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A story I would like to see tying together the Hidden Path and Tanalorr

It would be cool if we got a mini series or a show that followed Ventress finding Quinlan Vos, after her appearance on BBS3. Both of them helping to create the Hidden Path we see in Obi Wan series. Then have it somehow connect to Cals Hidden Path that leads to Tanalorr. Having a place for people on the run to truly escape the Empire. It would also be nice to see Ventress find out a Nightsister lived, when she meets Merrin.

Then it can all be tied together and their arcs are finished. A good way to also show how they never appeared again during the events of episode 4-6 and later. They were hiding out on Tanalorr in peace after all of them went through tragedy.

1 Comment
17:50 UTC


Would you like to see more on-screen exploration of the period between Episode 1 and 2?

With the Bad Batch almost over, I think it could be a nice change of pace if we switched to another era besides the Clone Wars or Dark times.

One idea that came to me was exploring the ten year gap between Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, specifically Anakin's time as as a Padawan under Obi-Wan. It's a period of his life I wouldn't mind seeing get some mainstream exposure, since I think we've explored his time as a knight and mentor to Ahsoka enough at this point. Exploring this era might also allow us to see stuff like the beginnings of the Separatist movement or Sidious's training of Dooku.

Do you think this idea has potential?

13:11 UTC


Who is the Evil Presence Palpatine was sensing in the Unknown Regions?

Soo, in Aftermath: Empire's End, Rax notes that right before he perished at Endor, Darth Sidious, aka Emperor Sheev Palpatine was looking for some powerful presence. Quote here:

"The Emperor was convinced that something waited for him out there — some origin of the Force, some dark presence formed of malevolent substance. He said he could feel the waves of it radiating out now that the way was clear. The Emperor called it a signal — conveniently one that only he could hear. Even his greatest enforcer, Vader, seemed oblivious to it, and Vader also claimed mastery over the dark Force, did he not? Rax believed Palpatine had gone mad."

What is this presence? First of all I need to address a few things:

1: It is certainly not Snoke, nor was it intended to be. In a recent interview with Chuck Wendig, the author of the book, on the Wookieepedia YouTube channel, he stated it was not intended to be Snoke, despite what many people think.

2: It is not Exegol. Star Wars Canon comics have shown us that Palpatine operated on Exegol as long as the early Imperial Era, which is when he created Snoke and his "son" Dathan. The Darth Vader comics from Greg Pak also show us that Palpatine was operating on Exegol in the Imperial Era, so all that said, it is certainly not Exegol.

Now with that out of the way, what do you think this dark presence is? How could it be an "origin of the Force" if it is evil? What is this "malevolent substance." Is it a living/sentient entity, or is it just a powerful nexus? What are your theories?

22:38 UTC


The next Starwars animation

I think it’s obvious once tbb is over there will be a slot for Disney to film what are peoples thoughts on a animation in the style of tbb of a show following captsin Rex or/and the 501st at point we haven’t seen them

18:36 UTC


Did Mace Windu survive?

Mace got turned rather toasty and thrown out of Palps office with lightning. Granted it likely hurt like a mfer, but I can’t recall anyone ever dying to lightning; it tends to be used to stun or torture, or in defense.

There’s also the fall from Palps office (Wookiepedia says “over 500 meters”) which should give him at least a second to regain himself once the lightning stops being shot at him, allowing Mace to use the force to break his fall as many other characters have.

When chasing the bounty hunter who tried to kill Padme, Anakin basically did a free fall from a speeder for who knows how many hundred-thousand feet and landed perfectly fine... no bumps or bruises.

Maul somehow didn’t go splat when Obi-Wan split him in two and he fell; again, who knows how far down + surviving being cut in half due to the dark side.

I guess it comes down to if he was able to gain consciousness/control after Palpatine stopped frying him.

Samuel L. Jackson also said during an interview with Empire Magazine that he’s not dead—granted, he wants to make a Mace Windu show on Disney+ (which would be awesome), so he may be a bit bias.

I haven’t seen mention of Mace’s body or lightsaber being found. Any ideas?

03:46 UTC


Who I think is going to die in TBB from least to most likely


For hells sake if I hear another person say they think Omega is gonna die I’m gonna lose it. SHE WON’T DIE. She is a CHILD. She is the MAIN CHARACTER. In a CHILDREN’S PROGRAM. She will survive. Like Jen Corbett said, this isn’t HBO. This is Disney. It would be equivalent to Disney killing off Elsa. Could they tease Omega’s death? Yes. Could she go missing like Ezra? Yes (however very unlikely) Could they kill her off. No. She’s not dying. Disney Princesses don’t die. Their loved ones however…


I don’t believe they’ll kill her off for a pretty much the same reasons I know they won’t kill Omega. Everyone hates it when a dog dies. And she is such a new character. It would serve no purpose other than to just piss everyone off. And she’s perfect for Star Wars merch.


I know there’s been some worry over him because he hasn’t been in the season a lot, but for that very same reason I’m certain he’s in the clear. It would be a massive disservice to fans and to Echo himself to kill him off when he’s had hardly any screen time. There wouldn’t be as much emotional impact if they decided to kill him off in a show he is hardly in. If they were planning to kill him off, they’d be giving him the same screen time as Tech got in season 2. And I know he’s had a lot of screen time this past ep, but I still don’t think that’s enough to merit a death scare. I honestly think they’re leading up to a spin-off series with him and Rex. Echo, in my opinion, is safe. For now.


Episode 11 actually cemented in my belief that he will be safe, with him getting injured and his close call with death. It was a fake out death, to get our hearts pumping and wondering if he’s a goner. If he were to die sometime this season, ep 11 would’ve been the time. But he doesn’t have as much plot armor as the others above. So his fate is still up in the air.


I could honestly see this dude getting away, making some great escape and popping up in some other media. I could also see him dying. I’m 50/50 on whether he will be an actual help or hindrance to the Batch. I’m actually really interested to see how his story will play out.


He still might very well die in the end. But I firmly stand by this: Redemption ≠ Sacrifice. He is doing his part to better himself and earn his own redemption. It doesn’t need to be earned by dying. They’re focusing massively on his hand tremor and loss of accuracy/skill. It would be so much more satisfying if he were to find healing “on his own” like Omega said. “There’s hope for us yet.” Hope for Crosshair. I’m hoping to see him make a crucial shot that ultimately saves the day at the end. They are actively showing Crosshair paving the way to his redemption. He’s putting in the work. He is protective, helpful, and actively putting himself in danger for the benefit of his family. He’s redeeming himself already. Him dying isn’t necessary to resolve his story. In fact, I think it would diminish the power behind his change. People can make bad decisions. They can hurt others. They can change. And they can live to see happier days. That is hope. And that is always the overarching theme of Star Wars.

They didn’t kill off Zuko at the end of ATLA. They let him live. They let him have happiness after experiencing great sorrow and hardship. I hope they give Crosshair the same.

They are also putting a huge emphasis on Crosshair and Omega’s relationship. Particularly how he could fill a paternal role for her. Omega mirroring Crosshair is a huge sign to not only us as the audience, but to Hunter as well, that Crosshair can (and will) become a father figure to her.

Though, I will say, it would be a devastating blow if Crosshair’s tremors only ceased as he took his last breaths. There is no guarantee he’ll make it out of the series alive.


I still think Hunter is the most likely to die, for a lot of reasons. While Crosshair’s arc is clearly defined and moving in a positive direction (with some hurdles along the way) Hunter’s story is much less clear. He has been avoidant the entire series. Avoidant and unsure, except for when Omega’s safety is in question. Up until this last episode, he hasn’t wanted to join the cause to rescue the clones. He doesn’t want to fight anymore. He wants a peaceful life. It would be incredibly impactful if the man who wanted nothing to do with the cause ended up dying for it. Gaining peace and rest in another way, similar to Tony Stark (there are a billion similarities between his relationship with Omega and Tony’s relationship with Peter Parker, but that’s for another time)

The way he looked at his paint stripped helmet almost looked like him accepting that he’ll never get to live that life. Like he’s saying goodbye to the idea of it. Like he’s saying goodbye to who he used to be.

Hunter will finally get the opportunity to save Omega, which he failed to do the first time. And he will finally make a stand. I think the entire season has been leading up to Hunter learning to fully trust Crosshair and hand over responsibility of Omega to him.

I also don’t think at this point in the story Hunter would allow anyone else to sacrifice themselves. He would stop it from happening. He’s learned from his mistakes.

And maybe nobody will die and they’ll live and be happy. Maybe someone will be badly injured and nobody ends up dying. But I’m 99% (haha) certain there will be some massive casualty in the end. The stakes are too high.


They will probably be going back to Pabu. The ending of the series could play out there. They might not stay there for good, but they might go back to bury someone, since it was the only real home planet they ever knew and loved.

The beautiful flowers on the weeping maya tree (weeping willows represent grief and mourning btw… you see where I’m going with this) will be laid on the grave(s). The moment I saw Omega find the rare white flower on that very specific kind of tree, I knew it would probably be important later on.

If one or more of her brothers die, Omega would find all of the rarest white flowers for them, who she loves so deeply. They are the most rare and unique of the clones.

I’m interested to see if this analysis changes anyone’s mind on things. What are your death prediction rankings?

21:15 UTC


Next animated show


I think we are all in agreement, that there will be SOME kind of animated series following Bad Batch's final season.

As to what it could be, this is my 50 Cents:

Ventress has obviously been set up to return in a bigger capacity through her cameo, so chances are she will be in it. Plus Quinlan has been mentioned in Obi-Wan.

Echo and Rex have been sidelined for most of season 3 of the Bad Batch, so has the side story of a Clone Rebellion. With only a few episodes to go, it is unlikely that bot the Batch and Rex/Echo plus the Clone Rebellion will be resolved.

There is still a story thread dangling from Bobf. The Cad Bane duel in that show kinda referenced the never produced arc from TCW where Boba gets the dent in his helmet. Something at least similar still has to happen somewhere to make that encounter make sense in-canon.

So what I think is we will get an anthology show, similar in structure to TCW among the lines of "Fugitives of the Empire". It could show the clones organising their Rebellion, Ventress and Quinlan on the run and the Bounty Hunters on the tails of the others. It would also allow for Tales of the Empire to factor in, since Barriss and Morgan could be the "in-empire" viewpoints. (Or Barris leaves the inquisitors and is also on the run) There would also be room to build on top of characters like Chuchi by making her too much of a pain for the empire, forcing her to go on the run as well.

I think this would fit very well together.

As for where the show goes: it could end with Ventress, Quinlan and a few surviving jedi traveling to the Galaxy where Ahsoka later ends up. This makes sense, since Ventress as a Nightsister could have/gain knowledge of that place and it would allow for all of these characters to get out of the way for the Age of Rebellion while also giving the show an ending that is not "they all die". The Clones (or at least the ones that joined the Uprising) could potentially sacrifice themselves to make that escape for the jedi possible, redeeming them for Order 66. This could also be the reason why Anakin later guides Ahsoka to that Galaxy. To pick up Ventress and the others, so they can help defeat Thrawn. Since she was part of the Nightsisters, Ventress especially will be useful because of her inside knowledge. Additional point that makes this a possibility: Filoni clearly has trouble letting go of his old animated characters and this would allow him to bring even more of them into live action.

08:13 UTC


Missing Content: The Battle of the Jedi Temple

The execution of Order 66 is one of my favorite moments in all of Star Wars. The absolute chaos that ensues when the Clone Army turns on the Jedi Knights is so fascinating and has made for some phenomenal scenes in its various depictions (ROTS, Clone Wars, Fallen Order, Bad Batch, etc.)

With how compelling this moment is, it pains me that we don’t have a proper depiction of the Battle of the Jedi Temple. A freshly appointed Sith Lord marches a full legion of trained Jedi-killers to the front door of the Jedi Temple, the monolithic symbol of the Order’s power that has stood for centuries and wipes out the entire Jedi Order (with an ever-growing list of exceptions) in a single night. This must have been without exaggeration the single most insane showdown in the entirety of Star Wars canon and we’ve only seen flashes.

I wanna see Darth Vader is his physical prime taking on multiple Jedi Knights at a time. I wanna see Anakin finally allowing his rage and hatred to fuel him without restraint. I wanna see THAT Vader because there’s so little of him. Darth Vader really only had 2-3 real battles before getting put in the suit. We’ve seen the Mustafar duel in its entirety, we’ve seen about as much as there probably would be to see in the massacre of the Confederate leaders, but we’ve barely seen anything of Vader’s battle at the Jedi Temple. I wanna see it, ya’ll.

09:21 UTC


“They’ve tracked us through light speed”

Quote from Leia in TLJ. The dialogue in this scene is basically saying that it’s been, until that time impossible to track a ship through hyperspace. So how in TBB, is Crosshair’s tracker, had it hit its target, supposed to locate Omega?

For anyone unaware, the Bad Batch takes place roughly 40-50 years before The Last Jedi. I’m sure trackers have been placed on ships in canon but can’t think of any examples off the top of my head.

05:12 UTC


Project Necromancer and the Inquisitorius

Apologies for the wall of text, my only excuse for the poor formatting is laziness.

With Barriss being reintroduced to the series as of new trailers, especially as an inquisitor; I think it's time to dredge up an old, debunked theory and re-examine it with the new context given to us by the sequel trilogy. Plenty of us here were around when there was the big speculation about whether the Seventh Sister was Barriss. Of course, that didn't go anywhere because Ahsoka would've recognized her if it actually was her. Now, knowing what we do about Project Necromancer, seeing how it all played out in the ST; I want to propose that maybe the Seventh Sister IS Barriss Offee after all... In a cloned body. I believe she will be the first successful test subject to both retain a similar midichlorian count, and to make the jump from one body to another. Thus the Seventh Sister, as we know her, is born. Ahsoka doesn't recognize her because she looks different, Barriss doesn't say anything because she just doesn't have any respect for Ahsoka anymore, and all is well.

04:19 UTC


A theory of mine for the final few episodes of bad batch [obviously spoilers ahead]

I thought of this a few days before episode 12 released, and I still think that it has a possibility to happen, so here’s my thought process:

At the end of episode 11 we saw Omega get taken and the plan with tracking her failed. Clearly the question left there is “how do the bad batch find Tantiss now?”

Well we have seen how the Empire have been collecting high M-count children and are bringing them to Tantiss. The Bad Batch have also come across one themselves and saved them, that being Gungi, and they know where Gungi is since they dropped him off back on Kashyyyk.

From earlier in this current season, we have also seen the Bad Batch get onto the good side of the bounty hunter Fennec.

So what if they stage a capture for the Empire to collect? Have Fennec seemingly “capture” Gungi and let the Empire come and collect him as we have seen them do before with Cad Bane, then the Bad Batch can put a tracker onto the ship that the Empire is using and follow it back to Tantiss.

Fennec would be in since she will get money from the Empire and be in their good books for the future, and since Gungi was saved by the Bad Batch and is good friends with Omega, he would probably want to help her out. It would also get a jedi on the inside of Tantiss for the eventual escape.

This would also be a pretty neat way of wrapping up the story with these characters the Batch has met along the way all coming back in the finale for a final send off.

The only thoughts against this that I had before episode 12 was that the Bad Batch really only knew a slight bit about M-count from what Ventress had told them, and so it wouldn’t really make sense for them to piece together what the Empire is doing with M-count children, therefore they would not think up this plan involving Gungi.

However, with Rampart returning in episode 12, supposedly with an idea on how to get around finding the coordinates to Tantiss, maybe he will be the catalyst for this plan? He could tell the Batch whatever he may know about any M-count children being taken there and then it would make sense for this plan to be put together.

What do you guys think to my theory? And what are some different ideas that any of you have?

14:24 UTC


Theory on the ending of The Bad Batch

I saw someone post that in the trailer we are shown Hunter in black armor and immediately connected the dots:

You guys remember task force 99, or the scar squadron from comics? They have a commander, a muscle guy, a sniper and a tech guy (also Misty if I recall correctly, but it need not be Omega, maybe someone new), which is really too much of a coincidence not to be connected with the batch. And seeing Hunter in black armor I thought that maybe that is where we are going: they are all going to be reprogrammed and serve under the Empire. This would also require Tech to be alive and undercover, which I am extremely not fond of, but maybe the tech guy is actually Echo, or he really is CX-2. It would also give us an interesting ending for the show: they didn't kill them off, but they are forever lost to us (and Omega). What are your thoughts on this?

20:36 UTC


Theory on Commander Cody's future

So in Stuart Beattie's original drafts for Kenobi when it was a movie before other writers including Joby Harold took over. Cody defected from the Empire (sound familiar) and eventually found Obi-Wan and made amends with him and was set to help his former general keep an eye on Luke from a distance when he had to go off world and eventually he would be involved/end his story in an unknown last mission with his general as he was racing against the clock age wise.

But how does Cody find Obi-Wan? well what would make most sense is if Ventress is next up for a spin-off from the Bad Batch with her and Quinlan helping the path with Bail just around or after the events of Kenobi, then it would make sense if Cody proved himself throughout the years and redeemed himself by helping them safeguard young force sensitives. Eventually the older Cody through conversations with Bail would learn Cody was Obi-Wans comrade and Cody was the Clone Commander of Obi-Wans clone forces.

Bail then would verify he has been de-chiped and ask Obi-Wan could they reunite. Obi-Wan gives the go ahead for them to reunite and it sets up after Kenobi Season 1, either through animation or it leaves the door open for more Kenobi if they wish to re-adapt the old Cody and Old Ben storyline in live action, but regardless an arc like this with Cody helping out Ventress and Quinlan and helping the children the Empire wants to kidnap sounds like a perfect arc for Cody .

16:43 UTC


Do you think that Barriss Offee lives past Tales of the Empire? Hoping that we see Rosario's Ahsoka face off against her. 🙏🤞

01:26 UTC


Barris gets killed by Vader in TOTE

Barris Offee will get killed by Darth Vader in TOTE. It seems as though in TOTE it will show the full recruitment of being an inquisitor all the way to meeting Vader and once she meets him, he will remember her for what she did to Ahsoka and kill her. Infront of the others to be made an example out of.

23:20 UTC


Timing of Bad Batch S3 Episodes

I've noticed there have been just enough double-episodes in S3 of TBB for the series finale to be just days before Star Wars Day. Does anyone else think the viewing schedule was compressed because of a set up or reveal that Star Wars Day would otherwise spoil? Like a spin off or link to another show/comic?

16:14 UTC


We all know who the clone assassin is. (Bad Batch spoilers)

This one has to be Tech. I’ve called it since before season 3 came out. No body, Tech isn’t dead. No way they ONLY found the goggles.

We have the assassins. Strong they are, yes. But they have all died. If this guy was a normal assassin then he would have died when he fell off the big waterfall. The fact he is time and time again surviving and coming back means when the mask comes off there will be that big reveal.

Especially since in this week’s episodes (10 & 11) we see Tech being emphasized. His goggles brought up and put up as the biggest checkov’s gun this series has had so far.

They did it with Echo, they’ll do it with Tech.

He isn’t dead and Tech is that assassin

01:03 UTC


This shot from the upcoming 25th anniversary The Phantom Menace comic is definitely…[spoiler]

…is definitely gonna be Anakin’s dream that he talks about in the movie of himself coming back to Tatooine as a Jedi to free the slaves.

23:05 UTC


The Foreshadowing between Tales of Jedi, Clone Wars, Bad Batch and Star Wars Rebels

When Anakin sees Kanan passed with his master Depa Billaba in the episode from tales of Jedi, you realize that in Rebels they will never forgive that what happened in Bad Batch

19:18 UTC


A speculation on a future animated series, with an ending for S3 of the Bad Batch

Spoilers for TBB S3E9 ahead.

Okay, so assuming that Omega is force sensitive (I'll explain myself in the comments if you want), I have a theory on how the ending of TBB could go. If the show is going to end in a dark way, and I think [spolier?] I've heard Michelle Ang say they took the darker of two roads [end of "spoiler?"], it might be that all the original batchers will die and Omega will get captured. As their last move prior to that, the Batch sends a distress call that Omega needs saving and that is where Asajj and Quinlan might come in. I think that Asajj was interested enough to come on Pabu because she is working together with Quinlan in the Path, in which case she went to see if any Jedi was found and needed joining with the Path. So Quinlan and Asajj rescue Omega, say, on her way to Tantiss, or perhaps even from there?, and her journey continues on with them.

This would then lead us to the new animated series, which would focus on the Path and the Purge, and I think it would be quite interesting as it would focus on the Jedi. It would also feature Vader and Inquisitors and we could see many interesting things there.

15:45 UTC


CX-2's Identity

There's been a lot of speculation about who CX-2 is. People have said "Tech", a regular clone, "Crosshair", a clone of Crosshair, and things like that. I have a different theory with evidence:

CX-2 is Echo.

Why do I say this?

#1. His name. Echo. That's what happens when a sound is reflected back at you. When a sound is duplicated and gives off the illusion that it came from someone else, when it was really you.

#2. CX-2's heat signature has no reading for his legs. Echo has prosthetic legs. It's easy to forget that when you see him looking and moving like an intact human.

#3. In the Clone Wars episodes with the Bad Batch, there is this lingering fear about whether or not Echo can be trusted. What the Techno Union did to him.

This is what I think happened:

Sometime during Season 1 or 2 of the Bad Batch, Echo was kidnapped by the Empire and an impostor returned to the Batch. It would be trivial to impersonate Echo. All the Empire needed was an emaciated reg, Echo's memory data, face paint and some prop machinery. The Empire then proceeds to hack into Echo's cybernetics and install Captain Rex's Battle Algorithm into his brain. This would allow Echo to counter any move the Batch thought of. Then, they sent him on his way as "CX-2". The prototype Dark Trooper.

This is what I think the upcoming episode "Identity Crisis" is about.

10:40 UTC


After the latest Bad Batch episode it further cements to me the Filoni movie may be the biggest Star Wars team up movie of all time and act as a conclusion to TCW, Rebels and Bad Batch.

So you have Thrawn now back at Dathomir with his 3 great mothers resurrecting what is likely going to be thousands of nightsisters and nightbrothers from the catabombs and more of his stormtroopers. You're going to need a fair few force sensitives to combat that threat.

So 30 odd years later I could certainly see an older Ventress going WTF and sensing the mass of resurrections through the force occurring on Dathomir which was previously lifeless after the genocide there. While Jennifer Corbett and Brad Rau spearhead Bad Batch of course all these plot elements through the story group are plotted to connect to related eras and it was revealed Filoni asked them to bring back Ventress that makes me believe he has plans for her in live action in his current Mando era.

If Omega becomes trained as a force user I could see Ventress contacting her too when they go to investigate. This would be a good avenue to introduce both characters to live action and have Boba and Omega finally cross paths.

Does really seem like all surviving force users, pirates, bounty hunters/clones, Mandalorians characters in generals from these three shows will all team up against this threat and whatever threat is on Peridea. It always felt like it was building to this and it will be neat to see all these former enemies and characters work together in the final movie battle.

22:31 UTC


Leaks and Rumors for "The Acolyte" - Everything We Know So Far

Full Plot Details in the comments.

Main Characters:

  1. Aura (Codename):
  • Description: Aura is the central protagonist, depicted as a strong fighter and duelist. Force-sensitive from a young age, she grapples with her place in the galaxy and the moral ambiguities of the Force.
  • Journey: Aura begins as a young girl living in a small village on the marshy planet of Sanshiro/Sansiro, alongside her sister Miri and their grandfather Theo. However, tragedy strikes when Jedi arrive to take Miri away, leaving Aura devastated and disillusioned with the Jedi Order.
  1. Miri (Codename):
  • Description: Miri is Aura's younger sister, also Force-sensitive.
  • Journey: Miri's separation from Aura at the hands of the Jedi sets in motion a series of events that shape Aura's path towards darkness.
  1. Paul (Codename):
  • Description Sith Lord, but he doesn’t seem like one. White, human male with white hair. Rich and effortlessly fancy, he is a super wealthy arms dealer, selling weapons to a village. He is the Sith Lord associated with the Acolytes. Only in the first season (dies at the end)
  • Journey: Initially appearing as an ally to Aura's village, Paul's ulterior motives become clear as he manipulates events to further his dark agenda. He forms a bond with Aura, exploiting her vulnerability and anger to turn her against the Jedi.
  1. Melody (Codename):
  • Description: Melody is a Jedi Padawan and Aura's friend.
  • Journey: Melody's presence in Aura's life offers a glimmer of hope and connection to the Jedi Order. However, her tragic demise at the hands of Aura under Paul's influence serves as a catalyst for Aura's descent into darkness.
  1. Theo (Codename):
  • Description: Theo is Aura and Miri's grandfather.
  • Journey: Theo's guidance and wisdom provide a sense of stability for Aura and Miri until his tragic demise during an attack on their village.
  1. Pann (Codename):
  • Description: Pann is Aura's CGI alien best friend, characterized by political and mystical inclinations.
  • Journey: Pann serves as Aura's confidant and ally, offering support as they navigate the complexities of the galaxy together.

Concept Art/Location Descriptions:

  • Home planet "Sanshiro/Sansiro": Concept B chosen, featuring marshland and mountains.
  • Planet "Fether": Inhabited by bug-like monsters and featuring a palace on a mountain.
  • Planet "Gan" or (Scipio from the Clone Wars): Snowy mountains with tall cities, resembling the Muun banking planet.
  • Sith pyramid/temple planet: Resembling Malachor, with Acolytes in front of it.
  • Volant - Sith temple surrounded by statues, perched atop a snowy mountain with a red glow
  • Changbai - Planet with a huge Jedi temple and ruins hidden in a cavern, resembling Zeffo from "Jedi: Fallen Order"
  • Sith shrine similar to one in Rebels visited by witches.

Plot details below 👇

14:54 UTC


Grysks and Starflash

Alright so I just finished up all of the Thrawn (canon) books and was wondering if it's possible the Grysks were the aliens that were destroyed by the Chiss and their Starflash a thousand years ago? The books are all spinning around in my head but I think in one of them one of the Grysks said something along the lines of 'the Chiss killed a lot of my people'. I'd have to look through to see where.

But since the chiss are like wtf are these aliens but they have a bone to pick with the Chiss...possible? What do u all think?

18:09 UTC


Why it is possible for Rex to Die in the Bad Batch Finale

I stress the word possible because I posted this on the Bad Batch subreddit and it triggered a few people. So here is my point:

Each animated series so far has had a time jump at the end of the series (minus Resistance because it was cancelled). In Clone Wars it had a flash forward to Vader, in Rebels we had Sabine narrate the future of many of the Rebels characters including Rex. I think there is a possibility that Omega could narrate the ending of the Batch and describe where all the characters are at.

Rex first appeared in the Clone Wars movie. This is the last of the "Clone Wars" animated projects, and the end of this era. The next time period he is likely to appear in (if at all) is the live action mandalorian shows. I am personally not a fan of milking characters like this. Rex would potentially have died of old age by this point anyway and we never see him in Ahsoka after all. He's also extremely old by this point, even if he is alive, so we can't expect him to have intense fight scenes or anything like that and go out in a blaze of glory. I believe Dee Bradley Baker should be the one to have the final voice of this character, not Temuera Morrison. At the end of the day it is Baker's character. I don't think they would do him dirty like that.

If they are to end his story in this season, I would not be against it and I feel like it is poetic, as I mentioned before, his first appearance was in the Clone Wars, and the Bad Batch feels like an end to that era. I can see the argument to be made that this is not his show to die in, however the Clone Wars was also never his show as well. In fact Rex has never been the main protagonist in his own story, which I think is a good thing. The clones are defined by their connection to each other, and the individuality they each possess. I do not think it would take away from his death if he dies in a show in which he is not the main character. In fact I think that is precisely what would make it even more meaningful.

Even if you don't want this to happen or think it is unlikely, I still wanted to put this out there, because I haven't heard many people talk about it.

23:04 UTC


The Acolyte - The Rule Of Two and Continuity

It's the day before the Acolyte trailer and I'd like to get some thoughts out now in case the trailer reveals it or just completely ruins it lol. From what we know about the show, it's featuring Jedi (and maybe Sith). I think this show will answer a couple of questions I've had about The Phantom Menace for awhile.

1) How did Yoda know about the Rule Of Two, created by Darth Bane?

If the Rule of Two was established after the Jedi thought the Sith were extinct, it makes no sense how Yoda would know. Unless something in this show reveals to him how. Not all the Jedi have to agree or believe it.. but at least Yoda.

2) The Acolyte will show why Yoda doesn't want to train Anakin

The Jedi have a strict rule about training older recruits. 9 yo Anakin was too old... Yet in the High Republic novels, there's at least 1 boy, around 14, who is admitted into the Order in some capacity. (I have this knowledge second hand, so forgive me if it's inaccurate)

Lohim Nara was fourteen when he was allowed to begin learning from the Jedi, but that doesn't appear to be common practice. By the time of the Prequel Trilogy, the oldest a child was permitted to join the order was five. - thanks to frogspyer

In any case, I think we'll see some reasoning for why Yoda and the Jedi have this rule. At least in Legends, this didn't exist in The Old Republic timelines.

19:16 UTC


High Republic tie in to skywalker era

Read through all of HR minus a few smaller young adult books and looking for everyone’s head canon on this.

At the end of Defy the Storm, the nameless are now devouring moons and NPCs because the force is in everything. It’s no longer a threat to just Jedi. Rather than ask how it all nearly ends, I speculate 2 things:

  1. That the only way to now defeat the nameless will be dark side powers that Jedi will reluctantly need to learn and utilize in order to defeat these terrors. Hello Azlin and Elzar… but that leads to the second speculation,

  2. That a sith is already among them AND they’ll be the one surrounding or leading the research into m-count / nameless. There hasn’t been an m-count / midichlorian story line or even mention yet however within 100+ years it’s widely accepted.

This would tie neatly into Plageus and Palpatine. They could easily hide in plain site as Nihil or amongst the Jedi since their focus is spread so thin on the Nihil.

So the question becomes who would you guess to be the two Sith of this later era?

Can’t be too on the nose like Lorna D. Perhaps Xylan Graf plying the middle?

Also, Vernestra is the one to kill Marchion Ro.

23:18 UTC

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