
Photograph via snooOG

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DIY swimmers ear drops. Forgot my drying drops at home. I’m in Mexico and can’t find any. What’s the best mixture to make it myself before I get on liveaboard?


02:21 UTC


Buoyancy question

Hello all, quick question about buoyancy. First, I am 145lbs, I use 18 lbs of weight 9 in each pocket. I use an aluminum 80 and dive fresh water with a 7mm wetsuit. I have noticed lately that it takes about 10-15 “puffs” “taps” whatever ya call it, from my inflator hose to be neutrally buoyant. Does that mean I’m using too much weight? Would like 15-16 pounds be better?

23:20 UTC


Question on AAUS Certification and partnership with non-AAUS orgs

I have a question for those that are members of AAUS. We are an organization looking to work with a partner organization that does not have AAUS certification - we have ours. They can not get it due to cost, but we want them diving with us. We're trying to think of ways to bring their staff, or the organization under our AAUS umbrella. Has anyone had experience with this, or know a way to make it work?

We are thinking of just putting their staff on our staff and for those days they get paid through us, with them later reimbursing us for the cost, but that seems thin. Other ideas?

22:01 UTC


Itch after wearing wetsuit

It doesn't matter if I've gone deep or stayed above 30ft. I've used all sorts of rashguards and base layers (nylon/polyester, spandex/elastane) so I'm pretty sure it's not neoprene sensitivity. It's my shins and forearms that will start itching about 4 hours after I'm done diving for the day. I've showered in warm and cold water, used moisturizer, and used an anti-fungal cream after. Anyone else had this issue and found a resolution?

20:00 UTC


Update: Hawaii OW NAUI Shop

Hello everyone!

Sorry I’ve been bombing this subreddit with my posts recently 😅. Quick update on my OW certification in Oahu. There is only one NAUI shop on the island (Underwater Oahu) and their staff was amazingly friendly and knowledgeable about the situation as a whole. Sadly the price point is out of my budget because they are an hour from me and I am without a vehicle (thus the price of transportation breaks my budget). They were the only shop that actually offered to accept my referral, every other shop (Both SSI & PADI) turned down my referral and offered their full course instead. Most staff I talked too were still very kind, although I quickly understand why PADI is so popular. The NAUI shop talked to me for nearly half an hour about the situation and were very helpful in answering questions I had about the different organizations and shops all together. I don’t regret starting my course though NAUI (I will finished it when I get home), and I am well aware that PADI helped push scuba into the recreational space it’s in today. It just shocked me that I was turned down by every shop that wasn’t NAUI, and my only option was on the east side of the island. I loved learning about the history of NAUI, PADI, and SSI through older DIs and DMs that were willing to share with me. Thank you everyone for your help thus far and the recommendations of reaching out and finding shops! Honestly this was the last hobby I needed for my bank account, but it’s well worth it and I see myself diving much more in the future :)

19:37 UTC


Advice Needed. NITROX dive almost goes very wrong

Welp… we had a close call while diving and I was looking for some input. Me and a buddy both have about 115 dives each, dove at the same lake we normally drysuit dive in, did the same dive we have done probably 60 times or more, and thank God, we made it out okay. So here is the story. On a previous dive a week earlier, we found a new rock structure at about 110 feet of depth and about 220-250 yards from the shore we enter at. We dove it on air, and everything went just fine a week earlier. The day of the close call, the temperature outside was a hot and muggy 85 degrees at about 10am on the surface, so we readied our gear right at the entry point to minimize the amount of time we would be out of the water in full gear. Wearing a triple layered fleece undergarment under the drysuit, things get hot very fast. We both got in the waist deep water and it took maybe 3-minutes longer to get in the water than normal, as we found a small leak on my buddy’s inflater button, but it was not bad enough to call the dive. We always dive with a spare 20 cuft pony bottles for added safety, as visibility can be pretty bad sometimes. This dive, we planned ahead, and dove with 100 cuft, 30% NITROX (outlier 1). Once we were in the water, I set the dive flag and we began our descent. At around 80 feet I felt like I was having difficulty going as fast as my dive buddy (outlier 2) and signaled for him to slow down, as we needed to follow our compass heading and stay together to find the new rock formation. Normally the roles are reversed and I am much faster than my dive buddy, but this dive was the first time where the roles were reversed. That’s why I am calling it an outlier.

At about 100 feet, we got side-by-side and continued down to about 120 feet, where the terrain levels off, and we were set for about a 7-minute swim to the rock structure. At about 2-minutes into being at 120 feet (6-minutes into the dive), I began to feel narced. I’ve been narced plenty of times so I didn’t really think anything of it, but at almost that exact moment of I felt narced, I hear my dive buddy start making moaning / labored breathing noises in his regulator. Seconds later, I began to feel more narced than I have ever been, and begin to hear my subconscious telling me, “you can’t be at this depth… something is wrong… is this gas fucked?... you need to surface”. I look over to my buddy to signal that I needed to go up, and when I look at him, he is making the same “we need to surface” signal. We start making our way to the surface, and at 107 feet, my buddy starts sinking back down to the surface and his moaning noises is now with every breath. My heart rate according to my chest strap now hits 179 bpm. I kick down, grab his arm and began ascending while holding on to him. He drops his flashlight and planes out for buoyancy control while I hold on to him. At 80 feet I dump all my air and am searching for his deflator button to control his and my ascent. Where my air 2 is color coded, his dump button is black and his inflator button is blue. I knew from right before the dive that his inflator button was blue, but in the dark water, was unable to find the deflator button. I know this is basic level stuff, but the thought to pull his dump valve never even crossed my mind. Holding on to him, I begin fin kicking down to slow the ascent. Our ascent increases from a controlled 45 ft/min to 75ft/min at 20 feet. At around this time, my dive buddy thinking he was deflating hit his inflator button hit his inflator and began an uncontrolled ascent at 125 ft/min. Luckily, his training kicked in and he exhaled all the way to the surface. I let go and he rose to the surface. I looked up and could see that he appeared to be okay, and he quickly descended to 20 feet where we met back up, signaled the “okay” symbol to one another, and began swimming back. I fired off my SMB and we swam back to shore.

When we surfaced, I said, “dude I think we almost died back there”. I felt like we had seconds if not minutes before something went tragically wrong. He told me that he was unaware that I was having any issues at all, and that my “go up” signal was because of what I witnessed him going through. He said that at 120 feet he began seeing bright flashes of light and he was concerned he may lose consciousness. My first thought was we must have gotten bad gas somehow. He also mentioned that he saw me go off my compass heading significantly, so I may have been out of it too. We have previously dove 30% Nitrox at 120 feet on the USS Oriskany, and our dive planning for this current dive put us at 124 feet MOD for 30% with a max PP02 of 1.4 bar. Meaning, we didn’t think it was the oxygen. We immediately called our friend who has an 02 reader, and were able to meet up with him to confirm we had 30% (3rd 02 check). I called our friend who filled our tanks, and he has an inline sensor to his filler to verify the mixture, and I was there when I picked the tanks up and confirmed with his handled unit that the tanks were 30%. I personally marked each tank and was there for the calibration; thus, I don’t believe the 02 was off. Next, my buddy took the tanks to a company who was able to verify the CO read 0 ppm. My dive buddy works in HVAC, and also has a CO reader, which read 0 ppm. We decided to have an air sample taken from the used tanks and shipped off for diagnostics to rule out any other form of impurities, since we all dive using my friend’s compressor, and we want to be safe. I want to note, the person who fills our tanks is a professional and takes his air very seriously. He has years of experience and monitors his parameters as well as sending off air samples at the industry standard interval. It could be bad gas, but it would mean that something went wrong with his compressor on this tank fill, as I dove with my kids using his air three days prior, and have used his air routinely for some time.

Do you think it was: Overexertion Bad Gas Narcosis C02 toxicity Something else

Any insight would be very helpful. I’ve attached the YouTube video from the dive, and at about the 4-minute mark things start going wrong.

18:56 UTC


How to drain a DSMB

I have a hybrid dsmb and when I last inflated it, it got some water in it. I drained most of it with the dump valve but I can’t seem to get the last bit out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

18:38 UTC


Certification Question

Hello, I am interested in getting open water certified. I did a try scuba class and loved it but the issue I had was clearing the mask. I learned that you have to take it all the way off during the certification? Does anyone with long, thick hair have any tips for this? I’m worried that it may be tangled in the hair and me not able to get it untangled. Do you just not have to rush and take your time?

18:31 UTC


Problems locating BCD dump valve cord

I've had a few dives where I was too buoyant and in the wrong position to use the deflate button, so I wanted to use the cords instead. Even though I know where they are, I often find it really hard to locate them when mid-dive and as a result I end up ascending too quickly and getting a bit of a squeeze in my ear. Any tips for how to reach them?

16:51 UTC


Experience with Bare Aqua-Trek 1 Tech Dry drysuit?

Hi everyone, does anyone have any experience or reviews to share about this drysuit? I’m looking at it as a first drysuit option. Please don’t suggest seaskin as an alternative since I don’t have the time for waiting unfortunately. Just looking to hear anyone’s personal thoughts on the bare.

16:17 UTC


Wet season diving in Cairns

Hey folks, my wife and I are planning on going to Australia for our honeymoon and of course want to include diving the GBR! The one issue is that we would only be able to go for the 2-3 weeks we feel like we would need in December, which is the wet season in Cairns. To what extent will we be risking getting rained out completely if we are there for say 3 days and have dives planned each day?

15:58 UTC


Seeking Fellow Divers for Marine Conservation App Survey!

Hey there, Scubbitors!

I am working on my capstone project for a course I'm taking, and I would love your help. I'm developing an app, which aims to educate and engage users in marine conservation efforts, specifically from the perspective of scuba divers.

The app is dedicated to promoting marine conservation and sustainability, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14, which focuses on conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources (you can learn more about it here).

As passionate divers, your insights are crucial. I’m looking for participants to take a survey to help shape the development of the app and ensure it meets the needs and interests of the diving community.

Why Your Voice Matters:

  • Your contribution is vital to our mission of protecting underwater environments.
  • Sharing your insights and experiences in marine conservation, especially from diving, provides invaluable perspectives.
  • Your feedback will be instrumental in creating a compelling resource that educates and inspires divers and ocean enthusiasts alike.

How to Participate:
Simply follow this link to the survey and answer a few questions. It should take no more than 10 - 15 minutes of your time. Your responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes.

Your participation will be greatly appreciated and will help shape the development of my project.
If you have any further comments or questions, feel free to reach out.

Thanks so much!

15:41 UTC


Diving in Haiti

Don't really see much out there about Haiti. I know it's still in chaos, but are there any diving opportunities there? Is it safe nowadays? Any Intel? Was planning a carribean dive trip and was just curious if this was even an option. Thanks!

Edit: I am NOT planning on going to Haiti! I realize it's dangerous. I was just wondering if there were diving options there if it were safe. Was on the DR about a year ago and knew the dangers then. Was hoping it was better now. Apparently not

14:43 UTC


Immersive training programs for Instructors? PADI/NAUI

Hello All!
I plan on getting my DiveMaster via PADI this year and want to begin the road to Instructor. I have been diving for 10 years and have enough dives and certs to do both (currently been rescue certified for 2 years).

I want quality training, I want to be a safe and confident instructor, but I'm not sure my best road. I was quoted 1.5-2 years to instructor from my local NAUI shop, which seems like quite long time... I know there are Instructor courses that are "intensives" from PADI that you can become an instructor in 6-10 weeks with day in/day out diving (IE that’s what you do for the entire time). Does NAUI not have something similar?

Also, is the cost exorbitant to switch up the cert once you are an instructor? IE if I got NAUI certified but found a PADI Shop I wanted to work at, would that be an issue or would I have to completely recertify and pay the costs? Or is it a test/shadow a course and a fee?

I so appreciate any help as I want to make an educated decision!

14:03 UTC


Does this look right?

Hey guys, just connected my swift transmitter to my first stage and I’m not sure if I did it right. It is a hp hose and I used a hp swivel, but what kind of disturbs me is that the o-ring which was on the transmitter is still visible. Under pressure, no hissing, no nothing, connected to the computer instantly. Still would like to have your opinion on it. Thx in advance.

11:46 UTC


Great liveaboard trip in Komodo

Just wrapped up an incredible liveaboard in Komodo.

La Galigo is a great boat with a very fun and attentive crew. The boat itself is well maintained and spacious. Honestly great value for money. It’s a classic wooden boat built in Indonesia and seeing some of the other boats alongside us I think we made the right choice. We considered a larger, more modern boat but we got the benefit of a smaller dive crew and less crowded dive sites with all the pluses of a comfortable, clean, boat with great hangout spots between dives.

Jacob, the cruise director, puts a lot of thought into finding great dive spots (at least one only they go to) and the timing of the dives. For example, they took us to Castle Rock when current was a bit less. Still all the sea life but closer to the reef. Incredible schools of fish. This is coming from our experience diving Palau, Sipadan, and Raja Ampat so we know what great dives look like!

The chef onboard is very skilled with a mix of both Indonesian and Western cuisine. The sambal belado (local Indonesian chili sauce) was done v well and accompanied every meal.

Dive guides are mostly from Monado and great at spotting everything from pigmy seahorses, to cowfish, to large manta.

We’re planning to book again in a year or two when we head back to Raja Ampat as long as we can get a cabin!

09:17 UTC


Sun rash or something else?


long time reader but first posting.

Watching a lot of newer threads where there was some medical issues i would like your opinion on my topic.

Backstory: it's been a year almost, i had 2 dives which were very conservative and on the evening like 7-8 hours later after a shower i got a small itch on BOTH forearms at identical places ( underside part of forearm ).

Wierd thing it cuts at straight line where my wetsuit ends and my watch begins ( lighter part of upper arm ).

There were no pain, no other symtopms beside a itch, small red bumps and few liquid like "blisters" that we're kind biggger than the rest of bumps.

I went to sleep and it was 97% cleared by morning and the last percent by end of the day.

When i looked at some online photos it looks extremely the same like sun rash or PMLE.

But just wanted some input from you guys what you think?

I dont seek medical advice cause this happend a year ago but just some thoughts.


07:19 UTC


PADI processing fee

Family members just completed a referral in Bora Bora and the dive shop surprised us with $100 processing fee at the beginning of day 2. We were captive at that point. Was I just bombbozeled?

Compulsory eagle ray photo added.

04:31 UTC


What scuba diving trips in Miami are the best value for the money

gonna visit within the next two months and looking to spend $100-$200 for like a half days worth of scuba

edit, anywhere within like an hour of Miami

00:07 UTC


Budget camera for scuba diving

Hey guys I've been looking at getting a go pro style action camera for this dive trip I have coming up. Ive been having a hard time finding dedicated reviews for diving and underwater performance. I think I've narrowed it down to Akaso V50 vs the brave 4 pro . Does anybody have any experience with these cameras ? Or any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated

23:14 UTC


Any recommendations for diving in Milos or Paros Greece?

Going to be in Greece next week on a non diving trip with my non diving wife, but may want to sneak away for some underwater therapy for a morning. I have dove in Greece before, but different islands, so I have no expectations for amazing diving.

Between Milos and Paros which may have the most interesting dive sites as to wildlife or structure? As to shops all I care about is rental gear that is not crap (didn't bring anything besides a mask and my computer on this trip). Nitrox availability is a plus but can live without. Happy to just be underwater. Any recommendations?

19:41 UTC


Diverite XT4

Does anyone know about the Diverite XT4? I am trying to invest in a side mount setup and I am looking for a regulator I won’t have to replace any time soon. The XT4 XT1 package for sidemount seems like a good deal, but i could not find any reviews. Does anyone have any opinions or other options. I am doing my sidemount course soon.

19:16 UTC


First time diving out of a pool, met this cool fella

First dive: ears hurt because I didn’t equalise right away, but overall, I was calm and enjoyed the scenery despite the murky water.

Second dive: started equalizing as we defended and it felt much better.

19:08 UTC


Eardrum Tears Twice Now, Am I Finished?

I’m an advanced open water and nitrox diver with 60 dives logged. I’ve always had more difficulty equalizing my ears than most people. I ruptured both eardrums on my initial open water checkout dives but after visiting an ENT he said I should be ok. He couldn’t find any anatomical issue that would prevent me from diving. He said it seemed to be more of a technique issue than an anatomy issue (although he said I probably do have narrower Eustachian tubes).

So after I healed up, I began doing exercises to train myself to equalize more easily. I rescheduled my checkout dives and completed them without issue. Same for my next almost 60 dives.

Then this week I went down to Key Largo for 3 days of diving. First dive, about 2/3 of the way into the dive I felt one of my eardrums tear again. Almost the same s/s as the first time.

For some more context: I’ve only been able to get out diving once in the last 20 months or so - just a couple of weeks ago in preparation for this trip.

Has anybody else had repeated tears and been able to overcome it and continue diving? Or am I functionally done for?


It seems people are misunderstanding my question. I’m not trying to bypass medical evaluation. I’m wanting to hear from people who have had issues with ear drum tears/ruptures, and been able to keep diving once healed. I’m trying to get a feel for how likely it will be that I will be able to continue with the hobby.

18:31 UTC


Discrepancy between AI and SPG?

I’ve been renting out Shearwaters from my LDS until I can buy my own - I’ve gotten a Teric with AI and while I love being able to see my tank PSI and SAC, I noticed the AI is off - on the end of one dive, my SPG was showing 600psi, while the AI was pointing at 484psi. Is this normal or no?

17:26 UTC


GoPro w/tray attachments

Currently have my go pro on an extendable selfistick like attachment but I'm getting a ton of motion in my videos. Looking to move to a tray setup w/lights and would be interested in any recommendations from those who have done this. Also what is the best way you have found to secure your camera w/tray to optimize trim and go hands free when entering/exiting the boat? Thanks! 🫧

16:08 UTC


Nitrox certified with no dives?

Long time listener, first time caller.

I recently got my PADI AOW and Nitrox certifications after getting about 20-ish dives under my belt. As I was setting up the classes, the dive shop mentioned that I wouldn't be actually diving with Nitrox, and that the E-Learning along with an in-person check would be enough. Essentially, all I had to do was take an O2 meter and test the tank for the right % mix.

Is this normal? Considering the additional variables with Nitrox (depth limit, % mix, etc.) I would have expected at least one dive. Or am I just expecting too much?

14:58 UTC


Bubbles coming out from skin ?


Reading a lot of skin bends stuff and last few questions about the same topic i’m wondering if and when do bubbles can come out of skin or is that not possible ?

Like in theory, presume you got hit and dont do anything about that, where do they go out from body?

14:13 UTC

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