
Photograph via snooOG

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This sub is not for advertisements! Questions and answers about starting, owning, and growing a small business.

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What are some things you wish you would have known before purchasing a small business?

What are some lessons learned by personal experience or by watching another? What would you have done differently had you has the knowledge you do today? This is just meant as a general discussion. Looking forward to your responses!

1 Comment
14:53 UTC


best website solution for multiple service businesses B2B for a serial entrepreneur

Wondering what's the easiest/best platform for building multiple sites for businesses that are B2B service based. They would need to integrated with a CRM and some mail service over time to generate leads etc. In the past I have used wordpress, but am out of touch with all the current themes etc. So wondering if that is still the best or if there is anything else that's better. I also want to ensure the solution is optimized for SEO and looks great on iphones/android etc.


1 Comment
14:48 UTC


Hypothetical Accounting Auditing firm purely driven by AI

Hypothetical AI Driven Accounting/Auditing Services Firm

Hello, an assignment im working wants us to develop a business plan for a hypothetical firm in which we create. It’s an AI driven accounting services firm, were asked to list the fixed and variable costs for it in order to calculate the break even and other values.

For fixed costs i’ve listed: salaries, office expenses, rent, software licensing fees, marketing and advertising budget What else can be listed? what about variable costs?
Thank you in advance

14:46 UTC


Can we sell from KSA on ETSY

I am an Indian living in KSA (Saudi Arabia). My questions a) Can I update the information as based in KSA and sell my products into UK, Europe and USA and where should I be receiving the amount in India or KSA ?

Appreciate your help guys.

1 Comment
14:21 UTC


Thoughts on a business idea please, and thank you

Hello Reddit,

I hope you're all doing well! I’m considering starting a new business and would love to get your feedback. The idea is to offer a "drop-in" nanny service specifically designed for stay-at-home parents who need occasional help.

Here’s how it would work:

  • Flexible Support: On days when you're feeling overwhelmed or just need a break, a trusted nanny could drop in to help with evening routines.
  • Service Variety: The nanny could assist with tasks like cleaning up after dinner, bathing the kids, and putting them to bed.
  • Peace of Mind: This service aims to let you relax and unwind while still knowing your children are being taken care of in your home.
  • Personalized Care: You remain the primary caregiver, but with some extra hands when needed, ensuring your kids are raised by you.

Why I'm considering this:

I've noticed that many stay-at-home parents in our community might appreciate a little extra support now and then. This service could provide a valuable break without the commitment of full-time childcare.

I'd love to hear your thoughts:

  • Would you find a service like this helpful?
  • What specific tasks or support would you want from a "drop-in" nanny?
  • Any concerns or suggestions on how to make this service as beneficial and trustworthy as possible?

Your feedback is incredibly important to me as I explore this idea. Thank you in advance for your time and input!

Warm regards,

14:13 UTC


Providing services or products for the company that I'm working for

So I was discussing a topic that if say I'm working in a general administration department in a construction company, my job is to get quotes and handing them to the director for approvals. If I have my own business that provides the same products or services that they need, for example, stationery and workwear. Is it illegal for me to provide my own business's quote to the director even if I'm not making any decisions on which quote will be selected. Or providing unfair advantages to my own business's quote. Also I have no competition with company that I'm working in and my own business. But we were discussing that since I will be quoting I might lower price of my own quote just to make it more likely to be selected which is still biased.

14:11 UTC


PE firm vs Personal buyer when selling company?

I have 2 people interested in buying my company

One is from a PE firm that wants to leave our ops uninterrupted, have us retain some equity, and effectively merge with a bunch of other companies they own under their holding company.

The other is a personal buyer that basically wants to buy us out entirely, have us train him up asap (within a year probably) and then probably let us go immediately after he’s ready to take over

I don’t have actual offers on the table yet, so idk terms, just wanted to ask which sounds like the better offer.

13:59 UTC


Psychological Tricks We Use in Advertising Complex (High-Risk) Industries

Welcome to Anaxeo, Your Digital Marketing Experts.

Have you ever wondered why some advertisements captivate your attention while others go unnoticed, even if they promote the same product or service? The secret lies in the use of psychological triggers.

What Are Triggers and How Are They Used in Marketing?

Triggers are powerful psychological mechanisms that influence our behavior, often prompting us to make decisions impulsively. Each trigger elicits a specific reaction from a target audience, so it's crucial to identify and leverage these triggers effectively.

Key Triggers in Marketing:

  • Urgency: Creates a sense of immediate action. "The promotion ends in 24 hours!" compels people to act quickly to avoid missing out.
  • Scarcity: When a product is in limited supply, it becomes more desirable. "Only 3 items left!" prompts faster purchase decisions.
  • Exclusivity: People love feeling special. "Exclusive for VIP clients!" instantly elevates the perceived value of a product or service.
  • Social Proof: People tend to follow the crowd. Seeing numerous positive reviews makes a product seem trustworthy and worth spending money on.

Our Specialized Triggers for Complex (High-Risk) Industries

At Anaxeo, we don’t just target white-label industries; we excel in complex, high-risk niches. Here are some of the tailored triggers we use:

  • Temptation: For OnlyFans and escort services, the allure of hidden pleasures and forbidden experiences is irresistible.
  • Excitement: In the cryptocurrency and casino industries, the thrill of potential big wins and adrenaline rushes grabs and keeps attention.
  • Anxiety: In risk-related niches like casinos, the fear of missing out on big wins creates urgency and encourages immediate action.
  • Prestige: For high-end services like elite escorts or exclusive clubs, the desire for prestige and status drives engagement.
  • Power: In niches like casinos and escorts, the sense of control and dominance is highly appealing.
  • Vice: In pleasure-related industries, tapping into hidden desires and taboos is a powerful motivator.
  • Trust: A Cornerstone of Our Success

In any niche, building trust is crucial. Phrases like "We work with leading professionals" assure customers of our reliability and expertise. At Anaxeo, we genuinely collaborate only with professionals. For us, reputation stands higher than money. You can build a reputation over many years and lose it in just 10 seconds.

How Do We Choose the Right Trigger?

  • Audience Research: We meticulously analyze our target audience to understand their desires and fears, helping us select the most effective triggers.
  • Testing: We conduct extensive A/B/C testing and data analysis to determine the most impactful triggers.
  • Adaptation: We continuously analyze campaign results to refine our strategies, staying ahead of the competition.

While these are some of our fundamental psychological tricks, we delve much deeper to tailor our approach to each unique individual. Factors such as mood, motivation, geography, age, and gender all influence our highly customized campaigns.

Questions and Answers

  1. What triggers work best for escort/OnlyFans services?
    • Exclusivity and prestige triggers work best, as customers want to feel special.
  2. Is it possible to use multiple triggers at the same time?
    • Yes, combining multiple triggers can enhance the effect and attract more attention.
  3. How do I determine which trigger will be most effective?
    • Conduct audience research and tests to understand what works best for your particular case.
  4. What should I do if the selected trigger does not work?
    • Analyze the results and try other triggers. It is important to constantly adapt and seek the best solutions.
  5. How often do I need to change triggers?
    • It depends on your audience and niche. Continuously analyze the results and be ready to adapt to stay effective.

If you want to increase your sales and navigate moderation successfully, contact us today and let’s start working together!

Check Our Website for more case studies: https://anaxeo.com/

13:56 UTC


Shopify POS vs Square POS for Small Grocery Store

I’m opening a small grocery store (1,600 sq ft carrying maybe 1k-3k products in 2 weeks time. I already have a Shopify POS, cash register, barcode scanner and receipt printer from a previous business but I’m not sure it will work for only in person selling. I have the small Square Terminal as well but would consider buying the Square Register since I have the rest of the hardware already. I’ve heard horror stories of Square holding your money and not paying. So that’s my biggest fear. Yet I dislike that Shopify everything is extra. Since I’m selling some items that go by weight I’d have to subscribe to their app for an additional $15-$25/mo just for that, while square does it free. Their fees are very similar Shopify charges me 2.6% flat. While Square would be 2.6% + 10 cents. What would you recommend? I’m not trying to purchase a huge POS for grocery stores and spend $4k+. I’m looking for the best between these two. Clover is a no go for me. I really don’t like it, the price is too much and the fee with my bank would be 2.7%+ 10 cents.

13:40 UTC


The Benefits of Custom Website Development vs Website Templates

In the digital age, a strong online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. One of the first decisions you’ll face when creating a website is whether to opt for custom website development or use a website template. Each approach has its own set of advantages and drawbacks. This article explores the benefits of custom website development versus website templates to help you make an informed decision for your business.

Read More

1 Comment
13:36 UTC


Courier marketplace

Is there a platform other than CX in the UK that is basically a market place where couriers can go on and find work?

1 Comment
13:15 UTC


How do you keep clients and founders on the same page when deadlines are insane?

I'm working on a project with tight deadlines and it's been a challenge to keep everyone on the same page. Any tips on maintaining clear communication with clients and founders while managing expectations and handling unexpected challenges?

13:07 UTC


Fake flowers : yes or no?

For background information I am planning to start a small business in selling gift boxes, specifically luxury ones with chocolate/candied covered fruit/cake, and flowers in the boxes, potentially alcohol as well. I am currently thinking about business names and would love to have the word "bloom" in the name but is not end all be all of course,

Guess my question is do you think it would be weird to have "bloom" in the name while selling faux flowers or should I do real ones? If you received a gift box would you be less impressed with faux flowers vs real ones if it looked just as nice or could you care less?

I really appreciate any advice/response in advance !

12:59 UTC


Service Based Businesses

What successful service based business do you own? Do you enjoy it?

12:48 UTC


Update: How to deal with employee

Thank you to everyone who gave me helpful feedback on this situation.

Someone referred me to Reddit Cares, okay?

Someone here even accused me of being unethical (my team followed all guidelines btw) and creating a hostile work environment and forcing employees to do things? Sounds terrible and I wouldn’t want to work at such a place. Many missed the first half of the post and instead wanted to vilify my question.

Overall, thank you to the few that gave me helpful feedback and perspective. I’ve remained neutral with the employee and will continue to do so until she finds another route on her own.


12:48 UTC


Small business health insurance

Small towns often have many small businesses, such as barbers, electricians, restaurant owners, and family-owned shops. These businesses owners frequently find it challenging to afford health insurance for themselves and definitely not for their employees, contributing to higher rates of uninsured or underinsured individuals in rural areas. Insurance companies often profit from increasing medical costs, as higher premiums lead to greater revenue. This results in continually escalating insurance premiums, making it impossible for small businesses to afford medical insurance. Large companies can afford to provide health insurance, giving them a competitive advantage over smaller competitors who struggle to offer similar benefits. This disparity helps larger companies attract and retain talent, further pushing out smaller businesses. Hospitals often become more profitable when they consolidate, but this can lead to a decrease in the quality of care. The trend is to move hospitals to areas with large populations insured by big corporations, leading to the withdrawal of hospitals from small communities. The USA needs a Small Business Health Insurance Act to save rural America's hospitals.

12:19 UTC


SBA funding rules. Is this an actual rule.

Looking for clarity here. I have an oppurtunity to purchase a biz that is SBA approved. As it turns out one of the owners wants to stay with the business after the sale. SBA lender has told me, "that is not allowed. They will have already benefitted from the sale and for them to benefit afterwards with a salary is double dipping."

From my perspective they would no longer have any ownership or profit sharing. They would be a W2 employee.

Also why go through the process to sba approved if this is a known issue.

Anyhow is this a real rule from the SB a

11:55 UTC


Can WhatsApp Monitoring Boost Team Productivity and Communication Efficiency?

Wondering how WhatsApp monitoring software can enhance productivity and streamline team communication in your workplace?

11:37 UTC


ZOHO-One alternativer(s)?

I am subscribed to the ZOHO-One business suite. This is an extensive low cost package of (supposedly integrated) apps that business owners need to run and grow a business: from website builders, e-Shops, project management, email, to a financial suite, CMS, and marketing, etc. etc.

It all sounded perfect for a small business owner, but in the course of time I find myself dropping many of the apps and replacing them with better and more reliable 3rd party alternatives, because the ZOHO apps are just not working well (imho) - many bugs, low quality, cumbersome, etc. Now I also have to replace the ZOHO website it has come to the point that continuing the subscription is senseless.

However I like the concept of a suite of integrated business apps. So I am looking for an alternative. Does anyone have good suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
10:45 UTC


I need google reviews (a favor for a favor)

I'm working with a small business in Lithuania and I really need google reviews. If there are people who wouldn't mind to leave a comment I would highly appreciated (and obviously I would do the same for you).

I would give a text for you to upload so literally it would take just a few minutes of your time but it would help me out a lot.

PS You would be leaving comments in lithuanian (I would provide translation so you understand what you are posting)

10:06 UTC


is starting a review business for small businesses and book sellers worth it?

hi! just as the title says, i've been putting a lot of time into thinking about starting a review business for new/small businesses and book authors.

for example, i'd make a google review for your business for $2 per review. or i'd leave an amazon review for your books for $2 (clients shoulder the purchase). all of the reviews would be reviewed also by the client prior yo posting. would that be a good business idea in your honest opinion?

10:00 UTC


I need advice from a cleaning husiness

I'm about to land my first client at 10 am today. It's currently 4:35 am. How does getting a commercail contract unusually go? What are my musts and what are my DO NOTS. ?? Never been a salesman

09:35 UTC


Idea for a business in Bangladesh

Hi everyone, I am from Bangladesh. My age is 22 and still a student in a private University. I want to support my family. So everyone help me with your opinion, that I can start a business in Bangladesh at 10,000 taka.

I am Waiting for Your opinion 😊.

08:24 UTC


Startup e-commerce brand

What's the reality of starting a e-commerce brand?

Background : I've been in business 6 years, we do 3m in construction. I've hired a general manager and we are going into our offseason. Im looking to build another business that allows more time and location freedom than my construction business.

20k budget, I have a executive assistant that's my body double and can handle most all of admin and emails.

My first thought is to hire a coach to start out. Someone who has built a 8 figure business. Exit experience is awesome.

Thanks in advance 🙏🏼

08:09 UTC


Struggling to Launch Visual Concept Development Business: Need Mentorship

I'm a budding visual concept developer eager to establish a sustainable business specializing in branding, event concepts, and project visuals. I recognize the crucial role of mood boards in this process but am facing challenges in turning my passion into a profitable venture.

I'm seeking mentorship from experienced professionals who can guide me in:

  • Developing a robust business model
  • Identifying and reaching out to potential clients
  • Creating a strong brand identity for my business
  • Effectively utilizing mood boards to enhance my services

I'm open to collaboration opportunities and believe that learning from experienced mentors will be instrumental in my success.

Any advice, recommendations, or mentorship offers would be greatly appreciated.

08:03 UTC


Is there a way for a web developer to grow and scale to a full fledged agency?

I don't have a consistent flow of clients. Sometimes I have more than I can handle, and other times I'm alone, sitting at my desk, waiting for a miracle to happen.

What's the solution? I tried outreach on LinkedIn too, but nothing happened. I'm confused, which strategy should I go for to find leads?

07:57 UTC



Join me on Chime and we'll each get $100. Terms apply. https://chime.com/r/mayaclark

1 Comment
07:45 UTC


Automation ideas for small businesses

I'm looking for ideas of things to automate for businesses.

If you're a small business owner I'd love to know what you would like to automate - Either with code or with AI.

Just to be clear, I don't sell anything. I don't have a business, I don't do consulting or anything. I'm just a 34 yo doing nothing currently but interested in B2B and interested in automation.

1 Comment
07:31 UTC


how can I accurately find my customers?

We are a custom leather or other materials of mobile phone case factory, card bags, wallets, leather bags, cloth bags these can be produced. But I always can't find customers with customized needs, how can I accurately find my customers?

07:29 UTC


How do you validate your small business ideas?

A lot of business ideas come into my mind and according to me all are great but I know for a fact that when we actually enter the market, we get to know a lot of other aspects of it.

Before jumping into implementation of any idea, I want to validate it and take a data driven decision and minimize the unexpected surprises when I actually implement it.

If you are someone who has validated your ideas in past, please share some strategies for the same.

07:05 UTC

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