the spider in you
Submit who you spider are!
Other animal IRLs: /r/moo_irl /r/rept_irl /r/bee_irl /r/snek_irl /r/hoot_irl
So one day at 11:30pm i had to go to the bathroom so i went to the bathroom and i saw 2 spiders and then soon after they touch and they fell to the ground i go AHHHHH and ran out then i got a shoe and went back and saw a 3rd spider it was small one so i realize this a family and they are not invited and not pay rant so i got the shoe throw it and it missed danmit! So i get a idea i get a broken water gun and pour water in it as you guess it doesn't work so i felt mad but i remembered there a shotgun water gun in my bedroom so i run to my bedroom and get it and pour water in it with my water bottle then i go to the bathroom load it and look at those spiders and i still shoting they fell into there water death i keep shoting and run out so i ran back to my bedroom and pull more water in go back and shot and shot and they die but i thought it was over but i saw a spider trying to live and i got the water loading and shot him and died and it was over!
Hello I was recently bitten by a Spider but very curious to what spider that was here are the details..
The Spider was all Black and white on the top it was small
Its bite made small bump on my arm where if I squeez or touch it will turn white in the area it was bitten.