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This is the subreddit for everything related to Star Citizen - an up and coming epic space sim MMO being developed by Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games.


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Official Discord Ban

To the mods running discord , I need a little help here please , My discord is verified with phone and I instantly get banned for no reason , can you help me please



07:42 UTC


I need the apollo

Cmon cig let’s get this ship for us field medics

07:35 UTC


Refueling of Stations?

I’m curious, with the launch of cargo and the perceived soon(tm) launch of the dynamic economy sim, has CIG ever discussed refueling of stations? IE I have this massive refueling ship and would expect that I would eventually be able to take missions to pickup liquid fuel from a refinery and supply stations, landing zones, rest stops and jump points right?

Has there been anything official on this topic?

07:26 UTC


Cutter Rambler: Noble Paint (8k)

07:18 UTC


Delivery Service + Cargo Mission Solve Idea

Hello Citizens of the Stars,

I hope you're doing well.

I'm not going to word vomit this, and kinda just give an executive summary of an idea my Org had on stream the other night.

Delivery Services + Cargo Missions

Issue trying to solve:

Going to other Stations for items you need

Reason for solve requirement:

Its busy work and takes away from the "Get to fun" portion that SC has to offer

How to solve:

Have an "Amazon" like delivery service

How to guard against not visiting other plants:

Put a timer on the items you purchase, you buy something from MicroTech, it will take 72 Real Life Hours to get to your home base. Or X amount of period of time + Delivery fee cost

How to make this fun for players:

Make them Cargo Missions that people can take and deliver

How to stop griefing or not getting items:

Purchased items will always have the 72 Hour or X timer on it, you will never not get your items.

But within those 72/X hours, a mission is available for Cargo Haulers to go and take it and bring the things where they need to be.

Items aren't real, just the job is, so even if this person crashed their ship, you will still get your items in 72/X hours at Maximum

What does this solve:

It creates meaningful and real life cargo missions for people, between people inside this Universe

How do you encourage haulers:

As the buyer of said item(s), I can add bonus deliver money on top of the mission if completed with in X period of time


Would love to flesh the idea out more, but I think this would be a really fun way to inject real life Hauler Missions

PS I totally word vomited when I said I wasn't, sorry haha

1 Comment
07:02 UTC


A positive post a day until Pyro (Day 22)

I think that the game giving you a chance to be revived even if you’re solo is super awesome. Although the medical loop is a little lacking right now, I really have enjoyed every time I have gotten a rescue.

My favorite occurred at about four in the mining on my Reclaimer. For some reason or another one of the salvage chairs had broken and stuck me in it. I had north of 3 million dollars in the hold and no friends to rally to come save me so I figured asking for help was worth it.

Over the course of the next hour and a half (ish) a crack team of three players used every trick in the book to find and save me. Including the elusive /showlocation command.

Around an hour later I died in a bunker and the SAME PEOPLE came to my aid once again. I really want to shout out the medical people, it’s thankless and dangerous work that pays like shit, and we are lucky to have you.

Thank you for your time, and I’ll see y’all tomorrow.

1 Comment
07:02 UTC


3.24.2 PTU | Rock Cave Exploration

1 Comment
06:47 UTC


RIP Corsair floor MFD

06:16 UTC


Day of the VARA 2954 helmets

how this Vara helmet loot works? Do i need to put helmet in to my inventory or is it enough if i just take it from lootbox to get it after event?

I found a vanduul helmet but i died and lost it.

Its not explained precisely in comm-link webpage.

05:59 UTC


MFD in Reclaimer now looks like Alien/Blade Runner Launch Perameters

The launch software in the patrol cars in Blade Runner and the Nostromo's landing software in Alien now are strikingly similar to the MFD we have in the current Reclaimer... Thoughts? I am pumped that this looks that way as this will inflate my Xenomorph-feeling/phobia everytime I take off :)

05:43 UTC


error 5007

i downloaded the base pack file, but when i try to download the update file i press verify it instantly gives me installation error, is there any fix?

1 Comment
05:38 UTC


Bug (or feature??) seems to add speed and G-meter back to the centre of HUD like many request

Image showing added speed and G info on the left of the HUD on left of QT allign element

I was watching a stream of the new PTU patch and noticed that at some point a second player enters the pilot seat and after he exits and the original pilot re-enters the seat, there is an added speed reading and G-meter on the part of the HUD that is actually projected and collimated properly like the crosshair and QT info (and unlike the new floating holograms we are getting now). Are any PTU players able to clarify if this is an option in the config menu? Or is this just an ironically functional bug?

Personally if this were an option I would feel a lot less reservations about the new UI rework, and I'm sure a lot of others would too.

If it isn't an intended option then I think it should be, not just for the speed reading and G-meter but other information too such as boost % and weapon info (displayed in a similar non-cluttered way like the QT allign and spool info in the SC I provided, for ex).

That way, people can choose what balance of information and empty space they want on their HUD, instead of having the game decide it for them.

1 Comment
05:27 UTC


kraken when?

Kraken straight to flyable at citizen con?

04:54 UTC


Can you see the reclaimer, or 890js target status on the new MFDs?

On the current 3.24.1 MFDs when you’re targeting a reclaimer or an 890j the target status is too large to actually see any damage progress. I’m not in wave 1 and I’m eager to find out if CIG fixed it with the new MFDs.

04:22 UTC


As my face lit up from the light from the explosion, I heard a voice over the comms

“Ground units, friendly A2 Starkiller above, no cause for alarm, just clearing a little landing room. Sit tight, we’ll have you home safe faster than you can drink a CruzLux.”

03:37 UTC


CIG, PLEASE let us toggle the FPS HUD. You made such a beautiful game, and we're forced to use your shit blue helmet/iEye9000 UI.

03:29 UTC


Idris Release When??

Only making this post because I enjoy talking/speculating about cap ships lol. But, with the release of the Polaris right around the corner (it seems, and hopefully what they said at ILW is true about it being released before or right at IAE) how long do you think it will be before the Idris is in game? I know they have said it will come with SQ42, but I believe they said the same thing about the F8C as well and it seems the Idris is pretty close to being finished from what I have seen at XT.

03:01 UTC


ESC button closes mobiglas in 3.24.2

Tiny QOL win

unrelated: we seem to have lost the vector marker.

02:54 UTC


Abs/Rel throttle control

Just logged into the PTU and I got everything MOSTLY sorted but I can’t seem to find the controls for my HOSAS. Namely the throttle positioning. Got VKB NXT EVO and I don’t see a “throttle rel/abs” setting anymore. Did this get changed? Moved? I see everyone talking about the weapons but no one is talking about throttle/control changes so I assume I’m missing something.

1 Comment
02:47 UTC


The Star Citizen I want to play no longer exists.

Backer since 2016. I tried to play the PTU yesterday, I spent half the day trying change my key bindings for my sticks to something that works for 3.24.2 and could not find something that works. my goal in changing the bindings was to be able to efficiently swap between different weapon groups (now that there is only 1 trigger) and also set up to be able to adjust power allocation on the fly (now that we have no power triangle), all without having to use the MFDs. I don't think this is currently possible. I feel like this game is quickly straying from what it was meant to be, everything is starting to feel restrictive in what you can do. With the addition of so much janky mechanics and the mastermodes rubbish, yesterday I found myself swapping between the PTU and the PU, all I wanted to do was play some Star Citizen and it just started to feel like the Star Citizen I want to play doesn't exist anymore and is slowly drifting further away... I'm sure there are a lot of people that feel the same.

02:41 UTC


Oh God...The Turrets are Revolting

02:37 UTC


Character Morphing from Custom to default.

I'm not sure if it's something to do with my settings but in the PU when in 3rd person my character will randomly morph from the custom character i created to one of the preset default faces. Does anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it?


02:31 UTC


No UI For Multi Tool

FPS mining at the moment in PTU. I'm just wondering if it is a known issue or something changed in keybinds. I cannot get the mining UI to appear with the multi tool. I'm still able to mine and stare really hard at the tiny UI on the actual tool itself but I'm trying to get the real UI to show up. Workarounds ?

01:43 UTC


wait a minute

do i need a flight stick to play?

01:27 UTC


Just so its clear, with the new change you CAN see all pips while only firing some

01:03 UTC


So I’m just asking, if the new MFDs are base on Squadron 42 “ we are just basically bringing it from S42 to the PU”why the change on the Power Management MFD

See here on the right screen the new design is already made and implemented on S42.. it would be good to a least have an explanation why? How the new one is better, what are the benefits?

01:01 UTC


Question about ship locking

Say I have a mothership & go out with a snub. If I lock the doors, how do I get back in the mothership once I’m back?

Also - do ships have markers regardless of distance now? I remember having to put a box in a ship for there to be a marker - as it was very easy to lose a mothership unless you leave it at an OM.

00:28 UTC



Has anyone brought up the horrible state of fuel economy in current ptu? Like it’s horrible you can’t even get across the system in a cargo ship. Your losing money on every job just refueling

00:26 UTC


Is the Corsair overpowered in a PvP situation?

Possible fate for the Corsair if CIG doesn't reconsider forcing the co-pilot to swap between the front guns and rear turret.

I would assert that the Corsair with a crew of two is at a disadvantage in a PvP situation, with or certainly without the copilot.

Consider an engagement between a Corsair and Cutlass black, which I’ve tested in the ‘verse.

The Cutlass black has 6x S4 missile hardpoints which allows you to equip 24x Dominator IIs. These are the greatest nemesis of any medium/large ship - Launching Dominators IIs against a ship which has exhausted its noise countermeasures is equivalent to hitting the, “I win” button.

The opening move will be to launch a four-missile volley at the Corsair, which will severely damage the maneuvering thrusters when it (likely) connects.

The Cutlass pitch/yaw/roll is 47/39/135 degrees per second.
The Corsair pitch/yaw/roll is 30/30/60 degrees per second. Even the boosted rates are below the base Cutlass rates – and the actual rates will be more sluggish as you accumulate damage from missile attacks.

Between two pilots of equal skill, the Cutlass will control the engagement distance and park itself along the ventral axis of the Corsair and take down the rear shields or keep its distance and pound the Corsair with volleys of missiles. Missile spam has the added advantage of breaking off the wings and associated weapon systems.

In such a situation, a solo-pilot Corsair committed to the fight or quantum-damped by a Mantis is already dead.

There is a small chance (small because I could never get this scenario to work consistently with my piloting skills) where the copilot manning the remote turret is able use the rear turret to suppress the Cutlass shields and the missile operator mode to do component damage to the Cutlass. Meanwhile the pilot rolls the ship to keep the line between the remote turret and the Cutlass, while taking occasional shots with the quad S5 guns, before the aft shield face goes down and the Corsair dies. A third/fourth crew member in the side turrets are just along for the ride, the best they can do is help the copilot suppress the shields on the cutlass.

Unsurprisingly this small chance goes down to zero if the pilot loses two S5 guns and has already lost the S4s on the wings. You can’t expect a copilot to swap between manning the remote turret and switching to the main guns when the window of opportunity to fire the main gun is measured in fractions of a second.

If we assume that CIG’s quad-S5, dual-S4 loadout is making the Corsair too effective in PvE, is there another solution that still gives it a chance in a PvP scenario? I would suggest removing the S4 gun hardpoints on the wing, and exchanging them for 2x S5 missile mounts, which could be adapted to carry additional smaller missiles. This lets the pilot keep the alpha damage needed to handle faster targets and gives the co-pilot more missile ammo to work with instead of burdening them with an additional weapon system.

If CIG is searching for reasons why people are using the Corsair to solo content instead of a Constellation, it’s hard to deny that DPS is a factor. But CIG also must consider that the Constellation cockpit view is not iconic, it’s atrocious compared to the Corsair. And there is a far smaller chance that I glitch out of the ship interacting with chairs/beds/storage in the Corsair vs the Constellation. And these are all issues documented over the years on the issue council. Citizens will be happier if both ships are better, vs breaking the Corsair’s PvP survivability and pigeon-holing the Corsair into its glass cannon PvE role.

23:51 UTC

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