
Photograph via snooOG

Self Esteem / Self-esteem / Confidence / Lack of Confidence / Introvert / Shy / Shyness

A safe place to discuss personal issues with self-esteem.

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why do people compliment me when there are girls who are so much prettier?

guys compliment me a lot and stare at me. i don’t understand this because there are so many girls out there who are so much prettier than me. i don’t think i’m pretty whatsoever and i don’t understand how anyone could see me as being beautiful when there are other girls who are absolutely gorgeous. if there are girls who are so much prettier than me, why would people even want to look at me?

it’s gotten to the point where i immediately shut down compliments that people give me and i never believe them.

00:27 UTC


I’m jealous of my best friend

me and my best friend have known each other for 8 years and we’ve always been super close. she’s always been known for her looks and even my family members refer to her as the “pretty friend”. i think she’s very pretty too, in fact one of the most beautiful girls i’ve ever seen.

recently i’ve noticed that my mom has been telling all her friends about her. whenever they’re talking, they compliment her looks. they literally do it every time and i mean it. it’s starting to annoy me knowing that i’ve been called ugly by my mom and some of her friends and now they’re treating my best friend like some kind of angel. my self esteem has never been this low before and i feel so insecure. i hate being called ugly by my own family meanwhile my best friend is getting loads of compliments. it’s not that i don’t want that for her it’s just i wish i was treated the same way and i wish i were pretty too. she also gets free money sometimes from strangers btw

22:32 UTC


Don't Destroy Your Emotional Health To Pursue High Success

18:34 UTC


Guys Never Like Me

I used to date a lot, but now it seems like guys never approach me in person. They never find me attractive. They never flirt with me. They never ask for my number or to see me.

When guys do approach me, it's like... guys in the hood who try to talk to everyone. Never attractive guys that I like. Or guys at all really (who aren't hood).

I know some people hate the rating system, but I'll use it to give perspective. I've heard that I'm about an 8. I think I can be a 6 on a bad day, but 8 is quite accurate.

When I dated a lot, or even now when I date (from dating apps), men tell me I'm very gorgeous. Women compliment me often in person. I get lots of likes on my photos. I usually feel gorgeous in the mirror.

But then at the end of the day, I go home and realize that nobody has approached me or shown interest in dating me.

I would like advice or words of wisdom or something please. Anything would help I'm sure.


07:04 UTC


Body dysmorphia

Does anyone have any tips on how to cope with it ? I get compliments but I just don’t see it, it’s in one ear out the other. Every time I look in the mirror I just cry. I have such a round face but a square jaw. I’m so scared my boyfriend is going to see me how I see myself

1 Comment
21:54 UTC


I’m such a boring looking person

I have plain common brown eyes, plain common brown hair, only difference to the usual is that it’s curly I guess. I have a big nose that isn’t fully straight, small lips that barely have shape. My body is just kinda chubby and some parts are literally deformed. About my personality, people have called me boring dozens of times throughout my life. I don’t have any talent nor skill as I’ve sucked at everything I’ve ever tried, I don’t have anything special, unique or outstanding like a striking unique eye color. I’m 22 and I haven’t accomplished shit in my life. You can find another me right in every corner. I really have nothing to offer. I hate myself so much

1 Comment
19:06 UTC


Question for all

When did you have sex after breaking up?

I've been single for just over a year now from my partner (she left me) and we remained friends but i still have strong feelings for her and feel like I'm cheating even if I look at another.

Do men or women find it easier to move on to a new person?

Is FWB an easier thing to help move on?

I just want to get over my ex and move on because she is moving on and I am stuck and it is killing me inside.

1 Comment
07:38 UTC


20F Just in a self-deprecating mood, i guess…I’ve never liked how my body was…

05:26 UTC


You’re doing a fantastic job.

20:08 UTC


I hate myself

I really really hate myself. Every photo I take makes me feel sick to my stomach. Every time I look in the mirror it makes me fucking angry.

I pick myself apart every minute of every day. I hate the way I am. I hate the way I look.

I’m not good at anything. I’m not good for anything.

I’m never good enough for anyone.

22:09 UTC


I don't think I deserve them.

I recently bought thigh high socks, and they felt comfy. my friends said they look good and one said that I have surprisingly feminine thighs, but I don't think I should wear the thigh highs because I don't like my physical appearances.

1 Comment
18:06 UTC


Is this low self esteem?

I’m someone that wants constant attention, reassurance, love, affection, kisses from my partner. Does this mean that I have low self esteem?

03:03 UTC


Matter of perspective

Like most here, I have low self esteem and deal with negative thoughts about myself, especially about how boring I am and that everyone is “better” than me.

I was feeling bad today, getting upset and then it hit me what my friend said ages ago.

Months ago, we were chatting whilst having a few drinks. Whilst drunk he admitted that he was envious of how good of a bf I was to my then gf. He told me I was really emotionally intelligent and seemed like a great bf to her and he wished he was as good with his own. Another time, I told about something good that has happened to me and he said “how come everything always works out for you?”. I never think stuff works out for me, the opposite tbh.

And that’s the thing really, it is a perspective thing, whilst I was hurting, believing I was worthless and a waste of space and that everything always went wrong for me to a comedic degree, there was a guy I knew envious over how I was as a bf to my gf and also believed everything in my life always turned out good. It really is a matter of perspective.

Me and him have spoken since and admitted we’re both very insecure. It’s crazy, to some people out there you have nothing to be insecure of.

12:13 UTC


I hate myself

So I’m trying to improve and to change my belief system.

I hear so many people say. You are worthy. You are worthy just because. You are worthy regardless of anything. It’s something you are born with.

Well my belief is. I’m unworthy regardless of anything. I could be smart, I could have a good career, I could be somewhat attractive. And yet, I will believe that I’m unworthy.

It’s so deeply rooted inside me. I can’t seem to shake it off.

20:51 UTC


If I went missing nobody would give a f

Just a vent session but I seriously think if I was to die in my home nobody would know for a very long time lol some people go missing and have missing persons reports within hrs nobody would even think to report mine. My job would call and blow my phone up but my GM wouldn't come by my house, no family is close enough to even come by for any reason, I think the only thing that would give off anything is if it started smelling really bad... That doesn't feel to great to be honest

16:22 UTC


Need ADHD Participants for Self-Esteem Research

Hello, I'm a college student conducting a research on the relationship between ADHD and self-esteem. If you are between 16-25 years old and have been diagnosed with ADHD, I need your help!

By taking a brief 7-10 minute anonymous survey about your ADHD symptoms and self-esteem levels, you'll be providing valuable insights. Your responses will be kept fully confidential.

If you are interested in participating in this important research please follow this link to access the survey: https://forms.office.com/r/d8QBi2tpKd

Your perspective can help improve understanding and support for individuals with ADHD. I appreciate you considering this opportunity.


23:21 UTC


Crying at your own image

Do you just ever cry looking at your own face in a picture/mirror? On bad days, it just feels unbearable to look at myself and I start to tear up at how pathetic I am. The feeling of being ugly, stupid and not reliable..

But using the logical sense that's left in me I try to put on a smile here and then to function in society.

This sucks.

17:07 UTC


Not feeling really good lately

To be brief, my last girlfriend left me and recently i found out she is with another person. I feel kinda bad and replaceable. Like if i were left just because finding another person better than me was that easy. She didn't tell me anything of this obviously, it's just how i feel. Also it's not like i get a lot of compliments so yeah, it just sucks

15:42 UTC


I’m a photographer and normally behind the lens. I set up an in home studio and took some “clean girl” pics of myself. Happy with the results for once!

14:54 UTC


i don’t get this

today at work there was this extremely good looking model-like boy in line. the kind you don’t see often. we exchanged glances and made eye contact while he was waiting in line. but he was in line for another register with 2 female cashiers. i was working another register. when he approached them i immediately saw how nervous they got like in awe of him. they tried to make conversation with him. after he left they started like freaking out over him saying how hot he was and blah blah blah. idk why this bothered me. and it still is. can someone explain why? they didn’t know i saw him. but it bothered me and made me feel bad that other girls were freaking out over the same guy i thought was handsome. i guess it made me feel inferior or that i would never stand a chance with him. if he has 2 random girls at a grocery store fangirling over him, imagine in real life.

01:24 UTC


I know I'm not ugly but my brain keeps telling me I am

I (14F) and I fully believe that all of my body image issues stem from having adult content forced on me at a young age. I was first pressured to watch it at 7 and it has ruined my life - it has a constant effect on me even when I don't go searching for it. I am normally very insecure, but I can feel good about myself by wearing outfits that I like, doing creative makeup etc. but that all goes out the window as soon as I see any mention of adult content. It doesn't even have to be the real thing, it can literally just be an interview with a porn star and I'm on a downward spiral. If I see something remotely related to it, I will not feel happy for the rest of the day. It feels like it's everywhere and I can't stop seeing it no matter how hard I try (to clarify, I do not search for it - I see interviews about it on daytime/evening TV, on YT, it used to pop up on Instagram before I deleted my account. I'd always report it but they'd never take it down). I know it's stupid, and just a part of my insecurity, but I feel like OF girls just go out of their way to make other women insecure, and men fall for it every time. It's worsened by the fact that the boys at my school buy into it even though they are minors themselves.

Deep down I know I'm objectively attractive but I know that I'll never be able to compete with porn stars when society puts them on such a needlessly high pedestal. It doesn't really help that like 99% of the publicly famous ones are white.

Sorry this was a bit incoherent.

12:36 UTC


Weird Week, person I’ve Been Talking To Is Married and Just Feel Ugly…

07:38 UTC


I sent this to someone on a dating app and they unmatched with me

I don't have my face on a certain app and someone asked to see my face after we'd been talking for a little while. I sent this and we unmatched. It definitely stings.

06:30 UTC


Your life matters. Your existence is important!

20:39 UTC

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