
Photograph via //r/sleepdisorders

A safe place for people to talk about living, loving and loling with their sleep disorders. Feel free to post tips, cathartic rants, memes or anything related to sleep disorders. Please keep things respectful.


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Ways to help sleep problems

22m - I have an upcoming sleep study and no formal diagnosis but I have been told I likely have a sleep disorder like Parasomnia or Epilepsy while I sleep (which is supposedly rare)

I just want to know things I can do to help my sleep. I sleep 10 hours a day and am fairly consistent with when I sleep. I have tried music and that works but my Bluetooth eye mask woke my mother up last night as it randomly decided to call her halfway through my sleep.

Just curious if there is anything else people would suggest I try.

23:16 UTC


Should i get tested?

Hi If i experience this thing, where, it takes me about 30 mins to fall asleep, wherein I'm awake and seeing constant flashes of images, and, since i am mostly lucid and regularly experience nightmares i can say i fall into REM fairly quickly (about 15 to 20 minutes) and obviously qhen i wake up i am more tired than when i went to sleep as well, because i alternately get okish normal dream, chasing or high activity nightmare. Should i research sleep disorders and go sleep testing?

I do sleep a lot or else end up really tired all day long. I also dream during my naps(thsi i just found out as being abnormal in the narcolepsy sub). And i also get like superfast dream snippets while I'm awake. Also, i just got on reddit to wonder if anyone else gets dream like thoughts while they're clearly awake (relevant seeming but senseless thoughts).

I also, um, sit up and talk? Usually during night terrors except it's my mom who does the waking not my brain? So i often TRY to wake myself up during chasing nightmares and my brain amd body refuses. In fact yk that thing the brain does to kick start the heart? Well i experience that feeling in my dreams and often stay asleep. It's hard to wake up.

It also takes me 10 full minutes of "sitting like a zombie" (as described by my friends) to wake up and be functional. Maybe that's just being not a morning person though.

13:12 UTC


No Stupid Question Sundays

This is a new weekly thread. It allows users to ask anything they are looking for information on regarding sleep disorders. If you have a question, want an answer, and don't think your question is "post" worthy you can ask it on this thread. Let your fellow Redditors collectively answer for you!

1 Comment
12:00 UTC


Is my friend lying or could this be a disease?

Okay so my online friend is sleeping a lot lately and I wonder if it's even humanly possible to sleep that much...

- he woke up at 5am (after 6-7hours of sleep)

- then told me he is sleepy (which is understandable) and went to bed at 7pm and slept 6hours and woke up at 1 am.

- we talked for a bit and at 3am he told me that he's going to bed

- he then woke up at 9-10am, did some things for 1 hour and then said that he wanted to sleep more and went to bed for 1-2hours

Is this normal? I'm worried about him, but something tells me that he's lying about it (unfortunately he is capable of lying for no reason). He isn't like this all the time, he has phases that last for a few days or a week when he's sleeping like this.

I told him that it's concerning for me but he doesn't really give a f. He also showed some symptoms of bipolar disorder, but it's not confirmed by anyone.

19:33 UTC



Im actually just now learning about the term of parasomnia by reading online. My wife and other family members have told me for a while now that they spend some time waking me up and to them it seems that I'm dead. I don't react to even shoving and pushing to try to wake me up. Other times my wife has woken me up in the middle of the night to help with our newborn and told me that I was angry or gave attitude, while I would wake up the following morning and have no recollection of anything that took place. These situations only happen while I’m sleeping or something affected my sleep. I do seem to set an alarm and wake up naturally wondering why my alarm never went off. My wife would tell me that the alarm went off but I turned it off and rolled over and fell back asleep. I’ve told my wife that “that person isn’t me” because I don’t remember anything that she told me that happened at night. It's interesting to me and I wonder why this happens and want to see if anyone else has dealt with something similar. I’ve done a sleep study but it was a at home test where I would have to place a machine on a finger, i ended up failing this test because I would wake up with the machine no longer on my finger. I’m working on getting a sleep study done in a facility.

08:10 UTC


Survey and Study Saturday

This is a new weekly thread. The purpose of this post is for surveys and research that is ongoing for sleep disorders. We see many requests to our common for people that have X, Y, Z sleep disorder for paid surveys, studies, etc. Any posts requesting support from the community for research should be submitted in this weekly thread. Be sure to include all necessary details:

- What sleep disorders you are looking for assistance with

- What kind of request you have (free study, paid study, free survey, paid survey, etc.)

- Dates the request is open to be filled

- How the research may be used so the patient can make an informed decision

Posts to the community for similar requests outside of this thread will be deleted.

Please contact r/SleepDisorders mods with any questions or feedback regarding this change or policy.

1 Comment
11:00 UTC


My boyfriend and his insomnia

I (19f) love this (18m, insomniac) man, like I'm truly in love with him. His personality is vibrant, unique, and comforting. He's like dark chocolate, or rich coffee, he's amazing. Until he has an extended episode. It's painful to watch my partner... fade. When I look at the man I love on 40 hours without sleep his personality is gone. I feel like he's miles away. It's perfectly natural for personality changes to happen with insomnia, I'm just not sure how to cope with it as his partner. Selfishly, I miss him during his episodes, and I feel like I just don't get to see my boyfriend. As much as it hurts, I almost don't want to see him when he's like this. He's like a stranger.

TLDR: I feel like I can't recognize my bf when he's sleep deprived. Any tips for dealing with a partner's personality changes during a long episode?

22:48 UTC


Doctors won't take me seriously & just tell me to go to bed at 9pm, stop napping. When I tell them I physically can't stop napping and it's torture to resist they say "drink coffee." My life is falling apart.

Mid 30s F, BMI 20. Diagnosed mild sleep apnea (AHI 13) and delayed sleep phase disorder. I've had an overnight sleep study but not a MSLT. Had a titration study for CPAP which failed due to TECSAs.

Doctor didn't think I should bother with PAP therapy despite the apnea, said it's mild when on my side so I should just learn to sleep on my side. And for the delayed sleep phase, I should just go to bed at 9pm, wake up earlier, and stop napping. Her response to me saying that's impossible for me is in the title, "drink more caffeine" - caffeine doesn't wake me up, 1 cup of tea or coffee does nothing at all, and if I have more than that it just upsets my stomach and gives me diarrhea and if anything makes me more tired.

I had to push to try PAP therapy for the apnea. My dr hasn't bothered to make it easy for me I guess since she didn't think I should do it. It's been a bureaucratic nightmare. Took 2 months to even get one (in part because she "forgot" to upload the prescription for several weeks) and I've been trying it for a month and I think I just completely cannot tolerate it. The pressures required to treat my apnea are genuinely intolerably painful.

Oh, and my doctor also seemed to get annoyed when I told her I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and I'm trying stimulants for that. She asked if I even wanted to carry on with the sleep stuff or if I was just interested in ADHD now. I burst into tears on on video call, so frustrated and tired and overwhelmed, tearfully justifying that I'm desperate to resolve whatever my sleep issue is. So then she decided I'm just depressed.

If one more doctor dismisses me as just being anxious or depressed I'm going to light myself on fire in their waiting room.

I'm on temporary disability from work right now. But I feel hopeless. I'm massively burning out. I've been excessively fatigued since I was a prepubescent child & started asking doctors about it at age 15, I'm mid 30s now and only got a sleep study this year, so 20 years later.

It just feels like no doctor will ever care, no help is coming, I will eventually lose my job, I'll lose my house, I won't be able to afford to live. I won't be able to retire but I also won't be able to work. I might as well just kill myself because what's the point.

18:31 UTC


This is ruining my life.

I have an unnamed sleeping disorder that's running my life. I basically don't work because of it. And I feel very sad and frustrated.

I started documenting my sleep since the 20th of august and it shocked me how bad my sleep is. I will share 20 days of my typical sleep schedule:

20 aug 12 am - 4 am 7 pm - 12 am

21 aug 10 am - 6 pm

22 aug 10:30 pm - 9 pm

23 aug 1:30 pm - 6 am 24 aug (woke up for a few mins several times)

24 aug 1 pm - 6 pm 8 pm - 9 pm 10:30 pm - 5:10 am 25 aug

25 aug Didn't track

26 aug 7 am - 6 pm

27 aug 12 pm - 8:50 pm

28 aug 11:30 am - 9:10 pm 9:45 pm - 11:40 pm

29 aug 12 pm - 10:10 pm

30 aug 12 am - 2 am 12 pm - 8:30 pm

31 aug 12 pm - 10:10 pm

1 sep 10:30 pm - 7 am 2 sep

2 sep No sleep

3 sep 12 am - 8 am 1:30 pm - 2 am 4 sep

4 sep 3:20 am - 7:10 am 1:30 pm - 7:30 pm 10 pm - 2:15 am 5 sep

5 sep 6 pm - 6 am 6 sep

6 sep 8:30 pm - 3:30 am 7 sep

7 sep 5 pm - 5:05 am 8 sep

8 sep 8 pm - 6:50 am 9 sep

It continued to be the same way till today. The only difference is the sleep and wake times, there's no set time or rhythm. I wish I could write down the whole thing but it would bore you.

It's really bad. I haven't seen anyone with a similar situation on reddit or in real life.

I've had sleep problems since high school (I'm 31). It ruined my life and it continues to ruin my life. Only it got worse when I became an adult and unemployed.

I was diagnosed with bipolar with psychotic symptoms 8 years ago after a psychotic episode. Since then I've had 3 major psychotic episodes. I've been very depressed since high school, or even middle school but after starting medication 8 years ago the depression is gone. Psychotic symptoms still come and go though.

I'm on lamictal, geodon, latuda, and clopixol injection.

I say I'm not depressed but honestly it's depressing me so much. I feel like I don't want to do anything. I also rarely take care of my hygiene (brush my teeth, shower, I wash my hands a lot though). I shower once a week and brush my teeth every few of days. I have no routine. I was thinking I might have executive dysfunction because of the time blindness symptom but it's normal to be blind to time if you have this sleep schedule.

I've been reading about sleep disorders and treatments and melatonin doesn't work for me. I've taken it a few times and stayed awake all night, I didn't stay awake because I took it though, but that just wasn't in sync with my biological sleep schedule. I honestly have little faith that there's anything that can be done. I will see a sleep specialist but I'm not optimistic.

Any input is appreciated.

1 Comment
02:48 UTC



Does it happen to you that you need more "sleep times" during the whole day? What I am trying to say is that I noticed that I am not gonna sleep in the afternoon if I have like 9.30+ hours of sleep, but it's not really easy for me to accomplish this amount of time as I naturally need like 8 hours. the problem is that I would like to eliminate the necessity of having to go to sleep in the afternoon as I would like to develop a routine that could be "generalized", but this necessity contrasts with the fact that it's gonna be difficult for me to accomplish that amount (9.3 + hours) for all days in a week. Should I just accept that I am gonna need at least for this period of my life an afternoon nap? (I hate it as it interrupts my day and it can't be always accomplishable as I do not know what I am gonna do everyday in a week )

11:38 UTC



its been some days since i ve started taken magnesium but I havent noticed any difference, at the same time i think i should give my body the opportunity to get used to it. so i wanted to ask..how much time like days or so do you start noticing a difference?

11:23 UTC



A little while back, I woke up and had no idea where I was, who I was, and was in a confused state with zero memory. My gf was next to me already awake and I had no idea who she was. I quickly came back to my senses and everything was back to normal. It felt like 30 seconds but my gf told me it was a few mins. That was the only time I've ever experienced something like that. My grandmother developed dementia and I saw how messed up of a disease it is and I wonder if that's how she felt all the time.

04:18 UTC


no idea how this happened

I had a really weird experience, it’s embarrassing but I truly remember nothing. I woke up today and went to drink my water out of my water bottle and it tasted gross, like pee. Turns out sometime in the night I had peed in there, I dont understand how I can open my bottle and do that without any recollection of it. I definitely wouldnt want to do that but I did for some reason. It’s really scary to know that I did things without knowing, what else could I do?

23:29 UTC


Excessive sleep but showing signs of severe sleep deprivation

Basically as the title states. I sleep almost all day as of recently, but the last few days I’m showing signs of severe sleep deprivation. Cognitive, judgement and motor function impairment, inability to focus, microsleeps, a general feeling like I’m high despite no drug use. I have a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome as of about a year ago. I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow about it bc it got so bad I considered leaving work but literally could not because we were severely understaffed. I’m a nursing assistant so being alert is very important. Idk man it just really sucks. I got referred for a sleep study but haven’t been able to contact the scheduler as I was told they’d call me and I wasn’t given their information. Wish I knew what the hell was going on w me.

02:48 UTC


I can’t stop myself from falling asleep when I’m tired

That’s the post. I think it’s a medical disease. Every day. I can’t prevent it from happening, I just have to make sure I’m somewhere I can lie down.

00:06 UTC


Medicaid just loves to spend more money than it has to...

TLDR: Insurance won't pay for sleep lab study but will pay for at home study, even though both my doctor and I are almost 100% sure it's not apnea.

So frustrating. Believe me I am beyond aware of how lucky I am to even have Medicaid (even though it means I have to stay poor because of my extensive medical needs), but jeez do they make you go around your a** to get to your elbow to get treatment. For years I have suffered from insomnia and lack of sleep. At the beginning of this year I started to oversleep, like through 5 loud alarms, and when I do wake up I'm physically unable to keep my eyes open or get my body moving to get ready for the day. After about an hour or so I'm usually able to get up and get ready for work, etc. but then I go through waves throughout the day where I'm barely able to keep my eyes open. I'll be at a red light and have to keep my eyes wide because I feel like if I close them I will fall asleep, I'll walk into my office and as I'm going down the hall I'm almost running into the walls because I feel like I'm drifting out of consciousness, and of course it happens at times like when I'm working (at a computer), or just relaxing watching tv/reading. Then I'll have this period between like 7-11pm where I'm my most alert and then of course the insomnia kicks in and I'll lay in bed for 2-3 hours unable to actually fall asleep. This part is mitigated slightly by klonopin. Given all of that, my doctor really wants me to do an in lab study (I'll take my klonopin to go to sleep) because of the onset of all of this and symptoms in general, etc. Well of course Medicaid denies the lab study and approves an in home study. SMH. What is probably going to happen is the at home study will show no apnea and they will end up having to pay for a lab study anyways. I really wish they would just listen to the medical providers since they are the experts! So now after they cancelled my in lab study a week prior (it was supposed to be this Friday) after waiting a month to get scheduled in the first place I have to wait to be called to schedule the in home. And continue to spend time fighting with whatever the heck is going on with me and trying to function like a normal human being.

*sigh* I just needed to rant. Happy Hump Day everyone!

16:44 UTC


I keep falling asleep...

I have been finding, more so recently, that I keep falling asleep even when I have absolutely NO intentions of sleeping. This has been happening for the past couple months and I am frustrated beyond belief, I can't even remember when or how I fell asleep and when this happens I wake up confused at odd hours; I don't trust myself in my own bed now haha! I get enough sleep normally so I am confused as to why I just "Black out". This is starting to affect my academics since I've always been a successfull procrastinator, doing minor assignments the night they are due and getting by fine... but now I just woke up at 4am, startled and confused, sweaty (for some reason), my phone was cleared of all tabs(?) and no assignments were done 🥲 (all locked at midnight) going forward, since I can't seem to trust myself to not fall asleep, I am changing my methodology for school work lol. This sleep issue is really upsetting me... I don't know why my body is doing this, I am scared and I feel distrustfull of my body😭

1 Comment
08:42 UTC


Is it the adhd or do i have a sleep problem/disorder

I have a problem with a very irregular sleep schedule (and other issues, obviously). I tend to go to sleep very late, around 3-5 AM, or very early, around 6-7 PM. When I do manage to fall asleep, I enter a deep sleep within 5-10 minutes and it's almost impossible to wake me up. It's common for me to sleep through three alarms and then be abruptly woken up by my dad 20 minutes before I have to leave the house.

Based on feedback from my girlfriend, who sometimes sleeps over, I twitch constantly in my sleep. I sometimes have full-body twitches and constantly rapidly move my foot. I also never dream, and the time I spend sleeping feels like seconds. I'm always surprised when morning comes, and I often don't feel refreshed after sleeping. Given the chance during the weekend, I'll always sleep 12-14 hours which actually makes me feel often energized but also sweaty. I'm also constantly sleepy, and I often fall asleep on the way to and from school, sometimes even during break.

Anyway, some of this is fine because I'm used to it, but some of it is starting to get really annoying and negatively impact my life. For example, I can't take simple 20-minute naps to energize myself and get ready for schoolwork. I just fall into a fucking coma and wake up pissed in the morning. Now i would like to mention that i do have adhd and been recently medicated which does seem to Impact how deep my sleep is and how capable i am to seemingly ignore my alarm, since it used to be a regular occurrence for me to over sleep and not hear my alarm but not a consistent problem which it turned into after i started taking my adhd medication. But then again it used to be that bad when i was younger (used to be woken up by my pissed mom who got woken up by my alarm while being separated by a whole floor and 2 doors so you can imagine how loud that thing was)

00:40 UTC


Pee vs sleep

I hate having to wake up in the middle of the night because I have to go sleeping. How much time before going to bed should we stop drinking?

06:51 UTC


Why was it so much easier to sleep as a teenager?

When I was a teenager I'd be up until 2 am pounding energy drinks and playing computer games. Then jump straight into bed and fall asleep within 15 min, and then stay asleep until the alarm rang.

But now in my mid 20s, I've quit caffeine, I don't look at screens before bed. But I'm laying awake for hours tossing and turning, and I wake up before the alarm rings.

On the odd occasion that I give in to my temptations and drink a coffe during the day it's almost guaranteed to result in not falling asleep for the entire night.

What changed? Is it just easier to fall asleep when you're younger? Was I more active? Did I have less anxiety?

I'm much "healthier" now compared to then. I eat more nutritious food, exercise more, read before bed instead of playing video games, etc.

03:56 UTC


I'm waking/shaking up my partner every night and I don't know how to stop it

I have an anxiety disorder and OCD, and one day I had the thoughts of 'what if my partner dies in his sleep?'.

I don't actively think of it, but my brain does so apparently. I wake up almost every night in a panic, and half asleep my partner looks 'very pale' to me and I shake and wake him to reassure me he's still alive.

I feel like this happens on autopilot. I have sleep terrors and paralysis and hallucinations, and it rather feels like waking up from a sleep paralysis, so I don't feel like I can actively control it. But it obviously scares me and prevents both of us from a good night's rest.

Does anyone else experience the same? I never seeked professional help with my sleep disorders because I have 'worse' health issues that I address in the short time I have with my docs.

But I'm so tired, literally, from waking up like this and thinking my partner died. It's hell

10:31 UTC


No Stupid Question Sundays

This is a new weekly thread. It allows users to ask anything they are looking for information on regarding sleep disorders. If you have a question, want an answer, and don't think your question is "post" worthy you can ask it on this thread. Let your fellow Redditors collectively answer for you!

11:00 UTC


Excessive Sleepiness

The past few weeks and on and off for the past few months I've experienced extreme exhaustion making me feel unbelievably sleepy and lethargic.

The past few weeks however it's started to effect my day to day because I am finding it hard to stay awake. I'm so fatigued despite getting my 8 hours of sleep. I'll go straight into a deep sleep immediately as my head hits the pillow and I'll only come out of it if my alarm goes off or if my body jolts me awake.

I'm waiting for my neurology appointment, but this is getting harder to manage.

Has anyone experienced this before and what ended up being the cause?

I'm not trying to self diagnose. I am just trying to understand.

Thank you :)

01:15 UTC


Trauma related sleep disturbances, is there a name for this experience?

24 enby(afab fem presenting) I've experienced much trauma as a child having an abusive mother and an entirely absent father (no child support even despite court ordees) but now as an adult I am really paying for the faults of my life donors. I'm autistic, have adhd, ptsd, and general anxiety disorder diagnosed when I was 22. My mom is absolutely undiagnosed with ADHD, depression, and I believe NPD after my old therapist suggested her behaviors and cycling with my siblings heavily point towards that, which is tragic because if my mom just got help I would still be in her life. Ever since I was 18 in my senior year, I moved in with my best friend after my mom abandoned me to pretend to be a teenager with her new boyfriend and I was listed as an "unaccompanied youth" by the school counselor along with my older brother. I began to open up to my gyno(my mom brought me to her gyno for my severe period symptoms) about the abuse from my mother and she prescribed me zoloft and then did a gynesight test. Zoloft ruined my mental health and it made me extremely suicidal feeling and I went off of it and am now on cymbalta with great success. These traumas have been manifesting in my sleep, to the point I began to wake up crying almost daily from these nightmares(night terrors?) since my late teen years. I will have moments of lucidity in these dreams where I KNOW I'm dreaming but have zero influence over it. I also cannot wake up or open my eyes when this is happening and I can feel my real-life environment around me (my cat, blankets, hot/cold, my night sweats). Today I had another experience like that, except I started to rapidly breathe out of my mouth while this partial-lucidity while my nightmare continued and I was 100% aware of this until I actually woke up and my eyes could open. Ever time I try to explain my experience I can never find anything on google search that brings up what I am dealing with. Being autistic I like to be able to explain my situation to a doctor before talking to them to avoid extra appointments or confusion of me not making enough sense because of my difficulties with emotions and understanding my own complex feelings. I also suffer with many diseases (sjogrens, Fibromyalgia my doc says is probably trigger from trauma, arthritis, and more) so existing in this body is so hard when you cant even sleep. Does anyone know what this is? Ive been considered a sleep recording app. I sleep sleep in discord with my boyfriend (temporarily long distance) and he says sometimes I mumble a lot and one time I even called out his name while I was sleeping and he was doing a hobby

20:33 UTC


Do I have insomnia ?

1 Comment
11:46 UTC


Need Help


Can't stop falling out of bed when I'm sleeping. To the point of injuring self falling off my ground level mattress. I'm scared! Woke up on the ground last night smashed andecor item and my head and knees. Tips please #help #activesleeper #falling #health #help

1 Comment
11:07 UTC


I can't tell if these are night terrors

So I want to say for the past 2-3 years, I'll sleep fine most nights, but every 4-6 months, I'll have a situation where I'll wake up and my body can't breathe. But, I'll roll out of bed. I'll move stuff around. And I hear myself say strictly I can't breathe every time. Then a few moments later I come to. It happened today. It lasted about a minute. Each time I feel like I'm going to die or something. But then I'm able to stand up afterwards and go about my night and I even fell back asleep with no other issues. I've lost 12 pounds this year. I'm eating healthier. But I also have Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum. Don't know if there's a correlation although only been having these wake up incidents since they told me about it 3 years ago.

13:48 UTC


Survey and Study Saturday

This is a new weekly thread. The purpose of this post is for surveys and research that is ongoing for sleep disorders. We see many requests to our common for people that have X, Y, Z sleep disorder for paid surveys, studies, etc. Any posts requesting support from the community for research should be submitted in this weekly thread. Be sure to include all necessary details:

- What sleep disorders you are looking for assistance with

- What kind of request you have (free study, paid study, free survey, paid survey, etc.)

- Dates the request is open to be filled

- How the research may be used so the patient can make an informed decision

Posts to the community for similar requests outside of this thread will be deleted.

Please contact r/SleepDisorders mods with any questions or feedback regarding this change or policy.

1 Comment
11:00 UTC


Helps you relax before sleeping

What helps you relax before sleeping to have a better sleep? I am asking this as I noticed that if I do something that makes me active before going to bed is gonna be much more difficult sleeping in a decent hour

10:21 UTC


My brain when I’m trying to fall sleep:

1 Comment
02:19 UTC

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