
Photograph via snooOG

For those who like to stand sideways on snow

Shreddit - For snowboarders & those who love snowboards.

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  • The general rule is photo and video submissions to /r/snowboarding should be of people actually riding on snowboards. If you want to submit a picture of your gear or where you ride, please use the Daily Discussion.~~

  • For riding advice and critique, we have a weekly thread where you can submit your video links if you want tips from the community or feedback on your riding.

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  • FOR BEGINNERS: You're welcome to post here, following the rules, but you can also head over to /r/snowboardingnoobs to ask questions. Also, the search function is your friend. We're 99% sure that someone has already asked the same question you have.

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Lastly, this is worth repeating since this is something that we have to constantly clarify (99% of modmail is about this): If your thread was removed without explanation, it most likely belongs in the Daily Discussion Thread.

FAQs/Awesome stuff


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What snowboard should I get

If all I ever do is ask questions on reddit and never read about products, talk to locals, demo boards, or god forbid take a shot on something?

Can any of you tell me what to do so I dont have to think for myself?


Can we ban these posts and encourage gear REVIEWS instead?!


15:01 UTC


Board size for Indoor park and some eventual Resort vacations

Background info:

40yo / 5'9 / 74kg, life long surfer and skater here, who started snowboarding this year. Like to do some back and front board, back lip, and love doing ground spins. My home spot is the SnowWorld, a big indoor park in Landgraaf, Netherlands, which has 2 piste, blue and red, and one terrain park. It is pretty big and you can ride really fast downhill if you want, which I love doing as well.

(yes, 3 boards in less than one year. I don't care. I do not spend much money in other stuff like computers, cars, trips etc. and am also in love with SB. So it's no biggie. So, please be nice.) =)

First board was a Salomon Huck Knife 155. Didn't work at all for me. Way too hooky, especially for a first timer jerry.

Second board was a Capita Ultrafear Reverse 151. This was game changer. Day and night difference. Had the feeling I learned in one week what I'd normally learn in months (or even years if I didn't have a good background in board sports). Went from clumsy insecure only riding down the groomers to doing spins, boardslides etc. I wrecked the board in a sharp rail edge though.

Third was the Bataleon Wallie in 151, because I wanted to test how "catch free" the 3BT was. Not big deal at all, and I found out it is only catch free when doing a nose or tail butter spin. Other than that the board has positive camber and is actually far from being as loose as my Ultrafear with flat to rocker profile. I can make it work pretty well though, still can't spin as fast and loose as I could with the Ultrafear, and it has also much less stability when going fast downhill in "end of the day" bumpy groomers, because it's the softer board out there.

So, I was thinking about getting another Ultrafear, but was wondering if getting it one size bigger (153) would be a good idea (since I like not only ground tricks but love going downhill fast as well), or bad idea since I ride year round in an indoor park where there is no powder. My stance is also narrow, around 20".

I know both are okay and within range, but what you guys think?

Should I stay at 151 once I ride mostly park and indoor piste, like "hm, for someone your size, who mainly ride indoors, 151 is big enough already. You could even go 149"

Or 153 because "It won't make any difference when riding park but you will have more stability for going down fast, and it would also be better at the resort" (where I only spend 2 weeks once or twice a year though)

I'm afraid of the 153 being too big for me. But still curious about it.

Also been checking the Rome Party Mod in 153 (it's the smallest they have), due to it's carving properties, but afraid it wouldn't be as loose as the Ultrafear Reverse and as hooky as a positive cambered board.


13:22 UTC


Another top to bottom at the fridge

09:02 UTC


Is $600 a good price for a splitboard?

Hey ya'll. My friend offered to sell me his splitboard for $600. I've never owned a splitboard and would love to get one as an avid snowboarder. He said the splitboard itself is a little old, but the bindings are brand new and the size fits me. It seems like a pretty good deal to me, but thought I'd check in with the people who know their shit first lol. Thanks!!

00:08 UTC


What has more of an emphasis on style and why?

23:55 UTC


Curving snowboard advice.

Hey looking to get a new board for the winter. I’m currently riding the capita mercury it’s an all mountain board not bad but looking for a good carving board to rip up the mountain. Any ideas and advice is great

22:42 UTC


Hi guys I just started snow boarding and I have no idea what to buy. I’ve been renting everything but I want to get more serious.

What’s the best stuff (brands, models) for gear? I don’t know where to start.

21:43 UTC


Any help with id on this board?

18:49 UTC


Bindings to go with Salomon Assassin

After months of analysis paralysis I pulled the trigger on the Salomon Assassin, hoping to make a decision on bindings/boots faster. Any recs? So far the Union Forces seem good but maybe bc they’re the most popular.

I’ll go try boots on in a store but got any general recommendations? (Model & stiffness)

I’d say I’m early intermediate but do enjoy charging and can carve well etc

18:27 UTC


Advice for boots (sorry for long post)

I used to snowboard quite often, but haven’t gone much the last 2 or 3 years. I want to get back into it but my recent experience with boots has me worried.

My first pair was a pair of K2 Maysis boots and they were great. Double boa was really nice, almost no boot pain.

I ended up buying a new pair a couple seasons ago and had tons of boot pain, almost unrideable. It got so bad that during a snowboarding trip I ended up just renting boots, and even then the pain was still halfway there.

Here are my questions:

  1. How much leg/foot pain could be attributed to being out of shape and not riding as much as I once did?

  2. Do you guys find that boa versus laces makes a difference pain wise? Or is it just preference?

  3. Anyone have any comfortable boots they recommend?

  4. I always try them on at the shop and struggle with understanding the fit. What is too big, what will hurt.

  5. How much pain, if any, should I expect when first trying on or riding boots?

Thank you!

18:07 UTC


End of an Era, Dawn of a New Board

After 12 years, I am finally retiring my Rome SDS Reverb Rocker. It was an excellent all mountain board that I loved and used till it took one too many chips and dings. I have always been a big "ride one board till it breaks" person, and I am looking for my next quiver killer.

I would consider myself a very advanced/expert level rider. I primarily ride double black/black inbounds off-piste terrain including glades, steeps, and drops, but of course I love to rip a groomer here or there.

While being an expert rider, I have never been a "gearhead" and I am looking for suggestions on my next board. Looking for another durable all mountain/freeride quiver killer that can withstand aggressive riding.

Additionally, having bought my last board 12 years ago, I am way out of touch with current tech, trends, new brands, etc.

Any and all advice is appreciated, thanks!!

17:14 UTC



I just bought a second board for my quiver and need some bindings. All mountain freestyle ones to be specific. I’m stuck between Union Force, Union Strata, and Rome Vice. I’ve heard good things about all of them but the cost of the strata and vice is more appealing. Any suggestions?

16:54 UTC


Salomon Assassin ‘24

Would you consider this a stiff board? I see different ratings all over the place

12:51 UTC


Help choosing a capita board

Indoor Survival Ultrafear DOA Spring Break Resort Twin

Has anyone ridden more than one of these and can compare?

I currently ride a Burton Hometown Hero, and looking for a playful board to compliment it. Of course I have my own ideas and priorities in mind. I'm just curious to hear if anyone has some helpful comparisons.


10:02 UTC



What board would you guys recommend for someone riding mainly in ohio with maybe a couple trips or two wanting to progress in the terrain park but have a good all mountain board? (Preferably a cool graphic as well lol) appreciate help!!!

01:49 UTC


K2 Gateway Pop 2024

Has anybody tried this board? I’m trying to find a board that is comfortable (easy carving and butters), inexpensive, and great for park riding. I found this board while on sale, any reviews??

01:29 UTC


Can anyone recommend a good bundle pack or brand for full tuning a board?

Budget is $200ish. Cost of full tune in my area is around $95 each board.

Ps, I also have no experience in tuning a board any videos or how to do it is also appreciated

I have 2 boards I have to get full tuned and I thought I might as well spend it on tuning gear might be cheaper on the long run, plus I get to wax it whenever I want without having to leave it to a shop for a week.

19:46 UTC


What snowboard is this, specifically the year?

I'm looking to get a used snowboard, and am wondering what year this Burton Custom is that I found online?


17:15 UTC


Would you do it?


This is a survey for a potential ski rental service that I am considering starting up.

This is also a survey for a Junior Level entrepreneurship course, so if you truly don't care please still fill it out to the best of your ability to help me get credit for this project.

If you do actually care and think its a good or bad Idea I would love to hear from ya!

16:20 UTC


A creative line from the fridge

16:19 UTC


Best Snowboarding in Asia outside of Japan

Hey guys planning to do a holiday/snowboarding trip in Jan/Feb and having been to Japan three times already and as much as i love it I'm feeling like id really like to try somewhere new.

id like to stay roughly in Asia as I'm based in Melbourne. i have also travelled through china and although i did enjoy it, and would love to go back and do it right as the pandemic ruined half the holiday i found it extremely unfriendly to tourists (things like wechat payments requiring chinese bank accounts linked to them, very little experience with english speaking tourists etc) so i would absolutely consider china again if you can point to specific places

thanks in advance

12:45 UTC


Michi Albin

Anyone have any info on the Michi albin re re-release? Would really like to get a pink one but not sure how to lol. Appreciate it!

03:22 UTC



Im getting a headache just trying to sort through all this gear and whats what and whats just marketed well vs what actually works. What are the best gloves and socks to get? I need warmth as well as functionality. I have raynauds. Appreciate help!!!

03:21 UTC


Randomly saw this posted on r/grandrapids and I cannot wait to see what footy comes from this beauty. Thank you in advance to the city planner in Grand Rapids Michigan, doing god's work right here.

02:14 UTC


Beginner Snowboarding Women's Clothing

I'm going on a trip to NZ and Japan and i'm planning on snowboarding, note i'm a beginner and never snowboard in my life. i live in Australia

i don't know whether to get a light / shell snow jacket and layer underneath (idk what i'm layering maybe thermals or a hoodie???) cause i've heard you get really hot or to get a thicker jacket and not as much layers. but i hate feeling too tight in clothes.

Ive heard the XTM brand is good but if theres any other brands that are good i'd love some recommendations.

Please help!!

thank you :)

(i'm going to NZ in 3 weeks)

02:08 UTC

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