Anything and everything related to seals, sea lions and walruses
Welcome to /r/seals, a subreddit dedicated to any content related to seals, sea lions, and walruses !
Submission rules:
Pictures should be direct links: consider using imgur or similar hosts, or uploading directly to reddit
GIFs should also be direct links: consider using gfycat, imgur, or similar hosts
Videos should be direct links if possible: preferred hosts are YouTube or Dailymotion, similar hosts are also accepted
Linking to full websites is also accepted for any text related to pinnipeds
Moderators may remove low-quality or irrelevant posts at their discretion
All pinnipeds are welcome in this subreddit (i.e., phocidae, otariidae, odobenidae), not only seals!
More specifically, there are 33 species of pinnipeds, organized as follows:
Here's a list featuring all the species in the clade:
Phocidae (true seals, earless seals)
Harbor seal
Grey seal
Caspian seal
Baikal seal
Hooded seal
Bearded seal
Harp seal
Ringed seal
Spotted seal
Ribbon seal
Weddell seal
Leopard seal
Crabeater seal
Ross seal
Southern elephant seal
Northern elephant seal
Mediterranean monk seal
Hawaiian monk seal
Otariidae (eared seals: sea lions, fur seals)
Antarctic fur seal
Guadalupe fur seal
Juan Fernández fur seal
Galápagos fur seal
New Zealand fur seal
Australian sea lion
New Zealand sea lion
Subantarctic fur seal
Brown fur seal
South American sea lion
California seal lion
Galápagos sea lion
Steller seal lion
Northern fur seal
Odobenidae (walruses)
From Tokkari center
onpu chan always looks a bit angry
Vid credit: Nikoma1020 on Insta
Pretty sure this is a rescue seal based on the fact that they're in a bathtub but I could be wrong. Set this little guy as my profile picture before seals became a special interest and now I'm curious about who exactly this little fella is.
Fukune from Ise Sea Paradise (they’re the one that goes “bow” when poked)