The subreddit focusing on the correct identification and information surrounding 𝘗𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘢 and its cousins. 𝘗. 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘢, commonly known as the 'Liberty Cap'; is a fungus which produces the psychoactive compounds Psilocybin, Psilocin and Baeocystin.
I am going to macro dose local lib caps this evening I have 5 grams there in chocolate bar form, I will be eating these on an empty stomach with some local honey. I also have an N-N DMT vape cart there to go back to hyper space if i feel the need.
you fine folks think the whole 5 grams would be over kill and a waste? like anyone on here ever hit a wall with dosage?
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Hi All,
I've released on a short and completely anonymous survey study, seeking to find out more about the subjective effects people attribute to different species of psilocybin mushroom and how the effects of different species are perceived in comparison to others. This survey was launched 10 months ago and I am doing a final push over the mycelial interwebz to net some data before wrapping up the survey soon. All and any feedback from members of this community would be HUGELY appreciated! :)
This is a boom or bust, go big or go home type deal...if we don't make up the numbers in terms of sample size of respondents, it is unlikely we will be able to draw anything meaningful from the data. I'm particularly intrigued in assessing people's experiences with non-Cubensis species, and being able to make comparisons between these species.
Our goal is to enhance the scientific understanding of these experiences and their potential variations across species, with a focus on commonly-used, psilocybin-containing mushrooms.
Research Objectives: This study seeks to identify patterns and distinctions in the subjective experiences elicited by various psilocybin mushroom species, addressing questions such as: Do different species cause different subjective effects? Do certain effects always co-occur? Are there a set of clusters into which we can group species depending on their effects? And many more! Your input as an experienced user is critical in enabling us to discern these patterns, contributing to a more nuanced understanding in the field of fungal psychopharmacology. This is especially the case for those of you experienced with species that are less frequently used.
Your Participation: In the following, we will present you with a list of psychoactive mushroom species/varieties and ask you to select those species that you have used at least once in the past 12 months. For each of those species, we will then ask specific questions to capture the qualitative aspects of your typical experience with this species. This includes sensory perceptions, cognitive changes, and emotional responses you associate with each species.
Are there any risks? What happens to the information I provide?
We do not expect that your participation in the study will expose you to more psychological distress than you experience in your daily life. You will not be asked for information that would identify you beyond beyond reasonable doubt. Demographic information assessed will be minimal, and you are free to skip these questions. To ensure full anonymity, no further identifying information (e.g., IP-addresses, operating system, browser info) will be saved by Qualtrics. If you change your mind about participating in the study, you are free to leave the study at any time (by closing the browser window) without providing any reason.
Your responses may be used by the research team for data analysis, shared with other researchers, or made available to other researchers in an online data repository. Please note that once you have fully completed participation in the study, your data cannot be identified and therefore cannot be withdrawn. If you have serious concerns about the ethical conduct of this study, please inform the University of Zurich Ethics Committee in writing, detailing your concerns.
Link to survey is below...all & any feedback & sharing of the survey is much appreciated :)
* when this survey was released 10 months ago, P. ochraceocentrata was still referred to as P. natalensis as the species had not been differentiated yet, so please complete the survey submitting any P. ochraceocentrata input as P. natalensis - thanks!
Is making blue honey worth it? I like the sound of mushroom infused honey but I know there’s a risk of botulism.
Most recipes I’ve seen say you should mix the two and then leave it to sit for a few months, but some say don’t leave it sitting for more than 2 weeks.
Has anyone made it before and was it good?
Best guides for growing for growing cubensis in grow kits ?
Never picked libs but after a few rainy days and a warmer week these show. I picked one and it has a gelatinous membrane + springy stem but I am waiting a day or two to see how they grow.
I thought the frosts had ended the season so this was a nice surprise 😍
I have libs that I gathered 2 years ago. They were dried and stored in an air tight, dark dry place. Last time I took the was march this year and they were still potent. Would they still be OK to take now? I still have about 30g dried, would hate for them to go to waste.
I have a pretty solid amount of experience with cubensis (up to 6.5g) but haven’t ever done Liberty caps. I found some locally, but it was a tiny amount and having weighed them it’s only 1g dry.
Will I be disappointed?
Something I haven’t ever done is lemon tek, so is it worth lemon tekking this 1g?
I know the season is basically done, but after seeing posts of some popping up I’m willing to go for another scavenge. Any tips from those who’ve found some the past week on where to look specifically? Based in South West.
Went out for a quick mooch .. found 50 in an hour .. North Wales. Worth rechecking your spots, you might have a nice surprise