Tgirls, femboys, and traps with small dicks! You must be approved to submit posts here, please dm the mods for approval.
Tgirls, femboys, and traps with small dicks! You must be approved to submit posts here, please dm the mods for approval.
To become an approved submitter, your content must meet the following criteria:
You must be over 18 years of age.
Your content must be high quality.
Posts to this subreddit must feature a small penis, so no bulge pics, etc.
Posts to this subreddit must not be chastity posts.
You must not spam posts. Quality > quantity.
Posts to this subreddit must not sell or advertise anything in post titles or comments, including meet-up posts and kik/snapchat/etc. However, we do encourage content creators to link to their other social media sites in their bio/profile.
Posts to this subreddit must not use photoshop/excessive filters. Cropping is allowed, but discouraged.
Posts to this subreddit must not be reposts from within this subreddit. Crossposts from other subreddits are allowed and encouraged.
You must only post original content. No impersonation of other people.
You must not ask for upvotes in post titles.
Posts to this subreddit must not be fetish content.
Commenting Rules
You must be over 18 years of age.
No racist, transphobic, homophobic, bigoted, or rude comments. Follow the Reddiquette.
No selling or advertising of anything, including meet-up posts and kik/snapchat/etc.
No impersonation of other people.
Moderators reserve the right to remove posts, comments, or the ability to post or comment in this subreddit, at any time, for any reason. By posting or commenting in this subreddit, you agree to these terms.
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