
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/sobrietyandrecovery! Our mission is to provide structure and support for people suffering from habitual substance abuse. We also provide useful information and resources for addicts in every stage of recovery.

We encourage users to maintain an empathetic and reassuring environment for addicts from all walks of life. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message our mod team any time!

Please keep these few rules in mind:

  1. Be mindful of what you share: some people may be triggered by what you're talking about. For example, try not to be overly specific or glorify your behaviors.

  2. We are here to be supportive of one another. Do not be dismissive of other people's addictions.

  3. Higher powers can be different for different people. Don't try and get people to take on your higher power than their own.

  4. There is no one road to recovery. Let's try not to criticize the way one person is working their recovery just because it's not your own.

  5. Be honest! Being dishonest is taking that one step closer to being active in our addictions again.


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If you're struggling with addiction, there are several affordable resources that can aid in your recovery without breaking the bank.


10:20 UTC


Almost 100 days sober

In an hour I will be 100 days sober from alcohol. I want to say i feel amazing, but honestly i feel like shit. Haha. I miss drinking. The past year has been the worst of my adult life. I broke up with my fiancé, and moved back in with my unsupportive parents (i am trans). Later that month i was fired from my job. I sunk into a depressive rut for a couple months, drinking alone in secret. Before then, i rarely drank at all. When i would go out i got black out for the first time and missed a job interview. It’s coming up on the one year mark and i have such intense anxiety. Things are actually going well right now. I got a great job, and now i have insurance and can start seeing my therapist again. but i can’t help but feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I stopped taking ALL of my meds about 6/7 months ago, and have been incredibly anxious and unstable. After going to a party and getting into a fight with the guy i was dating, i decided that was my last drink. I needed to make a change. But i don’t feel any better. I somehow feel worse. I am so sad. I still consume small amounts of cannabis, but just to knock myself out so i can sleep. But even that is starting to feel like a crutch. I try and talk to my family, but their patience with my emotions is wearing thin. They remind me of how much of a burden I am. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder a couple years ago, and actually got pretty stable on some meds. But without them, i just feel empty and sad and bored. I want to feel warm again. Since i was a kid, i’ve been morbidly depressed. No one ever took me seriously until i attempted to take my life. Again. I spent my 27th birthday in an involuntary hold, feeling like I was in jail versus a hospital. I convinced them i was stable enough to go home but it all sounds so tempting again. My birthday is coming up soon and i don’t want to hurt myself but i could be 27 forever. What a beautiful idea. I could stay a good kid, and not have to become a disappointment, more so than I already am. I tried to casual talk to my mom about my sobriety, but when i used that word she laughed at me. She doesn’t know about my drinking. My dad is an addict in recovery (over 5 years clean and sober) and i guess to her you really have to hit rock bottom before you deserve to claim sobriety. You have to ruin your life even more than i have before you are worthy. I have never felt comfort from my mom. I cry to her and she gets mad. Even when i was a child, she would just shut down and either walk away or get angry. She would just scream at me. I understand she is dealing with her own trauma, but i just want to feel a mother’s comfort. She used to tell me depression doesn’t exist, until my dad tried to hurt himself after losing his job and his best friend. She needs extremes to happen before she admits something is wrong. I just so desperately was to feel good again. Drinking won’t help but it will feel close. I just want some words of encouragement. I want some comfort. Even my twin sister has given up on me because she says i’m not worth the emotional labor and i do not appreciate her help. She is very blunt and autistic. It’s hard to tell her and my mom they hurt me without being called ungrateful and manipulative. My biological father has been helping me financially get back on my feet, but i wish i didn’t need to. My mom and sister make me feel like a bad person for associating with him. But he seems to respect me, and wants to help me. I feel like i have no other options. He used to sell dope and was the first person to give me booze as a kid. I don’t want to live like this but I feel like I’m running out of options.

I’m not going to relapse tonight. But i so desperately want to. Here’s to a sober future. I want to keep my streak, and accept the help I am given. I just feel so weak. For years i’ve been tempted to try opioids. I just don’t know where to get them. I want to OD and make every one feel a fraction of my pain. But i know that won’t solve anything. Haha, if only i wasn’t a huge narc dork.

06:05 UTC



Broke sobriety after several months. I feel really self destructive and fucked up right now. I don’t have any family to talk to and I need somebody to

04:33 UTC


Trying to kick meth while grieving loss of my brother

Sitting here sobbing, wasn’t allowed to be with the 300+ people who attended his service today. Punishment I guess. I kicked opioids recently and still grappling with meth. I’m depressed and I’m going to be uncomfortable until it passes so I can get to meetings. This is the worst place I’ve been mentally in awhile. one thing I’m certain of, I’m ready to recover. Completely

00:47 UTC


Blurry lines of sobriety

I’ve been sober for over a year, and earlier today at work, a coworker offered me a tea from a new tea shop. It’s called kava tea, which has relaxing effects along with some caffeine. I’m fine with caffeine since it doesn’t really affect me noticeably, but apparently, the kava itself acts as a depressant, giving effects similar to a mild alcohol buzz. I didn’t feel much from it, and I’m not upset with my coworker, as I think he just saw it as another coffee-like drink. However, I do feel unusually calm now.

I guess what’s making me anxious is figuring out whether this should count as a relapse or not, but now I’m left feeling unsure. I’d really appreciate hearing other people’s thoughts on this.

00:13 UTC


Reflecting on the downward spiral and ongoing struggle that comes with alcoholism

Just wanted to share a glimpse of my relationship with alcoholism/addiction hoping to serve as a reminder of how shitty the struggle can be and how dangerous coming off booze is with the withdrawals, seizures, & DTs. I've been struggling with addiction for over a decade and with that experience I'm confident in saying it DOES get better, if you want it. You have to want it, and when you do you'll realize it's the best decision you could ever make.

if you're currently trying to get off then please do it safely, consult a doctor or if you're withdrawing hard then get to hospital ASAP. seek professional help, don't try to do this on your own. -

Vid: Is it a Good Day or Bad Day?

17:41 UTC


08/26 I completed 7 years sober. But I feel increasingly lonely as time passes.

and that sucks. Im 35 and sober since 08/26/2017. I stopped hanging out with friends that do drugs and drinks heavly, I gave up my jornalism degree. But when people ask The Second or third time "how come you dont drinks?" I still answer with sarcasm or been plain rude.

Right now I'm a musician and studying at an art college. I know that fisicly fit the "archetype of a heavy drinker". I have 50 + tattooes (head, hands, palms, neck), a few piercings, a long beard and i shave my head. I really tired of people saying that i look like a barbarian and that its wierd that I dont drink. I know that there's little I can do about it or how to handle it. And I dont know how to finish this post.

ps: english is not my first language. I'm brazilian and its been a while that I write a long post in english.

13:52 UTC



The featured image reveals the harsh reality of heroin addiction.


13:39 UTC


Weed culture is killing me

To start, I know I have no one to blame but myself for smoking pot. I am the one actively choosing it.

What I’m really struggling with is how much I’m going to have to let go if I quit. My entire family smokes. My dad does it multiple times a day, and it is the only thing we have ever bonded over since my mom died when I was a kid. All of my friends do it, and when I mentioned trying to quit, they started to not invite me to hang out in the guise of “helping me”.

I’m just sad. Weed used to be a sense of joy and relaxation. Now it has ruined my mental health. I’m in a constant haze, can’t sleep with out it, and live my life in a fog. If I see weed, I smoke it. There is zero self control.

There’s a dispensary in virtually every corner of my city now. It’s always in my face. While I think it’s good that it’s legal where I am, it’s ruining any attempt at quitting.

Does anyone have any advice? I need help genuinely

1 Comment
23:04 UTC


I don’t have anyone to celebrate with so here it goes!

Sorry if this seems a bit sad but I’m actually very happy right now. I’m officially 10 years sober! My husband is currently doing an overnight treatment in Boston for his prostate cancer, and my biological family is no contact due to them not supporting my marriage. So I’m here alone with our two dogs, our cat, and our turtle. I’m sad I’m alone, and wish my husband was here to say he’s proud of me (he will when he gets back). Just wanted to share. I’m smiling writing this. Thank you to all who read this, and I hope you are doing as good as this!

22:53 UTC


High on life lol

So I’ve been sober since July 5th 2023… but I started to notice that I feel like I’m on drugs sometimes. Idk maybe I’m fried or maybe this is being high on life. I pay really close attention to my body and it feels like I’m vibrating sometimes. Or I get into these really blissful states. Sometimes I close my eyes and I feel like what it’s like to be on mushrooms.

Does anyone else relate to feeling “high” while sober? Am I just permifried?

15:29 UTC


Time to pay up

I’m 90 days sober as of today, and I feel like the only things I get outside of my AA-life is karma for my shitty actions.

I lied constantly to my wife and have been separated from her for those 90 days.

To anyone struggling, the thing that helped me was hearing that whatever problem I was dealing with couldn’t be solved through alcohol.

I’m depressed, I’m down 20 pounds, I’m not my formerly happy self.

One day it’ll be worth it.


20:26 UTC


i fucked up

I smoked a few times this week after not doing so for 6 months. I feel worthless, guilty and terrible. I hate myself right now. Close to rock bottom

16:53 UTC



The most powerful tool in recovery is "Surrender".

In Step 1, we acknowledge our powerlessness, recognizing that our solo efforts will ultimately fail.


1 Comment
09:38 UTC


I used

I used my DOC today after a few months sober and I feel horrible. I am doing everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen again, but I feel depressed and ashamed.

00:51 UTC



Here are some things that you can do to make good friends in recovery:

  • Become aware of codependency; get to know all you can about codependency.


14:34 UTC


New here (trigger warning, mention of specific substances)

Hey guys. I just joined and felt like I needed to share. I’ve been having issues with addiction and alcoholism for about 9 years. I’m 24 this month if that makes a difference to anyone. Anyways. I got clean about a year ago right before my son was born and didn’t get sober til January but there’ve been a few times where I almost flushed it all away due to a variety of reasons. Being a new dad with another on the way, financial stress, family drama, normal things. My wife has been amazing in helping me get through this though and I’d love to say idk where I’d be without her but I do. In a bar with my friends Jack and Coke.

So my wife, son and I are out of town staying in a hotel. We have family from the city watching our son tonight so we can have a date night. Everything was going so well. Good food. Good time out and about with eachother. Now fast forward a few hours. We’re going back inside from having a smoke and I can clearly smell vodka all over the floors and walls of the elevator hallway as if someone spilled a bottle and I almost lost it. When I got into the elevator 25 minutes ago I started shaking and haven’t stopped since.

So here I am. Writing this to a bunch of strangers with similar problems hoping I finally found somewhere I won’t be judged for my past and maybe someone has some advice for me to learn how to cope better? It’s been 9 months and I still want a drink. Especially after tonight.

05:21 UTC


Relapse dreams, anyone else?

I’ve had these dreams before but I’ve just woken up from a particularly horrible one and I wanted to listen to others experiences. I’ve been sober 2 years 11 months and do not regret it one bit, extremely happy and proud of myself. In my dream, I was at a party with friends and old friends (out of character for me in the waking life) and all of a sudden, I woke up the next morning, I’d realised I’d blacked out, it was an hour till I had to go to work, I was hungover, embarrassed, and everyone was telling me embarrassing stories about me, I didn’t know where my things were and I could barely tell the time, I was stressed and beside myself with shame. This one particularly hurt when I woke up (maybe I have one once every 6 months to a year)

And it got me thinking… am I alone in this experience? Anyone know WHY our brains do this to us?

05:09 UTC



As individuals in recovery, we are called to walk a different trajectory from those around us. Our journey is one of growth in non-judgment.


12:41 UTC


Double edge sword

It's such a pain in the butt trying to get yourself motivated to stay clean off marijuana and Kratom when you have to deal with issues like Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome, which causes you to have flare episodes of vomiting alnost every day, not to mention I lossed my job because chs took me out. Also I tried quitting!!! And guess what!!! I still end up just vomiting my guts out!! I smoke I puke, I don't I puke. It seems I have to find a medium or a balance in order to not stay nauseated and sick. But it's very hard to do so abd meassure out when CHS kicks in randomly. I'm so tired of this shit. How do I continue life when this is a diseased that I can't get help for, I don't know what to even do. Anxiety and panic attacks send me to the E.R I'm pretty sure it's this Kratom and weed. Anyone had any similar experiences, how to I tamper or should I say f it and just check in to a hospital or something. I'm just scared They wouldint be able to detox me the whole length I'd like and ive already done 3 inpatients. How do I do this on my own withought getting so violently I'll? Medications? Methods?

00:21 UTC



I was once invited to speak to individuals admitted to a rehab about sobriety. My talk focused on two key factors that can lead to relapse: stress and trauma.


10:44 UTC


It wanted me today

Today started off really well. Early evening rolls up and I hit nearly every emotion. Each one, from Zero to Mach-Overload instantly. I didn't have any uncontrollable cravings but it was definitely a moment that I would have picked up a 5th and tried to wash it away. It didn't get me. The program saves again. 1moreday

02:30 UTC


Fell off - getting back on tips

I had managed 7 months sober, and spent this summer drinking again since I had lost a friend and was trying to contend with my emotions. It’s been very unhealthy, I know, but now I feel defeated and wanna get back to sober life.

Anyone got any tips for how to get back to being sober and staying sober?

21:18 UTC


I’m ready! SO READY

I’ve been struggling with my relationship with alcohol for a bit over a year. I had an incident where alcohol flipped a switched in my head and I got DOWN. Like hopeless and wanted to die. And tried to jump off the balcony. I have no memory of this. It wasn’t an alcohol blackout. It was an emotional one. Since then, I’ve consumed but less and less as I’ve progressed. I joined an intensive outpatient program and definitely have made progress. But still had cravings and acted upon it. I was honest with my partner about anytime I wanted something and also about if I gave into that want. Unfortunately, my partner and I are on hiatus for now and I feel strongly about getting my shiz together faster and stronger to be my best self. I wanted to drink when he left and cope that way but I didn’t. Waking up heartbroken today, usually I’d grab a drink to cope and I didn’t. I’ve given away my weed and stuff to my friends this morning. I feel I need to become stronger than ever so when we find each other again it builds towards the strong future we’re meant to have. And we’ll both be showing up as our best selves. Thanks for letting me rant💕❤️

20:24 UTC

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