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Discussion for Starcraft 2 Strategy

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1) Posts should contain strategy content or analysis, even if you're simply asking for advice. Posting your own analysis will help better players guide you in the right direction.

2) Substantiate your posts. Almost always, the best way to do this is with a replay or VOD.

3) Please include the match-up and league in the title if you're asking for advice.

WoL / HoTS Public Group: Strategy

Teamspeak 3: server.valdegames.com

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This is something we hand out to people who consistently give out clear, thought-out advice and contribute meaningfully to strategy discussion in this subreddit. Please don't ask for it, but feel free to nominate people (just message the mods).

Mods be powertrippin'? Send the admin a message and we'll try to sort it out.

Upcoming Event:

/r/starcraft_strategy coaching and improvement session #30: TBA

UReddit thread for Coaching Sessions

StarCraft Strategy Tournament #3: TBD

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6,526 Subscribers


After 1 year of solo development, the Starcraft Inspired Countryball Indie Game Ive been working on finally comes to Steam!

11:05 UTC


StarCraft 2 Sundays Vid Coaching?

I don't know if this is the right place for coaching, but anything I could have done differently?


1 Comment
19:44 UTC


Starcraft 3 Confirmed?

01:20 UTC


Starcraft 3 Confirmed?

01:20 UTC


Starcraft 3 Confirmed?

01:20 UTC


I put Artillery canons inspired by Seige tanks in my Countryball starcraft inspired indie Game

1 Comment
10:57 UTC


Been in silver 1 for 2 years this shit hard

1 Comment
00:40 UTC


Hi Starcraft fans! I want to introduce you to my starcraft inspired Indie game but with Countryballs! | Please! Consider joining the community and helping us with shaping the game!

1 Comment
12:57 UTC


A Early Alpha preview of the starcraft and CnC-inspired RTS game Im working on! But with Countryballs! I'm a solo dev, and would love some insight!

18:33 UTC


How Pros Think Mid-Game

12:46 UTC


Bronze - Gold Monthly tournamentSaturday, August 13th @ 8PM CDT.

1 Comment
22:26 UTC

22:25 UTC


[Academic] Experience of toxicity (insults, intentional feeding, grieving, trolling, etc.) in diverse competitive online games - one of them being Starcraft2.

Hi, I’m conducting a study on the experience of toxicity (insults, intentional feeding, grieving, trolling, etc.) in diverse competitive online games - one of them being StarCraft2.

I’m wondering whether you experienced any change in the level of toxicity since the COVID-19 pandemic. I would really appreciate your input! The survey is short, taking max. 5 minutes to complete. This is also the secound Iteration of this survey so don´t participate if you have already. Background: The study is led by Dr. Katharina Emmerich, a post-doc researcher at the University of Duisburg (in Germany) and her research focus is on digital games (yeah, turned the hobby into a profession ;) ). The data collected in the survey will be used to write an academic paper about player behavior in online games (no commercial use!). Link to the survey:


Thanks for your support :)

11:42 UTC


Intercompany StarCraft tournament. Registration is open now!


We are The Corporate Esports Association-- an organization that puts together charitable tournaments for corporate teams, with the top three finishers in each game donating their prize purse to a charity of their choice. We’re putting on a StarCraft tourney for corporate players this fall, and registration is open now! It’s a great way to meet and make friends with people at your company that you might not normally cross paths with, and to help out a charity that’s near and dear to you as well!

Whether it’s Google vs. Apple, GM vs. Tesla, or Walmart vs. Amazon, there are dozens of company rivalries playing themselves out here, and your company can be part of the next. You can find more info here -->https://cea.gg/collections/fall-2020-championship-series, or feel free to comment below with any questions or send us a message! You can also get in touch with us on our socials: https://twitter.com/CorporateEsport, https://www.facebook.com/corporateesports/, or at https://www.instagram.com/corporateesports/

We hope you’ll consider competing as we continue to game for the greater good!


The CEA Team

00:10 UTC


Thanks for helping a new SC2 player out! But I need help.. again... (pls)

Hello everyone! Im the one who posted about requesting help and tips for a new player like me. So I just played my first three 1v1 games (as Zerg) earlier and I havent won a single one. Its totally fine with me but I would like to ask on how to deal with "rushes"? Or how can I do the same thing in my future games (to experience even a single quick win) ? I didn't expected it to happen on my first games tbh because it didnt happen to Vibe's first game in his bronze to master series.

To give context: here's what happened in my three games:

1st game (vs Protoss)

- at around 30 secs after the game started, he had a probe in my base and started building pylons and cannons, i expanded to my 2nd base already but he just did the same thing there. The game didnt last for 5 minutes because i had to surender since i really dont know what to do in that scenario.

2nd game (vs Protoss)

- game went well and i had expanded around 3 bases. then i tried attacking his base bc i was at max units. then after a while i got attacked by a very huge ship (its the mothership iirc) and my hydralisks just get blown up XD soon after, my expansions was teared down too.

3rd game (vs Terran)

- it was much like the 2nd game where i had expanded to 3 bases too but i got attacked earlier, where i had only around 100 unit capacity. i hadnt even had a hydralisk den right there so i couldnt defend the attacks (he had small flying ships that idk the name), he targeted my overlords so i couldnt spawn any units.

I was wondering if you guys could give me any tips regarding these? I had been following Vibe's first video on his bronze to master series and i think im starting to get the hang of learning macro. But I dont really know what to do if at 30 secs of the game there's a probe building pylons and cannons at my base or a VERY LARGE SHIP THAT HAS SHIPS INSIDE that i cant defend :(

I know I sound so stupid in this but pls know that these 3 games are the very first SC2 games I have played (i havent even played campaign). Your help and tips would be very much appreciated!

11:00 UTC


Please Help a First-time Starcraft Player Out

Hello everyone! I am a new player to StarCraft 2 (the game is downloading as i type atm). I played Brood war but that was way back early 2000s. I'm planning to quit a game I have been playing due to its very toxic community and go back to my childhood game. I haven't played a single game of SC2 in my life and when I watched videos of it, I couldnt understand a thing.

In line with that, do you have any tips to give to a very very newbie player like me? Anything that may help as long as you think an ex brood war player could understand would be very much of a help. Also, if you have, can you guys recommend someone to watch that has guides or is educational? Thank you very much!

16:37 UTC


Finally realizing bio is actually effective in silver league TvP

1 Comment
18:06 UTC


Team build up ( Swann & Abathur )

My best friend and I play co op missions together he plays abathur since that's his main in Heroes of the Storm and I play Swann and I know I play a more of a defensive character but I feel like I'm not pulling my own wait during missions so any tips for my swann play? I think I'm level 10 so I have all the buildings unlocked

09:28 UTC


4k Zerg selling cheap and extensive coaching sessions for low mmr/new players


My name is Tom, I'm 26 years old and been a competitive gamer for the past ten years.
I've been struggling with dysthymia and PTSD and have recently had to quit my job and my studies, so I'm looking for a way to make a little 'pocket money' online and I figured I would try to combine my interest with my needs.

I've been seriously playing SC2 since sometime in January and I have so far managed to get to the upper end of Diamond twice on NA and EU respectively, both as Zerg and Random.
Though I am fairly new to StarCraft, I have thrown myself into the universe with the extra time I've had on my hands recently, and this combined with my leadership and coaching experience from other games, I will deliver high-quality coaching sessions.

Given the circumstances, I will of course offer extensive coaching sessions at a low price with payment after the fact; If you don't learn, I don't earn.

If you are a Terran or Protoss player, I would be happy to coach you, but please note that Zerg is my main race and Protoss is my off-race. There is a lot of things to teach that are not race-specific, but please do keep this fact in mind.

Before we set up a session (or sessions), I would like to have a short talk with you, so we can make a clear plan on areas you would like to talk about/work on during the session itself, get an idea of the number of sessions and discuss a price.

Due to corona and my health, my schedule is fairly flexible, so I will make the session(s) work around your schedule.

So in short, if you're new to StarCraft, Platinum or below and you want some extensive coaching for a cheap price and at the same time help out a guy in need, please contact me and we can make a deal; if our first session doesn't meet your expectations, you can walk away without paying me a dime.

I only coach in English or Danish. Your timezone doesn't matter; if you're e.g American, I will make it work on your schedule.

You can DM me here, add me to discord, battle-net or send me an e-mail.

BNet: tomtg#21325

Discord: TomTG#7630

E-Mail: tomtgsc@gmail.com



22:46 UTC


Anyone remember a Terran video Guide that basically goal is SCV to 50 at 10 minutes?

Been a longtime since I played. So I want to review what I learn before to see if I can get back into it.

04:44 UTC


Returning to SC2 (from WoL) – Question about new Terran Units

Hi everyone

So I returned to sc2 after playing during wings of liberty. I'm watching quite alot of streams but still have some questions about the - for me - new units:

Liberator: When should they be used - or what are they good for?
Cyclone: Same question - is there some basic understanding when they should be built?
Hellbat/Hellion: Is infernal pre-ignter not a thing anymore? When should I use hellbats?

Hope, you guys can clear that up for me! :)

12:14 UTC


What does it mean to ‘take third’?

As the title says - this terminology pops up a lot and I don’t know what it’s referring to. I’m a noob obviously.

00:27 UTC


Spectators Motives for Watching E-Sports Online (Survey)

I would appreciate if you could fill this survey which may take you up to 10-15min.

Requirements: you need to be at least 18 years old; you have watched an e-sport(s) competition(s) online at least once in the last 6 months.

Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScSbHsulfOypPqIpLRadaaDjKVLWEeHL74-XAYm8LHfZy2ohA/viewform?usp=pp_url

13:28 UTC


Sc2 and Broodwar

22:08 UTC


Tutorial? (Starcraft BroodWar)

19:25 UTC


A noob’s guide to getting out of bronze league

I just started playing SC2 as Terran a week or two ago, and have really enjoyed learning this new strategy game. I’ve watched videos of pro tournaments in the past, kept a close eye as a software developer on reinforcement learning advances in the past few years, and also played a lot of chess, but I never played any Starcraft because I always thought my dexterity would prohibit me from having fun with the game.

Thankfully that has 100% not turned out to be true. I’ve had an enormous amount of fun with the game and I just graduated to silver. This is not exactly a real accomplishment, but still, I had a fun idea for a post.

I’ve realized a little original thinking helped me more than anything else. There are a couple rules I’ve discovered that are fairly strategically sound, and easy for low-skill players like myself to execute, but no one talks about them because they wouldn’t work at a higher level. The thing is I feel like most of the advice out there doesn’t target low-skill players.

So here’s my bullet list of easy-to-follow rules that I think would reliably get you out of bronze league. It’s mostly meant for fun and based on personal experience but I would appreciate a similar list for other leagues if anyone feels motivated to come up with one.

1.) Forget the standard hotkeys. Customize your hotkeys so that you can lay your left hand across QWER and have at least 7 control groups available without moving your hand. I use 1,2,3,4,5,T,and Space.

2.) Build workers at every base, basically constantly and for the entire game. You’ll lose plenty anyway, and if you over saturate then you’ll have extras to transfer when you expand.

3.) Always expand as soon as every base you have is fully saturated. Don’t worry about expanding sooner or later than that, just let your income grow at a steady level.

4.) When you expand, make it a habit of bringing all those extra workers you have down to the expo and wall off with supply depots. It’s inefficient but you’ll never be supply blocked.

5.) Don’t think about build orders. Just spend your first surplus minerals to wall off your main with supply depots, to deter super early aggression. Then just build enough of each production facility to spend all your resources.

6.) Build basically any mix of units and upgrade them whenever you have extra resources. Having a specific composition doesn’t really matter. Just make sure you can target both ground and air, and have some detection. If you see your opponent go with a narrow composition, only then change to build units that counter it.

7.) Use all your units all the time, only micro specific groups for harassment when you have spare time. Don’t be afraid of the Select Army key. It gets made fun of a lot but at this level it’s very convenient.

8.) If you have a mid-game battle that’s neither super favorable nor devastating, and you’re not sure where you stand, don’t dive in or take any unfavorable engagements. Instead follow the step below.

Preserve your army, try to protect your core bases, and (this is the very unconventional part, but it’s a clincher!) send a worker to literally every unoccupied expansion area. I mean it. Every single one.

Your opponents at this level won’t be scouting well and usually won’t be overly aggressive until they are confident they’ve rebuilt their army.

And for some reason they usually won’t try to expand or will do so timidly, maybe for fear of being attacked, or doing something stupid , or deviating from what they usually see pro gamers do.

So basically, if you can stay alive till mid-game and still be in decent shape, all you have to do is do is perform this explosive mid-game expansion and you’ll end up out-macroing every single low-level player, even if you’re only breaking even on the battles you engage in.

You’re basically just exploiting the fact that everyone at Bronze league either stops expanding at mid-game, or mimics the expansion tempo they see from high level players, which means it would never occur to them to do something so silly as what I just described. And that seems to be why it works.

02:28 UTC


Ive got a couple ideas, one for BW one for SC2.

To help deal with dark swarm in BW, could you irradiate some science vessels and paint over the dark swarm? The risk of scourge is there but thats expected.

Also in SC2 i feel like it is a worthy endeavor to put a turret AND bunker to protect your mineral line. At higher levels maybe it doesnt apply, but for the majority of players the ability to devote less attention to defending harassment would help them win games as theyre focusing on macro and attacking. Plus if theyre able to stay out of range of both you can still pop the marines out and provoke. Given the fact that late in the game when bases mine out you can just put the marines back in your army and salvage the bunker. Whole thing costs 25 minerals per base.

I ask because at the highest levels you dont see these things but i feel like theyre cool tactics. Thanks

04:27 UTC


(Final survey for my PhD degree) The opportunities, threats, and strategies of esports sponsorships (Only for people who watch/participate in esports) [Ends on 30 November 2019]

Hello everyone, I’m doing my PhD in marketing and I’m focusing on esports sponsorships. From May 2019 until now I have done 4 surveys. This is the last one. ATTENTION: Don’t fill out this survey if you filled out the 2nd one, they are the same and have the same title (I’m reposting the 2nd survey because this is the most important one and I need a very large sample).

All surveys are anonymous and done on Google Forms. The data from the surveys will only be used for my PhD thesis and to develop 6 articles that will be published in scientific journals. The participation of all esports fans is extremely important and greatly appreciated (survey is only for people who watch/participate in esports).

This survey takes about 8 minutes to complete and is related to the opportunities, threats, and strategies of sponsoring esports. Here is the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUacl74DMc_BofKbD90NwRmohYAAgBlXmjjG_-P3QBmP6hCw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Thank you so much in advance.

If you are interested in easily following the results of this research, you can follow me here on Reddit or on Twitter: @EsportsAnalyses. Results are expected to be posted in this subreddit and on Twitter by the end of 2020.

This survey has been approved by the kind moderators.

13:10 UTC

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