The STM32 series are great CPUs for embedded developers, hackers, musicians and the like to work with. This a place to share information, get people started with it, show off your work, answer hard questions, etc. related to the STM32 CPUs. This includes all Cortex CPUs, too, such as MSP432 and even Microchip Cortex chips.
Hi there! I'm developping a pcb based on a stm32f410cbt6. I'm following AN2867 to find the good oscillator that will fit my design. However, the gm of this stm32 is really small ( 1 mA/ V) and i can't find a quartz that will satisfy the gm/gmcrit > 5 condition. Is there at least a single quartz that will fit? I'm searching on mouser.
Precision of the clock is important as i'm processing audio with the stm32, and i'm communicating with I2S and I2C peripherals, so i'm not sure about using the HSI clock.
Thank for the help!
I looked everywhere and canโt seem to find. I specifically need to know where the CRYP module is located on the chip. Any help is much appreciated
Hi everyone! ๐
Iโve created a STM32 PlatformIO Playground featuring multi-board support for the STM32F0 family. This repository is entirely built with PlatformIO, making it super easy to explore peripherals like GPIO, UART, PWM, and more.
๐ GitHub Repository: https://github.com/kiranj26/STM32-PlatformIO-Playground
Iโm looking for collaborators to add more examples, optimize CI, and extend support to other STM32 families. Letโs grow this into a one-stop resource for STM32 + PlatformIO enthusiasts! ๐
I'm designing a PCB around the STM32F4 and am looking for the best options for external persistent storage. The chips onboard flash is too small for my needs. My device will receive external data / metrics every few seconds and will be pushing it over wifi to AWS for processing by my java service. I want some resiliency so plan to queue up the metrics onboard and push over wifi maybe once a minute. If there is a temp connectivity/wifi issue it won't matter as the metrics will continue to queue and eventually get pushed when the connection is restored.
So, my question - what are good options for this storage? I could use an SD card mounted to the PCB but they don't always have the best lifespan, but maybe there aren't better options. If SD card is the way to go, what are some good options for physical SD card modules that work well with STM32F4 and are there any related resources showing examples of read/write with it?
Actually, is the STM32F4 a good option? Im perfectly happy to run with any STM32 chip so other better recommendations are welcome as the price differences are fairly negligible :)
Thanks everyone.
I am quite familiar with Arduino but wanted to try something out on my own and got this for fun.
But I am completely vomfused as to how to operate this
As to my goal, I want to atleast create an Arduino like boot loader which can be used to test code via usb. Any books or videos that can help me?
How do I even upload code onto this?
This is my first complex stm32 project as a beginner
I have a commerical air quality device which I opened out of curiosity. It has a whole range of sensors and other things on its PCB which I've been able to identify. I can see an STM32F1 series microcontroller onboard so assumed this was the primary chip. I can also see an EMW3165 wifi module, so everything seemed unsurprising until I read about that wifi module and realized it has an STM32F4 embedded in it!... So now I'm wondering, why have a separate dedicated STM32 F1-series chip when the wifi module has a far more capable F4-series chip? Could the wifi module be the primary microcontroller and the standalone STM32F1 is doing some other simple low priority ancillary task?
On a related note, and in general, is there any reason to use an STM32xx + WiFi module vs just using the all-in-one EMW3165 module? In relation to the device I opened up, it's more expensive to have the lesser STM32F1 + WiFi module so it's confusing to me that both components are on this board. Thanks everyone. I am very familiar with ESP8266/32 controllers but this is my very first venture into STM32 (I ordered an STM32F4 Nucleo dev board last night :))
Hi I am using the nucleo stm32g474re and I want to make a can bus system to my car prototype, does somebody know any module of can bus transciever for can fd? We used to have can bus standard but we are going to change to fd, can somebody help me?
We search about SN65HVD230 but I do not know if it is a good price-specs option.
This happens a lot with my burner
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.9.0
Copyright (c) 2024, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
InitWhile : Enabled
Waiting for debugger connection...
Shutting down...
i tried different st links , i tried different cables and nothing change every time this thing come's up . I can not understant what is going wrong , last night i tried exactly the same things and everything was going smoothly
First time posting here and my first time designing a PCB around the STM platform. I was designing this PCB daughter board for a project I am working on and the 3 AM stupidity kicked in. I apparently forgot to add the main crystal oscillator, or I looked at the data sheet, saw that the chip has an internal oscillator and never added the footprint. Any idea if I can even get a successful power on and first code upload on the microcontroller or should I update the design and order new boards before soldering everything?
Thank you for you help!
Attached is the daughter board schematic, just in case someone sees anything wierd on here and is willing to comment on the design.
Hi, does anyone have experience with reading midi rolling status bytes over uart?
Hello hello, I am currently working on a project involving a STM32 board. The exact model of the board is STM32F412ZGTbU.
However, when I connect the board to my PC, the red LED keeps blinking indefinetly. I read online that this means that it isn't connected properly. Please refer to the attachment down below.
Does anyone know what I can do?
I am writing a simple CAN bus demo using freeRTOS on STM32F407ZGT6. I created to tasks for demonstration, one for receive CAN message, whenever a message is received, LED1 is toggled, and another task is just a blink task on LED2 for every 50ms. The two LEDs default state is on. Both tasks have same priority. I use CAN interrupt to receive message, and a binary semaphore to sync CAN receive task and interrupt. And this demo only does receiving but now no message is sent. So the expected behavior is LED2 is blinking for every 50ms, LED1 is always off because there is no message sent to the board for now.
And I have come across 2 very confusing problems.
One is that LED1 is off all the time instead of being off. LED2 is normally blinking.
ONE is that when pushing the reset key on board which is connected to NRST pin on chip, the board's behavior is weird, the two LEDs kept on.There is no blinking. But if I plug the power off and plug it back LED2 is blinking again.
This is my main code. Can anyone explain why these happens? Thanks a lot!!
int main(void) {
sem_can = osSemaphoreCreate(osSemaphore(sem_can), 1);
osSemaphoreWait(sem_can, 0);
osThreadDef(can_thread, can_com, osPriorityNormal, 0, 256);
can_thread_handle = osThreadCreate(osThread(can_thread), NULL);
while (1) {}
void MX_FREERTOS_Init(void) {
osThreadDef(defaultTask, StartDefaultTask, osPriorityNormal, 0, 256);
defaultTaskHandle = osThreadCreate(osThread(defaultTask), NULL);
void StartDefaultTask(void const * argument)
for (;;) {
void can_com(void const *argument) {
for (;;) {
osSemaphoreWait(sem_can, osWaitForever);
void HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan) {
Hi! I'm writing a driver for a tlv493d magnetic encoder using CubeIDE. This encoder has a peculiarity where it pulls the SCL line of an i2c bus low when it has data ready to be read, at which point the MCU needs to initiate an i2c receive transaction to read the data.
Obviously we don't want the SCL clock pulses to trigger further interrupts, so I think I need to 'do something' to accommodate that. I'm struggling to understand what that 'something' is for this MCU, and how to configure it in this setup.
My question: is it possible for a pin to be configured to both serve as the SCL line for i2c AND receive interrupts when the line is pulled low? If so, whatโs the sequence of steps I need to execute to achieve this?
(I understand that there's another layer here, which is whether I use HAL, LL, or registry writing to achieve this; right now I'm just trying to wrap my head around this dual-functionality this pin is apparently meant to have).
I am trying to achieve high clock speeds on my STM32F411CEU6 board (96 MHZ) by tweaking the PLL clock without HAL. I have set the PLL clock source to HSE (25 MHz). My code halts whenever my debugger reaches this line:
I can not figure out why. I have set the flash latency to the absolute maximum hoping it would help, since it did not work when I set it to 3WS (>90 MHz, 3.3V).
inline void spin (volatile u32 pCount)
while (pCount--) asm("nop");
#define halt(cond) while (cond) { spin(1); }
#define setBits(x, msk, v) x = ((x) & ~((u32)(msk))) | (u32)(v)
#define clearBits(x, msk) x = ((x) & ~(u32)(msk))
void fhInit()
void fhMspInit()
void fhHseInit()
halt(RCC->CR & RCC_CR_HSERDY == 0);
void fhPllDisable()
setBits(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_PLLON, 0);
void fhPllEnable()
setBits(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_PLLON, 1);
halt(RCC->CR & RCC_CR_PLLRDY == 0);
void fhPllInit()
auto m = 25;
auto n = 192;
auto p = 2;
auto q = 4;
pllReg |= m << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_Pos;
pllReg |= n << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN_Pos;
pllReg |= (p >> 1) - 1 << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_Pos;
pllReg |= q << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_Pos;
void fhInitPower()
setBits(PWR->CR, PWR_CR_VOS, 0b11 << PWR_CR_VOS_Pos);
void fhUpdateCoreClock()
u32 pllvco = (uint64_t)HSE_VALUE * (uint64_t)((RCC->PLLCFGR & RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN) >> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN_Pos) / (uint64_t)pllm;
u32 pllp = (((RCC->PLLCFGR & RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP) >> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_Pos) + 1U) * 2U;
u32 sysCfkFreq = pllvco / pllp;
SystemCoreClock = sysCfkFreq >> AHBPrescTable[(RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_HPRE) >> RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos];
void fhCpuClockInit()
This clock configuration works perfectly in the Cube IDE when using HAL, so it is not a hardware problem.
Hi, I'm currently working on a project using the "Black" STM32F407VET6 board, and on the lookout for a good 7" touchscreen display choice.
I plan to use LVGL with ZephyrOS to draw some complex UI (mostly buttons, lots of pages though), and I need help figuring out what I should be looking for.
I ran into this thread that raises the concern of not enough memory being available on the microcontroller for frame buffers, and mentions using a display with a controller that has onboard RAM.
How would I make that kind of thing work with LVGL, or any other graphics library?
Would appreciate links to code or articles if you have worked on similar projects. Thanks!