This is a place to post trades, find new friends, and discuss all things Star Wars Card Trader!
I'm farely new to the game and this is my second epic card.
I just downloaded the game today so sorry if these are dumb questions!
I collected all the 6 different yoda from the daily thing but I can't claim the reward?
And the other thing, what does "duoes for needs" mean in the trade feed? And hoarding?
Please use this thread to post the cards you have for trade and/or the cards you're looking for.
Please keep it civil, even if someone offers a trade you think is ridiculous. Just believe that they thought it was a fair trade and politely decline.
Tip #1: Make sure that the thread is sorted by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.
Tip #2: Use CTRL+F or CMD+F to search for keywords in the thread posts.
For advice or feedback on pending or completed trades, look for the Daily Trade Advice Thread and post there!
Hoarding? [Visit this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarstrader/comments/3nb1vc/hoarders_list/)
A place to post your hoard character, IGN, and any hoard updates!
Be sure to let everyone know what colors you need and what you're willing to trade. Color for Color? 3:1 ratio? Let us know!
Triumvirate of evil achieved or I guess you can also say the Quad of evil achieved
Please use this thread to post sets your chasing, cards you have for trade, or just to discuss the sports apps!
Please use this thread to post sets your chasing, cards you have for trade, or to discuss all non-sports apps!
I was able to get both SR and epic on one try and I had to grind for the other 3
The cc are 188 for the top one, and 50 and 287 for the bottom two
I have been trying to trade for the force lightning Sabine since it came out. I could not get anyone to take an offer or counter. Today while going for the Droid event i bought up the packs and still came 1 card short. I have up and decided to buy different packs for other inserts 1st pack I pulled the last card for the workbench and bam crafted the Sabine card.
Is a good account any better then just signing in with Apple or whatever?
Is the game app only or is there like off app stuff you can do for extra stuff?
I touched the game years ago and came back and idk anything but I got some credits. What's a good amount of credits you guys got? Is a million good for example
How much Rey worth?
Started 40 days ago with an epic Teva, Now I think I’m only 5 cards short of an Emperor 24’ Chrome 🌈 (Haven’t spent a dime yet.) If anybody out here in Reddit land can help me complete it I’d be forever grateful! Name is polkhigh4tds thank you in advance and may the force be with you!!!
Please use this thread to post the cards you have for trade and/or the cards you're looking for.
Please keep it civil, even if someone offers a trade you think is ridiculous. Just believe that they thought it was a fair trade and politely decline.
Tip #1: Make sure that the thread is sorted by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.
Tip #2: Use CTRL+F or CMD+F to search for keywords in the thread posts.
For advice or feedback on pending or completed trades, look for the Daily Trade Advice Thread and post there!
Hoarding? [Visit this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarstrader/comments/3nb1vc/hoarders_list/)
Hit 50k on October 25th and decided to go for 100k. Was a crazy 2 weeks, but pulled it off. Now I need 16.5k more, but plenty of time between now and workbench, especially with 1 support packs next year. Big thanks to the many folks on this sub that helped!
I started swct in july this year and ive seen an announcement about it but i still feel confused. Like realistically how am i getting THAT many cards. Also how do you bulk trade? And what should i be posting in comments to find other people? Lastly, is it not actually possible to use crystals to speed up salvaging?? I cannot figure out how if it is. My user is @/herasyndullaceo
I'm a 4K account in the first week of hoarding the new 2025 base and have no real idea what to expect.
Is a single wave 1 hoard a titanic goal or something that basically fulfills itself over the course of the year?
For context, my collection focuses on Hux, Finn, Poe, BB-8 and Rose in that order, so at the moment I have one primary hoard and two secondary ones. But I'm anxious I might have bitten off more than I can chew with three hoarding targets. Any perspective on this would be much apprecciated!
A place to post your hoard character, IGN, and any hoard updates!
Be sure to let everyone know what colors you need and what you're willing to trade. Color for Color? 3:1 ratio? Let us know!
Desperately trying to finish this set, only need 45 more, any help would be greatly appreciated, willing to trade for anything I have doubles of and don't mind giving out a ridiculous amount of cards for anyone wanting to horde cards
GT is JAX635
Any idea on when we will get out next event? Does it follow some sort of plan? Or do we have no idea of knowing.
Got my first credit Legendary... And its a OT Boba... 8k credits! Hehe
Hi everyone! I would really appreciate any help with my 2024 Series 3 General Hux hoard. I need Tier 1 and 5 (white and orange). I am willing to consider any trades. Thank you in advance. MTFBWY!