Raider 
Ship Model 
Deflector Visuals 
Engine Visuals 
Shield Visuals 
Starship Beautyshot 
Basic InformationComponentNotes
Fore Weapons: 5Gravimetric Photon MK XV CTRHx3Placeholder for other
 Kentari MP Missiles MKXV CRTD DMGx3 
 Dark Matter Quantum MKXV CRTH/D CRTD DMGx3 
 Photon Torpedo MK XV AC/CrtD Crtdx3 dmg 
 Maelstrom MK XV CrtD 
Aft Weapons: 1Quantum Torpedo MK XV ACC CrtD CrtH Pen 
Experimental WeaponSubspace Depth Charge MKXV 
DeflectorAdapted MACO MK XIII CRTX 
Secondary Deflector  
Impulse EnginesPrevailing Fortified MK XII 
Warp CoreTholian Nucleating MKXV S-W Scap SSR 
ShieldsAdapted MACO Covariant AP CAPx3 CP/Rg 
 Flagship Transponder 
Engineering Consoles: 2Genisis Seed 
 Covert Warhead.5 shared recharge, BABY
Science Consoles: 4Point Defense SystemHE Mods 3/3 2.5 CRTH 15% Tac/pil cool reduce 3AC
 Point Defense TorpedoHEMods 2/3 20% kinetic torp damage 10% CrtD
 Destabilized Tachyon EmittersHEmods 1/3
 Mutidirectional Atry barrage360 torpedo 4.2% Projectile dmg 7.5% hull
Tactical Consoles: 5Bellum Warhead Yeild MKXVvr will bump to epic
 Bellum Warhead Yeild MKXVvr will bump to epic
 Bellum Warhead Yeild MKXVvr will bump to epic
 Bellum Warhead Yeild MKXVvr will bump to epic
 Zero Point Quantum MK Epichad in bank
Universal Consoles: 2Transmorphic containment4.5 Control, 10% Turn Rate
				|	Lorca's custom FCP			|	3.4 CRTH 135 shield pen			

-------------- | -------------- | -------------- Hangars: 0 |   |     |   |  

Officers and Crew

Bridge Officer InformationPowerNotes
Officer 1: Lt. Commander ( Eng/Cmnd )EPTS 1 
Trait: EfficientAux2SIF 1 
 CFP 3 
Officer 2: Lieutenant ( Engineering )ET1 
Trait: [name]EPTE 2 
Officer 3: Lt. Commander ( Science )HE 1 
Trait: [name]PO1 
 ST 3not much EPG.. GW/TR?
Officer 4: Ensign ( Tactical )TT1 
Trait: [name]  
Officer 5: Commander ( Tac/Pilot )Kemocite 1 
Trait: [name]THY 2 
 TS 3 
Officer 6: [rank] ( [profession] )  
Trait: [name]  
Duty Officer InformationPowerNotes
UR PWO20%chc 5% Kin Dmg for 15s stk 3 
Em conn  
VR PWOreduce time to recharge torp 
VR PWOreduce time to recharge torp 
vr astrometricChance for HE to heal additiona 15 seconds 

Character, Reputation, and Starship Traits

Personal Space TraitsDescriptionNotes
Self-Modulating FireOn outgoing Critical Hits, your energy weapons and projectiles gain +50% Shield Penetration for 10 sec (Can trigger once every 45 sec) 
Crippling Fire2.4 Accuracy penalty inflicted from a critical hit with Crippling Fire 
Last Ditch Effort+100% Damage Resistance from Go Down Fighting 
Living Hull+0.05 Hull Regeneration in Combat +0.1 Hull Regeneration out of Combat 
Operative+1% Critical Chance, +2% Critical Severity 
Projectile Training+5% Projectile Weapon Damage 
The Boimler effect;#N/A 
Thrill-seeker+15% Flight and Full Impulse Speed 
Techie+20 Hull Restoration (Improves Hull Healing) +20 Hull Regeneration (Improves Passive Hull Regeneration) 
Shield Technician+10% Maximum Shield Capacity 
Space Reputation TraitsDescriptionObtained from
Advanced Targeting Systems+16% Critical SeverityT2 Dyson
Enhanced Rending ShotsOn every non-Critical Hit with a Weapon, increase Critical Hit Chance by 1.5%, stacks up to 10 times. All stacks removed on successful Critical Hit.T4 Delta
Chrono-Capacitor Array+7.5% Bridge Officer Ability Recharge SpeedT2 Temporal
Torpedo Pre-Fire SequenceIncreases your damage with Torpedoes. Your Descructible Torpedoes, such as High-Yield Plasma Torpedoes, fly faster. +33% Destructible Torpedo Flight Speed +12.5% Torpedo DamageT2 Terran
Starship TraitsDescriptionNotes
Ceaseless MomentumWhen firing any torpedo: +5% Bonus Kinetic Damage for 45s, +5 Bonus Kinetic Damage Resistance for 45s, and -1s second to recharge time for torpedoes. 
Angle on the bow20 pen 5% dmg 
Adv Precision Guided Munitionsafter mode act add 194 dmg from next torpedoif shld <15 addl 388
One big Happy FleetFirst dmg dealt Shields offline 8.6 s 
Stealth Torpedo Bomberpilot m /cloak adds stack 10 st TS2 
Dimesional Modulation2-30% bonus dmg with starship weapons 

Other Information

Subsystem Power SettingsValue (Target/Display)Notes
Weapons38 / 15 
Shields65 / 60 
Engines80 / 60 
Auxiliary96 / 65 
Set NameSet parts: # of #EffectsNotes
Lorca's Ambition2/3on crt 1% CRTD for 20S stack 25 
Heavy Escort Modification3/320% torp dmg 10% CRTD 2.5% CRTH3 Acc 15% cldwn tac/pilot
Adapted MACO2/325% Torpedo Dmg 3.5% hull regen/6 sec =9.5 aux pwr 
Ship StatsValueNotes
Global Critical Chance23.6 
Global Critical Severity131 
EPS/Power Transfer Rate169.38% 
Hull Regeneration Rate159.50% 
Turn Rate6.3 
Flight Speed45.43 

Concluding Remarks

I know this build is non optimal. the ship traits I have slotted seemed logical to me.

I referenced the tier list, I can grind out Strike from shadows, I have the shran. I have one T6 coupon, so either piercing projectiles from the appalachia or promise of ferocity from the Thozyn. I also still have the big ticket from the event, so I can pick up the shrike world razer or Mirror Connie. I'm leaning to the Connie because, well, Connie. WR would be the second choice. the shrike doesn't do it for me. it would drydock and sit there after the trait was unlocked. I can probably swing the sona for

subspatial warheads

Available ship traits:



03:25 UTC


Newbie help

Recently got into console sto from PC, any tips on how to increasing dps would be helpful.

06:51 UTC


Kelvin Heavy Destroyer Tetryon Cannon Build

Kelvin Heavy Destroyer Tetryon Build

Hey! I've been playing on console for about 7 years now and have been slowly beefing up my tetryon cannon build, but would love some tips on increasing DPS or if there are any glaring holes in a tough build that I need to change? I'm also working on salvage to update the weapons, if there are any that are urgent please let me know.

Player Information

Player Info--------------
Captain NameSovor
Captain FactionFederation
Captain RaceVulcan
Captain ProfessionTactical
Primary SpecializationCommand
Secondary SpecializationMiracle Worker
Intended Role 
Captain Outfit"Image Description"

Skill Tree

  Engineering Science Tactical 
Lieutenant Advanced Hull RestorationHull CapacityAdvanced Shield RestorationShield CapacityAdvanced Energy Weapon TrainingProjectile Weapon Training
Lieutenant Commander EPS FlowImpulse ExpertiseImproved Control Expertise Advanced Targeting ExpertiseDefensive Manuvering
5 Points         
Commander Hull Plating Advanced Shield Regeneration  Improved Weapon specialization'
15 Points       
  Ablative Hull Plating     
Captain  Offensive Subsystem Tuning Advanced Long Range Targeting Advanced Shield Penetration
25 Points  Weapon Subsystem Performance   
Admiral Improved Warp Core PotentialEngineering ReadinessShield MasteryScientific ReadinessCoordination ProtocolsAdvanced Tactical Readiness
35 Points    Defensive Coordination  
    Shield Reflection    
Total of 46 of 46 Points Engineering Points:13Science Points:15Tactical Points:18

Skill Tree Unlocks

Points to unlockEngineering UnlocksScience UnlocksTactical Unlocks
Unlocks After 2Training Manual: Mine Dispersal Pattern: Beta IIITraining Manual: Tactical Team IIITraining Manual: Cannon: Rapid Fire III
Unlocks After 5   
Unlocks After 7Training Manual: Attack Pattern: Omega IIITraining Manual: Mine Dispersal Pattern: Alpha IIITraining Manual: Torpedo: High Yield III
Unlocks After 10   
Unlocks After 12Training Manual: Attack Pattern: Beta IIITraining Manual: Beam: Fire at Will IIITraining Manual: Cannon: Scatter Volley III
Unlocks After 15   
Unlocks After 17  Training Manual: Torpedo: Spread III
Unlocks After 20   
Unlocks After 24 (Ultimate)   
Unlocks After 25 (Ultimate)   
Unlocks After 26 (Ultimate)   
Unlocks After 27 (Ultimate)   

Skill Tree Information

"I dont know about the other skill tree unlocks. I have a retrain token so I'm happy to redo this as its currently maxxed out."

Build Description

This is my main build. I also use a Mirror Warship and a Terran Adamant Intel Heavy Cruiser with similar loadouts.

Basic InformationData
Ship NameTe Kaha
Ship ClassKelvin Heavy Destoyer
Ship Model 
Deflector Visuals 
Engine Visuals 
Shield Visuals 
Starship Beautyshot 
Basic InformationComponentNotes
Fore Weapons: 5Phased Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XV (CrtH/Dm) (CrtH)x2 (Dmg) (Proc) 
 Wide Arc Tetryon Dual Cannons Mk XV (Ac/Dm) (Arc) (CtrD) (Dmg)x2 
 Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XV (Ac/CrtD) (CrtD) (CrtH)x3 
 Advanced Radiant Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XV (Ac/Dm) (CrtD) (Dmg)x2 (Proc) 
 Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XV (Ac/Dm) (CrtH)x3 (Dmg) 
Aft Weapons: 2Omni-Directional Tetryon Beam Array Mk XV (Ac/Dm) (acc) (Arc) (Dmg)x2 
 Omni-Directional Interlacing Tetryon Beam Array Mk XV (Ac/Dm) (acc) (Arc) (CrtH) (Dmg) 
Experimental WeaponTerran Repeating Warhead Launcher 
DeflectorPreeminent Deflector Array MKXV [AuxPwr] [CrtlX]x2 [HullRegen] [Sh/HullCap] 
Secondary Deflector  
Impulse EnginesPreeminent Hyper Impulse Engines MKXV (SecSpd-2) (SPD)x2 (turn)x2 
Warp CorePreeminent Wap Core Mk XV (A->E) (EAS) (S->W) (SCap) (W->S) 
ShieldsTholian Enhanced EAC Shield MKXV [Cap]x3 [Cp/Rg] [Pla] 
DevicesDelta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon 
 Kobayashi Maru Transponder 
 Red Matter Capacitor 
 Type 14 Shuttle Support Squadron 
Engineering Consoles: 4Console - Universal - tholian Crystaline Interlacer MKXV 
 Console - engineering - Trellium-D Plating Mk XV 
 Console - Engineering - Enhanced RCS Accelorator MK XV (ResKin+Phys) 
 Console - Engineering - Bellum Triburnium Alloy MK XV 
Science Consoles: 2Console - Science - shield Emitter Amplifier MKXV 
 Console - Science - Bellum Nanite-Reinforced Circuitry MKXV 
Tactical Consoles: 5Console - Advanced Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter MKXV (Tetryon) 
 Console - advanced Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter MKXV (Tetryon) 
 Console - advanced Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter MKXV (Tetryon) 
 Console - advanced Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter MKXV (Tetryon) 
 Console - advanced Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter MKXV (Tetryon) 
Universal Consoles: 1Console - advanced Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter MKXV (Tetryon) 
				|	&nbsp;			|	&nbsp;			

Officers and Crew

Bridge Officer InformationPowerNotes
Officer 1: Commander ( Tactical )Distributed Targeting I 
Trait: Superior Romulan OperativeCannons Scatter Volley I 
 Cannons Rapid Fire II 
 Attack Pattern Omega III 
Officer 2: Ensign ( Engineering )Emergency Power to Shields I 
Trait: [name]  
Officer 3: Lt. Commander ( Tac/Cmnd )Kemosite Laced Weaponary I 
Trait: LeadershipTorpedoes Spread II 
 Call Emergency Artillery I 
Officer 4: Lt. Commander ( Eng/Pilot )Lock Trajectory I 
Trait: Superior Romulan OperativeReverse Shield Polarity I 
 Deploy Countermeasures III 
Officer 5: Lieutenant ( Science )Hazard Emitters I 
Trait: Superior Romulan OperativeTransfer Shield Strength II 
Duty Officer InformationPowerNotes

Character, Reputation, and Starship Traits

Personal Space TraitsDescriptionNotes
Innocuous+1.5% Critical Severity -25% Threat Generation 
Shield Frequency Analyst+15% Outgoing Shield Healing 
Fleet Coordinator+2% All Damage per Team member (Self included), up to 10% 
Impact Defense Specialist+10% Physical Damage Resistance Rating +10% Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating 
Thrill-seeker+15% Flight and Full Impulse Speed 
Cannon Training+5% Cannon Weapon Damage 
Bulkhead Technician+10% Maximum Hull Hit Points 
Molecular Defense Specialist+10% Phaser Damage Resistance Rating +10% Disruptor Damage Resistance Rating +10% Plasma Damage Resistance Rating 
Operative+1% Critical Chance, +2% Critical Severity 
Space Reputation TraitsDescriptionObtained from
Counter-Stroke (Rank 2)When affected by a Control effect: Gain +43.8% Critical Severity for 5 secT6 Temporal
Advanced Targeting Systems+16% Critical SeverityT2 Dyson
Hull-Repairing Nanites (Rank 2)+50% Hull Regeneration Rate. Twice this amount is regenerated out of combat.T6 Omega
Precision+4% Critical Hit ChanceT2 Romulan
Starship TraitsDescriptionNotes
Vulcan HelloWhile this trait is active, your Weapons gain a Shield and Armor Penetration bonus, and Weapon Power Drain from energy weapon activation is reduced for a brief duration when you first enter Combat. Upon entering Combat: +20 Energy Weapon Armor Penetration for 8 sec +20 Energy Weapon Shield Penetration for 8 sec -50 Weapon Power Cost for 8 sec 
History Will RememberProlonged conflicts become more desperate - and more heroic - as time wears on, and only those ships and crews with the fortitude to withstand such onslaughts are remembered in the annals of history. With this trait slotted, each Foe that damages you will grant you a stack of History Will Remember, which imparts increased weapon damage, hull capacity, and hull regeneration. Each foe only counts for a single stack, no matter how many times they damage you. Each stack will last until you leave the map, and you may have up to 30 stacks maximum. Stacks may only be gained a maximum of once per second. 
Into The FrayOn taking damage to a shield facing: grant 1 stack of Into the Fray for 5 sec (stacks add 1.5% Critical Chance). On reaching 4 stacks, become Surrounded: +50% Critical Severity for 15 sec (45 sec cooldown). Each facing can only add one stack, all of them must take damage for you to be Surrounded 

Other Information

Subsystem Power SettingsValue (Target/Display)Notes
Weapons125 / 100(console)
Shields89 / 50 
Engines39 / 25 
Auxiliary34 / 25 
Set NameSet parts: # of #EffectsNotes
TholianCrystalHarmonics3 of 40.66% cric chance, 1.9% crit sev (tetryon). 2% chance tholian warp crystal 2346.7 Radiation damage 
Incontrovertible Defences3 of 430 Kinetic damage resistance, 30 Tetryon damage, 40 max shield capacity 
Ship StatsValueNotes
Shields1961.5 per 6 secs 
Global Critical Chance27.9 
Global Critical Severity174.2 
EPS/Power Transfer Rate160% 
Hull Regeneration Rate209.3%/min 
Turn Rate6.4deg/second 
Flight Speed32 

05:29 UTC


Console Build advice needed

I am building an AP build and I'm lost on what console to slot and I'm open to suggestions. I'm currently maxed out on Iso Mags and currently sitting at a 48% CrtH and 205% CrtD so this console can literally be anything. However I have spent a good amount of money on getting premium ship traits so I am hoping to use a console that will not cost me Zen. I have lobi and dil that I would be able to use to purchase the last console. I have one slot left open in addition to these consoles. If anyone has a suggestion I'd love to hear it.

6 Iso Mags AP

Tachyokinetic Converter

Custom Power matrix

Lorca's Custom Fire

Bioneural Infusion Circuts

Assimilated Module

Dominion Defense Screen

03:15 UTC


Free Pathfinder work for starter Exotic build?

I'm a F2P player and I've been playing for just over a month. The free Pathfinder today is my first T6 and I was wondering if it would work will for a starter exotic build. I've read the exotic primer on STO Better, but I've been flying nothing but Escorts this entire time. Is there anything that makes this ship not worth the investment?

For reference, my current ship is a Hirogen Heavy Escort using a very basic Tetryon cannon build, so I'd likely be building up the Pathfinder from scratch. I have all my reps at tier 4 with about 200k refined dilithium and 12M EC saved up. I have 2 experimental upgrade tokens I could use as well.

I'd like to move into an exotic build regardless for something different to play, which is what I've been saving up resources for, but I'd like some advice about this ship before I go shopping.

Edit: I really appreciate everyone's feedback here. Tons of great information!

02:55 UTC


Campaign progress

So I remember buying out the event and being able to still earn campaign points each day but I just bought it and them played but I'm still at 700 even though the timer didn't start until I did the NWS. Am I misremembering? Can I start getting points tomorrow?

21:57 UTC


Advanced consoles

Hi I just am not sure which route to go here

Should I get the advanced tactical vulnerability consoles or the advanced engineering isomagnetic consoles?

I’m running a phaser overload build which would improve my dps more

Ship has 5 engineering 4 tactical

07:27 UTC


Omega Weapon Amplifier Worth it???

So I was recently watch Casual Sab and he had posted a meta update video towards the end he mentioned that with enough weapons haste the kinetic cutting beam reduces weapons cost for most of the run if I have emergency weapons cycle, temporal tunneling, and custom power matrix is that enough haste to make it worth while????

18:08 UTC


What boosts PET plasma torps?

My friend is setting up a Valkis build, and we have some questions:

There is a rumor that PET plasma torps are boosted by ship items and count as your personal torps.

  1. Is this true?

  2. If so, does this extend to the Hangar Craft Power Transition Module?

That is: can you boost your PET's plasma torps with a Hangar module fused for Plasma or Torpedo modifiers?

What else helps PET plasma torps?

Thanks for any input.

20:21 UTC


Weekly Questions Megathread - January, 20, 2025

Welcome to the weekly questions megathread. Here is where you can ask all your build or theorycrafting related questions that might not warrant a full post. Curious about how something works? Ask it here!

You can see previous weeks megathreads here.

00:00 UTC


Need your advice for a ground trait

Hello, I'm not sure which trait I should chose for my hybrid Tac captain. I would decide between Show no Weakness or Make an Example.
Her you can see my other traits.
An it's only about these both traits. Thank you. :)

11:24 UTC


I really want the improved GW.

One way is to only buy Andorian Chimesh Pilot Escort, or greedily wait for a free coupon.  But why not try a complete bundle? In Allied Pilot Escort Federation Bundle I see some consoles in dogfighters set, are they useful or "fun"? (yes I know only usable on this type of ships) Intention is doing good in adv tfo and perhaps reaching elite with them.


1 Which other traits are usable in Allied Pilot Escort Federation Bundle?  

2 If using one of the ships and dog fighters set, which pieces if not all four (In my mind I have cannons with two torps, Malstroem and Dark matter.)?

3 Is there a build that could inspire me (in respect of the fighters) ?

07:00 UTC

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